Insomnia (A Five Night's at F...

By nightmare597

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*COMPLETED, UNDER GRAMMATICAL EDITING* Living in the real world as an adult had its challenges. You knew that... More

Chapter 1 Inauguration
Chapter 2 First Night Terrors
Chapter 3 One More Error
Chapter 4 Golden Boy
Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle
Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake
Chapter 7 A World Within The Mind
Chapter 8 Rembering Our Past
Chapter 9 Light and Darkness
Chapter 10 The Purple Piece
Chapter 11 Looming Shadow
Chapter 12 Break My Mind
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Freddy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Bonnie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Goldie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Foxy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)
Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap
Chapter 15 Missing
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Goldie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Foxy)
Chaptet 16 Just A Whisper Away (Chica)
Chapter 17 Final Breath Of Life (Freddy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Foxy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Chica)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Goldie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Foxy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Chica)
Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)
The Sequel is Here
Thank you, Thank You All (Behind the Author)

Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Bonnie)

106 1 0
By nightmare597

The world felt so far away, as if you're peering through a window watching everything happen from a distance. Like it was happening to somebody else.

Your body ached, it burned, you could feel the blood dampening your clothes and sticking to your skin. You weren't dead, but you are dying. And that was an awful feeling.

This was really it wasn't it? Bonnie had spoken to you not that long ago, and promised he'd get you out of here. But, shadow had other plans. This was an elaborate trap. (And you the perfect bait.)

Your breathing felt slow. It was hard to take a breath with the way your lungs wheezed in your chest. (Or so it felt like.)

Shadow was back, his presence a sickening reminder that you were trapped, you didn't know where he had gone. He briefly mentioned something about leaving for a moment. But your mind was too jumbled to properly understand what he had said at the time.

"Well dove," shadow loomed over you with a smile, "it seems our game of cat and mouse is about to begin."

You slowly lifted your eyes up, you wanted to scream. Beg him not to go out there, your friends were out there. Bonnie, was out there.

"No-" your voice was hoarse, just as it had been not that long ago. You couldn't talk, not after all the screams of pain. But still the defiant no found it's way to your lips. Shadow just smiled at you, amused with the fire that still burned deep inside of you. (The desire to save them.)

"It's inevitable now dove, so just play the game with me and we'll finish this little show together." Shadow hummed leaning down, and you knew there was no way to argue with him. He was getting exactly what he wanted. (Though what precisely you weren't sure. But there was a him involved and you knew he can't come back.)
"Now just sit and wait. Your friends will come fetch you in a moment."

Shadow seemingly disappeared. The last thing you could see were his eyes, gleaming in the darkness. Then he was gone. You had to warn them. You had to find some way to warn them. But you didn't have enough energy to cry out to goldie. You barely had enough to crawl towards the door. But you had to. For them.

You whimpered, pushing your body forward, slowly crawling along the floor. Making your way to the door digging your nails into the wood for extra momentum.

Tears blurred your vision as you moved. Your body hurt so much. It hurts to breath. You bared your teeth to the pain, grinding them against one another with each pull forward.  You had to get to Bonnie. You had to warn them all.

You wanted to say so much to Bonnie, you didn't want to leave him like this. Your co prankster can't be alone again.

You kept pushing forward crying out in silent pain as you dug your nails further into the wood. Pushing ahead. Almost there.

Suddenly the door swung open catching your off guard. You winced expecting shadow, but then...

"(Y/N)!" Bonnie shouted into the darkness. Red eyes meeting your tattered form. He rushed forward dropping to his knees at the sight of you.

"Bonnie-" tears blurred your vision as you out stretched your hand to him feeling his gentle touch once again. Bonnie frowned deeply trying to pull you up to his lap, in hopes to get a better look at you.

"Oh god, what did he do to you?" His voice was soft as his fingers brushed against your marked skin. Your arms had deep cuts along them, your work uniform didn't look like it was security anymore.

You opened your mouth to speak only for your words to catch in your throat. You wanted to warn him. You had to warn him, warn him about how this was a trap!

The others hesitated outside in the hallway, debating if they should get closer or not. You have to say something.

"B-bon-" your words caught even worse in your throat, choking you up enough to cough. All the screaming really hurt your throat.

"Don't talk save your voice," Bonnie brushed your tangled hair from your face, "it's okay. I'm here now. We're all here now."

He tried to smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Then he frowned.

"I should have gotten here sooner." He looked away glaring at the floor. His ears drooped slightly.

No don't be sad.

You reached for him, trying your best to hold him, grasping onto his vest nuzzling a bit into his shoulder. It's not his fault, he has to know that right? Bonnie turned to look back at you seeming as though he was shocked at your actions. (You guessed he didn't think you had the strength to try and hug him.)

"Let's get out of here princess." Bonnie scooped you up into his arms holding you close to his chest.
"Your knight is here!"

He was trying to lighten the mood. You tried to smile.

"Is that what you call yourself these days?" Shadows eyes gleamed from the darkness as he spoke in both your mind and Bonnie's causing the two of you to look at him. Bonnie straightened out, eyes glancing towards the door determined to run you out.


