《Journey To The West》MK/Sun W...

By Kiu_Orchid

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A known college student by the name of Alya soon to be graduate in her last year. Fear and anxiety came in he... More

Prologue: Alya
Chapter 1: "The Girl Who Leapt Back in Time"
Chapter 2: "The True Scriptures"
Chapter 3: "Sun Wukong, The Monkey King"
Chapter 5: "The River Dragon"
Chapter 6: "The Golden Robe"
Chapter 7: "Friends"
Story Update: I might change a few things...
Chapter 8: "Burned Monastery"
Chapter 9: "The Black Bear Spirit"
Chapter 10: "Monkey Shield"
Chapter 11: "Pig's Divorce"
Chapter 12: "Pigsy Joins the Group"
Chapter 13: "The Great Yellow Wind King"
Chapter 14: "Help on its way"
Chapter 15: "Sun's Hope"
Chapter 16: "The River Monster"
Chapter 17: "The Ginseng Fruit"
Chapter 18: "Missing Fruit's"
Chapter 19: "The Magic Sleeve"
🍑Ask Any Questions🍑
Chapter 20: "The Heavenly Frying Pan"
🍑Drawin pt 2🍑
Chapter 21: "Lady Bone Demon"
Chapter 22: "Tripitaka Kidnapped"
Chapter 23: "Wukong's exile"
Chapter 24: "Tiger Monk"
Chapter 25: "The Flower and Fruit Mountain"
🍑Drawin 3, but theres only one Drawing🍑
Chapter 26: "Peaches and Mangos"
🍑Drawin 4🍑
Chapter 27: "Carry on the Journey"
Chapter 28: "Wukongs Back"
Chapter 29: "Cloudy Pete"
🍑LMK Alya🍑
Chapter 30: The Demon Brothers
🍑Drawin pt 5🍑
🍑 Q/A 🍑
Chapter 31: "Man hes charming"
Chapter 32: "He is a She!?"
Holiday Special: 🎃
Hiii everyone, im back!
🍑Drawin 6🍑
Chapter 33: "The King's Ghost"
🍑New Cover!! 🍑
🍑Spoiler Chapter--Drawin 7🍑

Chapter 4: "Attitude Adjustment"

2.6K 79 39
By Kiu_Orchid

(Alya Pov)

"Give us your money, or you'll be sorry" the leader of the group of men growled, waving his weapon around

Tripitaka stared at the robbers trembling to fear. I can't say I felt as much fear as Tripitaka was feeling. But I was worried for how Wukong might deal in this situation..

"I'm s-sorry," Tripitaka spoke out

"But...we're just monks. We don't have any money" Tripitaka stumbled with his words

"Then give us whatever else you have!" Said one robber,

The leader of the robbers looked over to me, his gaze heavy on me and grinned,

As the unsettling feeling made me grow sick, making me uncomfortable but mainly worry

"Fine, if you don't have any money. Give us the girl, a fair trade if you ask me" the group of men cheered for their leaders arrangement

I gulped, worried of what might happen next

"That won't be necessary! Please, we just wish to pass that's all" Tripitaka held his arm across from me, making me worry grow by just a bit

"Hmm, I don't know, sounds pretty fair to me" Wukong joked

"Wukong!" Tripitaka yelled angrily at him

"I'm just kidding! No hard feelings, right Alya?" Wukong asks me

"You're a jerk!" I yelled over to him, my teeth gritted at what he just agreed to. Even if he was joking, one of the men stuck their tounge out. Nodding a little too excitedly


"Hey hey Alya, no need for language" Tripitaka calmly said to me

"You heard the little fella!" One of the robbers yelled, coming in closer towards us

Tripitaka and I backed away, now afraid of what might happen next. Wukong lifted his arm up, stopping them from getting any closer to us. Mainly towards me,

"I'll deal with these robbers, Master" Wukong said,

Before approaching the men. They all howled in a pit of laughter at the sight of Wukong

"Look at the little monkey! Whatcha gonna do? Throw a banana?" Said one of them, laughing even harder. But soon stopped as they heard Wukong laughing as well

"Yes, I am a monkey. And I am rather small, it's true" he said before removing his iron bar out from his ear.

"But you just made a very bad mistake."

His iron bar grew, as his eyes flashed red with anger. As his stance became powerful and violent. Seeing almost red smoke coming out from him

Me and Tripitaka gulped in worry on what's about to happen next as we see the group of men yelp in fear

"The monkey is a spirit!" Cried one of the men, as they all turned their back. Tried to run away but failed as they tumbled down ontop of eachother

Wukong walked over to the group of robbers slowly, as he raised the iron bar, ready to strike

"Stop, Wukong!" Tripitaka cried him, wanting him to stop on what he was about to do

"Don't hurt them"

Wukong turned his head around as the men ran away into the forest, as their footsteps were soon gone. I sigh in relief

"Why not?" Asked Wukong, letting his iron bar touch the ground

"They were going to hurt us, not only were they going to rob us. They were about to kidnap Alya, you're friend" