Chains Made Of Threads

By Krembell

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You used to be in the Monster Mafia, keywords used to but 3 years later, two familiar skeletons had seeked yo... More

Chapter 1: A new case, old friends.
Chapter 2: A leashurely walk.
Chapter 3: How the turnables have tabled.
Chapter 4: Two souls collide.
Chapter 5: Napping is my specialty.
Chapter 6: Spicy pumpkin spice.
Chapter 7: Yet another impromptu Doctor's visit.
Chapter 8: Confession under the night sky.
Chapter 9: A struggling past and a hectic present.
Chapter 10: Double spice.
Chapter 11: The turnables have tabled yet again.

Chapter 12 Finale: Sneaking out? Bad idea.

152 5 0
By Krembell

It had been going well after your kidnap incident but now, Papyrus was always around you wherever you went. You sometimes got away just for a little while from him by teleporting into the gardens to hide away or in Sans's office. You had gotten quite frustrated with both of them being around you all hours of the day and night and you had tried to communicate with them about this but all you got was "it's for your own safety" etc, it was driving you up the wall.

They didn't even let you outside the mansion whatsoever! You once tried to exit to give Bunar and Bunella a visit to their new home but Papyrus had quickly denied you to even step one foot outside. This just had to be a phase right? You guessed that this would only last for like a week more and then they would stop being such overprotective dumbskulls.

.... Three weeks later and they had not stopped, even Sans found you during his breaks to keep an eye out for you while demanding cuddles and smooches, which you of course gave but you really would like to be alone! Your saving grace was always Toriel and Frisk, they always shoo'd away your possessive soulmates so you three could have some time alone together. Just like today, Toriel had shoo'd away Papyrus when he came to look for you in the gardens again, you could see the internal struggle for him to leave since now he knew you were here. Though he did leave reluctantly, you always felt bad because you know how duty driven he is. When Toriel had gotten Papyrus to leave, she walked to you while holding Frisk's hand in her soft paw. "Why don't we go sit in the gazebo? You seem like you need some rest" She looked at you with soft eyes, you understood she meant rest from the constant worrying from your soulmates. You gave her a grateful smile and nodded and she led you and Frisk to the wonderful gazebo.

"Thank you Tori... they both have gotten way more clingy after.... You know... the whole thing" You were referring to getting kidnapped yourself and it Toriel nodded. "I would imagine... monsters do tend to have that trait with their partners, especially if they have been in danger more than once" Toriel reassured you that it was quite normal for them to be acting like this but you still had doubts, they didn't let you be alone for one second! "I don't know Tori.... I'm not even allowed to step outside the mansion anymore for some reason" You explained and you could see a mischievous glint happening in Toriel's ruby red eyes as she gave you quite the big smile. "Well if you can't walk out...." Toriel started but you got the gist of what she was trying to tell you. "If I can't walk out, I can teleport out... you do realize that will cause both of them to panic right?" Toriel chuckled while holding her paw in front of her muzzle. "Of course I do! Just be wherever for a little while before they notice and quickly return"

You gawked at her, that is actually a pretty good idea! That could work until they stop being such possessive knuckleheads. "When did you become such a schemer?" You jokingly asked but somehow her eyes got more serious. "My dear hubby has acted just like how your soulmates are acting... Though I only had to deal with the one dingus, he eventually stopped but I had my ways when he was in that phase" That explains it, so Toriel had gone through what you are going through now? That was relieving to hear.

"Moooom! This is getting boring! I want to play hide and seek with Y/N!" Frisk pouted and Toriel chuckled while ruffling their brown locks, making it look like a bird's nest. You laughed as you remember how Toriel would do that to you when you were younger. "Alright Firebird, I'll count to 50 and then I'll seek you out" You said as Frisk immediately jumped down from the bench and ran out of the garden's gazebo to hide. "I've missed this a lot, you know..." Toriel said with a gentle smile on her face, you nodded.

"Yeah... sorry for leaving but I needed it, to get out and learn while not being met with hateful glares all the time" You knew that Toriel understood that but you still felt the need to explain. "I know and I don't hold it against you... I just felt a bit nostalgic" She laughed and began to ruffle your head! And now your hair looks like a rat's nest! "Better get going before my child gets tired of waiting for you" You gave her a mock annoyed expression and got up while trying to fix your hair back but it still looked messy. It wouldn't take that much time finding Frisk... since you knew their soul scent pretty well by now.

For some reason you could sense a very familiar scent nearby that didn't belong to Frisk... Did that belong to Sans!? What's he doing here!? You followed his scent and it led you to a bush... Why in the world is he hiding in a bush? "You do know I can see you hiding?" The bush started to rustle as Sans stumbled out, his lazy smile plastered onto his skull like usual. "Heya sweetheart, what a coincidence" You rolled your eyes, it was certainly not just a coincidence. "Mhm sure is, why are you hiding in a bush?" Your gaze never left his but he didn't crack under your pressure, not that you expected him to, he was the Mafia Don for a reason. "Was lookin' for ya but bumped into lil' pup instead, asked me tha' distract ya" Ah... that little rascal sure did have their mother's scheming down to a T.

