Issue 38 - The Sinister League

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"Tomura Shigaraki, I've been looking for you. More specifically, I want to talk to your boss."

Everyone was ready to fight as Shigaraki stood up conflicted. "What the hell do you want?"

"A generous proposal, one you cannot turn down. I call for an alliance with one sole purpose."

"And that is?"

"To kill Spider-Man."

"Newsflash, buddy, we're not interested in killing a single nobody student; we've got our eyes on the bigger prize." Toga insisted, wiping her knife.

"Is that so?" The Green Goblin said. "Well, then you are more foolish than I first thought."

"Do you have a death wish?" Shigaraki barked.

The Green Goblin pivoted his head smirking. "No. However, if you choose to ignore Y/N Parker long enough, it will be your downfall."

"All For One did have some interest in the boy, I'll admit," Shigaraki said. "But after losing Electro and a Nomu, we considered chasing the boy pointless."

"You might want to reconsider that endeavour. The boy has grown since then. He's taken down dozens of villains, including Wilson Fisk the Kingpin. But, if left unchecked in six months, he could very well be his way to being the next All Might. The son of the Scarlet Witch cannot be allowed to grow any further. Think about it, if I found you here, how long before the Spider-Man pays you a visit. Could you stop him alone?"

The TV came to life as a silhouette appeared, stalking the group. "You make a good point, Goblin; however, riddle me this. Why come to us? Why warn us, in fact. In the golden age, we were sworn enemies, were we not? I came to you offering my friendship. What changed?" 

"All For One." The Green Goblin whispered, jumping down from his glider. "This boy isn't just anyone. His Uncle was none other than Ben Parker. I think you very well know why I come to you now."

"I do. However, what can you offer me then? We already have our own team put together. Our Vanguard squad should be more than enough for the Spider."

The Green Goblin eyed each one down, cackling. "Maybe so, but say. You appear to be missing a member, do you not?"

Everyone fell silent as Shigaraki grunted. "A minor setback, but how d-."

"Do I know? Believe me, boy, I know everything about your little cheerleading team. But, unfortunately, our friendly neighbourhood hero disposed of muscular just last week. He's already picking you off one by one. And one of our strongest fighters, tell me how well could any of you last?"

"You have made a statement. Now, what is your point?" All For One questioned.

"It's quite simple, really. We work together, my Sinister Six and your Vanguard Squad. Together we squash Parker and anyone who dares aid him."

"The infamous Sinister Six." All For One said with a grin. "I heard wonders of them in the past. You tore through many pros that day before your team were defeated. You were able to bring them back together?"

"No, I made one better. With this." The Green Goblin held up a small green canister letting everyone inspect it. "Forty thousand years of evolution, and we've barely even tapped the vastness of human potential. Finally, after so long, I've finally achieved what we accidentally created all those years ago. I present you the first man-made quirk."

"Fascinating. And you've seen the results yourself?" All For One asked.

"We are already looking at them, are we not? Who are we here to destroy?"

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