♤ Leon's Challenge ♤

By Ghost-the-Writer

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This story follows the life of teenager Leon Russell, an exchange student from Cambridge, England. His mother... More

Prologue - Randomly Chosen
Chapter 1 - Leaving Home
Chapter 2 - School's Beginning
Chapter 3 - An Effort To Adjust
Chapter 4 - Secrets Revealed
Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Discovering
Chapter 6 - A Rude Helping Hand
Chapter 7 - Train, Train, Train
Chapter 8 - It Begins
Chapter 9 - Found Out
Chapter 10 - An Interesting Date
Chapter 11 - Sweet Tooth
Chapter 12 - Kitchen Chaos
Chapter 13 - Yoshihara's Karma
Chapter 15 - Strike of The Lotus
Chapter 16 - The Grand Escape
Chapter 17 - Jindai, No More
Chapter 18 - Time Ticks Down
Chapter 19 - Final Confrontation
Epilogue - What Lies Ahead

Chapter 14 - Ground Zero

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By Ghost-the-Writer

A new week, a new Wednesday. Another fair amount had time had passed, with no word of any sort of arrests being made. It worried Leon now, and made him second guess if Detective Hitoshi was really telling him the truth that night. Now he also had to worry about who he faced next in the ring as well.

But besides that, Leon had taken the time to head back up to Master Nakajima's dojo and meet up with Sensei Koda again. It had been quite a few weeks since he had seen her, and he needed to hear from another voice as well. Stopping by her room, he tapped his hand on the screen door.

"Good afternoon, Sensei. It's Leon Russell again."

Some movement could be heard inside the room before a response could be heard. "Hot damn! Now that's a name and voice I haven't heard in a while! Come inside." Said Koda on the other side.

Leon did enter inside, and was greeted by Koda wearing a very different, and quite... stunning outfit. She was donned in a dark purple crop top that was cut just enough to display her chiseled chest, and a black skirt that went a little past her knee. She was currently watering the poppy flowers she had in pots near the wall.

"Forgive the formality.. had to go to a little brunch event with my father and younger brother who doesn't know when to shut his damn trap.. but anyways I'm glad to see you again. So what's up?"

Leon smiled, taking his shoes off and sitting down on the training mat as she finished watering. "Just wanted to stop by and relax.. give you an update on what's going on."

Koda nodded, walking over to where Leon was and sat down next to him. Looking him over, she saw that he was pretty battered from the last fight. "Huh.. I see you really did need some relaxation. Lay down on your back for me."

Leon stared at her, starting to become very confused now. "What?"

"You heard me, Dumbo! Lay on your back! I'm gonna help adjust your joints a little so you won't lock up like an antique watch hand. You know why boxers and some martial artists get calcium deposits on their joints? They don't stretch."

Leon sighed and lay down on the mat, as Koda grabbed his ankles, and quickly pulled forward. A loud crack popped from his legs, making him both wince and grunt out. "Gah! What the hell was that?" He uttered out of annoyance.

"Don't be such a damn cry baby, Russell. I'm only adjusting your legs a little. Once I'm done down here I'll work on your arms and hands. Just be very thankful I'm not asking you to pay me."

Leon stopped talking and allowed her to massage, apply pressure, and stretch out his joints and muscles. By how she was doing it, Leon could tell she was trying her best to be gentle.

"You seem so rough on the edges.. why are you being so.. soft now?"

"Who said I was soft, or even rough on the edges? I'm just a Japanese born woman with an American stint who wants to live her own life.. as for the massaging.. I want to get a job in physical therapy. Help out others who are hurt."

"Oh... I never thought you'd be like that. In all honesty I thought you were just a spoiled brat who decided to turn her life around somehow."

Koda would give Leon a stare, before moving around and rubbing his shoulders. "So, I've heard some pretty badass stuff about you from Gima.. he says you've been winning all of your fights. And, you finally got in ties with your crush."

"Did he?" Leon replied, starting to feel relaxed as she moved farther down the back of his shoulders. "If you're being truthful, then he's definitely right."

"I'm proud you were able to score a girl, after all. Besides, you do have a pretty striking style. But let me give you a word of advice: be by her side every single moment you're together."