Sans suddenly got closer to you as his smile turned mischievous and intertwined your hands with his but not before he had turned your device on, your expression clearly showed confusion. "What are you doing?" You asked rather bewildered but he kept grinning. "Distractin' ya, is it workin'?" Ugh of course, why did Frisk have to get Sans evolved. "Very now would you let go of my hands, starshine?" You did find it amusing that Sans went along with Frisk's diabolical scheme but not surprising when it involved you in it. Sans's eyelights moved like he was thinking about it but you knew what the answer would be. "Hmmmm... No" Great, you had been right, a sudden idea came to your mind. "Is that so? How about a kiss then?" Now you had piqued all of Sans's attention, even though you gave him kisses everyday he still reacted in such a cute way.

"Such a tempting offer... Hmmm... I guess I can let you off the hook yet again" You chuckled and slightly arched down to kiss his skull's teeth and as promised he let go of your hands.

"I'd offer more than a kiss but you have distracted me long enough" You teased Sans and scurried off with a smile. Sans watched you vanish into the greenery of the garden, you probably already knew where Lil' pup was hiding so this game would be over real soon. He sighed in relief, happy that his soul didn't betray him, he had listened in on your conversation with the former queen and he did not like what he just heard. You sneaking out? Absolutely not, not if he can prevent that. Not for a single second. He just had to be quick enough.

He didn't lie when he had told you he had stumbled upon Lil' pup while looking for you, it helped him stave off the suspicion of why he was there and hiding nearby. He just left out the part where he eavesdropped on your conversation and was planning to use your device on your wrist to his advantage. He'll make sure to make an appointment with Alphys for himself and discuss this matter when you're not there to disagree because you sure would but this was for your safety since you're so reckless no matter what. Sans was elated that when he turned on your device, you weren't scared and you didn't try to teleport out of his grasp, you could have tried but you didn't... That just means you trust him without a doubt.

That would be good when he needed your device so Alphys could tinker with it more but that means you would also be able to use magic with no restraint... he'll be sure to inform his brother to keep an extra eye on you during that time and not take his sights off of you for a single second.


Sans had asked you to give him your device and he explained that he needed it because Alphys needed it for maintenance, which then you of course gave it with no hesitation. Not like you would miss that thing too much, it had become a slight hassle lately even though it did protect your soul from getting cracks, you wondered what Alphys would do with it.

When Sans had left for whatever other business he had with Alphys, Papyrus got the duty of watching over you and for some reason he watched you like a hawk... more than usual. You had planned to slink away silently like Toriel suggested but with Papyrus always looming either behind you or next to you that wasn't really an option. You sighed in defeat, Papyrus of course heard that and decided that you needed a hug. It was nice but oh so constricting and he didn't let go of you, should have expected that.

"Pumpkin you can let go of me now" but he didn't listen and he picked you up. "You must be tired buttercup, let me carry you to my bedroom" You were about to retort but a drowsy spell suddenly hit you making your eyes almost shut closed, you were able to fight it off for a while until Papyrus laid you gently on his bed. The bed was so soft and welcoming and you could feel Papyrus begin to stroke your hair, you couldn't keep awake any longer.

Papyrus watched you peacefully fall asleep with the help of his gravity magic, this was the best way to ensure you wouldn't suddenly leave his eyesight. Now he could watch you without making you uncomfortable, he had seen that you felt quite trapped... Your soul shouted for him to leave you alone for just a minute... but he couldn't do that... he finally had you with him so you leaving was non negotiable.

Your cute snores made Papyrus smile with glee and even though you were finally asleep, he kept stroking your soft hair. He might have deviated slightly and touched other parts of you as well... Except for the most sensitive ones, he would like you to be awake for that. He continued watching over you as you slept until a knock was heard at his door, Papyrus looked at the door and then back to you. The gravity magic should keep you sleeping for 1-2 hours more so he opened the door with less worry that you would leave.

"Big boss is requesting your presence in his office Mr. Papyrus" A very polite underling told him, Papyrus could tell they were nervous so he gave them a big smile. "Of course, I will be there in just a second!" That had eased their anxiety as their soul calmed down, they nodded and left. Papyrus closed the bedroom door and walked back to you to give you a kiss before he had to go... surely you wouldn't wake up before he was back.

"Brother! You're back! Did it go as planned?" Papyrus said, entering Sans's office and Sans seemed to be in a very good mood. "Sure did, got the device upgraded for our benefit" Papyrus had to admit, Alphys sure worked fast whenever something interested her. "Great! Buttercup is sleeping soundly in my bedroom.... A sudden sleepy spell hit them" Papyrus knew Sans would catch onto what he was insinuating. "Ah I see... let's quickly put this on before they wake" Sans showed Papyrus the now modified device, it now had no volume rotator so you couldn't turn it off... How wonderful, now you wouldn't be able to escape his embraces anymore unless he gave you permission to and that was highly unlikely.

