Ultra Responsibility (My Hero...

By Cryptic_Fiction

137K 3.9K 2.2K

You all know the origin story of radioactive bug bites; with great power comes great responsibility. But what... More

Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes
Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might
Issue 3 - A Shocking Final Day
Issue 4 - Welcome to UA
Issue 5 - New Friends, New Enemies
Issue 6 - Light the Candles
Issue 7 - Secret Wars
Issue 8 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 1
Issue 9 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 2
Issue 10 - Damage Control
Issue 11 - Maximum Carnage
Issue 12 - Love, Carnage and Lizards
Issue 13 - Cold Blooded Horror
Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution
Issue 15 - Does Whatever a Spider Can
Issue 16 - Attack on Villains Part 1
Issue 17 - Attack on Villains Part 2
Issue 18 - Something about Responsibility
Issue 19 - Kraven... the Teacher?!
Issue 20 - Roaring Sport Festival
Issue 21 - The Man They Called Ben
Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet
Issue 23 - The Power of a Quirk in the Palm of my Hand
Issue 24 - Squashed Like a Bug
Issue 25 - Who are You?
Issue 26 - What Goes Bump in the Night
Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?
Issue 28 - Losing Faith
Issue 29 - The Kingpin of School
Issue 30 - Kraven's Last Hunt
Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave
Issue 32 - The Black Suit
Issue 33 - Stab in the Back
Issue 34 - You Get What You Deserve
Issue 35 - Otto Trouble
Issue 36 - People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul
Issue 37 - Uneasy Alliance
Issue 38 - The Sinister League
Issue 39 - The Desert Delinquents
Issue 40 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 1
Issue 41 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 2
Issue 42 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 3
Issue 43 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 4
Issue 44 - No Good Deed
Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six
Issue 46 - The Night Love Died
Issue 47 - The Past Repeats Itself
Issue 48 - Breaking Point
Issue 49 - The Symbiotic Break-up
Issue 50 - Spider-Man No More
Issue 51 - Dawn of the Scarlet Witch
Issue 52 - A Losing Battle
Issue 53 - Ghost-Spider
Issue 54 - The Superior Spider Part 1
Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2
Issue 56 - Mother Knows Best
Issue 57 - Z Day
Issue 58 - Responsibility
Issue 59 - Might*U
Issue 60 - The League of Venom Part 1
Issue 61 - The League of Venom Part 2
Issue 62 - The Boy From Another Universe
Issue 63 - The Final Stand
Epilogue - One Final Goodbye
After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time
After Story Part 2 - Outsider
After Story Part 3 - Evil Never Rests
After Story Part 4 - The Magical Mysterio Tour
After Story Part 5 - Cannon Event

Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility

762 22 33
By Cryptic_Fiction

"Ladies and Gentlemen, J Jonah Jamerson, still here from the centre of the outbreak here for you. To some, it feels like we've been abandoned, left to fend for ourselves while the world turns away. But we've stuck together through the impossible. We've all lost someone to these monsters, and usually, I would point the blame on Spider-Man. That, however, is wrong; for too long have I blamed every problem this city has faced solely on the hero in training. It's times like this that we forget we, too, were children and made mistakes. Of course, I wouldn't be one of them, but nonetheless, instead of ranting and raving over Spider-Man, I instead would like to take the time out of my day to mentor him, and give him the advice he always needs."

Clearing his throat, Jamerson looked to the screen, nodding. "Here it is. Turn on the TV. Go online. Pick up a newspaper. We hate them. We love them. We worship them. We condemn them. Hell, maybe we're the ones who elevate them. Maybe we force them to live like this because we need them to live like this. Maybe the only reason they exist is that we can't solve our own problems. But today isn't that day; we ask you, heroes, to save us. Save us one last time."

Jamerson's head lowered in shame, looking away from the camera. That's when the building began to tremble and shake. Running over to the window, his eyes widened, seeing the horde of heroes and Symbiote going against each other. Then, grinding his teeth, his sympathetic motion faded into pure rage. "The battle of the century is about to begin, right here near the Daily Bugle, and I don't have one %$!!?#$#!* photographer to cover it! How can this happen to a doll boy like me?!! Who keeps %$!!? Beeping me?! Jerard, your fired! What do you mean I fired him three weeks ago? Then you're fired!"


Ever since I was a child, I had always dreamed of fighting with the Avengers side by side; my dream had come true even if the outcome felt barren and empty. Was this deserved? Did I do enough to get this? What if things were different?

No, there's no time to think about that. We have a city to save.

Thrust back, I slammed into another car, grumbling as Thor took down the two symbiotes with one mighty swing. Then, catching Mjölnir, he looked at me boldly, laughing. "Come almighty Spider, let us continue the fight. You're an Asgardian now, and we Asgardians fight till our last breath."