Leon nodded, as he completely understood the obligation he had to make as he went farther down the line with his relationship with Maki. "I swear on my own life, I'll always be with her. She deserves all of the tender love and care the world can provide."

Koda's dark green eyes, usually full of a strict gleam, now shined with a heartwarming look of admiration.

"Leon.. I know for a damn fact you'll be one hell of a man. I used to be with someone once.. a man named Miko. Bodybuilder, author. Loved him with all my heart. We had planned to get married, have kids, move to the states.. but on one day he just decided to leave me. He didn't even say goodbye. Just packed his things and bailed."

Leon looked down a little, seeing that Koda really did have a heart like he did. And now he slightly felt bad for the woman. "I'm sorry, Koda.. I guess I really gotta know people before I start making assumptions about them. Anyways, thanks for the massage."

Suddenly, the sliding door would be pulled open, and Gima would poke his head through, holding some bags of potato chips. "Hey Koda, I-.. Leon? Holy cow! Didn't know you were joining us!" He said out loud, a joyous smile shining on his face. Koda would smile as well, standing up alongside Leon. "Sorry about that Leon, but Gima was actually here before you. But I will say I'll hold nothing against snacks. I am pretty damn hungry anyways.." She said, allowing Gima to come inside.

♤ ♤ ♤

An hour had passed since the three's little snack time, and now Leon had gotten ready to head back home. Burping, Gima would stand by his side. "You're not leaving without me, Leo!"

Koda stood outside near the entrance of the dojo and yawned, getting a chance to look around the rather sunny outside. "Take care, you two.. I think I'm gonna take a nap." She said to them, turning around and walking away. After that, Gima and Leon would begin walking home, conversing about whatever they could think of to pass the time.

"So, Leo.." Gima said thoughtfully, "What would you like to do, as a celebration after you stop fighting? Maybe a party? A vacation? A sleepover at Maki's House!?" He quipped goofily, before Leon slapped the back of his head.

"I'm not sure yet.. and the last thing I'd ever do is invite a hard-core gamer nerd geek like you into her house." Leon replied with a more serious tone, while Gima just winced and rubbed his head. "Ouch... guess that makes sense.."


The shrill, but very familiar voice of Maki rang out from behind them. Turning around, Leon watched her huff and puff as she ran up to him and hugged him. "Isao broke up with me.. and he kicked me out of the apartment.."

Leon looked down at her, very surprised, and placed an arm on her back and rubbed it. "Alright, alright.. You're fine. Would you like to stay at my place?" He offered, in an attempt to make her feel better.

Her face in his chest, she quickly nodded. "Yeah.. but listen to me.. before I left, Yoshihara said something to me.. he said you were next.."

Gima, who was just standing and gawking like an owl, decided to speak up. "Okay, what now? You on a hit list or something, Leo?"

Leon stood for a moment to compose his thoughts, and then let Maki go. "I'm not really sure what that means.. but what I do know is that we're all going to be safe, and I won't have a problem with kicking that man's ass again." He said, taking Maki's hand into his. "Let's go."

And they were off.. a rather silent walk, but a safe one, considering that they knew everything was going to play out smoothly.. It only took about one mile before Leon finally reached his house. Taking Maki's hand, he walked up to the front door and turned back to face Gima. "Alright, Bunk, see you later. I'll make sure to call you when I'm free." He said, leaning forward to grab the doorknob and twist it. But oddly enough the door was already somewhat open...

"What the hell..?" Leon said to himself, as he peeked into the hallway. There wasn't a sound that could be heard inside, and it started to make him feel nervous. "Listen to me, Maki.. stay behind me, and go call for help if anything happens." Leon said quietly to her, as the teen stepped his way inside the house. First he walked through the hallway, which was untouched, but when he moved to where the dining room and living room met, he was greeted with a very odd sight. Things were strewn about, and the large TV they had was ripped off the wall, and slammed on the floor.

"Someone seems to be very disinterested in me.. this might have been what Isao was talking about." Leon said, as Maki stood near him and looked around. Turning her head, her eyes widened with fear. "Oh my god.. look out!!"

Leon quickly turned to see a man holding a gun in the hallway leading to the stairs. Smirking, he took aim at Leon and Maki, and began opening fire. Bullets came right for them as the two as they both jumped over a couch in order to avoid the gunfire. Eventually the sound of a trigger clicking cluod be heard, followed by angered mumbling. Seeing the man had ran out of ammo, Leon leaped up over the couch and ran straight into the man, tackling him into the wall.

