Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~

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"I'm sorry, Taka-chan..I-it's not that I don't reciprocate your feelings or anything..!" "It's fine Hakkai, I... Daha Fazla



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A/N: sorry this took forever omg school and sports are really tine consuming .

hope you enjoy the chapter !!

"Let's go drinking!"

Well that was one of Chifuyu's many stupid ideas. Though, in Mitsuya's opinion nothing could beat the Thousand Winters gang...and t-shirts. Oh, the absolute horror of the sight of those will forever haunt him. Moving on, Chifuyu was bored out of his mind after just getting better from a case of the flu and since Baji finally went to work after nursing him back to health, he had nothing to do. So his initial idea was to just invite Takemichi and Hakkai, but Takemichi got busy, Hakkai wasn't and they needed a third person for some reason even though they caught an Uber. This is where Mitsuya came in, the two practically begged him until he caved though he wasn't looking forward to watching two drunk idiots.

He wound up drinking himself. Somehow a group accumulated and people took shots. Mitsuya, unfortunately, happened to be one of those people. It's probably valid to say the model was the most sober out of the trio. And he was on the slimmest line between soberness and tipsiness.

"Hakkai, I feel sick." Chifuyu groaned as his words slurred together and rested his head on the bar counter. "Ew, please don't vomit on me. I just got this jacket yesterday." Mitsuya wrinkled his nose as he poked at the blond's hair. "Lightweights..." Hakkai huffed a sigh and pat Chifuyu's cheek. "What type of sick?" "Don't tell me there's saliva building up in your mouth, then that definitely means you're gonna hurl. Give us a heads up please." Mitsuya gently tugged at the blond's ear.

"I don't remember you being this naggy when you drink, is this new?" Chifuyu sat up and looked at Hakkai for answers. "I haven't drank with Taka-chan in months so I dunno. Probably something that's temporary." He shrugged and waved it off. "Anyway, what type of sick are you feeling? Stomach, head, ankles?" "Why'd you skip his arms, chest, and legs? For all we know, he could be having a heart attack!" The lilac-haired exclaimed with an enthusiastic look on his face. "Okay so don't ever say that with that look on your face again. Moving on, its stomach sickness." "I knew you were still sick with the flu! I'm calling Baji!" Hakkai whipped his phone out and Chifuyu looked at him with eyes wide as saucers as if he'd just witnessed someone dying.

"If you don't want to have to come to my funeral in like two weeks, you won't call him." He assured and Hakkai returned his phone to his pocket. "Noted, so what should we do then?" He asked and Chifuyu shrugged which made Mitsuya's brows furrow in confusion. " you need some damn Pepto Bismol or what?" The oldest one out of the trio asked. "Shit, I dunno. I'll just get a damn water," "What the fuck was the point of telling us you feel sick if you don't know what to do." "I just felt like announcing it Hakkai, never asked you two to do anything about it."

"I need another drink." Mitsuya groaned and walked to the other end of the bar. "Can you get me a water?" Chifuyu called after him and chuckled when he heard the lilac-haired groan loudly. "So, Hakkai." "Chifuyu." "When're you two gonna start dating?" The blond wiggled his eyebrows with a sly grin on his face. "It's not like that Chifuyu," "So what's it like then? 'Cus I haven't met many people who get couple tattoos and flirt with each other every chance they get." The blond stated matter of factly as he gestured towards his friends' tatted neck. Hakkai sighed and pondered a minute. "Didn't you and Baji-" "This isn't about me and Baji. It's about whatever the hell you and Mitsuya have going on."

"Here's your water dammit." Mitsuya grumbled and handed Chifuyu his glass and sat down. "Thanks Mitsuya!" He grinned and then gave Hakkai a look indicating that they would continue that conversation at a later date. "Taka-chan, where's your drink?" The tall man nodded towards his older friends' empty glass. "I drunk it all on the way back," Mitsuya sighed in disappointment before standing up again. "I'm gonna get another, want something else?" He asked and Chifuyu opened his mouth to talk but Hakkai instantly shut that down. "You're not getting anymore alcohol until you feel better. Just get me something that's strong but not too strong please." He requested and the lilac-haired nodded before walking off again.

