Eeveelutions of Hohenzollern...

Door FriedrichSchutze

1.4K 23 37

Simply historical-fiction-Alternate Mystery Dungeon Pokémon story mash up based on short narration and dialog... Meer

EoH : The Cursed Bloodline Prologue
Scroll 2: All Has It's Own Limit
Scroll 2: Something I Wanted To Do In My Life
Scroll 2: Getting To Remember Myself
Scroll 2: Tainstvenniy, Svyashchenny Les
Scroll 2: Priznaki Revnosti/SICNA·INVIDIAE
Scroll 2: Field, My Beloved Field
Extras/Specials : Want Me To Tell You A Story?
Scroll 2: Lively Life in Amur
Scroll 2: A Guest From Byzantium
Scroll 2: Praeceptor Legionis
Extras/Specials: Obliviousness
Scroll 2: Migration
Scroll 2: Unlocking One's Heart' Picklock
Scroll 2: Kalos Irthes Sto Byzantion
Scroll 2: Vacation In New Rome
Scroll 2: Tell Me In Lesbos Island
Extras/Specials: Glacialis Hyacintho Luscus Familia
Scroll 2: Vacation's Over?
Scroll 2 : I Already Know Who You Are
Scroll 2 : The Autumn Harvest
Extras/Specials: Seeking for trading partner
Scroll 2: Time To Go
Scroll 2 : Evacuation of Amur
Scroll 2 : Revelations

Scroll 2 : Return To Moesia

16 0 0
Door FriedrichSchutze

(Morning in Byzantium. Inside Vasily and Irene's house)

Vasily: *yawn* Morning everyone. Guess you all ready for the breakfast to start your journey?

Everyone: Morning.

Sviatoy: Of course uncle, we need to enjoy our last meal before we go back to Amur. I will miss the foods here......

Vasily: Heh, don't be sad, you'll return and eat my friend's teganites again next year.

Aleksandr: Indeed, of course we will plan for it.

Irene: Here's the last addings to our breakfast. Enjoy the food everyone!

(Everyone having a breakfast. After that everyone there goes to the Theodosian wall and a cart was there)

Aleksandr: Alright, time to go.

Vanya: I will miss you all, Vasily and Irene. Please have a child next time we're back here *giggles*

Irene: I will....make sure for it I guess.

Vasily: Ehm....okay. I will miss you too Vanya.

Katyusha: Thank you for all, I don't know what specifically, but I will thank you anyways uncle. I will absolutely miss you and aunt Irene.

Vasily: Hehe, you're welcome cutie niece. I will miss you too.

Irene: Hmm!

Albert: Was a beautiful city this was, and I'm happy I was here. But all of that will be very bland without your guide here, uncle Vasily and aunt Irene. Thank you.

Vasily: No probs Schutzy! Catch ya next year!

Irene: We're always happy to help our family!

Sviatoy: I miss noodles and teganites already.

Vasily & Irene: *giggles*

Irene: Oh, Iulia will miss you so much, Sviatoslav.

Vasily: Sure she will *giggles*

Aleksandr: We should do a family hug. I will start it. *hugs Vasily and Irene*

Vanya: Hehe! I love family hugs! *hugs them*

Sviatoy: Woohoo! *hugs them*

Albert: Do this together Katty?

Katyusha: Heh. *pulls him and joins the hug*

Aleksandr: Alright everyone, let's get in to the cart.

(Everyone except Vasily and Irene gets inside the cart)

Vasily: Alright, goodbye. Take care! I will always send mails to you!

Aleksandr: Yes, don't forget to do that okay? I'll see the mailbox every 2 week!

Vasily: Ok! Ok!

Everyone in the cart: Goodbye!

Irene & Vasily: Goodbye!

(The cart moved and starts their journey back to Moesia)

Aleksandr: Long journey we are in. All can take rest while me and Peter will watch the situation in schedule.

Sviatoy: I can join too?

Albert: Of course. We can guard every 3-5 hours or untill you feel exhausted and sleepy. Don't push yourself when you are sleepy.

Sviatoy: Affirmative.

Vanya: Alright, take care while on guard. I'll sleep now.

Katyusha: *laying on Albert's lap* Any objections? Well even if you object, I'll insist.

Albert: Kinda, but I'd let you anyways.

(Katyusha purrs then sleep)

Vanya: *giggles* I want to do that too. *laying on Aleksandr's lap*

Aleksandr: Whoops? Okay.

