Azur Lane: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼...

By lagneverfailed

45.1K 693 337

"Hit first! Hit hard! Keep on hitting!!" From Admiral of the Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher. An alternate histor... More

Prologue (Remastered)
Chapter 1-Discovering a Legend (Remastered)
Chapter 2-Legend Reunion (Remastered)
Chapter 3-Wrong Identity (Remastered)
Chapter 5A-The Magnificent Ships
Chapter 5B-Quotes Line
Chapter 6-Tour and Task
Chapter 7-Nice Home
Chapter 8A-Greet the Commanders
Chapter 8B-Major Nation Leader
Chapter 9-Story and Friendship
Chapter 10-First Mission
Chapter 11-Catch That Person!!!
Chapter 12-Ship boy helps Commanders
Chapter 13-Conclusion
Message (Love Interest Reveal)
Chapter 14-Operation Scimitar (Pt.1)
Chapter 15-Operation Scimitar (Pt.2)
Marlborough Love Interest
Chapter 16(V2)-Wonderful Crane
Chapter 17-Welcome Home
30005 508 Milestones
Chapter 18-(Too) Early Bird
Chapter 0.18SB

Chapter 4-Familiarizing High Tech (Remastered)

2.6K 40 21
By lagneverfailed

(This chapter was Remastered by fixing some Grammar and replacing some words, with some vocabulary on the 4th of July 2023)

Last time Y/N and Dreadnought fight with Sirens and Azur Lane. Then they safely arrived at the abandoned dock to stay temporarily.

The operation lasted 3 days. This was the most brutal operation ever recorded by Azur Lane. While this might be Y/N, Dreadnought, and Admiral Fisher first ever operation, quite an interesting start for them. But Y/N and Dreadnought follow Admiral Fisher's order, to sink enemy sirens and damage But not sink the Azur Lane ship (Or KAN-SEN).

Although Azur Lane manage to stop the sirens, 85% of ships were heavily damaged which is very vulnerable to another incoming attack. Sirens also almost lost all their power after a massive offensive to the Azur Lane. Even some ship only goes on emergency repair (Except Enterprise after she learn a lesson from a hit from Y/N and goes full repair). However, some engineers were shocked after seeing the Essex ship gets hit by a shell with a diameter of 508mm. Fortunately, they were able to recover one of the 508 mm undetonated shells from the Essex ship.

The shell is very big, much bigger than Georgia guns, and might be the biggest out of any calibre ever mounted. The engineer soon went to tell an Admiral.

Engineer 1: "Admiral Johnathan!!"

Admiral: "Yes sir, what is it?"

Engineer 1: "We just saw something very big from Essex ship!!!"

Adm Johnathan: "Right! Lead the way!"

Admiral Johnathan went to the drydock to see the Essex ship. And he was horrified.

Adm John: "What in the world??? This shell is very huge!!!"

Engineer 1: "We just found it and thankfully it wasn't detonated. If it detonated during the battle, it will be catastrophic."

Adm John: "I can agree with you, sir. But this seems familiar."

Adm Johnathan sees the shell and there is a word on it.

Adm John: "HMS Incomparable shell ??? OH NO!!!"

Engineer 1: "What the matter?"


Engineer 1: "Woah woah, calm down. Why not explain it?"

Adm John: *Sigh* "Well we thought Incomparable and Dreadnought is sirens but it wasn't. We need to find them and apologized."

Engineer 1: "I see, well we can fix some ships quickly and be ready for operation."

Adm John: "That's good. If the repair is finished tell me.

Engineer 1: "Will do!!!"

The engineer works hard for fixing 6 ships, a recommendation for the operation and has the high success of it.


Y/N: "Any news Admiral Fisher?"

Fisher: "Very Good news!!!"

Y/N: "What is it?"

Fisher: "They finally recognized us and didn't Identify as sirens now."

Y/N: "Lord above, thank you."

Fisher: "There's is one issue."

Dreadnought: "What is it, Dad?"

Fisher: "When they come I have to go dark."

Dreadnought: "WHAT?!!?"

Fisher: "Hold on hold on, I have to go dark so these shipgirls and Commander didn't know me. If they know me I will be in trouble."

Dreadnought: "Oh I see, but why not become a Commander of Azur Lane?"

Fisher: "God didn't allow me Yet but maybe I will become a Commander of Azur Lane."

Dreadnought: "Right then."