"I could've at least got juice or something." The blond whined and crossed his arms over his chest. "Finish your water first." "No, anyway continuing our earlier discussion, what the fuck is going through your head about this situation?" Chifuyu crossed his legs and held his glass of water in front of him as he faced Hakkai. "I don't really know Chifuyu. Like, I really want to be with him but then there's probably someone way better out there for him. I wanna be able to think that I'm the perfect one for him, but then again maybe thats a lie. It's complicated," The model sighed and was now wishing that he'd asked Mitsuya to get him the strongest drink they serve. Chifuyu pondered for a moment and nodded.

"And your feelings are valid. Most people feel that way at one point before getting into a relationship. What type of guy do you assume is perfect for Mitsuya?" He asked and sipped his water.  "I mean, just whoever makes him happy and wholeheartedly cares for him. Someone who suits him and accepts all his flaws and perfections. They can be able to receive everything he has to offer and be able to give him something equally valuable. Someone he can be comfortable and vulnerable with." Hakkai was just speaking on a whim, but he meant everything he said and Chifuyu could tell. He started tearing up which made the Shiba stop talking and give him a funny look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm currently trying to figure out if Baji is now up to my new standards you've made me realize exist." The blond sniffled and turned around to contemplate as he absentmindedly sipped his water. "Um, okay. I wonder where Taka-chan is, he's taking a while," Hakkai muttered to himself and looked around. He could see a tuft of lilac hair on the other end of the bar.

"Bro, do you hear Mitsuya? He's cussing up a storm, my goodness." Chifuyu had snapped out of his thoughts and he caught the sound of their friends' voice. "I was hoping I was jus hearing shit, I guess we should see what's the issue." Hakkai stood up and started walking over to his best friend with Chifuyu close behind. "So you thought you could just fucking try and drug my drink and I wouldn't notice? Shit, people are really dumbasses nowadays huh?" Mitsuya took a breath before grabbing one of the glasses he had behind him and throwing it in the person's face.

"And that looks like a cue to leave!" Chifuyu interjected and suddenly got a burst of energy that let him drag Mitsuya out of the bar while Hakkai paid the tab and apologized for the scene. "So what the fuck happened back there?" Hakkai asked as the three waited outside for their Ubers. "Oh, some shittard tried to roofie your drink. And I dunno about you, but me personally-" "Okay he's walking out now so just put your beanie back on and shush. Can't have people running around saying the marvelous Takashi Mitsuya threw a drink at them now can we?" Chifuyu whispered as he glared at the man walking out with a scowl on his face.

Apparently he was one of those people who could feel when people were staring at him and turned around to see the source. Chifuyu was quick enough to look away but he still noticed Mitsuya who was staring at the sky. "Oi! It's you again!" "Just ignore him, we need to avoid conflict. There's only so much my PR people can handle," Hakkai muttered and sighed when he heard the guy approaching.

"Can we help you?" Chifuyu was the first to completely ignore what Hakkai just said, though he didn't have a huge image to protect. "Yeah, ya friend over there ended up ruinin' my damn shirt. This is some of the finest cashmere there is!" "Stop lying you cheap bastard. If anyone knows what fine cashmere is, it's me and that ain't it." Mitsuya stood up and crossed his arms as he scowled at the man.

"Oh thank goodness, here's the Uber. Let's get a move on people." Hakkai stood up and watched Chifuyu get into his Uber and drive off before joining Mitsuya in the other car. "Hey there, I'm Baji and I'll be your Uber today! Is your destination still-" "What the hell, Baji?" Mitsuya snorted and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Yup, that's..Mitsuya? Hakkai? Pause, what the fuck." Chifuyu's boyfriend tilted his head and his mouth was agape to display his confusion. "Yo, what time are you shutting down your Uber services? Chifuyu might be missing you." Hakkai asked and started to pull his phone out, preparing to text Chifuyu and warn him.

"You guys are my last passengers tonight. Lemme guess, Mitsuya's place?" "Yeah, I'll be damned if Yuzuha see's that I went out for drinks with work tomorrow." "You're working tomorrow?? Hakkai, you know better!" Mitsuya flicked the taller on the forehead. "Aren't you working tomorrow too Taka-chan?" The model looked up from his phone and gave him a pointed look to which he just shrugged. "Depends on the amount of progress the crew's made. I might not have to help them," Mitsuya answered and looked at Hakkai's phone.

