Random COTE One-shots

By yummy4203

171K 2.8K 1.1K

Random scenarios and situations that my mind comes up with or is inspired by other things I read. I'm not tha... More

Class S??
Author to the rescue
A deal??
Nap time
<Insert Title> :DD
Why? #2
I uhhh, I'm alive
Eh? :DD??
Eh? :DD?? #2
You were useful Suzune
Reaction?? #2
Reaction?? #3
Reaction?? #4
Reaction?? #6
Reaction #7
I'm June and You're October
Perhaps... take refuge with me?
My first day
Possessive are we?
Not a chapter
Memories and Fireworks
AU: Recovery

Reaction?? #5

8K 122 72
By yummy4203

A/N: Change in writing and sorry for the late chapter, I've been re-reading most of the fics I've already read and man do I want to re-read it again :))))) Anyways enjoyy!!

I like how I needed to re-read my own fic just to make this in case I forgot majority of the ones inside the theater ☠️☠️

Note: Italic = Monologue
Not gonna use " " anymore :))))

Kiyo POV

At this point almost everyone was taking a nap except for one person.... and probably someone at the food stall :>

Kiyo: Sigh, at least no one's awake right now, I managed to slip away from Amasawa and some people from doing weird things to me while I was trying to sleep

??: You should thank me Young master

Kiyo: Do I know you?

??: Hehe, well you can call me C, I'll be taking over the reaction for now since Shiori is busy

Kiyo: Oh okay

3rd Person POV

Clapping was heard from infront of the theater prompting everyone to slowly wake up.

Ike: Oh hey- Wait where's Shiori-sama!?!?

Perverts: YEAH!!

Kei: Yeah!!

Sato: Kei chan??

Kei: A-ah I meant- Nevermind

Tsubaki: Your tongue slipped senpai

Kei: S-shut up

??: Attention everyone!!

Everyone focused their attention to the figure in front, he was wearing a something that would resemble a butler's uniform

C: You may call me C, and as for Shiori, she's currently busy and she tasked me with handling the reaction for now

Surprisingly no one said anything-

C: Oh right I forgot to unmute you guys, my bad

Before anyone could say anything to him as some students were mad, the video started


Ryuen: Oh come on-

Some people: Not this again....

Hiyori: Kiyotaka-kun, why are they exasperated with that word?

Kiyo: I don't know Hiyori, probably from all the times I said freedom this freedom that in other fics

Hiyori: Oh I see

Something that-

Everyone at this point were ignoring this part since it's yeah.....

Okay screw this
Hi, I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, you might be wondering why I tried to start that off with an introduction, I am currently on my way to the mall for someone.

Ike: Wait what? Is it a girl?!??

Shinohara: Kanji can you shut up for a second?!

Ike: S-shut up uggo!!

C: Damn, never thought I'd see this spectacle of idiots being tsundere's but I agree with Author-san, it's getting old
Okay Shut up lovebirds or I will send you to jesus

C said while holding a really big and heavy looking slippah which made some people giggle and others shudder, probably remembering their asian parents sending them to-

I can't really say that we've known each other for a long time b-

Horikita: I wonder who you're talking about Ayanokouji-kun

Kiyo: I don't have a clue, hey C-san, can you give us a context?

C: Oh right my bad, this is my first time doing this thing so I apologize

Ichinose: It's alright C-san!!

C: Man, I feel bad for you fanservice-chan, but don't worry, I support all of you in taking down the prehistoric beast....

C: Anyways, this alternate universe is pretty much Young mast- I mean Ayanokouji-sama and Himeno-sama

Yuki: Eh? Me?

Author: Yes you :))))

Amikura: Hehhh~ seems like an interesting duo

Matsushita: Now that you said it, Himeno-san does have some similarities with Ayanokouji-kun

Yuki: ....Wah?

Chihiro: I m-mean not to sound rude but you look bored most of the t-time Himeno-san....

Kiyo: Himeno Yuki huh?
I glanced over the said girl and she was staring at me with that apathetic face of hers

Kiyo: Cute

Yuki: ......

Kiyo: Oh crap

"Stop daydreaming dumbass, you're on your stupid monologues again, sigh....."

"Sorry Yuki"

Ryuen: Kukukuku, imagine getting called out for monologuing, can't be me, Kukukuku

Arisu: Fufufufu, looks like someone got caught.... Masumi-san where are you?

SneKK: I think she went to the toilet Hime

Arisu: Fufu is that so?

Meanwhile at the food stall

Masumi: Fwuaahh~ this is goood~ I wonder how long I've been drinking here, but oh well~

Back to the theater

Kiyo: C-san, I think you should probably help Kamuro... I saw her go to the food stalls and still hasn't come back

C: Informed aren't we?