Fisher: "No time to waste now, I have to go but don't worry I will be back again."

Y/N: "Roger That, Admiral!"

Fisher: Good luck!!!

Y/N and Dreadnought: "Will Do!!!"

The greatest Royal Navy Admiral Joh Fisher went dark but he will be kicking around.

Y/N: "Sooo"

Dreadnought: "Since it uhh the year 2035, why don't we familiarize some technology that is available?"

Y/N: "You know what? That is a good idea, but how?"

Dreadnought: "We could go to the nearest civilization and learn many good things."

Y/N: "Neat Idea!! But where?"

Dreadnought: "Well you know." *Giggles*

Y/N Thought: 'Oh please not again, she will guide me but I have to carry her. Well, at least I have plenty of horsepower.'

Y/N : *Sigh* "Very well then. Let's go to the nearest civilization. But hold on, how are we able to pay a thing?"

Dreadnought: "Oh don't worry about it, We have some sort of Electronic Bank Account of around $500.000 so we can uhh buy something, but don't spend it too much."

Y/N: "Nah don't worry, I'm not a big spender."

Dreadnought: "You sure?"

Y/N: "Of course, I'm very sure."

Dreadnought: "Hmm, right then."

Y/N sound wasn't convincing but Dreadnought give it a go anyway. Soon they are at the sea trying to find civilization.

Y/N: "Where is it?"

Dreadnought: "I think it's 5 km more. Just go faster."

Y/N: "I can't go faster than 40 knots because of the drag."

Dreadnought: "C'mon!!!"

Y/N: "The only way to go faster is to drop you at the ocean, then I can go faster."

Dreadnought: "HEY!!!"

Y/N Thought that was a good idea while Dreadnought was vice versa. Soon they arrived at the civilization and docked their ships.

Dreadnought: "So where should we start?"

Y/N: "Let's head to some sort of electronic shop and study about the equipment Or library to study much more about uhh what should I say? Technology Yes."

Dreadnought: "I'm guessing Library is a good choice. Let's go there."

Y/N: "Sure."

Y/N and Dreadnought went to the Library however in the street almost everyone stare at them. This is because their appearance may be more like at age 60s, they are also very tall. Thankfully, most people didn't recognize their true Identity. However Y/N and Dreadnought were amazed at the city, it look very futuristic.

Y/N: "Wow, look at this city. So futuristic"

Dreadnought: "I can agree. Despite this city let's say wasn't that big it was still very futuristic."

Y/N: "I can agree."

Dreadnought: But for me, it lost of it umm opening?

Y/N: "Opening? Oh you mean the sky is less visible because of the building?"

Dreadnought: "Yes, That's what I'm talking about. The sky is not that cleaner because of the building. I can't see birds flying around, even planes. Talking about the plane, what does it look like?"

Y/N: "Well maybe very futuristic."

Then they saw a plane coming.

Y/N: "Look, you see that plane coming?"

Dreadnought: "Where? Oh, that weird-looking plane?"

They are looking at this plane flying at rather a medium altitude.


Y/N: "What in the world is that shape?"

Dreadnought: "Very very weird."

Y/N: "Or maybe it is a technology marvel!!!"

Dreadnought : *Giggles* "Well maybe."

Y/N: "Where's the library I'll be honest?"

Dreadnought: "Before that. Let's go to that shop."

She wants to go to the toy shop

Y/N: "Oh lord, that shop? Don't be so childish."

Dreadnought wants to go to the toy shop and yes she loves toys.

Dreadnought: "Can we go to the toyshop please?"

Y/N: "Well, sure then."

Dreadnought: "YAY!!!"

Y/N thought: 'Why oh why.'

They soon went to the toy shop and inside are very very exotic. Dreadnought eyes have a star on them.

Dreadnought: "WOW!!!"

Y/N: "This going to be a long day."

Dreadnought soon went to see every toy while Y/N decided to talk with the owner.

Y/N: "Good morning sir."

Owner: "Morning to you mister."

Y/N: "So besides toys, are you selling anything?"

Owner: "We do sell a school kit for children. We also sell some building kits for all ages."

Y/N: Building kit?

Owner: "Yes, more like building a model, like this"

The owner brings out a model kit. It is an Iowa Class name New Jersey. And it was the unusual one.

Y/N: "Huh, 1980 version? Very sure he- I mean she survive through the difficult year. Well congratulation to her."