The gun falling to the floor, Leon grunted and kicked it out of reach before the gunman could grab it. Grabbing the attacker, he slammed him headfirst into the wall, and then punched him so hard it sent him toppling right onto their glass table, shattering and breaking it. And to make sure the man didn't get back up, Maki assisted by stomping her shoe right down on the man's forehead, knocking him out. Getting up and taking Maki behind him, Leon heard the door being pushed open once more. Turning to the hallway, Leon saw.. Koda.

"Leon, what the fuck is this!?"

Sighing, Leon crackled his knuckles and waved a hand around. "What does it look like? My house got broken into, and we might not be the only ones here! Now how did you even get to my house?"

Koda looked at him blankly and sighed. "Gima asked."

Another gun barrel was placed right on her left temple, which caused both Leon and Maki to jump. The second gunman, who was just as tall as Koda, jammed the barrel against her head. "Hold it right there, hun! If you or the other twerps make one move, I'll paint the walls pink with your brains. Now put your hands up and move!"

Koda remained with a blank expression on her face, but soon it merged to a smile as she slowly lifted her hands up at the assailant's demand. And while the man was distracted, she whipped around, her one hand grabbing his wrist so he would be turned around, the gun barrel now pointing at his own head. "Listen up, asshole! I'll do the same to your brains if you don't explain what business you have doing in my student's home!" She yelled, her grip tight and fierce. Turning her head, she spoke to Leon and Maki. "Don't wait up. If you have a back patio, go out through there!"

Leon nodded quickly, taking Maki and running out of the living room and towards the back patio. But as they were cutting through the kitchen, another man ran up, brandishing what seemed to be an Uzi. Yelling out and throwing himself to the floor alongside Maki, Leon braced up as gunfire shattered the glass surrounding the outside patio, shooting in and destroying vases, papers lying around, and even one of Leon's wooden crafts.

Meanwhile, Koda had disarmed the thug behind her and slammed him to the ground. Flustered and angry, he pulled out a switchblade and aimed it at her. "I'm gonna slice you apart!" He threatened, taking a few very weak swipes in an attempt to cut her. Smiling more, Koda intercepted and grabbed his arm, twisting around just enough to make him yelp out in pain, ultimately taking him and throwing him to the ground. Pinning him down with her knee, the woman slowly and roughly broke the man's wrist, causing an agonized scream to escape him.

"You're always welcome to try again if you have good insurance!" Koda quipped as she stole the switchblade.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, the Uzi bearing gunman began to enter inside, searching around for wherever Leon and Maki could be. Seeing that she had an equal distance, Maki slowly stood up and climbed onto the counter, grabbing a steak knife and jumping onto his back, stabbing him in the shoulder. Yelling loudly in pain, the other man desperately struggled to get her off as Leon took his chance to intervene as well.

Sliding around the counter, Leon kicked the Uzi away, and then punched the man in the gut. Maki pulled the knife out and fell to the floor as the gunman yelled loudly and slammed Leon right into the counter, knocking several glasses and silverware everywhere. Grabbing a salt shaker, Leon bashed it into the man's head, before doing a spin kick that sent him tumbling onto another small table and through the last remaining patio window.

"Damn.. I really just trashed my own house.." Leon said with a huff, as Maki walked beside him. "We're in the deepest shithole I could ever imagine." She replied, running a hand through her hair. As Leon stood there, one thought started to float into his head, and his eyes went wide.


Running past Maki, he rushed into the hallway and right up the stairs. Turning, he ran straight for his mom's bedroom, and pushed the door right open. There lied Kathleen on the floor, a small pool of blood forming under her head. "Oh my god..." Leon uttered with shock, as he knelt down and grabbed her shoulder. "Mom.. mom! It's me, Leon! Mom!? Wake up!"

She didn't even say a single word. Her eyes were closed, her lips not moving. His heart almost sinking into his stomach, Leon reached down and placed a hand on her neck. There was still a pulse.

Maki, who had been behind in the kitchen, eventually ran up the stairs and into the room behind Leon. Seeing what had happened, she gasped. "Leon... is that your.. your mom?"

