The President Is A Crybaby

De 6ravity

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After graduating, Kim Jiyeon became an intern at a company. The atmosphere in the company was nice, the work... Mais

Chapter 1: A very attractive person
Chapter 2: Really . . . just strangers?
Chapter 3: Have a drink together?
Chapter 4: Didn't need to worry
Chapter 5: You're not kidding me?
Chapter 6: Kim Hyunjung is a crybaby?!
Chapter 7: Would it kill you
Chapter 8: Don't cry!
Chapter 9: So, they're . . . height-increasing insoles
Chapter 10: Only kids would like it
Chapter 11: Amazing, right?
Chapter 12: T'is 'ain 's killin' me
Chapter 13: This is me accommodating you
Chapter 14: I'll gift this one to you then
Chapter 15: She was crying
Chapter 16: This things suits me??
Chapter 17: Only two-and-a-half years old
Chapter 18: A hundred an hour
Chapter 19: You wouldn't get mad, right?
Chapter 20: Come back early
Chapter 21: You're looking down on me too much
Chapter 22: Just right after approximating
Chapter 23: What's wrong?
Chapter 24: Let's pinky promise
Chapter 25: As expected of you
Chapter 26: A good-looking girl
Chapter 27: This is your compensation
Chapter 28: What exactly did you do?
Chapter 29: So it was for her
Chapter 30: Don't you like this?
Chapter 31: She screwed up
Chapter 32: She's still angry
Chapter 33: They've Made Up
Cahpter 34: Is This Real Or Fake?
Chapter 35: First Kiss
Chapter 36: why are you wearing a mask?"
Chapter 38: She Likes You
Chapter 39: The Confession
Chapter 40: My Girlfriend Is Super Cute
Chapter 41: Hyunjung's Nickname
Chapter 42: Chatting under the blanket
Chapter 43: Worn Out Clothes
Chapter 44: How to resolve an emotional crisis between lovers?
Chapter 45: Any Title Suggestions???
Chapter 46: Like a rotten peach
Chapter 47: It Means ILY
Chapter 48: The Date
Chapter 49: A Beautiful Mermaid
Chapter 50: Soobin's Cat
Chapter 51: Busted!
Chapter 52: Not a mermaid but a cat
Chapter 53: My Home Is Where The Stars Are
Chapter 54: Childhood Memories
Chapter 55: Poor Hyunjung
Chapter 56: A Sculpture Of You
Chapter 57: KHJ ❤️ KJY
Chapter 58: A Surprise Birthday Celebration
Chapter 59: The Second Proposal
Chapter 60: Identity Exposed
Chapter 61: The Wedding
Extra Chapter I
Extra Chapter II

Chapter 37: A Small Dog

713 48 3
De 6ravity

Kim Jiyeon, who was proclaimed to be A Ji by Kim Hyunjung, didn't dare to say a word on the journey.

After all, seeing this crybaby already wearing a mask, it was clear she was still angry. If she continued to pester her, she might get abandoned halfway through the journey.

Why not...... endure it first, and speak again when her mood was slightly better?

Jiyeon sighed, shaking her head and keeping her mouth closed. She took out her phone and started playing with it.

Because it wasn't just the two of them today, she specially chose the seat at the back, leaving the front seat for Cheng Xiao.

Although she was further from the president, it was more convenient to do stuff without having to worry about being caught.

Such as--

Scrolling through Twitter.

She had been worrying about the president all day yesterday. Adding on the fact that she had blurted out her secret, she had been more absent-minded, completely forgetting about Twitter and only recalling it now.

With such a big thing happening, Hyunjung would not be able to resist posting on Twitter.

She knew her like the back of her hand.

And it was proven, it was exactly like she expected.

Jiyeon just opened it, and a flood of updates entered her eye.

The earliest one was posted on that very night.

"Why did Kim Jiyeon kiss and bite me? qaq, what does she mean? so this person ends up like this after she drinks too much? "

"Why do I still have to work after getting splashed with soup?! Mopping the floor and washing clothes, I'm so mad, I'm so mad!"

"Like hell, I'm going to believe her words, she's a small dog, only knows how to bite people and bark qaq"

Jiyeon: "......"

It was too overboard, so be it about the small dog, when did she ever bark?

She sighed internally and glanced at her boss who was driving, thinking that not only did this person hold a grudge, she even recently learned how to twist the truth.

Continuing to scroll, she found out that Hyunjung didn't sleep that entire night.

There was a new update every so often, but the content was all about the same. If it wasn't Hyunjung whining and crying, it was scolding Jiyeon.

How angry must she have been, scold her the entire night on Twitter?

But thanks to these posts, she finally understood what had happened that night.