"I see, you wanted to go to my place 'cus its farther. Good call darling," He whispered and gave the younger a smile. "Yeah, thanks," Hakkai responded as his eyes slowly drifted to the older's lips. "No making out in my car, I see you two back there." Baji interjected which made Mitsuya roll his eyes. "As if you and Chifuyu haven't literally had sex in here." "Yet this is still my car and you're still riding in it." "Fair point," The lilac-haired shrugged in defeat and leaned his head on his tall friend's shoulder. He looked up at Hakkai and smirked before mouthing, "We have something to discuss later." which left the model searching for whatever that could possibly be for the rest of the car ride.


"Did Chifuyu get home yet?" Mitsuya asked as he hung up his house keys. "Yeah, glad that worked." "Yeah, so what were you two talking about at the bar when I stepped away?" The lilac haired questioned and walked over to Hakkai with a suspiciously innocent look on his face. "Um, he was just asking what everybody else keeps asking. When're we gonna date," He answered and glanced down at Mitsuya's lips once again before making eye contact with him.

"And what'd you answer with?" "I don't really remember..why are you asking?" The model raised an eyebrow and his friend shrugged with a wonky grin on his face. "No reason, just was curious!" He answered and although nobody said anything else, they continued to stand there and stare at the other longingly.

"What're ya staring at?" Mitsuya was the first one to break the silence as he leaned against the back of his couch. "I think the real question is what're you looking at?" Hakkai asked as he walked closer until they were only inches apart. "I asked the question first darling," "And I asked it too, I don't like waiting Taka-chan." "I'm aware of that," The older stood up straight and pulled Hakkai closer by the collar. "So what exactly are you waiting for?" He spoke and Hakkai could feel his breath against his lips. It was becoming harder and harder to resist, and the young Shiba was seconds away from giving in.

"This alright with you?" "I wouldn't have incited this if I wasn't darling." Mitsuya whispered and that was enough for the temptation to engulf Hakkai. He took no time to connect their lips, glossy lips meeting scarred ones, and kissed the fashion designer passionately. "Mm, you're actually a good kisser," "You're the one who didn't believe me." Hakkai's voice went hoarse after several minutes of kissing and Mitsuya thought it was the hottest thing ever. "Oh my gosh, wait. Talk again." He said excitedly and although the model was confused he did it anyway. "Why exactly? Are you okay?" "Oh my fucking gosh, your voice can get sexier?!" "Oh for fucks sake, Taka-chan." Hakkai rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Say my name again." "Is this some kink yo-" "Just say it!" Mitsuya locked eyes with his friend—with benefits, and beamed at him with anticipation. "Ughh, Taka-chan." The younger spoke and the fashion designer definitely went weak in the knees from the way he had to grip on the back of the couch to stay upright. "We should head to bed-" Hakkai started but Mitsuya stopped him by pulling him down for another few several kisses. "M'kay we can sleep now." He told the younger who nodded in response, though he couldn't tear his eyes away from the lilac-haired.

"D'you wanna shower first?" Mitsuya asked as he looked for something to wear to sleep. "Or do ya wanna shower together?" He stood up and smirked at Hakkai who was on his bed watching him. He chuckled as the Shiba's face flushed at the thought of thrm showering together. "If we shower together I can't guarantee I'll able to restrain myself," "So don't hold yourself back, we're both grown Hakkai." "We're also drunk Taka-chan, and I don't want our first time together to happen when we'll probably barely remember it." Hakkai stood up as he pulled his shirt off.

"Besides, don't you have multiple bathrooms?" "Y'know I don't bathe in any bathrooms outside of my room and my shower head broke in the other one." Mitsuya groaned and leaned against Hakkai's tall stature. "Your chest is very comfortable," "You knew that already." The model snorted and lifted his chin up to give him another kiss and then leave to shower. "Hmph, since when did he become such a tease?"


"Bruh I got fucking bitten by hella mosquitoes last night!" Mitsuya exclaimed as he looked at his neck in the mirror and brushed his fingers over the bites. "You too? They're getting pretty damn disrespectful. The bites don't itch right now though," Hakkai said as he stood beside his shorter friend. The older went silent a moment as he thought before asking, "Did we do something last night?" which made Hakkai's cheeks go pink. "Something like what? I don't really remember what happened after like seven o'clock." He admitted and ran a hand through his messy bedhead.

