𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬...

By Xvriniti

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Anahstacia Vaneraries, her life is nothing but complicated. But everything is soon to change once she meets t... More



141 9 0
By Xvriniti

Severus crossed his arms under the black cloak that shielded him.

"Did she.. explain why she kept you from me?.." Severus asked. His tone was soft.. and he sounded.. pessimistic.

"She did.. It wasn't her fault. She showed me her memories. You see, my grandfather cursed her.." Ivory paused testing the waters.

Severus paid attention.

"If she tried to see me... She would have died. So, she kept everything a secret along with my family. My Aunt took me and raised me as her own.

There was a frown tugging on his lips.

"So.. why... are you here now?.." He questioned.

Ivory fiddled with her thumbs looking up at him.

"Once I turned twelve... The curse broke. And... I was finally able to meet her, in person at least."


He remained silent for a moment. Which caused Ivory to worry.

"Please don't be upset... I just really.. wanted to meet you.." She muttered as he then flashed a hesitant smile at her.

"I am not upset Ivory. I am only concocting this.. situation. That is all.."

She stood accepting his smile as she rushed to embrace him. Her arms were bound around his waist while her face dug into his clothes. He smelled of oak and cider.

"Thank you.." There was liquid forming in her eyes. This was overwhelming for the young child. First, she met her mother. And now, she met her father. The tears trickled down her face as her arms tightened around him.

Severus remained still observing her every move. Yet, something compelled him to return the hug.

He pulled the child into a gradual embrace. It was still unbelievable.

He was a father.

After all this time?

The two stood there silently before she finally pulled away peering up at him.

"You know. your not all that bad.." She spoke with a weak smile forming on her lips.

"Oh? I'm not?..." He grumbled giving her head a soft rub.

"Not at all.."

There was nothing left to say afterward.

Severus escorted Ivory over to Anah's class as they managed to hold a decent conversation. Ivory mostly talked. When they entered the only thing the two noticed was Anah shuffling in place, nervously ranting to her sister.

"Hi, mum.." Ivory stated as she stepped away from her father going over to her aunt.

Severus' eyes never left Anah's.

"Hello, my sweet..." She spoke quietly turning her head away from Severus' stern gaze.

He waited silently. That meant he wanted to talk.

May stiffly turned towards Ivory who only returned the look.

"Let's leave the two, shall we?"

The young girl shook her head as they quickly left. "Have a place in mind?" The aunt asked as Ivory shook her head again.

"The library.."

May grinned.

"That'll do."

Once the door was shut behind them Anah turned her back against the man.

"Severus, before you say anything.. please just let me explain.."

"Explain what Anahstacia? That you've kept a child from me? A child that's 'supposedly' mine?

Anah shot the man a look. Her face formed into a frown.

"Supposedly? What are you trying to say? You don't think she's yours?" Her tone changed almost instantly.

"I.. have my doubts.."

His words struck her. Did he believe that Ivory wasn't his? As far as the woman can remember, Severus was the only man.

She narrowed her eyes, turning her head away from him.

"Sit down." Her command was demanding, but Severus simply ignored it.

"No. I want the truth Anah." His arms crossed under his cape. His face remained emotionless.

"That's what I'm trying to do. Now, sit. down."

A sigh escaped from the man as he gave into defeat. He pulled a chair up as he sat down in front of her.

Anah's back was still turned against him. She took a deep breath later exhaling afterward as she slowly turned around to face him.

"What are you... doing?" He questioned with his eyebrow arched.

"Showing you the truth.."

Their eyes met rather quickly. Anah didn't need a wand to perform Legilimency. Just mere eye contact.

The two remained quiet during the entire process.

After about 5 minutes of mind digging, Anah was the first to break eye contact.

"Severus, I'm so sorry.." There was a cry forming in her. She felt horrible, but at the same time, it mostly wasn't her fault.

Severus sat there lost for words. So, her father was behind this?

He stood from his chair slowly approaching Anah. Her back was faced against him. There were many words Anah could describe how she was feeling.

Severus' hand gripped her shoulder. He pulled her into a tight embrace. Her sobs were now muffled, while she dug her face into his chest.

His chin rested on top of her head while he held her.

It wasn't her fault. He couldn't blame her, nor Ivory.

"It's alright.." He murmured against her hair.

Her arms bounded around his waist, accepting his embrace.

"It is not your fault my love.." He spoke trying to soothe her nerves.

While he held her, his hand ran up and down her back. He adjusted his chin now using his fingers to lift hers. The tears were still streaming down her face.

"It's not?.." She whimpered feeling his thumb run against her cheek to wipe away the tears.

"No, It is not. Don't waste another tear on this, my love. This will not change the way I feel about you.. or Ivory.."

She moved into another hug. Why did he always know what to say?

"God I love you.."

He smiled kissing the top of her hair.

"And I love you..."

Her head creaked up once again as she gave the man a gentle kiss.

He accepted it. His grip tightened a bit as he pulled the woman closer to his body.

"You know, I'm surprised how Ivory turned out so far.."

Severus' comment caused her to chuckle.

"She the complete opposite. But, I can say she has a soft side. Just like me.."

Anah was right. Ivory did have a soft side just like her, which was good.

His forehead pressed against hers.

"And she's beautiful, just like you."

She giggled at his response.

"Of course she is~"

Anah, nor Severus noticed the figures that had entered her room.

There stood Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They weren't that far away from the two.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed causing both of the professors to pull away from each other.

"Ron, Harry, Hermione! What are you doing in here?"

Anah's face twisted into a frown. Severus on the other hand was turning red. The man had never felt so embarrassed.

"It's lunchtime Professor. Didn't you forget?.." Hermione asked doing her best to avoid Severus' dark gaze.

"That does not give you the right to barge into this classroom." The male's voice was cold.

"So it's true then? Not only are the two of you together. But the girl, she's your daughter... Isn't she?.." Harry asked while adjusting his glasses bypassing what Severus said.

A heavy sigh escaped from Anah as she turned to her lover.

"I guess it's not a secret anymore.."

She turned towards the teens giving them a decisive look.

"Alright yes, Everything is true. But, I want the three of you to keep this to yourselves. And I mean it. This isn't something that needs to go around the school. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Professor V." The three said in unison.

"Good, Now harry. You know what this means don't you?" Anah questioned while Severus turned to give Anah a look.

"Absolutely not." He flashed his eyes at Harry.

"What does what mean Professor?" The boy had a confused look on his face.

Anah grinned while her hand rested on his shoulder.

"You have a Godsister, So, I except you to-"

"Stay away from her. I don't want him dragging her into any trouble. It's bad enough that you have to keep an eye on him." He voiced towards him but kept his eyes on Anah.

"Overprotective already? It's the rules, my love."

He narrowed his eyes.

"I don't care about the rules."

The raven-headed man turned toward Harry as he gave him an intimidating look.

"Stay away from my Daughter, Potter."

With one final look at the teens, he pushed past the three leaving out the room.

"Where are you going?" Anah questioned while the man kept walking.

"To look for her."

The man left the room not looking back.

"Don't mind anything he says. Just remember what I said, alright?" Harry shook his head in agreement.

After all, this was a new responsibility he had to get used to.

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