(The journey continues for days and almost two weeks has passed. Their surroundings started getting colder than in Byzantium)

Katyusha: Brr....I don't remember Moesia have this cold air.

Aleksandr: Byzantium was more temperate than Amur.

Albert: Well, I miss this cold air of Moesia. Just feels like old home.

Aleksandr: I'd guess Garmantia Superior was as cold as Moesia?

Albert: Indeed.

Katyusha: Still, I miss the warm air of Byzantium.

Albert: Heh.

Aleksandr: We're almost arrived. This is the village path I'm very familiar at.

Vanya: Hmm? We are arrived?

Sviatoy: Huh?! We are arrived?

Aleksandr: Not ye-

?: Amur Village gate was infront of us! We are arrived!

Aleksandr: Oh, now we are. Let's pack off and return to our house everybody.

(Everyone packs all their stuffs down and walk towards the gate. Limitanei legionaries greeted them and they are welcomed back to Amur. They are taking a rest in Feodorovich family's house. Komnenos and Petrovich family came to greet them in Feodorovich family's house)

Zorus: Well, welcome back. Happy to see you all back in safe and healthy.

Niko: Yep. We all missed you.

Marusya: The streetfoods are great right? Especially teganites.

Vanya: Oh, you should know my kids here was crazy about it.

Marusya: *giggles* Was a great food.

(Nataly & Olga were whispering with Sviatoy then the three stares and smirks at Albert and Katyusha)

Katyusha: Duh, I know what topic that rubber belly whispers about with Nataly and Olga.

Albert: Guess we knew what they are talking about.

Katyusha: Yeah.

Olga: *giggling*

Nataly: Well, first things first, I'm happy you two came back healthy and....having fun hehehe.

Katyusha: Yeah, thank you Nataly, glad to know you all also doing great while I am in Byzantium.

Albert: Uhm, I'd like to ask how's my farm here?

Olga: You're very protective towards your plants. *giggles*

Albert: Yea-yea.

Nataly: Pashka and his family did care your plants really good. Mr.Niko and my dad sometimes look at it too.

Albert: Thank you. It's a relief to know my plants are good.

Katyusha: And your little joe?

Albert: .................

Olga: *chuckles*

Albert: Yeah. Olga, how's the weekly lecture here?

Olga: Oh, now my papa trusted the schedules and teaching subjects fully to me. He would still monitor me though. I also recruited Nataly to be a permanent mentor. You can tell him how's it feels like Nataly?

Nataly: Absolutely something. I'm quite nervous, but when I got calm and do my job smoothly, all was worth it. I felt my knowledges and studies in Institute of Athena pays off.

Albert: Great. What subject you teach?

Nataly: Philosophy and history. But I also teach other things if Olga needs a bit of help. But as philosophy and history was my favourite subject, I teach and discuss that with everyone more often.

Albert: Nice to hear that.

Olga: How many books did you read in Byzantium?

Albert: About 3-4 books full, half readed 5 books and a sightsee on 10 books though.

Olga: Katyusha?

Katyusha: I didn't count them, I simply open and read.

Nataly: I see. You also enjoy your date there?~~

Katyusha: ........Yea-yea.

Olga: Pfffft *giggles* Oh, by the way, can we discuss and you two start mentoring in our weekly lecture?

Albert: Of course, we got so many knowledge and things to discuss with. It's a shame if we didn't share it to everyone.

Katyusha: Yeah, I think I can start sharing my knowledge to everyone.

Olga: Great! I guess we can start it tomorrow. *looking at Albert* Also, my father would like you to continue the work of translating books.

Albert: Sure.

(The talk continues for the teens and parents untill the afternoon. In afternoon, the Feodorovich family starts setting up for their activities again while the others return to their own house)

Albert: Huft, back to my home sweet home. I'd love to see my plants again.

(When he arrived to his house, he saw Pashka looking over his plants)

Albert: Privet Pashka.

Pashka: Hmm? Oh! Privet Peter! You're back? How are you?

Albert: Indeed. I'm great, thanks. How about you and your family though?

Pashka: We're as always great and sound. We took care of your plants! Take a look!

Albert: Uh-hm, I see how you all doing really great. My plants are very healthy. I will share the earnings later in autumn.

Pashka: Don't be! We're happy you here and I'm very thankful to you for scaring the corrupt legionaries away.

Albert: Ah, aren't they scared of Mr.Aleksandr? I didn't deserve that.

Pashka: Ah! But I do think you deserve it.

