By bigstarqueen

899 130 303

Charlie never liked traveling or making friends, but after meeting Jungkook. he fell hard like a rock and mel... More

.... characters•◍✧*。
....Happy Kookie Day!!!...•◍✧*。


24 5 0
By bigstarqueen

I really don't wanna rush this book, I'm afraid I'd make it seems uninteresting to the end. So please don't curse at me for late updates. I wanna try to stick to the original plot. Thanks for your understanding.

Chat Messages between Taehyun & Yeonjun

Chat Messages between Yeonjun & Felix

Yeonjun smiled like a fool as he replay the audio clips records with Felix. The younger melodious tone was thrilling and luring, Yeonjun won't mind listening to it for eternity. Planting a kiss to the screen of his phone, he turned on his flashlight and screamed when he saw a spooky shadow behind a tall flower plant.

"What's that?! Hello? Is...someone there?" He inquired, taking slow steps towards the back door of the cottage.

He heard nothing but a weird creepy sound coming from behind, he turned and release a mighty punch while squinting his eyes in fright as he screamed.


Yeonjun kicked the thing on the ground and ran into the cottage, screaming 'ghost' nonstop. Beomgyu who was at the kitchen ran out to him and sighed as he grabs his shoulder, making the older to look at him.

" My dear friend have you finally gone crazy?!"

Yeonjun rapidly blinks his eyes before yanking the younger hands off, panting loudly as he went to the kitchen island and took the mug of hot chocolate on top it and started chunking it down to calm his nerves.

"Hey! I made that for my boyfriend not for you!"

"Make another one then." Yeonjun spat, shivering as he gulp down the hot tea while patting his chest with his left hand.

Soobin, Kai and Taehyun came down the stairs, staring at the two male in confusion.

"What happened? I heard someone screaming." Soobin spoke, earning Yeonjun's attention.

"There's a ghost at the backyard."


The others simultaneously stared at the man in a black clown outfit as he laid lifelessly on the floor while Yeonjun isolate himself at the corner of the longest couch, shivering as he stare at the man on the floor.

Soobin sighed and took off the man's weird hat, revealing his rough comma maroon hair.

"Ahh..." He breath out and the others simultaneously shift their gaze, now staring at him.

"Hoseok hyung when will you stop pulling pranks on people?" The black comma haired boy inquired as if he knew the man has gain consciousness.

And as if on cue, the maroon haired man began to sit up with a strained groan. "What the head hurts."

"That's what you get for pulling pranks on someone like Yeonjun."

"I wasn't pulling pranks on anyone."

"Then why were you making those weird sounds?" Yeonjun inquired, anger laced in his voice.

"What sounds? That must have been your imaginations boy. I was only trying to approach you."

Yeonjun let out a loud sarcastic laugh like a maniac before glaring at the older.

"Yeah right. The first time I checked you were in front of me and the next thing I know you were behind me as if that isn't creepy enough."

Hoseok let out a mocking scoff and stood up from the floor, walking towards the blonde before poking his head out to him, intimating him with a sexy stare which made him flush into a panic mode.

"I just didn't think a grown-up like you would be so afraid of ghost." Hoseok whispered, mockingly.

Yeonjun gulped as he stared at the older features from up close. He closed his eyes, batting his long lashes as he muster the courage to push off the older and got up from the couch. "Nonsense! Who says I'm afraid?!"

With that being yelled, Yeonjun bolted to his room, leaving everyone bewildered. "Wait a minute, he was blushing. You saw that right?" Taehyun asked still staring at the man with gape mouth.

"Who wouldn't? Soobin's hyung is hot as fuck." Beomgyu whispered as they all watch the older taking off his clown outfit. Taehyun immediately close Beomgyu eyes and started leading him towards their room.

"You can't say that about other men, you need to be punish." He whispered into the younger ears and sneakingly took him away.

HueningKai blinks, staring at Hoseok's abs in amazement. Soobin noticed and took off his shirt tossing it to the older who confusingly caught the shirt before smirking.

"Just put it on."

"I didn't say i won't." Hoseok replied, putting on the cloth, luckily it was baggy enough to fit him.

