We fly together • Rj/Caswen O...

By Multifandom_PFL

8.4K 144 696

I'm putting RJ oneshots, some in a perspective of songs, others won't have any songs. let me know some ide... More

We belong
I didn't cheat, I just kissed him..
What are we?
Break up with your Girlfriend! I'm bored
I can't with him
Angry Ricky and comfort Ej
Let's Give a Show
Give it Up
Fell in love with my Best friend!
You deserve all the love. ( Part 1 out of 2)
You deserve all the love. ( Part 2 out of 2.)
The Ones I Love
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 1 out of 4)
Never Have I ever.. Lost my virginity. (Part 2 out of 4)
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 3 out of 4)
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 4 out of 4)
Highschool Apocalypse
Bet on it.
True Loves kiss; Works every time
Die First
My Boss
uh oh

Me or him?

391 5 157
By Multifandom_PFL


Also.. I'm loving Smoke slow...


TW!// ABUSE and Harm will be mentioned.

Ricky's Pov

@/ East High

Another day, another time at school that is not needed at all. I walk into the halls as everyone is heading to their classes and opening in their lockers as I go for mine. I open it, grabbing my spanish textbook.


A pair of hands are on my eyes making me not see. I think I know who it is.

"UH? Let me guess, is it an obsessed stalker wanting to give me more gifts or?"

"Rude no. Its your loveable boyfriend"

He removes his hands I turn around to see my boyfriend

"Hi babe." I pull closer as I touch my lips against his as he kisses me back. God, I love Jack.

He pulls something from behind his back as he's holding a gift in front of me.

"Jack, what's with the gift?"

"Seriously?! You forgot? Ugh, R! It's our five months?"

SHIT! Is that today?!

"Oh, OH! Omg is it already five months! Happy 5 months babe."

"Yeah, clearly you forgot. No worries, You're lucky I love you, and I know you're going to make it up tonight, Remember."

"Right! Can't wait to see what you have planned."

I grab his gift as I open it to see a picture of the two of us. I told him I didn't like this picture of the two of us. I remember telling him that it was hideous.

"HI guys!"

I turn to see my best friend coming from the side, I smile cause he's my bestie.

" Hi EJ."

He comes over as he comes stan dnext to me, Jack gave him a stink eye as he was standing too close to me.

"So, what are you two up too.?"

"Oh, we're just talking about our plans tonight. Weren't we RI."

I felt my arm getting tight as Jack put his hand on my arm squeezing it. He does this a lot. Heis just really affectionate.

"Oh, yeah, We were."

"Well, I got to go. See you babe." He pecks on my lips as I return it back to him."see you later EJ! Remember not to get too close to each other."

We both saw as Jack leaves heading to his class leaving me and EJ.

"You still let him call Ri. You hate it when people call you that?"

"Oh well, Jack says it's cute to him and he just wants that as a good pet name for me."

"And what's yours to him?"

"Uhh, he actually hates pet names."


"Hey! Be nice. He's my boyfriend, I love him, remember."

"Yeah, I know. You say it all the time."

I look at Ej as he looks down a bit.

"Don't be sad Caswell, you're going to make me sad."

I close my locker as I stand next to Ej as he lifts his head staring at me.

"Hey Ricky, do you ever think about it? A month, when we -"

I quickly cover his mouth with my hand, stopping him making him mumble.

"EJ! You can't just be saying stuff like that in public! W what if Jack came out of nowhere!"

"IM M M '' Oh right I'm covering his mouth.

"I was trying to say, I'm sorry, I just, You know we never talked about it after it happened."

"Ej, You know that time was a Mistake, I was upset and It was just an accident. "

"I know.but-"

*School Bell RIngs*

"Hey, Let's talk about this another time alright please?"

"*sigh* Alright, pick you up before lunch?"

"You know I'll be waiting for you." I smile at the Jock as I walk into the classroom. Ugh, his Face makes my day better.

After Class

I get out of class and Walk by to see Ej standing at the end of the Hall for me. Gosh this guy never backs down from anything. Part of the reason I just love my best friend. I just wish sometimes he and Jack would get along because those two would make me happy Knowing my best friend and Boyfriend are just as good a duo as me and Ej.

"Look who didn't leave me behind." I came up to Ej as he smiled towards me with his big charming smile.

"I mean, I couldn't go to Lunch without you."