Owner: "So sir. Do you want to buy it?

Y/N: "I would want to but maybe not now. I'm waiting for my Sister."

Owner: "Ohh right right."

Y/N: "And here she comes."

Dreadnought came to bring a very big Doll. Which is interesting.

Y/N: "Doll?"

Dreadnought: "Yes Y/N."

Y/N: "Uhh right then."

Owner: "This cost $1000"

Dreadnought bought the very big Doll for $1000.

Owner: "Pleasure to shop with us."

Dreadnought: "Of course."

After they finish buying just one very big doll, they leave the toyshop and head to the library but then Y/N saw a very exotic car coming pass by


Fisher: "You stole my word Y/N"

Y/N: "Sorry sir. May I have permission to use OMG from the Honourable Lord Fisher?"

Fisher: "Permission granted Y/N. Feel free to use it but use it Appropriately."

Y/N: "Thank you, Dad."

Fisher: "You are welcome."

Y/N saw a sports car and believe it was a Ferrari

(Ferrari Daytona or Ferrari 365 GTB/4. The year 1968)


Dreadnought: "You want to buy that car pass by? Y/N?"

Y/N: "I would love to, but my E-Money says no."

Dreadnought: *Laugh* "W-well maybe you can borrow it right?"

Y/N: "Guess you're right. Also, I need something to cover my face."

Dreadnought: "Didn't you have a gas mask?"

Y/N: "Gasmask? Wait. I think I have one."

Y/N soon found a rather ugly gasmask, but also very effective.

Y/N: "And uhh, here it is..."

Y/N: "Do you want to use a Gasmask?"

Dreadnought: "Nah, I don't need it but it is very recommended to cover your face with it and I have to say. That smart move right there my brother~."

Y/N and Dreadnought soon arrived at the library and the library was very very massive.

Y/N: "O My Good Lord Above!! This is very huge."

Dreadnought: "We can study many things here about technology right now!!!"

Y/N: "Let's go."

Y/N and Dreadnought went inside the library and they went to read a book about the tech and how to properly use it.

Y/N: "So that's how to operate a phone, a TV, a PC or a Personal computer and much more that I can't include."

Dreadnought: "Why don't we demonstrate our skill then?"

Y/N: "Oh that's a very Grand Idea."

Dreadnought and Y/N went out of the library with rather odd looks from the people, but they didn't bother to them. Some people think they are a veteran of war which they are but what war? The good news is Y/N and Dreadnought hide their identity. Y/N was amazed to see more exotic cars coming from the left, right, straight, and behind. Although some cars are a bit uncool but he just enjoying it.

Dreadnought: "You really enjoy seeing every car passing by don't you?"

Y/N: "Of course I am. I love seeing every car pass by, it just feels relaxing. Even if the car is rather ugly, I still enjoy it."

Dreadnought: "Ahh I see."

Y/N: "And I miss where I can drive a car in my heyday."

Dreadnought: "Oh yea I remember when you drove with me going to Admiral John Fisher's house for a meeting right?"

Y/N : *Nodded* "Well let's familiarize this weird era."

Dreadnought: Of course. Why don't we go to Erm That?

Y/N: "Ah sure, let's go there."

Dreadnought saw an electronic shop. A very good start to prove their skill for current technology despite their last year being 1930 (?) and 1970s. When they go Inside they were amazed and somewhat terrified. Although Y/N are the most amazed one.

Y/N: "Washing machine? This looks interesting- OMG what is that!!!"

Y/N saw a refrigerator, for him, it was very weird but very awesome.

Y/N: "I wish I could buy this but I don't want to waste much money... Well, maybe I can but for my standard, it was too expensive."

Y/N decided to take a look at the refrigerator. Of course, it look magnificent but the standard was a bit too high for him. When he explore more he just bought a normal watch and a medium price but also a high-tech phone. Dreadnought also bought other medium price but high-tech phones but with a different company.

Y/N: "Interesting phone you got."

Dreadnought: "Your phone also looks interesting. Shall we go to the port now?"

Y/N: "Sure."

Y/N and Dreadnought headed back to the port. They are excited to use a phone.


Adm Johnathan: "So are the fleet ready to search this legend?"

Penelope: "Yes Admiral, the fleet is ready."

Adm Johnathan: "That's good, 1 hour after this your fleet departs and searches the legends."

Penelope: "Roger that Commander."

To Be Continued

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