So it turns out that Hyunjung had carried her to the bed after she fell asleep, and she was the one who mopped up the soup on the floor, and even those clothes that she had left on the drying rack because she didn't have time to fold them, were all kept by the president when she finished drying her blouse......

So virtuous.

Reading all these, Jiyeon's heart felt warm and the sides of her lips gently lifted.

She was quite attractive when smiling.

Her eyes curved up and the dimples at the corner of her mouth were sweet, anybody would take a second glance, and nobody would like it.

But the Hyunjung right now was the only exception.

After all, Jiyeon ignored her the entire day yesterday.

Without even a reason, she just ignored her. It made Hyunjung even more certain that her actions that night were simply because of the alcohol, she didn't plan to take responsibility or even think about it.

Her whole body was filled with anger.

Looking in the rearview mirror, she found that this person was smiling. She figured that she was chatting with that unknown person, Jiyeon was staring intently at her phone's screen.

It made her even angrier.

Coldly "hmph" -ing, she was about to take advantage of the red traffic light to post an angry Twitter update.

But before she could send it, someone tapped her shoulder gently.

Turning around, she made eye contact with Jiyeon.

Hyunjung asked unhappily: "What is it?"

"Nothing." Jiyeon shook her head and flipped her hand around, revealing a sweet. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted a sweet."


Luckily she had raised her head and seen it.

Jiyeon had originally wanted to see where they were on the journey and enjoy the scenery, but before she saw the scenery, she saw this crybaby sneakily glaring at her.

Although her mouth couldn't be seen, her eyes were filled with emotion that couldn't be hidden.

It was anger, if it wasn't because she was angry over being ignored for half a day, it was because Jiyeon happily playing with her phone.

And that action was dangerous she was about to record her unhappiness with another Twitter post.

Jiyeon was frightened, so she quickly rifled through her bag and took out a sweet to coax her.

Thankfully, Hyunjung gave her some face and accepted the sweet.

But in her heart, she was thinking about saying, the candy was too sweet, if it wasn't a milk-flavored one that she liked, she wouldn't accept it......

Before she could even finish thinking about it, she saw Jiyeon giving Cheng xiao another one with a smile, asking her to try it in a gentle voice.


She was speechless with anger. Looking at the sweet in her hand, she scoffed coldly and stuffed it into her pocket.

So what if it was milk-flavored, she's not eating!

Delicious her ass!

And so the journey went on like this for the whole afternoon, until they finally reached their destination.

They went to their hotel first to put down their luggage and have a simple lunch, before heading directly to meet with the client.

It was a new client this time.

They had been recommended Ke Rui by someone else, and after seeing the samples that Cheng Xiao sent over, they were interested in working together. They weren't a small company either, being quite well-known.

So people from Ke Rui had to personally make a trip down.

It was a pretty common thing.

Hyunjung had just taken over the foreign trade department back then, and everything had to be done from scratch. Whatever it was, it was all done with plenty of heart and effort. She went to personally supervise the factories, she spoke individually to every single client, and aside from her daily work, she would work late into the night to prepare the materials and documents needed for the meetings.

Without her, Ke Rui wouldn't be having its success today.

This person had always been able to work hard, so she had no complaints about having to go down personally.

But that didn't mean she was weak or passive. Whatever needed to be said would be said, and whatever that she should get, she would fight to get all of it.

It had to be said, Hyunjung when she was working was impressive.

Jiyeon listened seriously the whole time, feeling that she learned a lot, with pages filled with her notes.


The meeting finally ended after an hour.

Jiyeon was packing up the materials on the table when she unintentionally glanced at Hyunjung, realizing she was smiling.

Her eyes were filled with happiness and the corners of her lips were lifted, making her look both satisfied and filled with confidence.

It made one subconsciously move.

Jiyeon looked at her and softly called her name, before mouthing the words: "President Kim is amazing."

Seeing that, Hyunjung's eyes were filled with more confidence.

But perhaps because she remembered they were still fighting, her lips wanted to lift further upwards but were suppressed quickly.

In the end, she scoffed coldly and replied: "As if I need you to say it."

Without waiting for a reply from Jiyeon, she quickly turned and left.

Almost as if she couldn't take it anymore and wanted to flee, her eyebrows were knitted together and her lips pressed together in a slight frown. Her footsteps were also quick and light.

But her ears were red.

Because she had been praised, she had run away shyly.

Jiyeon saw through her and quickly got up and followed.

Her mood hadn't been fantastic because of the meeting that had dragged on all afternoon, but somehow, she felt exceptionally happy.


After the meeting, they went to a fine dining restaurant for dinner.

