Insomnia (A Five Night's at F...

By nightmare597

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*COMPLETED, UNDER GRAMMATICAL EDITING* Living in the real world as an adult had its challenges. You knew that... More

Chapter 1 Inauguration
Chapter 2 First Night Terrors
Chapter 3 One More Error
Chapter 4 Golden Boy
Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle
Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake
Chapter 7 A World Within The Mind
Chapter 8 Rembering Our Past
Chapter 9 Light and Darkness
Chapter 10 The Purple Piece
Chapter 11 Looming Shadow
Chapter 12 Break My Mind
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Freddy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Bonnie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Goldie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Foxy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)
Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap
Chapter 15 Missing
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Goldie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Foxy)
Chaptet 16 Just A Whisper Away (Chica)
Chapter 17 Final Breath Of Life (Freddy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Bonnie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Foxy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Chica)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Goldie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Foxy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Chica)
Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)
The Sequel is Here
Thank you, Thank You All (Behind the Author)

Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)

121 2 0
By nightmare597

Was this it? Just endless waiting? How much longer until he could reach you? Could you continue to hold out? Bonnie hoped you could.

He could hear Freddy pacing, it was obvious Freddy was worried too but didn't say much to voice his concerns. Everyone was just as worried. But Bonnie knew what he felt was different compared to them.

He still felt guilty, he wished still he could have come home with you. Even if he knew there wasn't much he could have done it was the effort that counted to him. (Though he'd still beat himself up even if he had been there and you had gotten taken.) And on top of it all the pizzeria was closing.

No one really mentioned that either, but it was another thing that lingered in the back of their minds. He wanted to be positive. Pretend that with the close he could run away and remain with you! Play pranks on your friends, if you still did that sort of thing, and just enjoy being with you.

But there was that silent fact in the back of his mind. He knew it was all just wishful thinking. This place even when it's closed, is all he's ever known and it's all he ever will know.

Bonnie impatiently tapped his foot draping his arms behind him against the booth. Eyes staring down the hallway intensely as if he half expected you to walk through it one more time. Again wishful thinking.

Bonnie looked up towards the ceiling, this waiting was killing him. Why did they have to trust that grape? Why did he have to go along with it? (He just had this primal instinct to hate his guts, but it wasn't for the same reason goldie did.)

You were alone. Scared, hurt most likely. And he has to sit here and wait. Bonnie closed his eyes for a moment taking a deep breath. He remembers being alone. He remembers that feeling of no one being able to save you. Just you, alone, in the dark with the creature that wants to kill you.

He didn't really remember much of Vincent killing him, just the man in the darkness guiding him as if he was the puppet master. He recognized that Vincent was almost possessed, and while he hated his guts it was nothing like goldie. (As mentioned before. Goldie was the only one who remembered everything, but he never said anything about it. Keeping close to himself.)

That same puppet master was going to kill you! But he knew you were missing. He was going to find you. Bonnie just couldn't sit any longer. Lifting his head Bonnie stood up about to just leave only to stop hearing the entrance doors opening.

At first, he wasn't sure who it was. Even if logic said it was Vincent, Bonnie was worried it was an intruder. He held his breath standing there blocking off one of the pathways to the main stage where Freddy was now standing instead of pacing. (Obviously he had heard the door too.)

Vincent emerged from the shadows of the hallway, lit cigarette laced between his teeth as he walked. It was almost like a light guiding him through the darkness before finally making it towards the natural source of light.

Vincent didn't realize he was being eyed by the two men as he took his cigarette out exhaling a large puff of smoke into the air. Bonnie crossed his arm, nose twitching with a sneeze wanting to come on from the smoke. (Honestly how gross. Could he get any worse?)

"Excuse me?" Bonnie couldn't help but sound a bit sassy, keeping his arms crossed, staring down Vincent with a narrowed gaze. Vincent finally caught his gaze making him roll his eyes towards Bonnie.

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a sec." Vincent took one more drag of his cigarette, seeming to try and enjoy the last moment of it. Then he dropped it to the floor smooshing it with his foot.

Bonnie just watched in disgust. He guessed he should have guessed he never would have thrown it away properly. Not that it mattered anymore. The place was closing. (It's always been a little dirty, there were just things that wouldn't get cleaned no matter how hard people tried.)

"Uh, no I'm not waiting anymore. Where is she?" Bonnie glared trying his best to tower over Vincent now. His voice was sharp, he was irritated. (And half tempted to change back into an animatronic to taught him with his height. Now as a man he was only 6 foot. But as an animatronic he was about 8-9 feet. He wanted to scare him.)

