After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time

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Let's do things differently this time. My name is Y/N Parker, and well, for eight months now, I've been living in a different dimension. My universe, you see, long story short, for my safety, I hid away in another dimension, one where most of the population had superpowers called quirks. I like to call it Earth-2014.

I was hidden away from an unyielding force called the Scarlet Witch; she also happened to be my mother; I'm not going to sugarcoat it. My existence in this other dimension was making it crumble apart. My world's reality was bleeding into there's with no sign of stopping. I ultimately chose to leave behind what I knew my whole life to save everyone. And that leads me here, just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man; thankfully, my identity is a secret this time. No one knocked on my door, looking for cold revenge. But it's just me now... Everyone I knew and loved is gone; my Aunt May is gone. I lost all connection with Penny. I keep telling myself it's better this way.

There's only so long I can keep that lie going; meddling with the Mutli-Verse isn't something you can walk away from. I sometimes question if staying in that world and fighting would have been better. Would it have made a difference? Maybe, just maybe, it might have kept me hidden from the others, from Miguel, Gwen and Miles. Perhaps I wouldn't have met Y/N, oh, that poor son of a bitch...

No one said being Spider-Man was easy if I knew what was at stake, what was expected of me. I would have never wanted that Spider to bite me; I don't wish this on my worst enemy... So let's start from the beginning; this is how we destroyed the Multi-Verse.


My gaze drifted with each word crossing my mind, my head becoming heavier. The only thing keeping me awake was the foul smell of coffee hitting my nose. Rubbing my eyes, I leaned back as Eddie and Mary Jane argued. "We can't change our assignment two weeks from the expected due date, Eddie. Do you even hear yourself!? I've already planned and written my portion with interviews and statements. It isn't my fault you forgot."

"Oh, give me a break, little miss Perfect Watson; you knew from the start I had no interest in probing the rat infestation we've been having lately. Why would anyone want to write an assignment on that? You were just interested in getting the scope on that giant rat monster thing."

"I'm following up on a story no one else seems to be doing; people need to hear about this." Mary Jane snaps, turning to me. "Back me up on this, Y/N."

"Sorry, I heard what you said but wasn't listening."

Eddie scoffed at this, stealing one of my chips. "See, told ya. You're throwing all the shade at me but what about Parker? Has a single photo reached your desk, Miss Watson? If we make a piece on Spider-Man, we will get easy As!"

"Hey, hey. You still with us?" She said, ignoring Eddie's remarks. "You look awful."

"I'm fine." I play off sitting up, drinking my coffee, almost gagging at the cold taste. "I'm back in the room; let's do this assignment."

Spider-Sense. Why is my Spider Sense always going off? Turning to the window, my stomach dropped as a bus flew towards us. Diving over the table, I tackled MJ to the ground, webbing Eddie just enough that no one noticed me firing the web.

Screams of people echoed out as MJ began coughing and looking around. "Eddie, Y/N, are you both alright?"

"Barley, what the hell," Eddie grumbled.

"Y/N? Y/N? Where are you, Parker!? Y/N?!"

Jumping through the back entrance, I webbed my school bag to the back of a bin, running up a wall and firing off two webs, propelling myself over the building. Getting a better look at the chaos, I saw the mystery man of the hour. One I wasn't quite familiar with. Soaring through the city, I dived over a billboard looking to stop the chaos.

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