"It can only turn on and off with our magic and Alphys placed a nifty tracker in it, just in case something happens to them again" Papyrus nodded, so it had a tracker? Guess this means he can be more lenient when he is watching over you to keep you safe, if you behaved that is. Papyrus nodded and they both walked to his bedroom so they could quietly put the clearly modified device back onto your wrist, it was for the best that you were sleeping while they put it back on, less chances of you panicking and teleporting away before they could attach it to you. Papyrus opened the door and walked in, his brother in tow. What he didn't expect to see or rather the lack of, was his bed empty with no trace of you.

"It seems sweetheart woke up and decided to sneak out... They'll be back" Sans didn't panic as much as Papyrus did which did relieve some of his anxiousness, if his brother said you'd be back then he had faith you would. Next time he will make sure he uses more potent magic into his gravity ability so you wouldn't wake up too early.

Seems like Sans had been too slow, won't happen again.

They decided to let their precious bird fly one more time before they clipped its wings.


You woke up in Papyrus's bed and you were still quite drowsy but you fought it off, eventually you were able to sit up. Papyrus was nowhere in sight, you were all alone and you let out a sigh of relief. It was nice to finally have some alone time but you couldn't stay here for too long, not if you wanted to visit some of your friends before anyone noticed you were gone. Luckily you still had your clothes on, Papyrus had left them alone this time, either something came up and he didn't have time to take them off or he just didn't bother... both worked in your favour anyway. Your body felt somehow heavy but it was wearing off quickly, you put your feet on the floor and you managed to stand up. You somehow felt that you had to recover quickly before Papyrus came back... it was somewhat weird to you, like your soul screamed at you to get away. Like your soul knew something you didn't and it did alarm you but you, scared of Papyrus? That's ridiculous, right?

Well better get started, you wanted to visit Clara first since you hadn't seen that old coot in a very long while then you should pop in for a visit to Bunar and Bunella and finally see their new home. You also promised to pop in Muffet's shop to get spider cuddles! You hoped Muffet wouldn't take offense that it took you this long to visit her.

You decided to hear over to Clara first and to your luck, you had spotted her just about to enter her apartment. "Clara! Long time no see!" You shouted to her and ran towards her with a wide smile, you had missed outside contact. "Y/N! I thought you had forgotten about Lil' ol' me" Clara turned around, welcoming you back to the apartment complex. "Sorry, something held me up for several weeks" She gave you a warm smile and nodded in understanding. "Of course darling, want to come inside and catch up?" She offered and you wouldn't want anything more than that. You missed talking with Clara, she was similar to Toriel but you couldn't really compare them, they both had a different feel to them. Toriel was more the gossipy mom type while Clara was flirty and couldn't resist an opportunity to tease you about your relationships. Clara gave room to walk past her and into her apartment, which you did.

You told Clara you've been missing her a lot during the moving and that you had planned on visiting but something had kept you from visiting. You both sat in the kitchen and caught up, apparently your apartment home had already been sold and now a dad and his son lived there. You told her that you moved together with that handsome skeleton she usually saw you with, you didn't feel the need to explain that you were apart of the Mafia as that would put her in a lot of danger. You both laughed together and had a good time together... by now Papyrus and Sans would know you were gone... maybe you should take the whole round before going back to get scolded? That sounded like a really good plan since you're getting scolded even if you go back to the mansion right now.

You bid Clara goodbye and teleport near where Bunar and Bunella lived, you had gotten their address but since you haven't been there before you couldn't teleport at the exact spot. It took you some time to locate the building but you did manage in the end and an energetic Bunella rushed towards you when Bunar had opened the door for you. You instantly picked her up when you stepped inside the house and spun her in your embrace "Hello there Bunella, long time no see" She chuckled and you let her down onto the wooden floor, her body swaying slightly side to side. "Careful there so you don't fall over" You warned her, she probably was dizzy from spinning around but she had a huge smile on her face, showing off those cute buck teeth of hers.

"It's good to see you again Y/N, how is everything?" Bunar said as they motioned for you to come sit on the sofa, you gently grabbed Bunella's paw and walked towards the sofa so the both of you could sit. "It's been uh hectic, got two possessive skeletons that won't let me get out of the mansion. A mansion they decided to move me into without my permission mind you" Bunar looked quite shocked, you had gotten Bunar's phone number so you had texted here and there but you hadn't quite explained everything, like the kidnapping you were in. "Sounds tough, finally found time to visit?" Oh if they only knew, you shook your head as you patted Bunella's head while she sat on your lap. "More like I found a window of opportunity to teleport away?" You laughed but Bunar didn't like how you were so nonchalant about it.

"Sounds like you need to communicate with them, stand up for yourself. You should be able to go out when you want... You could suggest somebody escort you until they see that there's nothing to be worried about" Bunar gave you some pretty decent advice. Bunar was right you should be more steadfast with them when it comes to this but everytime you brought it up, they dismissed it and continued on doing whatever they wanted. "Thanks Bunar, I'll definitely take that to heart" You smiled and so did Bunar, their buck teeth showing. It was quite cute how Bunar and Bunella had the same front teeth.

You and Bunar ended up talking while you both played whatever Bunella wanted to but soon you had to go and you bid them goodbye. Now there was only one more stop to make and that was Muffet's shop! But before you could teleport to the mall where her shop was, you heard your phone give off a ping.