"So. Who is this fairy-like creature?" He asked and HueningKai immediately smiled.

"Annyeon, je ireumen HeuningKai imnida."

(Hello, my name is HeuningKai.)

"Oh. You are the kid who solved Soobin's puzzles aren't ya?"

"Yes yes yes he is." Soobin said with a roll of his eyes.

"You didn't tell me you were here?"

"Do i need to? It's my house."

"Really? Why didn't we see you when we get here?" Kai asked, curiously.

"I went fishing with some old friends of mine. We couldn't caught a single fish so we went out partying."

"Oh." Kai exclaimed in understanding.

" many friends did you bring?"

"Um well, Taehyun and Beomgyu the couple who sneakingly left a while ago, Yeonjun the scaredy cat. Charlie and Jungkook hyung, those two are sharing a room upstairs. They must be sleeping. Right.... and Jessi Noona."

"So there's no room left?"

"No room."

"I'd have to share a room with Yeonjun right?"

"Actually, i gave him your room to begin with."

"Great!" Hoseok smiled, turning around and walking towards the stairs.



Soobin and Kai simultaneously stared at each other in confusion before shrugging it off and headed towards their room as well.


"Ah! Soft."

"More..ah! Ah!"

"Come on faster!"


Yeonjun moaned, slowly opening his eyes before looking up only to met with a naughty smile that belongs to no other than Hoseok. He screamed and kicked the older out of the bed before wiping the drool on the corner of his lips.

With a small grunt, Hoseok sat up on the floor and sighed as he stared at the younger face. "You are disgustingly cute." He mumbled, smirking as he notice the crimson shade that dappled upon the younger cheeks.

Yeonjun rapidly blink his eyes before looking down and sighed in relief. Hoseok watched him and let out a scoff. "Just because you're dressed doesn't mean we didn't do it." He teased with a smug smile.

Yeonjun gasped before hitting the older face with a pillow. "Y-you pervert!" The younger stuttered.

"Says the one who just had a nocturnal emission." Hoseok mocked before getting up on his feet and lean towards the younger in a breath taking distance. "Did you dream about me?" He teased, cocking his brow as he grins.

"Burr! I rather dream of dogs." Said Yeonjun before pushing the older away and scoot out of the bed, going straight into the bathroom.

Hoseok stared at the door and smiled before diverting his gaze to his nipple which is now bruised due to Yeonjun's powerful hand massage. "This kid." He whispered and clicked his tongue before letting out a sigh.


Gaining back consciousness, Jessi slowly flutter her eyes open, staring out at the beautiful horizon before tearing her gaze away.

The notification sound from her phone managed to stole her attention as she reaches for the device and unlock it.

"Who the hell is this?" She grumbled, as she open the message she received.

Chat Messages

Sighing, Jessi kept her phone and slip out of her bed, walking into her bathroom.


Yeonjun walked down the stairs and gasp in amazement as he looked towards the dinning. The table was decorated with beautiful dish of plated delicacies like..Kimbap (veggie, rice and seaweed roll), japchae( Korean sweet potatoes noodles), mandu (dumplings), chicken noodles soup and kimchi.

He felt his mouth watering by the sight of the food but as soon as he saw Hoseok walking out of the kitchen with an apron hung around his waist, he snapped out of the trance and harshly gulp, eyeing the older male and started walking towards the door.

"Won't you have breakfast?"

"Breakfast? You called that breakfast? No thanks I think I'll pass, i have a date to catch." He sassed and went straight out of the cottage and somehow his words managed to pierce Hoseok's heart.

"Wow breakfast looks delicious! " Someone said, waking the others with his incredible high pitch tone.

Chat Messages between Yeonjun & Felix

Yeonjun squeal in happiness and took a quick look around with a sheepish smile on his face before shoving his phone into his bag and hailed a taxi.

Arriving at the new beach market, he took out his phone and quickly called Felix and after a few rings the younger picked his call with a sweet tone that gave effect to his heart.

"Hyungie~~ where are you?"

"I'm at xxxx-xxxxxx-xx."

"Really?! I'm close by!"