"Yeah, because everyone needs me there too to make sure you're tamed. Can't have you flirting with everyone you know."

"That's just my personality. Sorry if that affects you."

"Well, it kinda does." We both laugh and we start walking out then I hear buzz coming from my Pocket. I pull out my phone to see Jack has been texting me.



I miss you <3

See me after lunch please in my car. I want to have some fun before class.


"Ricky?!" I looked up to Ej who was calling my name with a look on his face. He's worried. Of course he's worried.

"Oh uh, Sorry. It's just jack. He wants to meet up before class."

I see Ej roll his eyes trying to not make it obvious.

"You know I saw that right?"

"Oh,uh. Yeah, I'm not going to deny it."

"Look. I know you don't really like him but he's my Boyfriend E and I really want it if you would try to be nice to him."

"I AM nice to him. He's just a little bitch. Besides, he barely treats you enough."

"Not true!"

"Look, I know you love him but you can't just let him treat you like a Second class citizen."

"He doesn't. He actually is planning a date for us tonight. I promise He's treat me well. You know I wouldn't lie to you."

"I guess, but -"

As Ej was about to start rambling and then I came forward pulling him close into a hug. He clearly needs one.

"What's up with the random hug?'

"You rant a lot. Thanks for being an overprotective bestie but I can take care of myself."

"I think I got my ranting problems from you."

He chuckles and leans more into the hug. You know, If i wasn't with Jack, I would have totally gone for Ej. Especially after, well it happened and I'm in a happy relationship now.

Later that Day. Night time.

I look out of the window out of my Boyfriends car looking at my house, We just finished our 5 Month anniversary dinner and honestly couldn't be more happier about The surprise Jack did for me.

"Alright babe, I'll see you tomorrow." I was about to get in the car when he grabbed my shoulder holding me back staring in my eyes. What the heck is he doing? Do ask me.

"Umm, Before you go. There's something I want to talk to you about."

"uh, can it wait. My dad's waiting for me."

"It'll be quick. Umm. I don't want you hanging with Ej anymore."

What?! IS he serious

"Umm, Jack. I can't do that. Ej is literally my best friend."

"You have other friends."

"Yeah, but they distance themselves because you told me to not hang out with them because you were afraid I would spend more time with them then you."

"Yeah. But. My friend saw you and Ej hugging earlier today and he said you looked a bit too close hugging. Like you were cheating on me."

"What! I would never. That's just me and Ej's friendship."

"Yeah well you need to not be that close with him. He always has a flirty smirk in his eye and I think he is always staring at you."

"That's just Ej's Personality. He just flirts with everyone. Heck, One time people thought him and Ashlyn were together until they had to confirm they were cousins. "

"But I think he causes drama between us and You know drama in a relationship isn't good at all."

I start to feel something on my leg when I notice his hand moving on my leg moving up closer to my cock area. I looked at him as he was staring at me with his bold steamy eyes.

"Don't Touch me!"


The fuck did he slap me for. Great, I think he left a mark too.

"Well, I'm not sure what you want me to do. Ej's my best friend, and Your my boyfriend. I love you both."

"Well then. I guess you're going to have to choose if you love us both."

"What does that mean?" He removes his hand from my leg and moves it to my arm holding it tightly.

"Either be my Boyfriend who actually is the one saving you and not make you feel alone, or Go for Ej caswell who will leave you either way when he goes to college next year and you can't rely on him. You can't have both of us."

He presses a kiss on my cheek and I feel like I have to pick between people I love so much.

" I know you will make the right decision babe. I expect an answer tomorrow morning. Alright you can go. Also I'm sorry for hurting you but you know I just want you to be happy "

I get down from the car as I look back to Jack giving me a death look. I can't believe he's making me choose. How the heck do I choose between the two of them? I can't dump one and leave the other one hanging.

The Next day


Ej's Pov

I get to school with Ashyln in the car with me as we arrive inside school. Today was probably going to be a day that we will never expect. I hugged my cousin goodbye and went to find my Best friend who's usually at his locker with me. Well I know who but even saying his name in my head makes my head hurt.

