Life goes on [Jungkook's Six...

By __MicroCosmos__

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This is a fan fiction of BTS. Here I didn't include any Y/n or female lead character. It's just purely BTS's... More

[Four] Tour to Kim Mansion
Kim mansion Tour part-02
Kim mansion tour part 03 (Including Choi's)
{Happy Birthday CHUBS}
New Cover!
Sorry Readers!🥺
Drop me any question!
H-hiii!! (New book)


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By __MicroCosmos__

Jin: K-kook? W-why-?!

Jungkook again shouted out, 'G-go away...I hate you both!' He cried more and tried to make himself free from their loving hold!

Jin and Yoongi froze hearing their baby's yell. They looked at each other confusedly and again turned to him, still trying to hug him closer. But Jungkook was struggling too much and crying as well.

Jin: Sshh...Hey bud! Cool...W-wait! Tell me what's wrong hmm? Yeah stop struggling baby...please! You will hurt yourself! Please listen to hyung...

Jungkook: No leave me-

Yoongi sat on another side and also tried to calm the baby down, 'Hey lil bro! Listen to me...what we did now, bunny? Why my kookie is angry with me, hmm? Yaaa! Come on bunn! Tell us.

Jin: If you don't tell us then how hyungs will know what they did and how they will say sorry bub? Please calm down-

Jungkook still didn't stop. This time Tae called him softly, 'Kookie?'

Jungkook looked at him with tearful bambi eyes.

Tae slowly shook his head indicating to not to do that struggling anymore. He wasn't threatening, it was a soft loving sign from the elder. Jungkook stopped moving at once but his sob didn't. He looked at the eldest brother and chocked out_

Jungkook: You guys don't love me anymore! Do you know how much I called you? I shouted for you...I called you Jin hyung, I called Yoongi hyung...everyone! I just wanted someone to help me...It was hurting so much! I asked for you to save me...But no one came....I was crying and begging to stop...but he didn't! I needed you hyungs...but you didn't come to save me- WHY? WHY HYUNG? Why?' he jerked Jin hyung who just sobbed seeing the vulgar state of the younger. The words were cutting deeply on their heart!

The youngest baby of them needed them but they couldn't help him...Oh god! How could they know they also have to save him from his own brothers?

Jin hugged the tightly making him to give up on struggling and patted his back to comfort him, 'Baby! Listen to me...Listen to hyung please-

Jungkook: No! Leave me- you don't love me I know...

Jin: NO! We love you to the infinity are our little baby, we want you all happy and safe always dear!

Jungkook sobbed, 'then where were you when I asked for you, huh?'

Yoongi took his bandaged hand softly and placed a few kiss on that, 'Bunn, hyung-ie is so sorry...heck I can't say how much sorry we are! We couldn't help you when you needed...Please baby, forgive us! Don't cry like that bunny, please. It breaks our heart! We are so sorry kookie-ah!'

Jungkook didn't stop crying, he kept going. And suddenly his breaths started being uneven...and this time Jin could feel that as he was hugging him against his chest! He quickly pulled the hug and looked down to the boy!

Jin: B-bunny? H-hey, look at me, kook?' his voice panicked and everyone quickly started getting panicked sensing something's wrong!

Jin: J-Jungkook?!' he yelled out in cracked voice....

Tae worked up at once hearing Jin hyung's worried shout and crawled nearer and saw Jungkook is trying catching breath and his eyes are closing fastly....

Tae: Oh DAMN!! No no no no no....not again! Kookie? Don't baby-

Jin understood the matter at once, Jungkook is getting an anxiety or panic attack! Damn! It's the worst day of his life he must say! He quickly started rubbing his back and tae started leading his breath again like before.

Tae: Kook! Follow me again bub, take deep breath....try it out baby. Yeah! Right like that...again deep breath in....and out! Yes very good.....keep doing it! Keep trying bud-

Jungkook: C-can't h-hyung...' he is panting hardly.

Jin: you can baby! You can! Come on, Kook! Stay awake...don't close your eyes, ok? You are good boy, right? You can do it-

If he faints then it will be hard for them to make him awake and stable like normal. It's a bit, they tried their best to bring back lungs enough oxygen.