Although this person was still holding a grudge and didn't want to speak too much to her, Jiyeon was still sharp enough to realize that her boss was helping her drink.

She already knew Jiyeon could drink, but she still wanted to drink for her.

This person was too gentle.

She looked at her for a moment, afraid she would drink too much, so she sneakily took out her phone and sent a message.

Thanking Hyunjung first, then saying she could drink for herself, so please don't drink so much.

She got a reply within a few seconds--

"I'm worried you'll bite someone again after drinking too much! If not, I wouldn't help you drink!"

Such a familiar, proud tone.

Jiyeon didn't know whether to cry or laugh and none of her attempts to convince her boss worked, so she gave up and poured an entire glass of alcohol for herself and drank it all.

After that, she sent another message--

" That day was just an accident, I can drink alcohol. See, I drank so much and I'm still okay."

"Besides, even if I bite someone, you can just put your mask back on."

Once the messages were sent, Hyunjung's face turned red.

Glaring at her, she immediately replied unhappily--

"I left the mask at the hotel! You better not get drunk and bite people randomly, or I'm going to deduct your salary!"

That's the only trick you have up your sleeve that works.

Jiyeon smiled but didn't reply, afraid of angering this crybaby again. Picking up her chopsticks, she continued eating.

After the meal, the few of them bade farewell to the client and started returning to the hotel.

On the way back, Hyunjung had to take a call.

But because this person took it secretly, Jiyeon and Cheng xiao couldn't hear who called, or what it was about.

They only could see that after the call, the president wasn't in as good a mood as before, that happy look in her eyes had dulled considerably.

Did something happen?

She was a little worried, but she felt too embarrassed to say anything, so she just kept an eye out.

After they got back to the hotel, this person immediately said she was tired and returned to her room.

After closing the door, there was no movement inside for a long while.

Jiyeon heard it and thought that she was asleep, so she finally relaxed.

Looking at the clock that was edging towards 11 PM, she was about to go take a shower and head to bed.

But before she could move, she heard a sound from the room next door.

That crybaby had gone out?

Jiyeon paused, then opened her door a crack to peep out and found that Hyunjung was indeed walking out without a sound.

She was wearing formal attire and she didn't even change her shoes, it seemed like she was going to go out.

But more than that, she was hugging a cute blanket in her arms.


What was that for?


It was a little cold outside, with the night breeze gently blowing from afar, rustling their hair and clothes, but it was a comfortable sort of cool temperature.

There were plenty of stars in the sky too, shimmering and shining, as if they were lighting up dreams.

It was exactly what Hyunjung liked, each star bright and sparkling.

This person couldn't be coming out to stargaze, could she?

Jiyeon quickly guessed it, but her footsteps didn't stop, so she continued trailing after her for a while.

Without realizing it, they had entered a clearing, with a grass plain a little further down.

Hyunjung sat down with her blanket.

She looked like a child with her legs folded and a blanket wrapped around her.

It felt like she was two and a half years old, with a small silhouette because of the way she curled up.

The wind blew, rustling her clothes and making her look lonely and forlorn.

Jiyeon watched, an uncomfortable feeling settling in her heart.

She had wanted to walk up and ask what was wrong, but she suddenly heard the sound of soft sobs.

It was soft at first as if she was trying to suppress it, with only the shaking of her body showing how bad it was.

Then after realizing nobody was around and that she didn't need to hold it in, the sobs became louder.

It was the first time she had heard her cry so terribly.

It was as if she had suffered a major injustice and was keeping it suppressed in her heart until the dam broke and everything came rushing out.

Was it because of that phone call?

Who on earth was on the other end, and what did they say?

She didn't know, and she couldn't figure it out either. There was nothing she could do at this point, except to stand there and watch the crybaby sob painfully.

After an unknown period......

Jiyeon stood in the shadows watching as Hyunjung's sobs went from soft to loud, then back to soft.

When at last, it became tiny sniffles as she rubbed her face with a corner of the blanket she had brought along.

Then after a while, she finally stabilized her emotions and lay on the grass.

She stared at the starry sky intently.

She did come out to see the stars.

Jiyeon sighed, thinking this was probably the right time and finally walked out from her hiding spot.

She schooled her expression and said, what a coincidence, expressing that she couldn't sleep and went out for a walk. What a coincidence that she bumped into President Kim.

It was a nice-sounding sentence, designed to please whoever heard it.

But it still shocked this person, who thought that she had met a ghost in the middle of the night, almost screaming.

After a moment, she calmed herself down and frowned unhappily, moving aside.

It looked as if she was avoiding her but she didn't move the blanket.

So...... It could be understood as wanting to share the blanket.

Jiyeon smiled gently and burrowed her body into the blanket.