Starshine 🌟

Come home at 7pm, we got things to discuss.


We sure do, I'll be at the front entrance.

Well that didn't sound too good, Sans sounded very pissed even in text format but you had your own thoughts to share too. Easy to say that you were not looking forward to going back to the mansion, hopefully that spider hug would calm your nerves. You got to the mall and you had about 2 hours before you had to go back, you hoped Muffet didn't mind you just showing up. Muffet instantly spotted you as she saw you come through the shop's door and quickly greeted you.

"Hello Muffet! Sorry it took a while to visit, hectic days" You walked up to the counter where she stood, you could see a few customers inside the shop but Muffet's attention was all on you. "Ahuhu yes, my spiders told me your soulmates have been keeping you under house arrest so no worries" You gawked at her, she knew about all that? How? You could see in her soul that she was amused by your confusion. "My little spiders keep tabs on everything and you have become their favourite thing to observe lately" Muffet happily explained, so she had spiders spying around? Sans would definitely not like that... but since he's acting like a possessive jerkwad you're not gonna tell him anything.

"Wow, didn't know I was so popular amongst spider kind" Muffet laughed but had to stop since some customers came to pay for their stuff, you watched her do her job and the customers left the store satisfied with their purchase. "You truly are, it's too bad they can't go say hello, lest Papyrus and the big Don notices them" You could understand that since Papyrus and Sans always had their eyes on you, if one of her spiders were to come to you, it would surely be seen. "How come you're spying in the first place?" You were curious, you couldn't see any malicious intent in her soul. "Ahuhuhu we are simply observing and not spying, if we were to spy that blue skeleton of yours would have figured it was me pretty quickly and I'd be dust" She just observed? That was an odd answer. "So just watching and not selling info to enemy factions, got it" Muffet nodded happily as you got it right, suddenly a familiar spider quickly crawled up to your shoulder. "Well hello to you too Spinster" You cooed as you gave it a scratch with your finger, they weren't as small as regular spiders but still small.

"Ahuhuhu~ you haven't met them all yet deary" Muffet mischievously said as she spoke something in spiderish you couldn't understand. All of a sudden you could hear tiny crawling sounds coming your way and just as quickly as you had heard it, you were now covered in spiders. They had luckily decided to keep away from your face. You were more surprised than horrified, they all felt like fluffy little things and you tried to hug all of them but you only had one pair of arms unlike Muffet. "Hello to all of you~ you're all so soft!" You cooed and they all vibrated in what you assume to be joy, the vibrations felt very odd but not unpleasant.

The spiders scattered but kept close to you as you and Muffet talked and as much as you would like to stay, it was getting late. Plus Sans was waiting for you to come back to the mansion, somehow you felt a bit of hesitation to go back but you were just wanting to avoid confrontation. You hugged Muffet goodbye and told her you would like another spider hug next time which she chuckled at and told you that she and the spiders would be delighted.

Now it was time to go back and oh boy you were not ready for what would happen.


"So how was your little get away?" Sans spoke harshly when he saw you appear near the entrance, you could tell he wasn't very amused by your decision to visit your friends. Papyrus stood next to Sans, he was not amused either as he scowled at you, which you did not deserve, you just wanted some time outside!

"It went well... " The tension was heavy and you could feel your soul getting very anxious and you felt like you wanted to keep your distance for some reason. Papyrus had noticed your soul being very wary of them, which prompted the tall skeleton to take a step towards you carefully. Your soul screamed at you to move back but why? Were you being paranoid? You stood your ground and watched Papyrus close the gap between you two. His expression turned softer as he grabbed your hand in his, you looked at him in confusion.

"We were just very worried about you buttercup" His gaze never left yours but a movement caught your eyes and you saw Papyrus bring something close to your wrist, without thinking you quickly blipped away before Papyrus could do whatever he planned to do. When you reappeared a little further away from Papyrus, you could see the thing he was holding more clearly... Was that the device you handed over to Sans?

"Sweetheart... stand still will ya?" Sans said as he used his gravity magic on you, making your body float off the floor. Something was definitely wrong! "What are you doing!?" You were beyond confused and frustrated, you tried to move as Papyrus came closer to you again but Sans's magic prevented you from moving an inch as you floated slightly above the floor so your feet couldn't make contact with the floor to run. "It is for your safety, so please buttercup let me put this back on" If you can't run then... you tried to teleport far away but you only managed to blip away a few inches away. Your body was still affected by Sans's magic, was that interfering with your teleportation!?

"Hehe can't teleport away from us while I got your soul under my control sweetheart" If you can't run nor blip away... you used your magic to form a wall of shards, preventing Papyrus from getting closer to you. You used the time you gained by their stunned reaction to check their stats.

------------------------------- Sans --------------------------

° Won't let you leave his grasp ever again

Hp: 1/1

Atk: 1

Def: 1

Exp: ???

Next: ???


---------------------------- Papyrus -------------------------

° You can't escape his embraces anymore

Hp: 680/680

Atk: 20

Def: 20

Exp: ???