Kiyo: No

Masumi: Huh!?! W-what did you say~ Please just one moooree

C: I-I'll see what I can do Young master... I'm sorry for accidentally transmitting your message to her, I am not that versed in the ways of technology...

Kiyo: It's alright

C tried his best to control beer-chan and ended up knocking her out and teleporting her near Kiyo and now she's sleeping on his lap

Kiyo: Sigh, now everyone's looking at me

C:  HeheheheheheheheheheHEH- Ehem, my mask is slipping anyways
Alright let's continue!

Well I guess the idea of going there early is out the window, guess she was thinking of the same thing

"Come on, we're practically going to the same place"


Well yeah, I'm currently on a date, let's rewind how this all happened.

Virgins: Damn Ikemen!!

C: Please shut up and watch damned apes!


Flashback to the start of school

I am currently on my way to ANHS, ever since the supposed "temporary" whiteroom shut down which led to that man 'slipping' on a wet floor at the mansion and for some stupid reason got amnesia, I've been given freedom to do what I wish while he sorts out the "mistakes" he made after he was briefed of what he does from his bodyguards.

Everyone was thinking of what the whiteroom was while a certain someone was creeping out her subordinates, although she was a bit lonely not having someone arguing with her about her actions

Kiyo: Damn, so if I didn't clean up that water I spilled that man would've gotten amnesia, well not like that's realistic......

Kamuro: Mnnm....one ....more~ hehe......

Kiyo: .......

Arisu: Fufufu

"W-what did I do??!?!, What kind of a father am I?!"


Water sprinkled everywhere as a certain first year named Yagami was staring at the screen in surprise

Yagami: What the fuck!?!

Ichika: Hahahahaha! Look at your face Takuya!
Although I gotta admit, the professor looks like a very different person there

He went on rambling about those kinds of things and had everything sorted out.

Whoever made him slip, I thank you

Kiyo: You prick

Well moving on, I am currently at the bus since I denied any attempts of that ma- I mean my f-father, to drive me here on a limo.

Haruka: You look like you don't get along with your father well Kiyopon...

Kiyo: It's nothing, we're just distant

Akito: Don't worry man, we're here for ya

Airi: Mhm

Keisei only nodded

Some people however- well... let's just say they paid more attention to other things which made others facepalm

Ike: Damn!! You have a limo??!?!

Kiyo: Ike this is an alternate un-

C: Yes, yes he has

Kiyo: You-

C: Heh c:

Matsushita: So he's not only good in academics and has great physical abilities but also rich? Well not that I really have to think about it too much but you're really fitting the criteria of my dream person Ayan- Wha?!

Sato: Are you okay Chiaki-chan? You're heating up

Matsushita: U-uh yeah!

There are people arguing here on giving up a seat for an old lady but I couldn't care less about this situation.

Kouenji: My, how rude not caring for such an existence like I am Rocket punch-boy, but I still am gorgeous!

Kiryuin: Shut up, you're annoying blondie

I was snapped from my thoughts when the girl next to me tapped my shoulder

"Can I lean on your shoulder to sleep?"

Mako: You move fast Himeno-san

Yuki: What, gotta sleep when ya gotte sleep y'know

Kanzaki: Hm

Ichinose: Oh Kanzaki-kun! You're alive

Utomiya: They didn't even remember him when he didn't speak... Sigh

Kanzaki: Yeah, well not that I care anymore bud

Utomiya: Yeah, let's grab some Takoyaki senpai, my class thinks I'm asleep

C: I wonder where the hell are the others, are they simply quiet or did Author-san forgot them.....

A/N: Uhh yeahh.... totally because they're quiet.... Right guys???

C: Why the fuck are you asking them!? This is your work?????

A/N: .......

C: .......

Hm? is this how girls are like? Matsuo told me that girls dont really come up to a boy for-

She tapped my shoulder again seemingly waiting for my response, I gave her a nod and she leaned on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

Well this is quite a situation, guess I'll just close my eyes and ignore some of the stares I'm getting.

Horikita: Sigh, I can't deny that situation is indeed something else and your response to it is.... very much like you I suppose

Kei: Umu

Kiyo: Haaahhhh, how troublesome
I wonder what I could do, I can't really get food since Kamuro is asleep here.. Hey C, can I have ice-cream?

C: Oh sure

Kiyo: Thanks


I opened my eyes and it seems like we're close to the school. I lightly tapped my seatmate awake and she looked around and gave me a nod. We both left the bus and walked together towards the entrance ceremony.

As we were walking she handed me a lollipop?

Tsubaki: Senpai, do you have apple flavor?

Yuki: Yeah, here catch

Tsubaki: Thank you

"Himeno Yuki"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"

We both arrived at the ceremony and-

That was boring-

"That was boring, what class are you in Kouji"

"Kouji? Class B"

Chie: Heh~ Look at that Sae-chan! Kiyo-kun is in my class!!

Chabashira sensei simply ignored her causing her friend to pout

"I see, guess we're classmates then, if you don't like Kouji can I call you Kiyo?"

Well that was too fast or she just doesn't really care

Nazuna: She certainly looks like she doesn't care

Ichika: Ayanokouji-senpai! Can I also yo-

Kiyo: No

Ichika: Yatta! Thank you Kiyo-senpai!

Kiyo: .....Yagami, is this what you had to deal with back in that place

Yagami: Sigh, not that much Ayanokouji-senpai but yes, every single day for weeks to months and years, although I'm glad I'm not you otherwise-

Ichika: Takuya! Look look!! I'm using Kiyo-senpai's first name!!

Yagami: For the love of-

Nanase: Amasawa-san!! please calm down!

"Suit yourself, but if you're gonna use my first name can I call you Yuki?"


We arrived at the classroom and took our seats, surprisingly we were seated at the back near the window with Yuki beside me

I glanced at her and she was busy fiddling with her phone. The classroom was pretty, how do you say this, friendly?

Ryuen: Disgusting

Hiyori: Ryuen-kun that's rude

Ryuen: Kukukuku

Arisu: Fufufu, naive if you would say

Ichinose has been pretty quiet, I suppose she's still bottling up what happened at the cruise ship

A/N: I've never really thought about this, seems like I forgot about the part where Honami's mind is stressed out from the island exam, my bad

Amikura: You okay Honami-chan?

Honami: Um, etto- y-yeah

People were already grouped up with others and were engrossed in their conversations.

I for one didn't really need nor want to be acquainted with them, not because I dislike them but more on their energy.

Haruka: That's rude Kiyopon

Kiyo: If you were a loner like me you would've felt it too, but I suppose I can't really argue with you

Akito: Pffft

Ichika: Its too bland there~

Minamikata: Speaking of, where's Kanzaki?

Meanwhile at the food stalls

Utomiya: Hosen, you're gonna eat all that?

Hosen: Ye got a problem with it? Tis just bananas dumbass

Kanzaki: ....

I felt a light tug on my blazer and turned to my right

"Kiyo, can you give me your number, I dont wanna talk here"

"Sure" Although I've never used phones alot before, Matsuo taught me most of it during my time there in the mansion

Fuka: Can I also have you contact info Kouhai-kun

Kiyo: Do you mind if I refu-

Nazuna: Ooooh, I have it here Fuka-chan

Fuka: Thanks

Looks like our masterpiece can't stop getting interrupted Kufuufufufufukuku

Kiyo: You motherf

[Wanna explore the school afterwards? I dont really like the atmosphere in this room]

[Sure, I was planning on buying stuff later]


Ryuen: Hey monster

Kiyo: What

Ryuen: Wanna make some brownies? Kukuku
I asked that C guy to pass me some other alternate universes and found one where me and the monster drugged kids on a tuesday and motherfucker, the toilet was disgusting I couldn't even take a piss

Kiyo: What the hell are you saying

Ryuen: Nevermind kukuku

The bell rang and-

Timeskip to the end of homeroom

Well that was a long explanation, but I've managed to gather information about this S-system, guess I'll need to be careful with the points. Should I tell this to other? Yeah nevermind that, I'll just tell Yuki to be careful with her points.

Shinohara: Hey why didn't you inform the class if you knew!?

Kiyo: Heh

Miyamoto: Oi answer us gloomy bastard!

Kiyo: Why should I

Hondou: You could've helped!!

Kiyo: Says the people who were too busy thinking with their dicks and aesthetics

Defects: .......


Sato: Ayanokouji-kun really taking it huh

Horikita: It's only natural, these defects are getting carried away

Defects: Horikita-san....

Kiyo: Let me spell it out for you yeah? You ask me to tell you something most of you would ignore and laugh at, then blame me for contributing if I ever do, accuse me of cheating when I excert effort when the same people can't even bother studying properly, organize and decide on the simplest of things, and cause a commotion because of a stolen underwear, and you expect me to help you just so you could get more points and still be deadweight to the class? How pitiful

Defects: .....W-we..