Albert: Alright, fine then. Thank you for taking care of my plants, I'll be here again and take over my plants again.

Pashka: Affirmative! Call me again if you need help!

Albert: Fine thing, Pashka *pats his head*

Pashka: Uh hm! I'll be going now if you have nothing else to talk with me.

Albert: Oh, yea, fine. Go on.

Pashka: Alright then! Do svidanya! *walks away*

Albert: Do svidanya.

(Albert inspects his plants and taking rest on his house's terrace)

Albert: Huuft, inspection was done, all my plants are great and sound especially little joe. Bolshoevich family did a nice caring to my plants. Let's see the sunset now.

(His stomach rumbles)

Albert: My, I forgot to make dinner for myself.

??: Oh, that's a good news then.

Albert: Huh?

Katyusha: Hello. Katyusha dinner express here.

Albert: *giggles* Oh here! I'm very hungry and I don't have any foods!

Katyusha: Ew, soo lazy.

Albert: Yeaah! I'm too lazy to cook anything! I'm out for a 20 km force march this day!

Katyusha: So weak.

Albert: What? Coome oonn!

Katyusha: *chuckles* Here-here. *places the foods beside him*

Albert: Yeay! Free food!

Katyusha: Who said this was free, idiot.

Albert: What?!! Not free?!

Katyusha: Yes, these foods aren't only made by my mother, but also me. So you should pay this.

Albert: What? Weird. How much does these costs?

Katyusha: Don't worry, these only cost you a kiss to my cheek and one of my kiss to yours.

Albert: Ehm....stop joking around.

Katyusha: Joking?

Albert: You can just ask for it. *kissed her cheek*

Katyusha: Hehe, my turn.

(Katyusha tackles him down and kissed his cheeks and his lip)

Albert: Ok, that's not only a kiss to my cheek.

Katyusha: *giving him a blep*

Albert: Heh. Wanna have a dinner with me?

Katyusha: I'm just about to ask about it because I bring two portions of dinner here.

Albert: I see. Come in sweet pie.

Katyusha: Hehe~~

(Both have a dinner together. When they are done, rain starts pouring heavily and the sky emits thunderbolts)

Katyusha: I'm...I'm scared....

Albert: *giggles* Still?

Katyusha: Ah come on!

Albert: Hey, you have someone to hug when you are scared right?

Katyusha: Oh....yes. *hugs him* You're warm.

Albert: Heh. Now, don't be scared. I'm here with you.

Katyusha: Yes...I'm happy....and feels really safe.

(A thunder was heard by them from the sky)

Katyusha: Aaah! *hugging Albert even tighter*

Albert: There-there, nothing to get scared of.

Katyusha: Hmm.....Peter.

Albert: Hmm?

Katyusha: Sing me the Cossack Lullaby.

Albert: I will, close your eyes and hold tight.

Katyusha: Uh-hm.....

Albert: Skol'ko gorkikh...slez ukradkoy...

Я в ту ночь пролью
Ya v tu noch' prol'yu

Спы, мой ангел, тихо, сладко

Spiy, moy angel, tikho, sladko

Баюшки баю, баюшки баю
Bayushki bayu, bayushki bayu

Стану я тоской томиться
Stanu ya toskoy tomit'sya

Бежутесно ждать
Bezhuteshno zhdat'

Стану тселйы день молиться
Stanu tselyy den' molit'sya

По ночам гадать, по ночам гадать
Po nocham gadat', po nocham gadat'

Да, готовясь бой опаснйы
Da, gotovyas' boy opasnyy

Помни мать свою
Pomni mat' svoyu

Спы, младенец, мой прекраснйы
Spiy, mladenets, moy prekrasnyy

Баюшки баю, баюшки баю
Bayushki bayu, bayushki bayu

Albert: *yawns* Katyusha?

Katyusha: zzz.......

Albert: Yeah, just sleep, my steppe flower. You don't deserve any of the world's cruel reality.

(Both sleeping right in Albert house's living room. After that when the morning comes...)

Katyusha: *yawns* Uhm....? I slept here last night?

(She realized she slept on Albert's lap)

Katyusha: *giggles* His thighs are fluffy. Let's wake this prince up. *holds his nose*

Albert: zzz........Uhf! Hey!

Katyusha: Oops. Looks like the prince was angery.

Albert: Duh. Good morning anyways.

Katyusha: Morning~~

Albert: Heh, you sleep well last night?