Coughing, I wiped my face holding my hand out as Thor helped me. "Easy for you to say, aren't you a literal God? Can't I get my own hammer?"

"Do you believe yourself worthy of holding my hammer?"

I debated the idea going to take it before shaking my head. "Who am I kidding? Let's not go down that road. I need a quick breather."

"Very well, comrade, we shall continue the battle at once; I'll see you in Valhalla!"

"I hope not..." I whisper, climbing onto the top of the school bus and watching the fierce battle pursue. It would be losing if the main target wasn't taken out. Looking far out, I saw Shigaraki taking on the likes of Midoriya and Captain America.

"Y/N!" Peni shouted, swinging through the battle, her mech holding its arm out. Quickly holding mine up, I latched on using SP//dr to make the distance. "Sorry, we couldn't get here sooner."

"No, your timing is perfect as usual... Well, maybe you could have arrived before I lost my hand."

"You really should sit this one out; you've done enough. Leave the rest to us."

"You know I can't do that. This is just as much fight as everyone else." I mutter. "If we take Shigaraki down, we can end this madness once and for all. Throw me."

Peni looked conflicted but knew she couldn't talk me out of this one. Readying to throw me, my Spider-Sense went off as Mr Compass floated in the air throwing his marbles which turned into serval large billboards. Peni quickly dropped me as her mech was blown back.

Flipping forward, I landed in the middle of the deathmatch as groups of Symbiotes swarmed me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath clenching my fist. "One last fight, ahh Spider-Man?"

Readying to take a final stand, a loud shockwave blew away the enemies as Jiro jumped down, walking past me. "Not today."


"Not just me." She smirked, pointing behind her as Kirishima, Uraraka, and Bakugo arrived to back me up. "We've got your back."

"You guys are the best..." I croak, holding my side. Then, pointing forward, I made sure each of them heard me. "I need to reach Shigaraki; clear a path for me!"

Bakugo's hands began to crackle as he held them together, blowing a dozen symbiotes apart alongside the building past the highway. "Listen up, side character! I don't take orders from anyone... But just this once, I'll do what you say, so stay out of my way!"

"Roger that Captain, lead the way."

Bakugo didn't even hesitate to blow away everything that even got close. Kirishima focused on holding back the more significant threats holding his ground. Then, turning to me, he began shouting. "Don't stop, Y/N! We're counting on you!"

"I'll hold them off as long as possible!" Jiro shouted. "Don't give up!"

Leaping over the car Uraraka was next to me, tapping her hands, activating her quirk. "I'll get you as close as possible; grab on!"

Taking her hand, I felt my body lighten as I was thrown into the air. The back of my shoes also lightened. Floating high in the air, I began passing over all of the Symbiotes. However, I was now a sitting duck and easy picking. Toga took note of this very quickly, propelling herself towards me and lunging her blade forward.

Uraraka panicked, trying to cancel her quirk only to be pinned down by serval symbiotes which also forced Jiro and Kirishima to change their focus to saving her. I had no way to avoid this imminent strike. Crap!

Holding my arms up, Baymax jumped up, taking the attack, obviously doing nothing as he repelled Toga back into the crowd. Then, hugging me, Uraraka quickly deactivated her quirk, sending us back to the ground.

Baymax took the brim of the blow, protecting me. Lying on his stomach, I kept panting. "Oh, man..."

Toga was already up, taking no damage from that blow. "You could have hit her a little harder, Baymax!"

"My programming prevents me from injuring a human being."

"No kidding!" I shout, avoiding her strikes and kicking her back. Firing a web behind her, Toga stepped into my trap, leaving her open. Running forward, I drop-kicked her off the highway. On the floor, I jumped as a metal hand slammed down next to me. "What the hell?!"

"Hey there, Y/N, tell me, wanna try out my new baby?" Mei said with too much enthusiasm, given the situation.

"Why are you just carrying an extra arm around for?" I mutter, staring at it blankly. "Never mind that! It's better than nothing!"

"That's the spirit. Hold tight." She shouted, slamming it down on my arm and clamping it to me. I winced in pain as she began putting in the finishing touches. "There! Perfect, my best invention yet!"

Looking at the simple metal hand, I began opening and closing my hand, still finding it bizarre. "It will do."

Baymax waddled over, scanning me. "I detect serval ruptured ribs, three puncture wounds, a concussion and internal bleeding. I recommend medical attention immediately. However, since that isn't possible. Have a lollipop."

Holding the sweet, I stuck it in my mouth. "You're a pretty bad healthcare companion... I mean, shit, sorry, thanks? I guess."

"I am a robot. Therefore, I cannot be offended."