Look. I know I'm supposed to support Ricky and his relationship and all but I just can't feel the relationship with Jack isn't going to end well.I remember , he distanced himself from our friend group because He said Jack told him they were a bad influence. He quit the musical because Jack felt it was taking a toll on their relationship and he Also gets very jealous when Ricky talks to any boy. I'm just glad he didn't make him leave me. Ricky can't see he's being spelled by him

Ricky looks very happy one moment with him and one moment looks very not happy. It's clear they're toxic, but Ricky has always had bad taste in men so I can't be surprised. And he can't see Jack isn't worth it but I get. WHen you're in love you do crazy stuff, I know we did. But Hey It's his life and relationship, not mine.

Oh. There he is. I want to give him a hug.


I called his name and he didn't turn back to me.


He turned back and I saw a mark on his face. That wasn't there before. What happened to him?

"Ricky! What happened ! Who did this?" I came closer but he pushed me a bit. He never pushes me like that."

"I'm sorry. But w We can't talk In fact I can't be your friend. You're distracting me."

HUH! What the fuck is he talking about.

"Ricky, what do you mean?"

The bell rings and Ricky slams his locker.

"I'm sorry Ej. But please leave me alone. I made a promise"

Before I could talk to him, he dashed away, leaving me behind.

"RICKY! Please!" I feel water coming out of my eyes. The last time This happened was 8 years ago. Why am I getting tears in my eyes? I don't Cry! Especially not for a Girls or Boys.

Lunch Time

I crash In my car as I pulled my hood up and Was sitting in the back seat covering myself letting out all the tears I stored up trying to not make a scene during the school day. I just lost my best friend. My best friend I -

KNock knock.

I look up seeing Ashlyn looking for me. I open up and she comes to sit next to me. I automatically Fall into her crying into her shoulders letting it out. Whats wrong with me.

"It's ok. Let it out. I'm here."

"Why Ashlyn?"

"Why am I crying over him! I never cry. B b But it just hurts so fucking much. What's wrong with me,"

I let out a few snots on her shoulder. I'm not even worried about it. I just feel my heart ripping in pieces racing. I feel her arms around me as I cry,



Me and Ashlyn look up and see Ricky and Jack holding hands laughing getting into his car.He's Not even upset. He's just Happy. With him.

"Ash? Why do I feel like this? "'

"Maybe because you care for him but maybe he's just focusing on his relationship."

"But I thought we would be friends forever, living together til we're 60 and all."

"Well, Jack is his Boyfriend. If you really thought he would choose, I'm not sure what to tell you. It's not like anyone was in the picture for you."


I look into space thinking of what Ashlyn said. She right, I'm not in picture anymore

"Ej? You're not talking. Is everything ok."

"Ashlyn. *Sigh* I'm going to tell you something but you swear on your life that you won't tell anyone, specifically Jack."

"Umm ok. Why would I tell Jack, it's not like me and Ricky -

"I KISSED RICKY" I cut her off by blurting it out. Yes. I said what I said.

"WHAT! When? Was this before Jack or like?"

"Um, no it was um. *sniff* A month ago."

"Was Jack and Ricky on a break or?"

"No. He cheated on him with me."

"WHAT! Ej! You can't just kiss people in relationships, ok!"

"Look! I wasn't intentional or anything, it's just. *SIgh* Me and Him were just hanging out at his house and he found out his parents were getting divorced. He called me over because Jack was busy apparently and I was comforting him, and then I was thinking and BAMM! We kissed.

I was starting to have more tears start rolling out but I can't. I can't cry over him.

"And I guess the fucked up part is I felt fireworks inside me like, It was fate.."

Ashlyn rubs the back of my Back as I still feel my heart aching.

"Anyways, it doesn't matter. It didn't mean anything to him and he had to remind he has a Boyfriend. And Everytime I try to bring it up to heal from that moment, He avoids it. I should just be happy were over that moment and It didn't affect our friendship."

"Oh ej."

"WHat am I going to do Ashley? I just lost my best friend due to some dick and I can't even do anything about it."

"Well, there is one thing you can do." I look towards Ashlyn while I wipe my tears and try to pull myself together."

"What? Listen to all because I liked a boy all night with Ice cream trapped in my room."

"What no! You need to talk to Ricky."

"I don't think so. Ricky made it pretty clear I was just a distraction to him."

"If that's true, then you have to prove to him that you aren't. Even so, The Ej Caswell I know wouldn't let a situation like this go to waste. "

Later in the day - Around 5pm

Ugh, Why does my cousin have to be right about everything? I really shouldn't be here right now. But I also can't lose Ricky, I just can't. Even if we're just friends or he's dating Jack. I need to prove to him I can not be a distraction to him.