Yeonjun has no idea why the younger was full of enthusiasm but he knows for sure it was for a good reason.


"Yes. Turn around and I'll wave my hands in the air." Said Felix.

Without any further words, Yeonjun obeyed the younger and instantly smile as he spot him.

But that happiness or Joy in his heart didn't last long as a much taller handsome man came out of no where and wrapped his arms around his Felix's waist before handing the younger a cone ice cream.

Yeonjun could feel his heart tearing apart as he stare at them. The guy whispered something into the younger ears, erupting a loud melodious giggles from his baby pink lips.

Yeonjun hated it all of a sudden. Has he been played? No he wasn't sure of it. But why? Why did Felix lied about him coming here alone? Yeonjun only wanted to know that right now, so he slowly made his way towards them, even when he felt like turning around and run, he still stood his ground and walked towards them.

"Hi." His voice was barely above a whispered, but the couples could understand it was a simple greeting.

"Hello." The guy with the sunglasses said, stretching out his hand for an handshake. Yeonjun stared at the man's hand which was much bigger than his and even veiner, hesitatingly he shake hands with him and forced a fake smile over his face.

"I'm Choi Yeonjun, nice to meet you."

No, it wasn't nice at all when the guy was holding the waist that he should be holding. Truth be told, Yeonjun wanted to use a sleeper hold on the guy or practice some taekwondo skills on him.

"I'm Bang Chan, Felix's boyfriend."

The aforementioned introduce with a flirting smile at his lover before looking at Yeonjun in the eyes while Felix just nodded with a smile.

"I see." Yeonjun said and Chan didn't miss the bitterness that gazes over the blonde's tone.

"Sorry but can i steal your boyfriend for a minute?" He inquired, making the smile on the taller's face to flatter.

Felix confusingly stare at Yeonjun before looking at his boyfriend and plant a kiss on the latter's cheeks, mumbling 'i'll be back soon.' into his ears before following Yeonjun towards a shop.

" there any problem hyung? You don't look really happy." Felix said, earning a maniac laughter which bubbled out of Yeonjun's lips.

"Happy?" The older shook his head before looking into the younger eyes.

"Why did you lie to me?" He went straight to the point and Felix blinks his eyes in utter confusion. "Lie to you? How? When?"

Yeonjun let out a sharp breath and took a dangerous step closer to the shorter boy.

"You told me you came alone."

"Well... technically i did. Channie came here with his father to meet an investor and we coincidentally met."

"That is no coincident!"

"Why are you so angry?!" Felix was bewildered.

"You should've told me you had a boyfriend."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything! I won't be here right now if you've told me in the first place. At least, i wouldn't have felt the way...the way I did."

The younger eyes widened in surprise as he looked up at Yeonjun's blue watery orbs.


The older sniffed and looked away, wiping off his tears and snot before looking back at the younger and spoke.

"Forget all that i have just said, let's pretend we never met."

With that being said, he spun on his heels and took long strides far away from the younger who was still speechless by his words.

Jessi stared at her reflection in the mirror and smiled as she stare at her gorgeous shape. Her hands slowly crept to rest on her flat tummy which still looked normal as if she wasn't pregnant. She heaved a deep breath and shook her head, forcing a smile to creep unto her lips.

"I shouldn't worry, it's good thing it's not prominent. It's good thing." She chanted to herself before grabbing her purse and exit the room.

The anniversary party decoration was outstanding even from afar anyone could easily see the beautiful design. But fucking hell, Jessi didn't think it would be so crowded like this. Seeing from the way, some people were dressed she could tell half of the people were not even invited.

She had walked all the way to the party barefooted as it wasn't far from the cottage and since it was close to the river bank, she didn't think it would be a good idea to wear heels.

She then stood still, stretching her neck until she could clearly see the couples who were standing on the fancy made podium. Jessi mouth fell apart as she stared at the couple in surprise.

"Hey you came...."

Namjoon didn't get to finish as the chocolate skinned girl yank him closer. "You didn't tell me your parents are gay!" She whispered shouted as Namjoon rapidly blinks.