"Note was taken, could you umm? Get me closer?"

Baymax put me on his back as he began charging up, ready to fly. "Whoa! Mei, thanks! I'll return you, umm baby, once this is all over!"

I didn't even get to hear her reply as Baymax shot into the air, making me scream out, holding on for dear life. But it was enough to get closer. Jumping off Baymax, I had finally made it. Slamming down, I kicked Shigaraki back just in time, stopping him from hurting Midoriya. "Parker. You are a splinter in our side."

"I'm ending this once and for all, Venom!"

Venom cackled, growing in size. "You think that a lifetime's worth of training would've prepared you for this? It hasn't. You're completely helpless. Your nightmare will finally catch you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Captain America stood next to me alongside Midoriya. "Ready?"


Captain America threw his shield at Venom as it knocked him back. Serval more Symbiotes came to back Venom up, outnumbering us. Using my new hand, I webbed Cap's shield spinning it around and cutting down all the Symbiotes before throwing it back at Captain America.

Now a three against one, we all ganged up on Venom, taking no chance at a counterattack. Midoriya used Cap's shield as a stepping stone to gain distance and thrust into Venom, forcing him through the highway. Smoke settled as Midoirya was just as quickly blasted back. Swinging around, I caught him, avoiding all of Venom's webbing. "The Symbiote, was this the same thing you wore the night you killed Norman Osborn?"

Looking at Venom, I nodded worriedly. "It is, and now it's consuming Shigaraki; we need to get him out. Sound and fire, let him have it!"

"Right!" Midoriya shouted, letting go holding his hand back and screaming. "One for all 100%" Soon, dozens of blows appeared behind Midoriya, blocking the sky. Each devasting blast took a chunk from the Symbiote, weakening it.

Captain America held his shield up; serval blows hitting the shield sending off a shockwave affecting Shigaraki further. Now was my moment; rip him free and stop this once and for all!

With Shigaraki stalled, I landed, firing a web into the heart of the Symbiote directly attaching to Shigaraki himself. Digging my feet into the floor, I began fighting with all my might giving it everything I had. Screaming, I kept pulling, feeling my troubles working. "Just a little longer!"

And with that, It worked. Separating Shigaraki from Venom at that moment was meant to feel heroic and triumphant. Instead, it was the complete opposite. I held what was left of Shigaraki in my hands. His deformed bones were all that were left.

Dropping his skull, my eyes widened in shock. "That's impossible... The Symbiote needed a host to survive!"

The Symbiote lingered over me smugly, already knowing the outcome. "If it makes you feel any better, he's been dead for quite a while. These humans... they're not very sturdy... Not like us. Welcome home, Parker!"

No, I couldn't go back wearing that thing! No!

Frozen in fear, it was Midoriya taking action, pushing me aside, that saved me. But in return, the Symbiote consumed him instead of taking shape.

Captain America flinched, gripping his shield. "No, Midoriya! Fight it!"

Venom leaned forward, activating Midoriya's quirk zipping by breaking Captain America's shield and consuming him whole.

I began crawling back as Venom was stronger now more than ever. Turning his gaze on me, he was quickly silenced as Thor unleashed a lightning strike, hammering away and striking the heart of the threat. This, however, did nothing.

Thor looked shocked. "By Odin's beard, what kind of monster are you?!"

"We are Venom!"

Swifty taking down Thor, the other Symbiotes began to evolve, taking on all the quirks they had used. All I could do was watch, devasted. "No... It can't be. We lost?"

"You were never meant to be in our Universe, Y/N Parker, and because of that, our very world is on the brink of destruction."

"Fight it all, you like there is no other way."

All For One's words returned to haunt me as the truth dwindled like a dying light. Then, as Venom struck me, Peni scooped me up, petrified, swinging away. "This is bad, like really, really bad! Y/N, we need to run!"

SP//dr was struck with one mighty blow forcing Peni to evacuate from her mech as we both fell onto the rooftop below. On my knees, I felt my hand shaking. I knew what had to be done... "I've been running all my life from the truth. It's time to take responsibility for once."

A portal opened behind us as Wanda appeared to look upset. Her look of pity cut deep as Peni began begging. "Please, you have to help us! Wanda, I beg of you."

"You know what has to be done, don't you?"

I looked up at the destruction of our losing battle, nodding. "None of this was ever meant to happen... Everything in this world was made up for me. The lost little boy is forced into another world to escape the nightmare."

Wiping my eyes, I took off my web shooters, sniffing. "Time to wake up."

The remaining few from Class 1A jumped down just as beaten. "Y/N, are you alright? We really need you!" Kirishima shouted.

"We still got some fight in us; we can win!" Kaminari claimed.