Katyusha: Of course! Your thighs are very fluffy and comfortable.

Albert: Nice to hear that you sleep well last night. Let's have a breakfast?

Katyusha: Yeah! Let's have a breakfast. You go and gather berries and else, I will buy breads.

Albert: Sure thing.

(They did their job and sit on the house's terrace to enjoy their breakfast)

Albert: Last night, the storm was really intense, good thing my plants already grow huge. And so I can be not water my plants this morning.

Katyusha: Oh, yeah we gonna go to the weekly lecture right?

Albert: Yep, I guess Olga and Nataly will come in short time.

Katyusha: Oh, and there they are. *pointing at Olga and Nataly that are approaching them*

Albert: Yup.

Olga & Nataly: Privet!

Albert & Katyusha: Privet.

Olga: So, how's the couple this day? *giggles*

Katyusha: Duh....

Nataly: I forgot to congratulate for your relationship yesterday.

Albert: No problem.

Katyusha: Yeah, and so when you two have your own couple?

Olga: Uh, I don't know, I didn't think about that.

Nataly: Well, just see.

Albert: Ok-ok, let's get straight to the point of why Olga and Nataly was here, we gonna go to the weekly lecture this day right?

Olga: Yes, and my dad is waiting for you too.

Albert: I see. Let's go then.

(All of them goes into the library and to the weekly lecture class)

Olga: Since I was trusted by my dad to take care of this program, I will be the one to start the class every week.

Katyusha: Uh huh? Go on.

(Olga walks onto the podium)

Olga: Privet vsem.

Everyone: Privet Olga!

Olga: Today we have two of our friends that just arrived from Byzantium. I'd like them to come and fill the mentor and topic starter slot this day. But this day, we'll have two of them together here, we'll have a double mentor this day. I represent to you, Peter Schutze and Katyusha Feodorovna.

(Everyone applauses them as they are walking to the podium)

Albert: Privet vsem, it's a joyful thing that I'm back to this village.

Katyusha: Same with me. I miss this village's cold wind when I was in Byzantium. It's very hot right there.

?: Was the city very populous?

Albert: Indeed, a city, metropolitan one. The city was cramped with mons.

?: How's it feels like living there?

Katyusha: I'd tell you that, it was something new for village mons..............

(The question and answer continues. Albert and Katyusha be explaining all things about Byzantium asked by everyone in the class)

Albert: The huge impression and wonders of Byzantium was the impregnable Theodosian wall and the gargantuan Golden Horn strait chain.

Katyusha: Yeah, they are something. Any else though?


Albert: I'd say, there are no other questions Katyusha.

Katyusha: Fine thing. For now, I'll hand over the control back to Olga. Thank you for listening and asking us.

Olga: Great question and answer session. Now let us listen to the next session of discussion material with my dad, Mr.Niko.

(The session goes smoothly)

Niko: That should be all. Next I'd like someone to give us a presentation of what you all are learning this day. The lecture disbanded for now. Thank you for your present.

(Everyone dispersed and goes back to their activity when Albert and friends stay and have a talk with Niko and Marusya)

Niko: Everyone, you all doing great job this day. I'm sure this program fell on the right hands.

Marusya: As if you all have any doubts or anything to ask, I and Niko always been there to help you.

Niko: Yes, this program shall never ends, we should educate every single mon in Amur. I and Vasily started this program because of education problem.

Olga: Yes, I am very grateful that the program always has been running very smoothly. We surely will discuss anything if we doubt about something or when we have an idea to improve the program.

Marusya: Always. Also don't hesitate if you have any ideas to improve the program. For the sake of education and every mon of this village. I'd hope we inspire anybody else out of this city to improve their own education quality and quantity.

Albert: I agree this was a great program. I will do my best to support this program's existence.

Niko: Spasibo. All disbanded, thank you for your presence in this evaluation talk. Oh, and Peter, I'd like to lend you for a while.

Albert: I'll follow you.

(The rest dispersed and do their own business, while the two gets inside Niko's office)

Niko: Peter, since you're back, can I ask you to help me continue the translation project of some book and scrolls here?

Albert: Of course Mr.Niko. I can continue the project. I currently halfway in translating a full book that titled Saga of Beowulf.

Niko: I see, here's your salary. Please do continue the work. *gives him a little bag of coins*

Albert: Uhm, Mr.Niko? I'm not yet translate the book fully and submit the translated book.

Niko: No problems, I trust you and I really appreciate you to be here. We really need you.