Manabu: Are disgusting, take a hike and look in the mirror, be careful not to break it, there's a lot of you who needs to look at it "properly" afterall

Akane: M-manabu?!


Kei: You wound me Kiyotaka

Kiyo: I'll give you headpats later, just bear with it Kei

Kei: Don't worry, I know my mistakes ehe

Ichika: Go senpai!!!

Nanase: It's rare to see Ayanokouji-senpai like this

C: Cough Cough, ehehEHehEHehehe

Akito: Go get em man

Nagumo: Hahahaha, look at your faces right now

Fuka: For once or maybe twice, I agree with the hindrance

Nagumo: Tch, give me a break, I'm enjoying their faces right now

Nazuna: Yeah I suppose you can chill off for now Fuka, their faces look hilarious right now

Fuka: Mhm, alright

My phone buzzed and I open it to see Yuki's message

[Let's go]

Guess she wants to explore? or she really just doesn't like it here

Yuki: I do remember wanting to go out and roam around during that time, I just didn't have someone who had the same interest as me in class

Kiyo: Wanna grab food later?

Yuki: Eh? Well I guess there's nothing wrong with it so sure

Kiyo: Alright

"Hey guys where are you going? You haven't introduced yourselves yet"

I turned around to a guy named Shibata? as far as I heard from the others conversating earlier, I took a quick look around to see Yuki.....
Absolutely nowhere, Haaahh~ she was just here a second ago. Don't wanna sound rude so I guess I could introduce myself.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"

"Do you know who the girl is"

"Who knows"

Kanzaki: There it is!! The line!!

Utomiya: Sounds like a universal use phrase

Kiyo/Arisu/Ichika/Ryuen: It is

Kanzaki/Utomiya: .......Guess I'll give that a try

Ichinose's class/Utomiya's class: Hey where did you two go?

Nanase: Oh yeah did you guys see Hosen?

Kanzaki/Utomiya: Who knows

Everyone: ......

Kanzaki: Damn it works wonders what the fuck

Utomiya: ......

I don't really mind telling them but it's not something I should decide on. I walked out of the room and saw Yuki leaning on the wall a few distances from the door licking her lollipop.

"You could've told them who I was no?"

"I thought it would be rude telling them without your permission"


She took out a lollipop and took off its wrapper.. is she gonna eat that aga-

My expectations were betrayed when she shoved it into my mouth and walked away

Sigh... what an interesting girl, this lollipop is good though

Kamuro: Nyurnfnm..... H-huh... A-yanokouji?

Kiyo: Morning Kamuro

Kamuro: Morn- wait why am I sleeping on your lap!?!?

Kiyo: You don't like it? I can move away if you want

Kamuro: N-no, I didn't say it like that, I was just asking.... idiot

Flashback End

So after that, rumors spread that we and Yuki were dating and she said she didn't mind it so now we're currently on a date since she really wanted to see this movie.

C: Aaaaand that's it for the video, so how was it?

Mako: Didn't expect Himeno-san to be that bold and fast, you should learn a thing or two from her Honami-chan!

Ichinose: Mako-chan!!

Ryuen: Kukuku, didn't watch the video much but older Horikita and monster talking like that was gold KUKUKU

Hashimoto: Their faces looked way too funny not to save, Hime I have em documented

Arisu: Fufufu, well done Hashimoto-kun, we'll have some memorable and useful materials to use

Defects: .......

Kei: Hey have you seen Kiyotaka? I swear he was- WAH!?

Kei felt a hand on her head and looked behind her to see Kiyo patting her head

Kiyo: You guys wanna eat something? Himeno and Kamuro are coming with

Kei: Sure!! let's go Maya-chan, Tsubaki-chan and Chiaki you girls come too

Chiaki: Alright

Tsubaki just nods and went beside Yuki and pulled out..... lollipops?

Kiyo also invited the Ayanokouji Group and they went to the food stalls with C accomoanying them with plans on hosting a big lunch for everyone

Kanzaki: Who knows?

Minamikata: Kanzaki-kun... you're starting to sound like Ayanokouji-kun

Mako: Vague

Chihiro: But he looks like he's enjoying it

Arisu: Fufufu, looks like you had a fun time sleeping Masumi-san

Kamuro: Shut up loli, you're just jealous

Arisu just smiled that didn't reach her ears, seeing her face Kamuro smirked in victory and gave Arisu a peace sign

Ryuen: Kukuku, never knew you had that side of you older Horikita

Manabu: It's only natural Ryuen

C: Alright let's enjoy this feast

Everyone: Yeah!!!!

And thats it for this chapter, sorry for b- not sorry
Ehe c:

Hope you enjoyy

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