I pull up to his house in his driveway. I noticed a car in his driveway that I never noticed before. It looked like Jack's Car. Fuck! Jack was here. Great. I just need to get in and Get out. That's all I need to do.

As I get down from the car. I felt something was off right away.I walked up to his front door and I rang the doorbell. After a While no one Came and I just twisted the Doorknob just to make sure It was locked. It wasn't. Ricky would never leave the knob unlocked.


I'm here Screaming?? Is that Ricky?

Ricky's Pov

TW!!// Attempted Rape and Physical Abuse!

Today Has been such a Shitty Day. I lost my best friend because I wanted to keep my boyfriend. I thought I was doing the right thing. But it feels so wrong. I don't know why but it does, I wanted to just break down and cry. But I couldn't. Jack wasn't ready to deal with my pain right now because I just was realizing I needed him more then Ej. He just took me to get lunch and that's all. You know I even ask myself What I see in this dude. But for some reason I still love him.

It's around 5 oclock and Me and Jack pull up to my house.I notice my dad's not home. I guess he's working late tonight.

"Alright! Bye Babe!" I was going to kiss his check but he swerved and looked at me.

"What are you doing? I want to come on in. "

"Oh, uh SOrry. I didn't know. Umm, I guess you could come in. My dad's Not home so -"

"Yeah, that's the point"

As me and Jack got to the door, As I unlocked it, I felt a pair of hands on my waist as I opened the door moving all around me. Then my lips started kissing Jack as I tried closing the door, forgetting to unlock it. We moved to the Couch as we plop down and Make out for a while, his hands were exploring my body and I just allowed it to happen. He then looks at me and says " Let's take this upstairs." He pulls me up the stairs and goes to my room. I notice He starts to take of Shirt and I know what is next.

"Umm babe. I'm pretty tired. Not today, I'M still very hurt from earlier."

"But Babe! I want to be inside you, I miss your body."

"I know but you're not caring about me right now, Ej probably hates me and I can't even explain."

"Ugh, This is why I told you to drop him, he's manipulating you and Trying to turn you against your own boyfriend. Let's not talk about him and do some fun stuff!"

"I knew it. I knew this was a mistake. I should have chosen Ej, at least He would have comforted me."

And Then He did it again.


"Are you saying you would rather be with some self obsessed Jock rather than someone like me who knows what it's like to be hidden like you?"

" n no Jack.But your not -"


" I don't care! You're a bad Boy! And Bad Boys deserve punishment !

He comes closer and throws me on my bed. He puts his hand on my waist and starts unzipping.


I kicked him in the face and he fell down. I ran away quickly but he was faster. He grabs me and swings me back, throwing me to the ground. Shit. shit. Someone help! OWW!

"You're going to regret this babe!"

He takes me and puts me on the bed putting his hands back on my waist. The way I was in pain and hurt from Jack. He starts unzipping my pants, buckling it down and also takes me and turns me over.

"If you had just listened to me! This would have never happened.! Please make me feel good."

He puts his hands on my throat choking me as he moves back towards the wall, I notice his rips of my underwear, and he started touching me di** I wanted to cry while my eyes were closed. This is not the guy I fell In love with




I feel my throat not tense and I fall on the ground. I open my eyes and I see. EJ? Punching Jack in the face and brutally attacking him.


I stare at Ej as he holds Jack by the neck slowly suffocating him, Despite how he's probably going to kill him. He looks super hot doing it! What? Me calling EJ hot?!

"Ej! Stop hurting him PLease!"

EJ turns to me and looks back at jack. He lets go of him dropping Jack on the floor.

"RIcky! This isn't over! You chose me, remember. You won't survive. You need me!"

"GET OUT! Before I do some stupid shit that I shouldn't do" Ej yells at jack and Jack looks at me with his devil eyes. He slowly gets up and walks away. He looks at me disappointed and He leaves the room.


"RIcky! Are you -"

I collapse into Ej arms crying my eyes and feeling so hurt I've never had. But being in Ej's arm seems to feel so right.I didn't even care I was half naked with no pants on or that I Somewhat just had a breakup, I just want Ej right now.

"EJ! *Sniffs* I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here. Don't apologize."