"Well.. technically i could have told you if you haven't walked away from me the other day." He clarified before taking her hands off his shirt so that it won't wrinkle.

"Are you homophobic?"


Jessi point at herself and burst into a fit of quiet laughter.

"In my condo, i live with my cousins and their friends and none of them is straight." She sprunted out slowly looking back at Namjoon adorable parents.

"You know my appa parents are homophobic. So he changed his surname and started bearing Kim instead of Lee. The world was nothing but hell to me and Tae until they both came into our lives. After adopting us, it was hard to live in the society and though they both suffered much they would always smile and told us everything was okay."

Jessi couldn't help but stared at Namjoon's orbs as the latter stared fondly at his parents who were being teased by their friends on the podium.

"They are angels." Namjoon whispered and gently took Jessi's hand into his large ones before planting a kiss on the back of her palm. "So you don't have to be nervous."

Jessi gulped the lump in her throat and nodded, gently following the male as he led her towards his parents.


"Mai Jesus Christ!"

"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Well i think that's well established."

"It's okay. It's all right because Adam is gonna give me the drive right now. Aren't you Adam?"



"Hey beautiful idiot If i shoot him you die too."


" I'm thinking it over."

"What?! What do you mean you're thinking?"

"Yeah it's, it's a complicated issue."

"You don't have to think over!"

"It's not complicated!"

"It's a big decision! I need to think it through!"

"I'm about to lose my shits here!"

"Give her the drive! Please just do it!"

Hoseok, Jungkook, Charlie and Sookai were busying having a movie night when Soobin's phone started ringing. The comma haired boy frowned and shove his hand into his pocket, bringing out the device to read out the caller id.

"Who is it?" Kai who was sleepily smuggling next to his boyfriend asked and the latter tilted his head to stare at his boyfriend beautiful eyes.

"It's Yeonjun." Soobin replied in his deep tone, alerting Hoseok at the mention of the aforementioned.

"He's been out for long." Jungkook spoke, gladly eating the popcorn Charlie was feeding him.

"I agree."

"A minute, lemme know what he wants." Soobin spoke, shushing everyone before answering the call.



"Er......yes I am."



Soobin averted his gaze to HueningKai who had flinched due to his tone then flash the younger an apologetic smile.




"Thank you very much." He said and quickly ended the call.

"Why were you shouting...." HeuningKai Whined as Soobin kneeled in front of him. "It's nothing. Are you feeling sleepy?"

The younger rapidly nod his head and Soobin smiled and scooped him into his arms. "I'll tuck you in." He said, taking the younger upstairs to their room.

"I.... don't think everything is fine." Jungkook slur before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Me too." Charlie replied before kissing off the popcorn on the corner of the older's lips.

Hoseok stare at them in admiration before getting up from the couch, he was about to head upstairs when Soobin rush down stairs, putting on his favorite jacket.

"Where are you running off to? Why are putting on your jacket? It's about to rain."

"Yeonjun passed out in a bar. I was told to come get him." The younger elaborate, making Hoseok to frown.

A bar? Wasn't he going on a date? He wondered and quickly stop Soobin. "You go stay with your boyfriend, I'll go bring him." Hoseok volunteered and grab his car keys rushing outside the cottage.

"What the hell?" Soobin mumbled to himself before tilting his head to stare at the couple who seems surprise as well.

"Er... goodnight Hyungs. I'm going back to my room." The younger announced, taking off his jacket as he rush upstairs to cuddle with his boyfriend.

"Well...i guess it's just the two of us." Charlie mumbled as Jungkook sat properly and tilted his head to stare at him.

The younger immediately pressed his lips against the older's soft one, raking his fingers through his long ebony hair as the older lay him down on the couch, straddling his lower region.

Jungkook parted his lips, moaning as the younger shove his skillful tongue into his mouth, exploring his hot cavern as he slide his hand into his shirt to grab his nipple.

The older whimpered and grind his crotch against the younger protruding crotch.

"Shit." The younger cursed, parting their lips in attempt to strip the older.

Soon enough, they were both panting loudly, thrusting and grinding against each other while releasing soft moans as they fought to reach their orgasm.