The door shut, leaving no room for escape now as locked itself. Someone slowly clapped from within the darkness, eyes staring back at the two of you. Shadow now revealed himself from within the pitch black shadows, a jagged smile adorning his face.

"Going somewhere?" Shadow's voice taunted the two of you inside the safety of your minds.

Bonnie glanced back towards you clutching you tightly in his arms. You could partially tell what he was thinking. He was worried. Scared for you.

"Well I planned on it, this isn't exactly a nice hotel. Honestly 0 stars, the service here sucks." Bonnie glared at shadow a defiant smirk across his face. His sarcasm prevailing.

Shadow hummed, flicking his long nails against one another. Unamused to say the least.

"You always did say the most ridiculous things rabbit. And to think your predecessor is a man I respect." Shadow rolled his eyes, slowly allowing his form to change shape. Becoming his true self. A monster.
"Now, let us finally put an end to this ridiculous game."

"I think I'd rather keep playing. Know any good cheat codes?" Bonnie snipped, a smile still on his face as he now laid you against the floor delicately. He was going to protect you.

You wheezed, the sudden movement was too much on your aching frail body. You can't let him do this to himself. Even as he stood up determined to shield you from a demon he couldn't hope to compete with. What was he thinking?!

Shadow scowled, narrowing his eyes in frustration a frustrated grunt leaving his mouth.

"Very funny. Don't act as if you can outsmart me. Your pathetic brain can't begin to comprehend the things I know. The methods of torture I can more than easily enact on you." Shadow bared his teeth, and while his mouth never moved it was obvious he was threatening Bonnie.

"B-b-Bonnie-" you wheezed from the floor. You can't let him do this. You can't let him die because of you. Even if you barely have any strength left you have to reach him. Make him understand that this wasn't worth it!

"Well at least I have a brain! I mean honestly with the way you're dressed it's clear you lack one." Bonnie had a hand on his hip pointing at shadow with a leering smirk. Was he trying to get the demon pissed off?! Bonnie can't fight him!

You have to stop him!


You clenched your teeth in pain, moving towards Bonnie, fingers brushing against the edge of his pants. Trying to stop him.


You're not listening to the voice. You can't stop. You have to make Bonnie realize he's being impulsive. He can't take shadow on! Not like this.

Please listen to me for a moment.

The voice made you finally stop your movements. Body limp against the floor as your eyes slowly maneuvered to look to the side. (E/C) eyes meeting white pupils that illuminated from the darkness.


You sighed in relief at a familiar face. Your mind was fogged and it was difficult to remember what you were doing. Even if the urgency still lingered.

"Relax, I'm going to get you out of here." Goldie's voice was still in your mind, but now that you finally realized it was him it stuck out. You glanced at Bonnie, tears still stinging your eyes. You can't leave with out Bonnie. You can't leave him.

You wanted to reach for him, uncaring to the fact that goldie was using Bonnie's shadow as a cover to reach for you unnoticed. You have to save Bonnie. Please! Please he can't do this alone!

"He's not alone." Goldie was solum now leaning down and scooping your limp body into his arms.
"This is all apart of the plan."


You slowly looked at goldie as he kept himself down. How did shadow not know he was here? It doesn't make sense. Yet maybe for now it didn't need to make sense. You glanced back at Bonnie using your strength to shake your head. Plan or not you can't leave Bonnie.

"Now!" Goldie spoke aloud, holding your body close to his chest. You could see Bonnie looking towards you. Everything felt as though it was in slow motion. The way he smiled at you. The way he winked. And then as you were quickly teleported out of the room it was over.

You tried to fight goldie. Crying out towards Bonnie. You can't leave him! You-you can't- Take anymore. Your body lost the little strength it had left, leaving you to finally slip from consciousness. The world was nothing but eternal darkness now as you fell into a deep sleep unaware of what was happening in the real world.
Goldie had finally taken you out of the room. Just like Freddy had estimated to happen. Shadow was more predictable than he thought.

In an instant to take the element of surprise Bonnie lunged forward. Just as he would at a night guard. Nails bare and digging into his attackers throat. He knew he couldn't do much but hey it had to be something! His nails broke the skin, dampening with a dark liquid that had the consistency of tar.

"What the?-" Bonnie glanced at the black liquid in confusion. Though unfortunately not one of his better ideas.

Shadow flung him off his body, causing the purple rabbit to hit the wall with a loud thud. Slamming to the floor with a painting falling on top of him Bonnie groaned glancing up seeing shadow's wounds healing in an instant.

"You are pathetic. Dark is a much better fighter than you'll ever hope to be you pathetic low life." Shadow stalked forward, wasting no time in grabbing Bonnie from the neck and lifting him high off the ground.

Bonnie gasped for breath, trying to fight shadow and make him release his throat so he could breath. He may of had a second chance of life, and be in a technical term a ghost but he could die again if he wasn't careful.

Shadow flung Bonnie out the door to the room. Causing it to break open and slide with his body as shards of broken wood fell from it. Bonnie winced in pain feeling a few sprinters in his back. Ah that's gonna leave a mark.