"I don't know why my Heart hurts so much. "

"It's ok RIcky, Just cry on to me. " Ej hands were wrapping around me so strongly that I felt like I was being hugged by multiple people. I lean onto his shoulder more when I feel a kiss on my forehead. Ej kissed my forehead, and I liked it.

Few Days later

It's Been Officially One week Since the incident happened.

One week Since I broke up with Jack

One week Since I almost got Raped

One week since my life fell apart in front of me,

I remember my dad coming home that day and Was upset about the whole incident. He was so upset that He went to both the Police and the school. And he's been talking with Ej's dad about filing a lawsuit on Jack. Thats how hurt and upset when he found out his Son was almost raped by his Boyfriend he thought he could trust for his son.

Apparently, Jack got expelled from school, so that's one less problem and Apparently also has been arrested. I haven't been to school since the incident. It just hurts too much right now, and lucky the school understands. Ej got most of my assignments excused or brought them home for me to do.

Speaking on Ej. Did i mention how he literally missed school for three days just to be with me. And how he's slept over since the incident to be with me. On the day it all happened, He want to DQ, Brought two gallons of ice cream and We ate it together while watching netflix. I usually would cry while doing it and lean in on his shoulder laying in my bed, but Ej didn't seem to mind. IN fact, I'm pretty sure Ej shouldn't be having that much dairy since he is a little bit Lactose intolerant but he didn't seem to care. But even with all the support I've gotten, I still felt broken.

It hurt so much that I had to go to therapy after the third day of the incident. The therapy has actually helped me a bit and Ej was always in the room with me. Even though I'm somewhat Over Jack, I still feel this whole thing could have been prevented, and I knew what I could have done but I didn't do it. I remember the day like a vivid memory.

I sit on the bed with my legs crossed watching Riverdale when I hear a knock. I know it's probably my dad trying to be the best dad he is and piss me off. But I really just want to be alone.

"Dad! Not right now please."

Wow, I didn't know I'm that old to you?"

I look to see Ej carrying a bag of food with him, God He really should win best friend of the year award.

"Oh hi ej? Umm what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Yes I should but I worried for you so I brought food for us. Besides, I mean I just have Math and psychology left so I'll be fine somewhat. "

He comes next to me and sits right by me pulling out my favorite food from Chick - fil-la ever.

"Thanks. You know You really shouldn't have to."

"Yeah, well I wanted to."

I smile at him as he puts his arm around my shoulder. I lean towards him as I plop my head on his shoulder.

"Hey! Umm, I know I seem like a lot of work right now, and I promise when I feel my 100%, I'll make it up to you. No one cared for me as much as you have and I really just want to say I appreciate it."

"Hey, no need. I did it for love. I mean you're my best friend, I know you would do the same."

"Yeah, but you probably wouldn't have made the mistake I made. "

"God Ricky! It's not your fault ok! Stop telling yourself that please. "

"But it kind of is though, If I had chosen you over Jack, then I wouldn't be here. But I let my fear get to me."

I stare looking into EJ's eyes. Gosh when did he get such pretty eyes.

"Any person would have done what you did Ricky. Jack was just very controlling and toxic and Nothing you did would have changed the outcome."

"Yeah, I guess. I guess I just feared no one would Love me like Jack claimed he did."

"I'm pretty sure there are people who love you, probably More than what Jack gave."

"Yeah, please. Name one person."

"Ummm, me?"

"Yeah ! I know. We've been best friends for years, I love you too."

"No Ricky! LIke I love LOVE you."

DId I just hear him right? No way Jock like Ej caswell would ever love me.


"Ever since we kissed that night. I have been crazy for you, it's not even funny. And I know you just got out of a relationship and you probably won't go back into dating anytime soon, but I have to tell you cause I'm going crazy on it! "

I looked into Ej's and Something possessed me because I felt the instinct to just Kiss him. So I did it. I kissed my best friend. Omg it feels so sweet, and I feel so warm inside, I never feel this for Jack.

"I Love you to Caswell. Like I love you too." I smiled at him and he pulled me closer into a hug,

"And Ricky. I know you just started to heal, so we don't have to go in hard. We can just start out slow and we can just be low key. Fuck! We don't even need to label anything, we could just be us."

Be us. I liked that. And he's right, I can't move on yet but I feel like EJ would be a perfect fit.

"So what do you say? Would you be interested in me?" I shut him up by pressing our lips together again and I melted more into the kiss. I honestly feel so much happier than last week.

I guess I did choose Ej.

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