Next: ???


You could see both of them shiver as you checked their stats and it wasn't looking good for you. This wasn't normal behaviour what so ever, monster or human! Your soul had sensed whatever your soulmates had planned and it had tried to tell you but you hadn't listened to it!

"Let me go and we can discuss this like mature adults" Your wall of sharp ragged shards were still blocking Papyrus's way towards you. Both of them looked at each other and then they looked at you, their souls telling you that they would not stop this madness. Papyrus summoned a bone shaped staff and swung it with quite the strength, destroying the wall of shards that protected you, hearing Sans chuckle with a low tone. "Let you go so you can leave us like last time? Nice try but no" Ugh they weren't listening at all!

"Buttercup, we can't risk you getting in trouble... we have almost lost you twice already" Papyrus came closer and closer and your soul screaming at you to run already ringed into your mind but you couldn't struggle free from Sans's gravity magic, you tried to pry his magic off of your soul with your own but you weren't skilled enough in magic to overpower Sans's magic skill. "Plus you're always reckless no matter what we tell you and we won't risk that anymore" Sans finished as Papyrus had yet again closed the gap between you two. You are really starting to regret your decision to come back to the mansion, you loved your soulmates but they were taking all of this and blowing it out of proportion.

"That's-! You're both being jerkwads!" They looked like they won the argument with your lack of refutes, you couldn't deny that you were reckless but if this is what they would resort to, obviously you wouldn't try and pick fights. Papyrus grabbed your hand again and you tried to yank it back but it was useless against his iron grip. Papyrus brought the familiar but clearly changed device to your wrist and locked it into place and you felt Sans's magic leave your soul as you were gently placed back on the floor. If Papyrus hadn't held onto you, you were sure you would have stumbled and buckled down, you could feel how your magic was muted and you couldn't access it anymore. You saw that the modified device didn't have the usual volume button which meant... how the fuck do you turn it off!?

"That wasn't so hard now was it sweetheart?" You heard Sans say, he was now standing next to Papyrus. You had regained your balance and tried to yank your arm back, this time Papyrus let go of your hand and you held it close to your chest. You assumed you couldn't use your magic anymore because of the modified device they had forced upon you, honestly you were glad you had visited your friends since they must have planned this in advance. You glared at them as you took a few steps back to get some distance, clearly they didn't like that but right now you couldn't give a fuck. "You look a bit tired there sweetheart, isn't that right brother?" You looked very confused, you were not in the slightest any bit tired, if anything it was the opposite.

"Ah yes, you are right" Papyrus answered and took multiple steps towards you. You did not like this ominous feeling they both put out so you turned around to run but again Sans had caught you by his magic making you float again. Papyrus caught you middair and was holding you in a bridal style, you tried to struggle free but couldn't, if only you had your goddamn teleport ability! As you struggled you could feel yourself becoming more and more exhausted, that wasn't normal, not in this situation. In the midst of struggling, you caught a glance at your soul and saw orange smoke enveloping it which meant... Papyrus was using magic to make you sleepy! The puzzle pieces connected in your mind as you remember the times you felt drowsy in Papyrus's embraces, he had used magic to affect you multiple times! You assumed last time he had used his magic on you, your soul had fought him subconsciously using your own magic and that's why you woke up pretty quickly that time. Now you couldn't use magic to fight it off.

"Stop doing that!" You pleaded but he didn't as your eyes started to feel heavy, it was getting hard trying to stay awake for much longer. "Shhhh... it's alright, don't fight it buttercup" Papyrus cooed and your vision started to darken as you no longer could support the weight of your eyelids. "That is it... Dreamland awaits" You could hear Papyrus say as you lost consciousness and you fell into sweet dreams.

Papyrus felt you go limp in his arms but he didn't stop using his magic just yet, he wanted to make sure that this time you would sleep the entire night. He turned around to face his brother... Papyrus decided to hand you over to Sans which made him very confused. "I can see your soul yearning to calm them down" Sans looked up at Papyrus with admiration. "You're the greatest, Papyrus" Sans admitted and Papyrus stood tall and proud with one hand over his chest. "Nyeh! But of course I am brother!" He proudly accepted his older brother's praise.

Sans brought you to his bedroom so you could comfortably sleep til the morning, he hoped you wouldn't make a fuss when you woke up but that seemed unlikely to him. Sans put you gently onto his bed and you pushed him away as you shifted away from him in your sleep, how cute of you to think you could simply push him away. He placed his fedora on his night stand and crawled into bed with you, he shuffled closer and snaked one of his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his chest. His skull resting in the nape of your neck, he peppered it with kisses and might have given you some hickeys along the way... ooops.

Your slumbering body reacted adorably to his affections, you even tried to shuffle away but to no avail.

Your vision was blurry but you saw sunshine through the window's blue curtains, your memories from last night had resurfaced while you were still struggling to fully awaken. Something constricting was draped across your waist, you looked behind you to see a snoring skeleton behind you and he was holding tightly onto your waist. You struggled against his hold but he kept pulling you closer into him the more you struggled and you could feel his skull go near your neck area. abruptly you felt something wet slither on your neck for just a split second and you were pretty sure that Sans just licked you, it had managed to stop you from wriggling out of his grasp out of shock.