Vincent scoffed a bit looking Bonnie in the eyes clearly annoyed with his behavior. His eyes glanced down towards his cigarette before meeting the red eyes again.

"In a cabin in the forest. Just outside of town." Vincent took a deep breath calming his nerves as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Used to be mine for my family until..."

He trailed off staring at the ground. There was a lingering resentment in his gaze. Bonnie didn't say much when he noticed it turning to look towards Freddy waiting for the command.

Freddy held his finger out as if saying one moment. In that instant goldie was by Freddy's side, seeming to have a mind conversation with him, then he was gone. Bonnie figured he was getting the others. Freddy came off the stage stalking towards Vincent standing beside Bonnie.

"Take us to her." Freddy patted Bonnie on a shoulder as silent reassurance. Vincent huffed, eyes watching the movement behind the two men. The others had made it to the show room, waiting to move. Vincent seemed reluctant but turned around to walk back out the doors he had just come through.

It was quite as everyone followed after him. The doors to the outside world. Bonnie didn't think much when he pushed the glass open, but when he saw the outside for the first time in years he was stunned.

The sky was like a painting, with pinks and purples from the sunsetting. (It was no longer in view, but the colors showed it was going down.)

There were new buildings, buildings Bonnie didn't recognize. Fast food places he didn't recognize. Shops that weren't there years ago. All lit up in the darkness of the night.

No one said anything, but there was something refreshing about breathing the air out here compared to the pizzeria. Bonnie wanted to stay out like this all the time.

You got to see this everyday? This was normal for you? Bonnie couldn't believe it. He hoped you'd be okay. Maybe you were fine and when this was all over the two of you could wander around town.

Bonnie had to keep moving though, even if he wanted to take in the outside world a little longer. He moved to pile in the car with the others. He was a little cramped between four people in the back but somehow they made it work. (Maybe it was because Chica was so small.)

Bonnie huffed trying to get comfortable leaning against the door. His anxiety was spiking up now that they had left the pizzeria.

What if you're dead now? What if they won't make it in time? Bonnie's stomach twisted to the thoughts. They were making him sick.

He didn't want any of that to happen. He wanted you to be safe in his arms laughing at a joke he made. Bonnie began to tap his foot, his nervous tick finally breaking the silence.

He tried to look out the window and occupy his thoughts with the outside world. Watching as buildings slowly began to space out during the drive, turning into thick forest.

"Bonnie?" Chica whispered to him reaching to grab his arm leaning over to look at him. She seemed worried about him. (Though they fought often they still cared about each other. They were truly family.)

Bonnie slowly looked towards her, really not wanting to make much of an effort to turn his head. Bonnie didn't want to respond. But at the same time he knew if he didn't she'd see something was wrong.

"Yeah?" He matched her tone, whispering to her curiously.

"She'll be okay you know. We'll save her I know we will!" Chica smiled as she spoke trying to be optimistic. Bonnie looked away forcing a tight smile. Chica took her hand away.

"I hope so." Bonnie just sighed as he spoke observing the outside world a little longer.

He wished he could enjoy it. But he knew that he was too distracted in his thoughts about how you were doing to pay much kind to the outside world. The trees were dense, and soon they car turned off of the concrete road down a dirt path.

The car shook a bit at the rough makeshift road, taking turns between the trees. It was getting darker now, if Bonnie wasn't what he was he probably would have been a little unsettled.

The trees were like monsters reaching for the car as the branches brushed against the roof, the rocks in the road made the car jerk. It was a tight fit through the path.

"Look!" Chica sat up a bit leaning forward to point ahead towards something in the distance.
"Is that the cabin?"

Everyone followed her finger to where it pointed seeing a cabin sitting in a nice clearing between the trees. Vincent huffed but said nothing as the car continued along carefully hidden away from view.

Bonnie was quick to get out before the engine had even been turned off, shutting the car door after helping Chica out, to stare out at the cabin.

It was almost eerie outside like this. Only a single light was on inside, everything else was shrouded in darkness. The only other sign of life inside was the smoke that puffed up from the chimney into the sky.

Everyone stared for a while, but it wasn't until Vincent walked forward that they all snapped out of their lingering stares.

"(Y/N) must be in there." Freddy glanced towards the others wondering if they agreed.

"Really?" Vincent gasped sarcastically before he grumbled reaching for keys inside his pocket. (Freddy casted a dark glare towards Vincent at the tone he had taken towards him.)

"This doesn't feel right." Bonnie glanced around uncertainly. Something just felt odd. Like this was too easy.
"This feels like a trap."

Even if he wanted to believe that you were here there was something odd about it all. He just didn't want to be in the wrong place while you were suffering else where.