Albert: Oh, bolshoye spasibo Mr.Niko. *taking the bag*

Niko: Now, enjoy your day.

Albert: Yes sir. Do svidanya. *walks past the door*

Niko: Do svidanya.

(Out of the office, Albert walk to the library and gets hold by the triumvirate)

Katyusha: Hey you, floofy grass bag. Come here.

Albert: Well, I see how more bad, silly, and funny you can call me.

Nataly: *giggles* Peter, let's have lunch together on Zeleny ridge.

Albert: Oh, why not. I don't mind.

Olga: Aight, let's not waste any time everybody. Let's prepare each of our lunch and we'll be meeting on the ridge.

Albert: Ok, I'll be making thes-

Katyusha: Shut, please appreciate my willingness and recipe. Just come with me and help me cooking our lunch.

Albert: .....Ok, if you insisted.

Katyusha: Yes, I am.

Olga: *giggles*

(All dispersed to ready their own lunch. Meanwhile Albert and Katyusha in Feodorovich house's kitchen)

Albert: So, what I can do here?

Katyusha: You can feed the fire here with firewoods from the cabin on backyard. Well we just need one handful of woods because we already have charcoals here.

Albert: Affirmative.

Katyusha: Oh, also cut these veggies.

Albert: Okay.

Vanya & Sviatoy: *giggles while peeking on them*

Albert: Uhm....

Vanya: They are such a good couple. Matched perfectly.

Sviatoy: Indeed.

Katyusha: *sigh* Don't mind them.

Albert: Fine?

(1 hour later, they have their lunch done and ready. The couple bring their lunch to the ridge where Nataly and Olga already waiting for them)

Nataly: You two came.

Olga: Here, sit with us.

Katyusha: *sits* Well-well, about time.

Albert: *sits* As always, great landscape and stuffs. *looking at the forest*

Sviatoy: *running from afar* Heeloo everyone!

Katyusha: Huh? Why is he coming here?

Sviatoy: *pant* Uh, I just...want to join you all having lunch here.

Olga: Sure thing.

Nataly: Sit beside me.

Sviatoy: Affirmative!

Katyusha: Ugh, why should you came here and join us.

Sviatoy: *giving Katyusha a blep*

Nataly: *giggles* You are such a funny and cute person.

Sviatoy: Hehe~~ Thank you.

Katyusha: Huuuh?? He was very annoying you know?

Sviatoy: *giving Katyusha a blep again*

Nataly: *giggles*


(Meanwhile in Feodorovich family's house)

Vanya: Milyy? Another mail?

Aleksandr: Indeed, from Vasily.

Vanya: What? Wasn't it too early to mail to us? This means the courier was just 1 or half of a day apart when we departed from Byzantium?

Aleksandr: Correct, that was the point of why I'm concerned here.

Vanya: Open and read the mail then.

Aleksandr: *opens and read the message* ..........................

Vanya: What does the mail says?

Aleksandr: I guess you'd like to read it yourself.

Vanya: Hmm? *pick the message from Aleksandr* .................

Aleksandr: I hope all of them okay in there.

Vanya: .......I'd hope too.

Aleksandr: Very concerning. We can't do anything but just hope for them.

Vanya: This means just after we depart, this happens....

Aleksandr: Indeed.

Only time will say.....................


Eyo, FriedrichSchutze here. Sorry for the disorganized update schedule these weeks. You know what's the thing with me from the writer's note of the chapter before this. As such, I'll do my best in updating this story. I think we'll have unscheduled updates in future but, hey the positive side was I'm still able to write and finish the updates of this story, isn't it?

Chapter extras: -A message from Vasily that was just half a day apart?


From: Marcus Julius Ahenobarbus/Pyotr Vasily Feodorovich, Byzantium - Castra Secunda Legio Macedonica

To: Feodorovich Family in Moesia Inf - Amur village

           Hello everyone, I know this was very weird, like you all just departed from here and on the way back to Amur. But something big and chaotic happened here in Byzantium. Riots are everywhere and yelling "Nika". I hear that they are triggered by a hoax that said the prince was captured by the Sassanians from his last campaign there and forcefully married to their princess as the condition by the Sassanians if Rome wants him back.

But the point was, I just want to inform you all before any news came to Amur about this and you all won't be worrying about us because everyone, even Mrs.Hellinia was okay here. Me and my legion did secure the city back....with a hefty amount of price......

Sincerely, your brother and uncle

Пётр Василы Феодорович.

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