"Stop movin' around so much sweetheart" He grumbled, his voice heavy with sleep. You would have found it cute and annoying before but now it just left you annoyed. You tried blipping away but the device didn't let you and it seemed like Sans could sense what you had tried to do as he dragged you under him all of a sudden. You squeaked in surprise as you tried to push him away from you but he didn't budge. He laid down on you, his skull gently making contact with your stomach and he stared at you with those glowing heart shaped eyelights of his. "Let me go" You glared at him but that only made him strain a smile at you.

"No, end of discussion... Since we're both awake now would ya like tha' take a shower with me?" Ugh that's it? Act like they didn't force the device on your wrist and then using magic on you to subdue you? You groaned, obviously the last thing you wanted to do was shower with a lovesick skeleton that didn't let you go because he fears you'd attract trouble wherever you go. Plus you don't think he only wanted to simply shower with you.... a shower sounded nice but not with Sans. "No I'd rather do that by myself" You huffed out, Sans however wasn't very elated by your rejection. "Come on... it'll make ya more relaxed" You rolled your eyes, it would make him more relaxed more than it would you. "I'll give some of your magic back... for today" Now that piqued your interest, maybe you could use that to escape... Skip Ebott and leave the country? Sans wouldn't have any influence outside of this country.

"You promise that?" You needed absolute reassurance if you were going to attempt this. Sans never backed down on his promises but he also didn't like making them so that makes his words trustworthy... hopefully. Sans hummed and tapped his skull with his phalanges, making slight sounds every time the tip of his phalanges made contact with his skull. It made you nervous, would he refuse to make a promise but then again it would mean he might have been lying about giving back your magic in the first place. "Alright, just for you I'll make that promise but I'll get tha' wash that bewitchin' body of yours" You gave him your usual neutral expression but inside you were seething, luckily Sans couldn't see your soul's true emotions like Papyrus could, thank the stars. "Ugh fine but I'm in no mood for any funny business" You agreed to his annoying deal. "Heh of course... unless it's wanted" Sans gave you an infuriating wink.

This was going to be a long day.


Your shower with Sans went as expected, a few unwanted touches here and there but nothing too vile happened, he had kept his promise to give back some of your magic. You had discovered that Sans had given you quite the hickeys on your neck when you glanced at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Sans had given you up to Papyrus since he was oh so busy but of course he would make time for you but for now, Papyrus was keeping a watchful eye on you. Well more like you both were laying down on the grass in the garden together and Papyrus had a strong but gentle grip around your body as your head laid on top of his chest. You could see his soul was calm and happy but you could also see a tinge of... drowsiness? Had Papyrus been up all night worrying about what happened yesterday? He must have or otherwise he wouldn't be as unguarded as he was now.

Which brings up your sudden idea, since you had some access to your magic, could you use Papyrus's gravity magic against him? You were sure he wouldn't notice, he was already at the brink of falling into slumber! He just needed a slight push over to the border of Dreamland. Your hand rested on his chest where his soul would be and you sneakily activated your magic and tried to make Papyrus fall asleep by luring his soul into a calming slumber. Your white magic enveloped his soul and you felt him pulling you closer to him but you could see he didn't suspect a thing as he stared up at the sky with a smile. After a while you could hear light snoring coming from Papyrus and you lifted your head up to see him sleeping unaware of your scheming. You managed to wiggle out of his grip, it was loose enough for you to escape, surprisingly enough, you had expected that he would hold onto you more tightly.

Now you had to act fast, where would you go first? Definitely out of the city but where.... There were relatively many towns nearby Ebott, the question is which one should you seek shelter in. Sans would for sure let his underlings search the nearby towns first so those were a no go. You also had a second option... seek out Alphys and demand that she removes the damn device but the chances of her working in cahoots with Sans was too high to bet on. So a town located a bit further away was your goal. Quickly you ran out of the garden leaving Papyrus blissfully sleeping, unaware of your escape attempt. You'll come back when they've gained clarity and don't keep you prisoner inside the mansion, you get that they wanted to keep you safe and unharmed but this was just too much. After your experiences, it didn't deter you from going out in the world and you think that's what scared both of them as they never wanted to see you in that state ever again.

As you ran through the hallways to get to the exit, multiple monsters greeted you formally and called you majesty and highness which was quite embarrassing but you gave them a smile while greeting them back to not arouse suspicion. You made it to the exit but got stopped by Undyne as she greeted you by giving you a noogie, this was not the right time for that!

"Heya there pu- your majesty, how come you're alone?" That was a valid question, hopefully she wouldn't see through your lies. "Ah well you see-" you started but she interrupted you before you could even answer. "You're sneaking out aren't cha?" She laughed boisterously, ah fuck, you dont have to be a genius to figure that out but at least she could have let you explain yourself. "Are you gonna stop me?" You had no chance whatsoever to fight off Undyne, especially with the little amount of magic you had access to. She mischievously smiled at you, was that good or bad? You didn't know. "Nah... Those numbskulls need to be taught that they can't force you to stay unwillingly, that just creates a toxic relationship" Thank the stars she was on your side on this! Undyne opened the door and gently nudged you outside. "Don't go tellin' yer boyfriends about this alright? Have fun Y/N" You smiled at her and nodded and finally you were off!