Uraraka looked worried, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Holding back my tears, I looked up, laughing. "Man, it really has to go down like this. Although I will miss everyone, I want you to know that spending time at UA was the best moment of my life."

"Why are you talking like that?" Jiro whispered. "What's going on?"

"We can't win this fight, not without losing it all."

"Of course, we can win! We have to believe; we have to!" Peni screamed. "Your Spider-Man."

Nodding, I looked back. "And I will always be Spider-Man... But, Wanda, if I'm erased from this universe, if all records of me are wiped clean, what will happen to this world?"

"If you did that, this world would reset and return to how it was before your arrival. The people you saved, the lives you changed for better and worse. The lives you took all of that would be deleted. This world will go on as if you never existed because, in reality, you don't. Neither will The Sinister Six nor the Avengers or Venom. Are you sure? There would be no going back if you did. You will never be able to return."

"That plan is crazy. You can't just throw it away so easily!" Todoroki argued.

"There is no other way. I've ruined all your lives long enough. Time to give it back to you." I whisper.

Kirishima began to cry, punching my arm. "You idiot. You always have to play the hero! Take this."

I was dazed to receive a photo of our graduation from middle school. Kirishima, me and Ashido. All of us were so clueless and naive about what was to come. I held it tightly, smiling. "I'll never forget any of you."

"We won't either. But, God Damn it, I'll remember you no matter what."

"No, you won't. That's the point." I smile, looking at Wanda and nodding. She began the spell reverting everything that had taken place.

Peni looked down, defeated. Smiling, I handed her my mask. "Listen up; I want you all to remember this well. We make mistakes, mess up, and sometimes we don't win. We're only human, after all. But getting back up every time defines us; it's the leap of faith, the power we hold to change the world for the better. That's the responsibility we hold. With great power comes ultra responsibility. So go beyond... Plus Ultra."

Peni held my mask biting her lip. "You will always be my hero Y/N. My amazing Spider-Man."

"Quite right, and now you are too."

Everything faded into nothing and returned to the way it was. Just as it always was and always should be-a world without Spider-Man.


"Have you heard about the masked menace fighting crime? He goes by Spider-Man; he takes care of petty thugs like clockwork."

"I've seen him swing around using webs just like a spider. I've never seen anything like it."

"What's he got to hide, huh? Heroes like Iron Man and Captain America are in the public records; what makes this guy so special?"

"He saved my baby from a burning building; I'll be forever grateful to whoever he is."

"Truth! Are you going to tell me about the truth? Spider-Man is nothing more than a costumed menace. Who needs proof?! Everybody knows he's a rotten, low-down, no-good killer! All you've got to do is take off the mask -- you hear me, you little freak? Take it off, an' I change 'implicated' to "exonerated'"

Alright, let's do this one last time. My name is Y/N Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and I've been the one and only Spider-Man for the past three years. I'm sure you've heard it before. I'm nothing special compared to the other heroes in my world. I'm not worthy like the mighty Thor; I'm no billionaire genius like Iron-Man. I'm not America's icon like Captain America. But you know what, that's ok. I'm not looking to be the next big Avenger. I've had my fair share of adventures, though. I joined the best school in the world, made some incredible friends, and fell in love with the girl of my dreams. What else? Oh, I could be here all day. I took down the Kingpin of crime, put away more villains than I could count and oh yeah. I saved the world. No one believes that part. That doesn't matter, though; let people think what they want. We're all human, after all.

I don't do this job for the fame or fortune of a pro; no, I put on the mask to give people hope, to show them there are people who care and for as long as I live, in whatever Universe life throws at me. I will always be your friendly Neibougrhood Spider-Man.

The night echoed as I snuck up the apartment complex stairs, holding my breath. Then, as the step cracked, I ran for my life, jumping over the railing, hearing Mr ditkovich sprint from his apartment shouting. "Rent! Hey, where's my money?!"

Making it safely into my tiny bundle of joy, I leaned against the door, smirking. Throwing my school bag, keys, and Spider mask on my bed, I lay down, taking a moment to rest before I would be out again. Staring up at the ceiling, I stuck in my headphones, just grabbing at the moment for a while.

Bopping my head to my favourite playlist, my Spider-Sense went off as my photo frame fell from my side desk. Catching it, I let out a sigh of relief. Then, holding the photo, I stood by my window, wiping a tear from my eye. "I will never forget you, never."

My radio blared to life catching me off guard. "We have a 10-31, Hobgoblin sighted, all officers near Queens respond."

"Time to go to work," I whispered, changing into my Spider suit and stepping out the window. I looked at the photo of Ashido and me on our first date. This continued to the rest of my room; similar photos were all lined up, keeping the memories alive. Nodding to myself, I jumped from the window. "Go beyond. Plus Ultra."

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