"Aye. I agree, something be off about this." Foxy glanced towards Bonnie nodding a bit in agreement.

Vincent didn't say anything to the conversation as he jiggled the lock with the key until it worked. The door creaked open and everyone flinched at the smell that hit their noses. (It smelt like blood.)

Bonnie's gut twisted in anxiety as he glanced around outside one last time. The memories of you lingered in his mind and pushed him forward. He was the first to enter the cabin examining everything around.

If the situation wasn't so tense he would have found it cozy. There was a fireplace, with couches and loveseats, it was definitely homey. The only light on was the one in the living room in which they all stood in now. (Everyone and slowly piled on after Bonnie looking around.)

Nothing looked unusual. The only strange thing was the smell of blood that lingered in the air. It was a bit strong, Vincent seemed to be coughing into his fist from it. (He's still human after all. The human body didn't handle strong smells well, but it's different for everyone.)

"Everyone look around she has to be here. Be careful and don't wander too far." Freddy have the order everyone had been holding their breath for and soon they dispersed.

Bonnie wandered towards the hallway peering down into the darkness debating which direction he wanted to take. His nose twitched to the strong smell. It was more potent down the hallway.

Glancing left and right, Bonnie settled on going one direction slowly creeping along the hall. He was trying to keep light on his feet by sticking to the wall where the floor was settled more.

He must have chosen correctly, the smell was getting stronger the more he walked. Then he noticed the door at the end of the hall. You must be there.

Creeping further along Bonnie stood in front of the door now examining it. The smell was so strong he thought he might cry. (It was your blood. You were hurt and he didn't protect you.)

Bonnie tried the door, shaking the knob a little before he huffed annoyed. He tried again, just in case, but it was the same result as before.

Shit, it's locked.

Bonnie huffed a bit, debating on what he should do in his head. He could break down the door. But what if you're not even in there? Bonnie glanced towards the cracks.

"(Y/N)?" Bonnie leaned close, speaking through the crack in the door. He had to make sure you were in there!

"B-Bonnie?" Your voice was hoarse, you sounded broken. Bonnie's heart broke at the sound of if.

"I'm right here, I'm here! I'll get you out." Bonnie gripped the doorknob still leaning against the door slightly. You didn't say much but a frail okay in response to his reassurance. (You we're just a whisper away from him and yet he felt as though he couldn't reach you.)

Bonnie glanced around debating if he should just break the door and not care if shadow came after him for it. It was obvious he wasn't in the cabin, but the sound could lure him back. Bonnie bit his cheek. He had to play safe for you.

"I'm going to be right back, I gotta find a key for the door. Okay princess?" Bonnie spoke back into the crack. You just faintly hummed in response. He didn't have much time.

Quickly Bonnie ran back to the others pointing down the hall he had just come from.

"I found her! But the door is locked!" Bonnie was frantic as he spoke looking around at everyone as they looked at each other. Seeming to think of ways to open the door.

"There's gotta be a key for it around here right?" Chica looked around peeking underneath the welcome mat at the door. Everyone began to poke around after her suggestion.

Bonnie had picked up a wicker basket from the fire place about to poke around in it until Vincent snatched it from his grasp.

"Move it bunny boy." Vincent huffed, removing a key from it and putting it back where it had been taken.
"The key's right here."

Bonnie glared at Vincent, he held his tongue though following after him down the hall. The whole gang was following as they approached the door.

The knob jiggled again, rattling as the key seemed to have a hard time working with the lock until there was finally a click. Everyone watched with baited breath as the door creaked open to reveal you laying on the ground covered in your own blood. (The smell was so strong now.)

Everyone gasped, and Bonnie wanted to rush in to cradle you tears stinging his eyes. He was shocked at the sight. What did shadow do to you?!

"Something doesn't feel right." Goldie broke the horrified silence as he looked around. Everyone watched him as he observed the surroundings only to look deathly serious.
"I think we should hide."


Bonnie glanced towards you distracted. He couldn't hide they just found you! But someone was pushing him to move and there was no fighting it. Bonnie frowned as he followed the others to hide choosing to hide in the fire place. (Goldie had hidden in the shadows, Freddy in the closet, Chica behind a chair just like Vincent, and foxy was hidden behind a counter.)

The floor boards creaked, an invisible weight upon them. Everyone held their breaths from where they hid. No one moved. No one breathed. They all knew what was lurking around the corner. (Though no one said it aloud.)

Everyone was thinking the same thing. Everyone knew just what was making it's grand appearance. Even though they wanted nothing more than for him to go away, they all knew there was no way that could happen. After all nothing was that easy. This just wasn't something that could be avoided.

Shadow was coming. And there was no stopping him.

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