Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids...

By elena24aly

153K 10.5K 4K

What a cruel fate was destined for the heir of the Kingdom of Roses, Han Jisung, and his future lover, the Kn... More

First encounter
Thank you, hyung!
The letter
The prince of Liliac Kingdom
The rules
Was the kiss necessary?
3 candles on a grave
Like air
Son of Ragana
Write that down
The witch
I'm here to help
My beautiful forbidden fruit
Like a rose in the moonlight
The wolves
History repeats itself
Your hand in marriage
I missed you
The Penelope scheme
He stayed
I'm sorry for liking you...
What if
The younger brother
The older brother
Last man standing
The third one
Would you take care of it?
Wet dream
Are you falling for me?
Let's talk
This means war
I forbidden you to fight
Doomed love
Sunday in a hospital
Bring it on
I respect his wish
My mistake
Don't play with the dead
You are my king
Burn the witch
I'm here
I can see black
I think I like you
It's over
The crown
The Han dynasty
The red string of evil
Dead man can tell no story
A man in love is a mad man
I love you in every lifetime! (the end)
New project?!

Welcome to the fam

1.7K 141 27
By elena24aly


Jisung was fidgeting nervously as Seungmin was just looking out of the window,completely ignoring him.

It was a tensed heavy atmosphere in the train. Jisung couldn't bring himself to talk to Seungmin.

He had called his father to announce his presence, but didn't mention he was gonna bring a guest.

He needed explanation. Why did he cheat on Jisung's mother? Did he know about Seungmin?

This whole situation was messing with his brain.

He slammed himself in the head under Seungmin's surprised eyes.

-What are you doing?

-Sorry! Jisung bent his head down. I have this bad habit of hitting myself when I am overthinking. I usually am carefully, but I you were looking outside, so I thought you wouldn't notice.

-Why do you have the need to hit yourself?

-It stops the voices.


-Yeah... I always have heard voices in my head. Sometimes screams. You think I'm weird, don't you?

-Weird is not boring. I'm fine with it.

Jisung smiled at him, finally relaxing his body.

Back to the Lee mansion

-So what exactly are we doing now? Chan asked following his boyfriend and Felix.

All three of them were hiding behind a corner, with their eyes fixed on Minho... Or ears, in Felix's case.

-He died right after Jeongin. We need to keep him safe, Felix said.

-Your plan is to tail him all day? Chan furrowed his eyebrows.

-Jisung went to visit his father and Hyunjin vanished in thin air since yesterday. We are the only ones who can protect him, Felix said proudly.

-What about Changbin? Chan asked.

-Ahm....Felix froze in his tracks. Yeah, let's not meddle more people in this.

-But he was part of the past too. Doesn't he deserve to know?


-We lost him because of your chit-chat! Jeongin sighed.

-He went that way, a hand pointed to the garden.

-Thanks,...Jeongin stopped when he saw Changbin with his arm crossed.

-Not gonna ask, the latter added. Can I talk to Felix?

The freckled boy was shaking his head aggressively, but Jeongin patted his back and dragged Chan with him after Minho.

-I'll let you talk, he said. Come on, Chan!

-Love is in the air, Chan scoffed. Lucky me!


-I'm already married at this point, he added before being pulled by the collar of his shirt.

Changbin scratched the back of his head in awkwardness before starting to talk again.

-So... Minho hyung is actually throwing a party in two days. Well...his mother is. For the partnership between the Lee company and Bang factory. I was wondering...if you would like to go with me. Maybe?

-Why me? Felix asked with a dull voice.

-What? Changbin certainly did not expect that answer.

-Why me? We barely know each other and you would have to take care of me all night instead of having fun.

-I don't mind it. I think we could get along. To know each other.


-Because you are cute, Changbin said blushing hard.

Of course, Felix couldn't see that.

-Listen...I don't want to get excited, then be left alone by you. I don't even want to go to this party thing. I wouldn't fit in either way. I'm sorry!

-Oh...ok. If you change your mind, you know where to find me, Changbin replied with disappointment printed on his voice.

Jisung's home

-Jisungie! Mister Han wrapped his hands around his son before realising there was someone else in the room.

-Dad...he is Seungmin.

-Hello! he shook the boy's hand. What brings you here?

-Ahmm...Seungmin opened his mouth to say something, but got cut off by Jisung.

-We need to talk. Now.

-Oh...Alright. Why don't you show your friend the guest room and then we can have a talk.

-No, dad! The talk is about him.

Mister Han was confused, but invited both to sit down at the table while he made some tea.

-So what do you wanna talk about? Mister Han asked with a huge smile on his face.

Jisung gulped while looking at Seungmin who was staring down, unable to make eye contact.

-I know you had an affair, he blurted out.

-What? Mister Han asked confused.

-You cheated on mom with Miss Kim.

-What are you talking about, Jisung?

-My mother, Seungmin finally spoke. You left her pregnant...with me.

-While mom was already pregnant with me. Why did you cheat on her? Jisung stood up angry.

Mister Han took a moment to piece it all together, then took a deep breath.

-I was in my last year of College. I was fooling around, drinking and passing out on the street. I didn't cheat on your mother, Jisung. Cause I wasn't dating her then.

-What? well was a one night stand. The thing is...She came to me first and told me she is pregnant. I had no idea Miss Kim was too. It was just a matter of synchronisation. Your mother was first, so I married her for the eyes of society.

-You didn't love her? a tear streamed down his cheek.

-I learned to. It was a long way. I cherished her and we lived happy.

-But you didn't love her...

-She wasn't the woman I wanted to marry, no. She tried to make me catch feelings. My heart belonged to someone else. I'm sorry, Jisung! You weren't supposed to know this.

-And if...if Miss Kim had came first, you would have married her, right? You would have took care of Seungmin.

-Probably, Mister Han nodded, ashamed to look into his son's eyes.

Jisung left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Seungmin went after him and found him on the floor sobbing.

He took his spot next to him in silence.

-My mother didn't deserve this. Neither yours, he said to Seungmin.

-I've always wondered what was like to have a brother, Seungmin uttered.

-Me too...

-You have me.

Jisung turned to Seungmin who was as serious as possible.

-I told you...if it's too weird, we can pretend we-

Jisung was cut off by Seungmin's hands wrapping around him.

-Welcome to the fam, bro! Seungmin tried not to cringe while saying it.

Jisung broke into a chuckle and dug his face in Seungmin's chest.

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