Two of a kind

By RebekahCoelho

64 0 0

Maria Sanchez is a 17 year old girl who lives with her older sister, nobody really knows Maria's tragic past... More

At first sight
Time for some...
And the party starts
It never ends


3 0 0
By RebekahCoelho


I couldn't believe Chloe would bring that up, I can't believe I told Maria's painful secret. She's never going to speak to me again. I told Chloe to go home, Trent followed Maria out the back "fuck!" I yelled grabbing another drink, Sam hadn't moved yet "did you fuck her?" I ask him my jaw twitching "what?" Sam asked snapping out of his shock "did you fuck her?" I ask slower "that's none of your business bro" "anything to do with her is my business" I say glaring at him "not anymore, not after you took that stupid bitch up to your room" he says and walks towards the back "stay away from her, she doesn't need another fuck wit messing with her" I warn him, he walks out and I watch him go to Maria, he talks to her then hugs her, they make their way back in "Maria" I say but she doesn't even look at me "I'm sorry I couldn't stand there and listen to her say that she didn't know what she was talking about" she stops "she was just repeating what you said, just leave me the fuck alone" her and Sam leave "why the fuck wouldn't you tell me?" Trent asks his mad, beyond mad his livid "how could I? What was I going to say, hey dude I had to beat the fuck out of her sisters creepy boyfriend because he was trying to rape her. Again" he snapped his head "you mean he tried to do it again?!" I nod "I wanted to kill him Trent but I got her out of there instead" he looked at me "did you know this when you said she fucked him" I saw how much he was fighting himself hoping I didn't but knowing I did "yeah and it was the biggest mistake, I was trying to hurt her" he snapped "don't you think she's been hurt enough!" "Stay the fuck away from her, do you understand" "I fucked up man, I need to fix it" "if you want to stay friends you'll leave her alone" he walks out. Fuck!. Everyone leaves I go to bed furious at myself and Chloe, I wish I never went near that girl. I close my eyes and eventually pass out.


