Chapter 33: They've Made Up

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Hyunjung's self-esteem had taken a hit, and it was unlikely to recover in such a short time.

Jiyeon had no choice, she would find ways to coax her during work. She didn't slack off when she went home at night either, attentively wishing her boss good morning and good night all the time.

At the same time, she even browsed the web for solutions on how to butter Hyunjung up.

But the results were all unsatisfactory.

Helplessly, she exited the browser and contemplated. Finally, her fingers moved as she searched in a new direction--

How would a child act if she was angered, and how do I coax her?

The loading circle spun a few times as the results finally popped up.

Jiyeon read it seriously, realizing this answer was closer to the truth.

It said that most children have high self-esteem, and it could take them a while to get over their anger. They would even do stuff like avoiding their parents, ignoring them, rejecting food, and the like.

She compared the actions from the webpage, wasn't it exactly what her boss was doing?

She sighed, then hurriedly scrolled down to find the suggested solutions.

It was pretty similar to what she had done before. Tempt them with snacks, apologize and be nice to them, and try your best to show them you want to make up with them.

If all else fails, you can only tell her to calm down by herself first.

Seems like it's the only solution left.

Jiyeon shook her head and locked her phone, closing her eyes to think. Hugging the soft toy next to her, she ended up falling asleep.

Who knows if it was because she had read so much about children's behavior before she fell asleep, she had a weird dream.

She actually...... dreamt of the president as a child.

In the dream, that person was around seven or eight years old, and she didn't look as stern and cold as she did now. She looked clearly like an undisguised crybaby.

Looking from afar, Jiyeon was shocked to find she was there too.

She was a child, just like her boss, and they were sitting side by side under a large tree.

Both of them had red eyes and tear marks on their faces as if they had just cried together.

But looking closer, there were slight smiles on their lips and happiness in their eyes.

Chatting the whole afternoon under the tree, they eventually stretched out their pinkies and interlocked them.

The feel of their small fingers hooked together felt incredibly clear.

It was so vivid that she could still remember it after she woke up.

Why did she have this sort of dream?

Jiyeon was in a stupor for a while, only snapping out of it when a call came in.

Looking at the screen, it was Soobin calling.

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