"Where woe towen mwe?"

Hoseok blinks in confusion, trying to understand what the blond just spat as he lead him towards his car.

"Driwnk upw naw!"

"Just seat and stay put, I'm taking you home." Hoseok said calmly as help the younger to sit in the passenger seat before shutting the door and hop into the driver seat.

He ignite the engine of his car and slowly rode out of the parking lot. It has began to rain heavy, the younger has stirred up from sleep. He looked around as if he was searching for something and when he couldn't find it, he threw up on his body.

"Jesus Christ! That's fucking gross boy! " Hoseok yelled, stopping in the middle of the highway, fortunately they were the only one taking that route so late at night. Hoseok tilted his head, looking around and smile in relief as he spot a motel light board from afar, he took a turn and revved towards the motel.

Booking the only available room, he carried Yeonjun into the room and gently lay down the younger on the bed. He put his hands on his waist and sighed loudly in relief.

"Good grief!" He exclaimed before tilting his head to stare at the younger who was lying lifelessly on the single bed. He lazily sat next to him and began taking off his shoes, to his shirt and shorts, leaving just his pink strawberry boxers.

Hoseok chuckled then took the younger clothes into the bathroom and took of his shirt which got stained while carrying the younger. He washed them clean and hung them on the towel rack then wet the towel and went back into the room to wipe the younger clean.

As the older sat down and begin to wipe the younger face, he couldn't help but stare at his ravishing body.

Yeonjun tilted his head and grab Hoseok's wrist, sliding the older hands down to his chest making the latter to gulp hard subconsciously as he stared at his pink tit.

"Ah!" Hoseok close his eyes, looking away from the temptation though he was literally losing every ounce of control in him.

"Let go." He whispered, squinting his eyes shut in attempt not to stare, even though he wanted to stare at the younger all day.

Yeonjun wasn't in his right state of mind, Hoseok thought it would be disrespectful to do anything with the younger at this state but the young man was making it harder for him.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Hoseok yanked his hands out of the younger's grip and quickly sat up, breathing loudly as he supports himself with the wall.

Yeonjun tossed around and sat up, letting out quiet sobs while biting his pinkish lips.

"Yah.. Choi Yeonjun go back to bed. You're drunk." Hoseok attempt of making the younger fall asleep were futile, he had no idea how to stop him from crying until he sat down next to the younger.

His eyes widened in shock as the younger climb on top of him and rest his head on his chest taking his breath away with his close proximity.

A breathy moan slip through the older's mouth as the younger press his butt cheek against his crotch, knocking out the remaining air left in his lung.

"Yeon-." Hoseok gulped and grip the younger waist before looking into his eyes. "W-what do y-you think you're d-doing?" The older breathlessly asked.

Yeonjun paused his lips, pouting as he stare deep into the older eyes. "Hate it?" He inquired.

He rapidly shook his head and brought his hand up to wipe off the younger's tears.

"Is it okay?"he whispered, managing to bring a smile upon Yeonjun's face. The younger nodded, caressing the older cheekbone before pressing his lips against the older's lips.

Hoseok eyes widen in shock as he stare at Yeonjun's face from up close. He quickly grab the younger shoulder and pulled him off, breaking the kiss.

"If you want this, then you have to make a promise to me that you won't blame this on me when you wake up." Hoseok said strictly, earning a rapid nod from the young boy who smiled and kissed him first.

Hoseok laid on his back, moaning and panting as he share a rough kiss with the younger boy who was eagerly kissing him back.

Pulling away for air, Yeonjun plant a tender kiss on Hoseok's eyebrow and trailed it down to his sharp jawline before whispering in his ears.

"Are you ready?"

The older automatically stop breathing as he slowly tilted his head to stare into the younger eyes in surprise.

"Are you?" He inquired, unsure. Yeonjun smiled and attached their lips, sliding his hand into the older's pant.....

Enough😂 unholy kids!

Word count : 3 9 8 4
You didn't expect this turn out event did ya?
Who would think Yeonjun & Hoseok as a couple? I never thought about that. Love you!
Gamsahanida 💜💜💜

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