Jungkook tried enough to obey his hyungs. But he was too weak to fight anymore. He collapsed out in Jin's embrace not being able to keep awake anymore.

Yoongi: JUNGKOOK-IE!!!!

Tae held his shoulder and let out a tired sigh, 'Calm down hyung. That's not something to freak out. He just passed out cause of lacking the oxygen. He will wake up in some hours if we properly treat him.'


Jin: Relax Yoongi. Tae, prepare the xx shots, please. And I guess it's not his first time attack, right?

Tae shook his head, 'No! He had another one some hours ago.'

Yoongi looked at them, 'What are you talking about?'

Jin: He had panic attacks Yoongi. We need to stop it as soon as possible. If he keep having those attacks and keep fainting like that, it will turn to worse.'

Yoongi fall on the ground grabbing his hairs in frustration and Namjoon quickly held him.

Yoongi let out a deep growl and Namjoon squeezed his shoulder, 'Cool down, hyung-nim!'

Yoongi: HOW!!? I'm going crazy by every passing moment!

Taehyung prepared the shots and passed it to Jin. Jin carefully laid the fainted boy in the bed and injected the dose. Jungkook didn't even sense anything as he was in deep slumber.

Jin: Taehyung. I want proper explanations of everything that happened after we left. Not a single thing should be out. Say it, Right Now!' he said in the sternest tone as he turned to him after keeping the fainted boy lay on the bed and covering him with blanket.

Taehyung nodded and looked down on his lap; starting to tell the whole story to them. After listening, all of his hyung's faces turned into ice cold. They became extremely silent for a long minute and then the Kim mansion echoed with the growl_




Meanwhile in Hoseok's room;

Jimin's POV

I entered the room without any warning and found the room is a total mess. Pillows are torn and the cottons are scattered all over the room. The table lamp is broken and rolling on the ground, books are ripped and laying over here and there...lights are all off and the room is dark...

Hoseok hyung never likes when things are untidy. But right now, it's weird to see that his own room is became a hell by himself! Well, everything is weird and unexpected going on today. So, it's pretty normal though!

I turned on the light and heard a short disturbed groan coming from the other side of the bed. I went near the sound and found Hoseok hyung sitting in the ground, hugging his knees against the chest. He is looking a total mess; his hairs are messy, tear strains are all over his face. He looked broken and unreal! What the hell happened to him!?

I crawled near him and slowly touched his hand, 'Hyung?'

He jerked off my hand and shouted harshly, 'Leave me alone, Jimin-ah!'

I flinched but quickly put a stern face on, 'Now enough of it hyung! You are going too deep now. I don't know what happened to you, but what is you doing is not acceptable.' I said in cold raging voice.

He looked at me stunned at first, but slowly his face expression changed again to an angry one, 'Now you will teach me what to do or what not?'

I couldn't be more mad now, 'Hyung it's going over the topic now-

~What if he did? Actually I think you need to learn from him anyway. He is far more better than you!'

We both turned our head to the door and found Yoongi hyung standing there with cold face, arms crossed over chest, completely pissed off right now. But the surprising thing is Hoseok hyung didn't looked bother a bit of him! He stood up and faced him.

Hoseok: And why you think that?' well. The tone is not good for the elder.

Yoongi hyung was shocked as hell too, but he was angry more than that, 'You asking me why? Hoseok you completely became insane! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO OUR BABY?!'

Hoseok hyung's face showed confusion. But in the next moment it turned to a plain one. He scoffed bitterly and took his phone and wallet from the night stand, 'He is becoming a brat day by day. So I punished him.'

I looked at him with disbelieving eyes, 'That's not punishment! It's freaking abuse!'

He rolled his eyes on me and went out of the room passing Yoongi hyung and me. We looked at each other dumbfounded and after gaining what happened right now, Yoongi hyung turned and yelled furiously_


But Hoseok hyung didn't bother to reply him. He stormed out the house and after two minutes we heard his car is leaving the mansion area!

Yoongi hyung looked at me, 'What the actual heck was that?!'

I sighed frustratingly, 'I wish I know, and then I could tell you hyung!' I mumbled.

I'm tired of all of this now! I just wanna get over this fast...I don't like it! Not a single thing of it!

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