When I get to school Chloe tries to talk to me, I ignore her, she was pure fucking evil. I was no better. I'm standing out the front just wanting to see that Maria's okay, a motor bike rides right up to the front, the person on the back swings her leg off and removes the helmet, it was Maria, the driver took off his helmet, why the fuck was Sam dropping her off to school? They exchange some words and kissed. She started to walk away "I'll see you at 3!" Sam yells out she smiles but keeps walking, she doesn't even glance at me, she walks right by me and disappears into the sea of students "good now keep your distance from her" Trent says walking up to me "if she wants to talk to you then fine but I don't want you fucking with her head" he nods towards the front doors "let's go or we'll be late to class".

~~~~~~TWO MONTHS LATER~~~~~~

It's been two months since my party, two months since Maria talked or looked at me. Sam was dropping her off and picking her up everyday. Trent said they were dating and that he was treating her right, I couldn't help but be jealous. It's the last day of school before summer break, I'm in my last class of the day English with Mrs Star "okay I know it's the last day, I'm going to put you into pairs, I want you to find out 5 things from your assigned partner, and I want you to pick two of the things to share at the end of class" "okay so Chloe and Daniel, Teresa and frank, Sabrina and Kate, Maria and Drake" I zoned out after that, thank god she has to talk to me now. I get up and sit next to her "hey" I say she nods and starts writing "I think I'm supposed to tell you things about me" "I know enough" she continues to write "okay so what are you writing" she stops "Drake is an insecure asshole, he doesn't know how to shut his mouth, his a liar and cheater" "fair enough but that's only four things" she laughs "I'm also really sorry for being a giant douche bag" "you know what it doesn't matter, it would have come out eventually" she sighs "still I shouldn't have been the one to put it out there" she gave me a small smile "well let's get this assignment over with" we started the assignment and shared our 2 things. The bell rang and everyone rushed out of the class. Summer break finally. My phone buzzes when I'm about to get into my car I open up my phone and see Maria's name 'party at the old ware house 11pm, 1383 Fremont drive. Admission fee $10' I shoved my phone in my pocket and go home, I eat and text Trent 'Maria spoke to me today in our last class, we were paired up, you going to that party tonight?' His response came a minute later 'just make sure you don't fuck with her head, yeah I'm going, you?' 'Yeah I'll pick you up?' 'Sounds good' I showered and started getting ready around 9, I got to Trents at 10 "let's have some drinks before we go" Trent says leading the way to the kitchen he grabs a bottle of Johnny walker black and some glasses and pours some drinks "I'm surprised Maria spoke to you" he says taking a sip "yeah me too, she said it would of came out eventually but I know I shouldn't have been the one to say it" he nods "apparently Selena broke up with him, he was the one who beat her up that day we picked her up" I add "good she shouldn't have ever brought him back, she didn't believe he raped her. It's pretty fucked up" he agrees, we finish half the bottle and decide to take a cab, we get to the warehouse there's a massive line up and the music is pumping, we pay the admission fee and walk in, there's fluorescent lights and a girl with body paint walks up "you guys want some paint?" "Fuck yeah" Trent says "body or face?" Trent removes his shirt and she paints his chest, torso and back with some patterns, and then moves on to me, there's a DJ and a makeshift bar, we go and get some drinks "you guys made it" Maria says coming up to the bar, she's wearing a neon green bikini top black leather mini shorts her hair in 2 boxing braids, she has pink body paint on her breast and down her beautiful flat stomach they look like vines wrapping around her body her face has a similar design on her cheek bone that travels up near her green eyes "wouldn't miss it" I say smiling, she orders a few shots passing two down for me at Trent "where's Sam?" Trent yells over me "getting more ice for the bar!" Trent nods, we take our shots "hey babe got the ice, now let's dance!" Sam walks up behind Maria and wraps his arm around her waist.


I take my shots "hey babe got the ice, now let's dance!" Sam wraps his arm around my waist pulling my ass into him, he leans down and whispers in my ear "I want to fuck you right now, you're so fucking sexy" then he kisses my neck. We go to the dance floor and start dancing I'm rolling my hips my ass pressed against his crotch "I got you a surprise" he says I turn around and his holding up a Pill I open my mouth and he places it in, I swallow the pill and enjoy the feeling it gives me when it starts to kick in, we keep dancing, Sam starts kissing me "I can't wait any longer, let's go somewhere a bit more private" he grabs my hand and leads me up a flight of stairs near the DJ, once where up there we go behind a wall, He unbuttons his pants, rolls a condom on and pulls my shorts off, he lifts me up and slams his hard cock into my wet centre, his mouth finds my neck and he sucks while pushing in and out. When we finish, we pull our pants up "you want some coke?" He asks holding up a bag with white powder I nod, he racks up a line and I snort it, I clean my nose and when I look up I see Drake, his eyes wide. He turns around and walks back down. I don't know what his problem is, me and Sam go back down to the party we grab some shots and drinks at the bar, I'm absolutely buzzing suddenly Trent comes up and punches Sam right in the nose "your feeding her drugs you fuck!" Sam stumbles a bit "what the fuck Trent!" I yell "no what the fuck is wrong with you! Weed is one think but coke! Really Maria you're better than this!" He yells Sam grabs Trent "she's a big girl man she can do what she wants" he says pushing him away, Trent gets in his face "stay the fuck away from her, your gonna fuck her life up!" Trent gabs me and pulls me away from Sam "what the fuck Trent his my boyfriend!" Trent glares at me "what else are you taking?" I pull my arm away from him "why! It doesn't matter it's my choice" "no Maria you're just doing it because his giving it to you better fucking stop this shit" I walk away and go back to Sam "all your friends are nut cases" Sam says grabbing me "his just over protective" I say grabbing my drink "let's just forget about it and enjoy our night" I drink the rest of my whiskey and drag Sam on to the dance floor, we dance for a while, he gives me another pill and he takes one as well, we dance all night our bodies grinding on one another, Sam and I make out and his hands roam all over my body. At 4 am we leave to go home I collect the money and pay all the bartenders and the DJ as well as the front door attendant. We get to Sams apartment, he started renting it 1 month after we started dating, we shower and get into bed and crash.