"C'mere Hakkai, lemme see your neck." Mitsuya beckoned the model closer with his finger and examined his neck and then looked at his swollen lips before it clicked. "You totally made out with someone last night!" "Hah?? As if! If that was the case, how'd I end up here?" Hakkai raised an eyebrow at the lilac-haired who had turned to the mirror to look at his own neck, lips, and jawline. "OH." He said to nobody in particular out of realization. They definitely made out with each other.

"Give me a moment," Mitsuya cleared his throat and left the bathroom to go check his bedside garbage and his initial reaction was to just drop it, but then another worry sprung upon him. He lifted up his quilt and let out a sigh of relief. "Everything alright?" Hakkai asked as he walked out of the bathroom to grab some clothes. After all, he did just get out of the shower when this conversation started. "OH SHIT!" Mitsuya raced past a puzzled Hakkai and into the bathroom to check the trash cans and shower.

"Sorry, no I'm fine. Just thought of something," He waved it off and the Shiba shrugged before continuing what he was doing. Mitsuya knew full well he wasn't dumb and that he most likely caught on when he was checking his trash can and drawers. But to spare them both from an awkward situation he just kept that to himself. "Do you want me to cover up your hic- mosquito bites with foundation?" He asked as he checked his notifications and sent a quick text back to his assistant to let them know he'd be coming in to the studio.

"Don't you have to work soon?" Hakkai asked and pulled a shirt over his head. "Yeah, but don't I have to drop you off at the agency anyway?" "Right... they'll probably cover it or photoshop it if I have any shoots." "Hakkai if you don't trust in my makeup skills just say that darling," Mitsuya laughed as he grabbed a pair of shoes and his disguise. "That's not it...okay maybe a little." The model looked over at the window. "C'mon you big dummy," The lilac-haired chuckled and they made their way out of the house.

"It looks like you got bit where your tattoo is, doesn't that bother you?" Hakkai asked as he ran his fingers over Mitsuya's tattooed area on his neck. "Of course not," He responded and looked over at the model. "Don't ask me, I already know." The Shiba went ahead and answered the unasked question that was just waiting to roll off the fashion designers tongue.

"Okay," The older sighed and started the car before continuing. "Do you regret it?" "I don't remember much, but of course not.." "Ah, great." He whispered to no one in particular and started pulling out of the garage. "Do you..?" Hakkai asked softly as he picked at the skin around his fingernail. "You already know I don't." Mitsuya let out a breathy laugh and saw the model smile a bit in the corner of his eye.

"This is lowkey kinda awkward," "I thought it was just me." "Let's play some music!" Mitsuya decided and flipped through the radio stations until he settled on a song he liked. "This song is ass." "You're not driving, no backtalk from the passenger seat please!" Mitsuya closed his hand to tell Hakkai to hush.

"Well shit, let's switch because I'll be damned if I listen to this dogwater song any longer." The model complained and the older pulled over on the side of the deserted backroad they took as a shortcut. "Get the fuck out my car." "I'm sorry but there has be something else-" "Nah motherfucker, you're driving. Don't play any of that rock bull either." "And if I do?"

"Get the fuck out," Mitsuya gestured for Hakkai to get out of the driver's seat and the younger laughed breathily. "Kidding, kidding. C'mon, let's go before we're late." He hummed and pulled back onto the highway.

"More so you than me. You should just drop me off and take the car with you," "Alright, that works. But what about your lunch break?" Hakkai asked and Mitsuya shrugged. "I'll figure something out, probably order delivery." He answered as he unwrapped a stick of gum. "No chewing gum all day, y'know it's not healthy." The model told him and gave him a quick worried look. "Yeah, I know. Even though it's more convenient than having to get up and order lunch," The older shrugged and looked over at Hakkai who was shaking his head.

"I'll just pick you up for lunch, what time do you go on break?" Hakkai asked his older friend who can't ever take anything serious around him. "Oooh, are we going on a lunch date ~?" He teased to which the model responded, "Only if you want it to be a date." "So then it's a date!" Mitsuya concluded with a giddy smile on his face. "Sure, just send me a time to pick you up." "Nah, I want you to surprise me! Pick me up whenever, I shouldn't be too busy." The older beamed at the taller who's cheeks was dusted with light crimson.

"Sounds good,"


thanks for reading this chapter ! comments, shares, and kudos are always appreciated ! have an amazing day/night ! remember to stay safe and hydrated ! <3

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