"Buttercup, finally I have found you! Where did you think you were going?" You were less than 10 minutes in and he had found you!? How!? You stopped and turned around and saw Papyrus standing behind you. "Somewhere other than here, you guys are acting irrationally" That didn't go over well as Papyrus stepped closer to you, his usual smiles gone from his skull. People glanced in your direction but nobody interfered, they were probably thinking you had a lover's quarrel which in a way was very true. "We are not, you're the one who puts themselves in more danger!" Oh boy, would you have to resort to fighting him? You really didn't want to plus Sans would definitely be nearby. He got two meters away from you and that's when you striked by throwing two small but sharp shards made of magic into the ground where his boots were. "I can fend for myself Pumpkin" You mocked, Papyrus sighed and summoned his staff made of bone. You looked behind you and saw an alleyway... It had been a long time since you had used them to escape all sorts of things but it was the best place to outrun both Papyrus and Sans since he couldn't teleport where he hadn't been before.

You looked back at Papyrus and saw he had figured out what you were thinking, before he could make a wall of bones to prevent you from running away, you threw a sharp shard in his direction and ran towards the alleyway. You didn't aim at his soul since hurting him wasn't your goal, it was to distract him so he couldn't prevent you from entering the alleyways. "You are in so much trouble now, buttercup!" You could hear Papyrus below out but it didn't stop you from hastily entering the alleyways and block off where you entered from with your own sharp glass shards protruding from the ground. You ran and made hasty decisions of turns and twists, luckily you didn't hear Papyrus anywhere close.

Suddenly you came to a stop as you had run into a dead end, great! You had to back track, you had lost your sense of direction when it came to these old alleyways that used to be so familiar to you. "Heh how unfortunate for you" You quickly turned around to see Sans behind you, this was getting frustrating! How the fuck did the both of them find you so quickly!? Especially inside the alleyways! "How did you...." You mumbled in disbelief, Sans seemed to have heard you. "Welp I'll tell ya why since it might discourage you from running away again... Your modified device contains a very nice tracker" He smiled as he watched your expression turn from annoyance to surprise, even so, how did he catch up to you so quickly!? You doubt he has ever been in these alleyways before since he usually didn't do the dirty work himself so teleporting was out of the equation, or was it?

"I can see it all over your face sweetheart, how did I get here so quickly when I technically haven't been here before? The answer lies in your memories" Ah fuck that's right! He had seen your memories during the soul bond. "Now will you stop runnin' or do I hafta' knock ya out?" You could feel your magic weaken as Sans waited for your reply... You were beaten and you had to admit that. Maybe and just maybe if you play nice they will just stop, it's unlikely but you never know could happen. You sighed out in frustration.

"I know when to quit, no need to do that... again" You assume Sans didn't have the magic ability to make you fall asleep so his version of knocking you out sounded not so wonderful. Sans smile turned gleeful at your statement and held out his hand for you to take. "Great then we have come to an agreement, let's go back home" You had to bottle up your seething anger but he could definitely tell you weren't as happy about this as he was. You cautiously approached him and carefully placed your hand in his outstretched one, suddenly he had teleported you back to a very familiar room. It was your old one but this time the damages had been fixed and renovated and it looked as good as it ever did. "It's your not so new room, better get used to it because you're staying for a while sweetheart" That sounded like you were strictly on house arrest, great.

"You're not gonna let me leave this room at all are you?" Sans chuckled and shook his head. "Nope, not a chance, you're staying until I know you won't leave us again" It was more of a rhetorical answer but he answered it anyway, he really held that you left them years ago as leverage against you. "Sans, I was trying to leave so you could see nothing dangerous would happen so you would stop trying to keep me in here" You argued, Sans was about to retort but you weren't finished quite yet. "Besides, I would have come back after some time" That made Sans quiet for a while until he stared right at you intensely with his glowing pinpricks. "And if you didn't? Got kidnapped again? Got too hurt so you couldn't? Sorry but we aren't risking that anymore" Yeah there was no arguing with him about this, can't say you didn't try... multiple times. You sighed in defeat yet again and Sans looked happy that you finally 'understood'.

"So no kiss for takin' you home?" Ugh of course he'd ask that, you were too tired to argue and walked to him, cupping his skull with your hands. "You're a knucklehead, you know that right?" You said as Sans stared up at you while your hands were still cupping his skulls' cheeks. His eyelights turned into hearts "Only for you sweetheart" He was lucky that he was cute. You closed the gap between you two and kissed him. Sans deepened the kiss by pulling you closer to himself. All of a sudden you felt the familiar weightlessness and your body hit something soft as you felt something or someone straddling you. You looked up to see Sans with quite the mischievous smile on his skull, he had teleported the both of you into your new bed. Well this wasn't what you had in mind but it wasn't entirely unexpected.