~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~

I wake up and Sams not in bed, there's a note on the bedside table 'had to go out of town, family emergency xxx I'll call you tonight, spare keys on the counter' Sams family lived two towns over and he had to go back and forth every now and again to support his mum through her divorce. I got out of bed, made some coffee and sat at the counter with my phone, I had 3 missed calls and 1 message, all were from Drake 'hey Trent wants to talk to you when you get up, his at my place' I roll my eyes remembering what happened last night. I go and freshen up, put on a large vintage biggie small T and a pair of black bike shorts I grab my sunnies and the spare key, locking up when I left 'I'm on my way' I reply to Drake. When I get to The house Drake answers the door "hey" he says scratching the back of his head "Trents in the shower he'll be down soon" "why did you go running to him, and why are you getting in my business Drake?" I ask him, knowing his the only one who saw me doing coke "what was I supposed to do Maria? I don't like that guy and I like him even less knowing what his giving you" he said with a bit of anger in his voice "you're here" Trent says coming down the stairs "we have to talk about Sam" "not this again Trent seriously can you just drop it" "sit down" he says, I sit on the couch "look I thought the guy was cool and all, and I even thought he was good for you, he seemed to make you happy" he starts "but now I think you should break up, you're different now. You've always partied and smoked but this, snorting lines fucking in a club, and god knows what else" he takes a breath "that's not you" "Trent it's really not that bad, me and Sam are having fun, and where and who I fuck is my business" "why him huh? If he cared he'd be looking after you, help build you up and make you better! But his not!" "Maria we've been best friends for years, so I asked Travis more about Sam, his not a good guy. The moment you decide not to do what he wants he will hurt you. It's what he does. He wants to control you" "Sam has never hurt me! His never forced me to take drugs he asked if I wanted any I said yes, he isn't the bad guy" Drake got up "and what if he is" he walks out of the living room "I'm going home, talk to me when your not going to try and destroy my relationship ship" I went to gym I was angry and needed to get my frustration out. I got back to the apartment late and Sam was there "where have you been!" "I was at the gym, what's wrong?" He got up and walked towards me "I told you I'd call you, you never answered. Were you fucking someone!" I flinch "what?" I ask confused at why he'd even say that "were you fucking someone" he grits out, the anger in his eyes scared me "I'd never do that to you Sam! I was at the gym, I was angry" "don't fucking lie to me" I move towards him and place my hand on his chest "I swear I" he pushes me away "your a lying whore!" What the fuck "fuck you Sam!" I went towards the room and he grabs my arm painfully hard "let go of me!" "Don't walk away from me!" He pushes me against the wall "you think you can fuck someone and I won't find out" his body is against mine crushing me "get off me" okay what the fuck happened to the sweet guy I fell asleep with last night, he moves off me a bit, grabbing my chin so I was looking in his eyes "I'll fucking kill you if you ever do this again now get in the shower" he pushes me towards the bathroom, I quickly shut the door locking it. What the fuck do I do, Trent was right. I quickly turn on the shower and send a message to Trent 'please come and get me, 4F 403 Grange street' I put my phone on silent and shoved it in my clothes so if it rang or I got a message Sam wouldn't here it, I jump in the shower and quickly wash myself. Why the fuck was I always putting myself in these situations. Why didn't I listen to Trent. Fuck I'm an idiot. I got out and jumped when Sam started banging on the door "why the fuck have you locked it!" He keeps banging so I quickly open it "what the fuck are you hiding?!" "Nothing I just locked the door out of habit, I'm sorry" "get in bed and show me you're sorry!" No fucking way I'm not sleeping with him, not now that I know his certifiable "please I'm tired I just want to lay down" he pulled my towel off and grabbed me shoving his mouth on mine roughly, I don't kiss back and this seems to piss him off so he grips my arm again harder than before "who the fuck is he?!" "No one Sam, stop it you're scaring me!" "I'm gonna fucking show you who you belong to" he starts to undo his pants, no, no, no! No fucking way "Sam stop!" He grabs me and turns me around slamming me into the wall "stop Sam get off me!" He put his hand around my throat, I can barely breath, he slides his other hand over my breast groping it roughly I kick my leg back and scratch at his arm around neck then the door is being banged on "fuck off!" Sam yells starting to press his cock against me "help" I try to yell but his hand is so tight against my throat the banging on the door continues, I quickly knee the wall trying to make enough noise so the person wouldn't just leave, hopefully it was Trent, then the door swings open, Sam quickly get off me "what the fuck?!" He roared I dropped to the floor trying to cover my self up, I look over and see Trent laying into Sam, Drake runs over to me taking his jacket off and covering me with it "it's gonna be okay Maria, I've got you" he grabs me and all I hear is Trent "you fucking pig!" "I'll fucking kill you!" Drake takes me towards the room "quickly get some clothes on, I've gotta get Trent off him" he leaves I chuck on my nike track pants and my shirt when I go out Drakes yelling at Sam "don't ever come near her again" he kicks Sam in the stomach I run out the door, Trent and Drake follow. We get in the car "did he fucking rape you?!" Trent asked still fuming "no, no" I say scared because he almost did "me and Drake will be with you, every day. If he comes near you he'll end up in the hospital or morgue" I nod.

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