After being on Hyunjung's body, there was still traces of her body warmth and a lingering fragrance. She felt the chill on her body dissipate after draping the blanket over herself.

Her smile widened too, she might as well lie down and look at the stars with her.

The stars today were really pretty. The entire sky was filled with them, big and small ones clustered together as if they were grains of sugar scattered carelessly across the sky. Just looking at it made one feel happy.

Jiyeon gazed up as her thoughts drifted again to that milk sweet she had given Hyunjung earlier today.

It was probably because she was still holding a grudge, so she didn't eat it. That, or she was unhappy Jiyeon also gave one to Cheng xiao.

Since they were alone now, would she eat it if she gave her another?

Lucky Jiyeon had the habit of carrying her bag wherever she went.

Thinking about it, she nodded, then lowered her eyes and rummaged through her bag before bringing another milk sweet to Hyunjung.

With an even sweeter tone than in the morning, she asked gently: "President Kim, do you want another sweet?"

Hyunjung immediately turned her head slightly to look at her.

Her eyes were red and there were still teardrops on her eyelashes, with tear marks on her face, just like an angry child.

After a few seconds, the angry child reached out and took the sweet, popping it into her mouth.

She was so obedient this time around.

Jiyeon smiled and took another sweet out, eating it. Then after that, she carefully shifted closer to Hyunjung and asked: "It's so late, why did President Kim come out to stargaze instead of sleeping?"

"It's quite cold outside." She continued, a faint milk fragrance wafting through the air as she spoke. "It wouldn't be good if you caught a cold."

Hyunjung immediately retorted: "My immune system is great! How could I catch a cold!"

"Okay, okay, okay." she nodded and agreed. "Our President Kim is awesome, there's no way she could get sick."

Why did it sound like Jiyeon was teasing her?

Hyunjung chewed the sweet to bits angrily.

After a while, she explained: "I wasn't in a good mood, so I wanted to take a stroll......"

Her voice was low, as if she wanted Jiyeon to hear, but also as if she didn't want it to be heard.

After a while, she probably started regretting it, so she shifted away.

She even reached out and started patting Jiyeon carelessly, fiercely saying: "There's still work tomorrow, go sleep!"

And then what, you're going to stay behind alone and cry again?

She sighed, pretending she didn't hear it.

She even smiled and held tightly onto the hand that Hyunjung was waving around.

In an even gentler voice, she said: "If President Kim isn't feeling happy, you can tell me. Although I'm not very qualified and I'm not exceptionally talented, I'll do everything I can to help you."

"If you encounter anything you can't solve, maybe you can rely on me."

These words were said incredibly sincerely.

Even her gaze was focused on Hyunjung's face as if she was seriously promising to her, I really can share your troubles with you.

Hyunjung started blushing, and her eyes flickered around.

After a moment, she just said: "I don't believe you. Who knows if you're sprouting rubbish again after drinking too much."

Looks like thanks to what happened before, this person already had some trauma.

Jiyeon helplessly said: "I'm speaking the truth, every word of it is true, I won't lie to you!"

Even after that, Hyunjung still didn't believe her.

She was helpless, she could only use the words she said before as an example. In the end, she finally thought of that confession.

So she just went ahead with it, confessing again while she was sober: "Even that night when I said I like you, it was true."

Once the words left her mouth, she was surprised herself, thinking that her guts had gotten bigger these days.

But she didn't regret it. After all, liking someone couldn't be kept a secret forever, it would have to be said sooner or later.

And under these sparkling stars with the night breeze blowing, why not take the opportunity to do it now?

Even if she got rejected by her, at least it would be a beautiful memory in the future.

Thinking about so much, her face started flushing, and she raised her head shyly, only to see an even redder face.

Hyunjung looked even shyer than she did.

Her lips moved as if she was about to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, a few tears showed up.

Sticking so persistently to her eyes, it was shimmering under the moonlight. Her eyes looked more beautiful than any of the stars in the sky.

Nobody who saw this scene would be able to remain unmoved.

Jiyeon took a deep breath and fell silent, fumbling around her bag for a moment, before taking out a stack of cash and counting them.

She brought it to Hyunjung and said softly: "President Kim, this is half of my monthly salary, if you want to deduct it, go ahead."

Hyunjung was confused, and about to clarify.

But before she could say anything, Jiyeon pointed at her face. "By the way, President Kim, you didn't wear a mask out today."

"Then how are you going to protect yourself against me?" She said, her voice lifting at the end of the sentence softly, a hint of laughter and coquettishness in her tone.

"What if...... I'm a small dog who wants to bite you even when she's sober?"

T/N: Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!  🤢 So cringey!

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