"I'll make ya want to stay this time around" He growled as his hands roamed under your clothes, oh stars he was really frustrated wasn't he? Maybe if you'd let him take out some steam, he would calm down plus... His touch was surprisingly pleasurable as your soul felt like it was on fire. Was that blue smoke surrounding it? Before you could look closer at it, Sans abruptly pulled your attention back to him by biting your neck. "Eyes on me sweetheart" he purred and continued to roam your body with his hands.

You've had a long day and now you would surely have a long night ahead of you.


It had been months since your first escape attempts and after that you had multiple eyes watching you if Papyrus wasn't nearby so another attempt wasn't possible plus with the tracker on you there wasn't any point to try even if you managed to step outside the mansion. Luckily Sans had allowed you to interact with Muffet and her spiders whenever she visited even though he knew she was observing everything with her spiders. Clara was sometimes invited for tea and Toriel would join you both, obviously those two got along pretty well. Bunar and Bunella weren't allowed to even enter mansion grounds as they were seen as traitors, you would miss them dearly but there was nothing you could do to sway Sans and Papyrus to allow them near you.

Toriel had suggested a movie night and that is why you were now on the sofa, squeezed between Sans and Papyrus while having Frisk sitting on your lap, Toriel was sitting in a rocking chair and Alphys sat in the love seat with Undyne. All in all this was pretty cozy, you watched the movie and later on, Frisk removed themselves from your lap to go to Toriel's lap instead, she drapped a blanket over them. Your lap felt cold when Frisk's warmth left but to your suprise, Sans laid down and put his skull in your lap instead. You chuckled quietly and massaged his skull during the movie, making him fall asleep in the middle of it. You saw Papyrus got slightly jealous so you leaned into his shoulder to calm him, it worked but you could hear Alphys and Undyne coo at how cute you all looked.

Papyrus opened up his eyes and saw the end credits running, oh stars he missed the ending! He looked down at you and his brother that was still snuggling into your lap, you had fallen asleep on him, how adorable. "Papyrus dear, mind if you put the both of them to bed?" Toriel didn't have to ask twice, he would have done so without being asked! He was the great Papyrus after all! "Yes your maj-" Papyrus started but got cut off by Toriet. "I'm not the majesty anymore, the person who is sleeping on you is" She laughed and Papyrus apologized, he was so used to call her your majesty that it slipped his mind entirely. "I'm only teasing, dear but do call me Tori from now on to avoid confusion" She gave Papyrus a gentle smile. He would make a mental note to refrain from calling Toriel 'Your majesty'. Everyone had retired for the night and had left the living room they were in, it was about time that all three of you did the same.

Papyrus tried to wake his brother first but no luck, he was such a lazy bones. He moved to you and nudged you gently, your eyes opened but they were filled with drowziness. "Time to go to bed, buttercup" Papyrus told you and you nodded as you tried to move Sans out of your lap but to no avail. Papyrus sighed and got up, he picked up his brother from your lap so you could get up. You stumbled up and held onto his orange shirt for support, that was... quite endearing. "If you want, I can put Sans down to carry you to bed" He offered but you shook your head in refusal. "No is fine... can walk bed self" Your sentence was structured without care, Papyrus chuckled. "At least let me escort you" You sleepily nodded and pulled at his shirt. "Les go..." Oh stars, your attitude was so cute... You didn't mind to have a lil slumber party in your room right?

Papyrus walked slowly so you could follow him, your hand still holding onto his orange shirt, he still held onto Sans as he escorted you back to your room. When you arrived you quickly opened the door and went inside, Papyrus followed you inside for some reason but you disregarded it as your main goal was to get into bed and continue your sweet slumber. Without care you dressed down in just underwear and a t-shirt, quickly jumping into bed so you could finally enter Dreamland. Papyrus for some reason was still in your bedroom, standing around holding a snoozing Sans.

"Hey buttercup, would you mind scooting over?" You just grumbled in annoyance but did as he asked, suddenly you felt a weight being added behind you and Papyrus had placed Sans in your bed. Sans was still asleep but he could sense you close and he reached out for you, he managed to snag your waist before you could scoot away more. As Sans pulled you closer to him, you felt another dip in your mattress and this time it was Papyrus, this was becoming a skeleton cuddle party. Papyrus could see your eyes were slightly open and he smiled at you, he draped the duvet over himself, adding even more warmth. He shuffled closer to you and intertwined his legs with yours as he stroked your hair lovingly.

"Given up your plans to escape yet buttercup?" Papyrus suddenly asked and honestly? You had. You were content being with your soulmates even though they were constantly fussing over you and your friends occasionally visited too. "Mmm'yes... won't... leave" You said as you drifted off to sleep, Papyrus's and Sans's souls lit up in glee at your words. Unbeknownst to you Sans had woken up to hear your reply.

even though your soul felt content, you felt deep down it was screaming at you to achieve true freedom again. But you ignored it as you snuggled closer to Papyrus while letting Sans rest his skull near your neck.

They had finally managed to make you stay willingly.



Chapter 12 out of 12!

Thank you so much for reading til' the end! Hope you enjoyed my fanfic!

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