"How could you ever HOPE, possible imagine, to beat ME! I am the superior being. I AM The monster you have nightmares about!" Shadow's voice finally pierced the air of the waking world. No longer charming and smooth, his real voice just like his true colors was awful. Nails on a chalk board sounded more pleasant than this.

Bonnie forced himself to stand. Hand now held against his rib, wincing in pain. He was right he couldn't fight him. That's why he won't.

Bonnie took off running down the hall, making his way towards the kitchen. He knew he didn't have to be there he had just what he needed from it. But still he has to run.

"Are you really running from ME? In what world will I NOT catch you!" Shadow screamed down the hall, his rushed steps meeting Bonnie's in an instant. Bonnie quickly ducked as something reached for him. Bouncing back seeing shadow hunched over, arms now replaced with long black tentacles. (Gross. If you wanted Bonnie's thoughts on it at least.)

Shadow lifted his head, eyes sunken in revealing only glowing orbs as his jaw went slack with as much of a smile as it could make with the teeth that lined his lips. He was really a monster.

"Now you'll burn! There's no where else to hide!" Shadow slammed his new arms to the ground whacking the house with his shouting, in an instant flames burst through the floorboards.

Bonnie reached inside his vest pocket baring his teeth as he panted. The flames grew in size, light now present in the darken cabin.

"I'm not looking to hide anymore," Bonnie smirked as he unscrewed the salt shaker he had been carrying with him, "and like I said. At least I've got a brain."

Bonnie threw the salt in shadow's eyes not even taking a moment to watch as it hit the dream demon. Rushing towards the living room of the cabin to escape. Shadows cries could be heard from out side.

"NO! NO YOU ROTTEN LITTLE!-" shadow staggered, no longer having eyes to see as he moved to follow Bonnie. Hand grabbing his ankle just before he could make it to the door.

Bonnie skidded trying to keep his balance as he turned around. Shadow was melting from the salt. His skin was boiling. Popping at the extreme heat as he screamed at Bonnie.

"I WILL NOT BE BEATEN LIKE THIS!" His screams could shake the very earth to its core with how loud and piercing they were. Bonnie stomped on shadows arm, quickly slipping from his grasp to run for the door. (It was honestly a lucky thing Vincent mentioned demons were weak to salt. Not even goldie had known that.)

Bonnie quickly rushed out the door, just about to run to the car before finally the cabin couldn't handle the fire any longer.


The sudden explosion sent Bonnie flying into the ground. Sliding into the dirt as the fire continued. He turned around in shock watching as the flames continued to eat at the wood of the cabin despite it now being in shambles. (Maybe the flames met something that caused such an explosion. Perhaps what ever made the chimney puff up smoke?)

Bonnie sat there panting. He couldn't move. Adrenaline still pumping through his veins. Oh god. He's really got to catch his breath.

"Bonnie!" The sudden cry of his voice caught his attention. Red eyes now looking towards his friends as they rushed to him. Now he remembered the urgency.

Quickly Bonnie stood up, not even taking a moment to brush off his clothes, he only had one thing on his mind. You.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Bonnie gasped trying to worm through his friends as they finally crowded him.

"She's in the car!" Chica held her hands over her mouth as she spoke. It was clear that things were worse than it seemed.

Bonnie's shoulders slouched, slowly he walked towards the car seeing you sleeping against the back seat a defeated look on his eyes. You looked so peaceful but, you're dying aren't you?

"We-we need to get her to a hospital. Now!" Bonnie craned his neck to look back at his friends desperation in his tone as he looked around at everyone. They could barely hold his gaze.

"Bonnie," Freddy's voice was soft, "she-she won't make it."

"What do you mean she won't make it?!" Bonnie gasped. He turned quickly on his heel tears at the brim of his eyes.
"She has to you don't understand!"

"We do understand Bonnie," goldie clasped his hands tightly behind his back, "but there's nothing we can do now."

There was a heavy silence in the air. One that spoke volumes despite the quite. Bonnie stared at the floor. Tears beginning to run down his face.

"There isn't anything we can do to save her. After all that?" Bonnie looked back up. His words cracking due to the tears that ran down his face.

Goldie exchanged a glance with Freddy, the two holding a silent conversation until finally goldie cleared his throat.

"Well, there is one thing." He gazed out behind Bonnie into the car.
"But if you want to save her, she will never be the same again."

Bonnie turned to look back at you, pressing a hand against the glass as he watched you drag in slow breaths. No. No he can't do that to you. But it's the only way to save you.

Why was the world so cruel? Why did he have to make decisions like this? Why? Why? Why?

Bonnie gently hit the window with his fist hanging his head low. It's the only way to save you. The only way the two of you could finally be together. He has to save you. The silence of the others told him everything again. They were letting him make the choice. Even if they all wanted to save you. Finally Bonnie sucked in a deep breath never looking away from you as he found his words.

"Okay. Let's do it."

Such four simple words set a plan into motion. Everyone piled back into the car, your body gently laying in the open trunk as Bonnie sat back there with you holding you close as you slowly breathed. Your last breaths. Bonnie can't loose you a second time. He just can't.

That's why he's going to save you.

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