Tears forming in his eyes, Leon looked back up at her. "Yes! Please, call the police! She needs help! Now!"

♤ ♤ ♤

2 hours had passed since Leon had been in the hospital waiting room. A dark look on his face, he sat down in the cheap plastic and cloth chair and stared mindlessly at the clock on the wall above him.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Beside him was Dwayne, who was somehow able to call off his work to take Leon up to the hospital. He also stood there, seemingly looking just as nervous and fearful as Leon. The only difference was that Leon had enough at this point.

"Mr. Martell? May I take a chance to speak with you, please?" Asked one of the lead doctors working there, Dr. Tanaka. Dwayne nodded yes, and the two men would exit the room to converse about whatever Tanaka had to say. Leon, still staring, decided to take a magazine and read it. At least a minor distraction would help him in a situation like this. First he was worried only about his life, but now his mother's life was put on a very thin line.

"Leon... we need to talk."

Dwayne had came back in after about 5 minutes, with a very apprehensive look on his face. Having Leon get up from his chair, they both walked to the far corner of the room. "What is it?" Leon asked calmly, but also bluntly.

"Listen to me, Leon.. your mom was lucky enough to survive the attack.. but the wound she received on her head broke her skull very badly.. it was enough to.."

"To what?"

"It was enough to put her in a coma... Dr. Tanaka says her vitals are stable, but there's no certain outcome on when she'll wake up.."

His lips quivering, Leon bursted into tears. Leaning against the wall, he quietly sobbed while Dwayne watched him sadly. He tried to hug Leon, but the teen pushed him away. "Can I... Can I see her..?"

Soon the two would go into the room where Kathleen was. She was laying on the hospital bed, her long blonde hair resting on her shoulders. She was hooked up to so many machines that it made Leon want to cave in on himself. Walking past Martell, he slowly sat down in the chair next to the bed and looked at his mother. He knew that she would never be awake to hear him, but he reached out and put her hand into his.

"Mom... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this. I don't know if it was me, or if it was just God playing games with us.. I know you wanted to do the right thing, the right thing for.. me. I don't know what you can see, but I hope there's a light somewhere in that dark tunnel of a coma.. God, if only I could reverse time I would! Because it was me who hurt you!" Leon said, tearing up once more. But, he still held her hand tightly. "But I will always love you, mom.. even if this might be our.. last time."

Leon would gingerly place Kathleen's hand back by her side, and stood up from the chair. Walking past Dwayne, he went out into the hallway where he leaned against the wall and let out a loud huff. Shutting the door, Dwayne would walk out beside him. "Leon.. I'm so sorry.." He said.

"No you're not." Leon snapped, turning to face the man that was supposed to become his step-dad. "You wouldn't understand anyways, or even know what it takes to be a dad. You were never here anyways in the time I've even stayed in Japan."

Dwayne was almost speechless, as he really didn't know what else to say to the upset teen. Sighing, he walked away. "I'll be in the waiting room when you're ready to leave." He said, as Leon watched him leave. Turning to face the wall, he began to contemplate what decisions he needed to make now. But his thoughts were cut off by the vibration of his phone ringing. Grabbing it, he saw another unknown caller. Annoyed and bored, he answered the call. "Who is it this time?"

"You know who this is, Leon. So you finally got our little message." Said a distorted voice on the other end. It was deep enough to send chills down his spine. "This is the Ringmaster, isn't it?"

"My identity does not matter right now.. what does matter is that you have quite literally struck ground zero. And from what the roster reads now, you have once more champion left!"

"The Black Lotus."

Leon tensed up, remembering Maki talking about this fighter before. Even the name sounded intimidating, and now Leon was being placed into the ring with the infamous fighter. "I'm up for the challenge, anyways. If you strike down my family, I'll strike you down with it." Leon hissed into the phone.

"Oh, that's such a darling thing of you to say. But remember, don't be late to this fight! Make sure to be at the high school around 9 pm sharp... you'll be expected." The voice said, before hanging up the call.

Leon put the phone away, and then stared at the wall once more. He could almost see his reflection, a face etched with grief and vengeance, and eyes burning with fury. Cracking his knuckles and neck, he smiled.

"It's showtime."

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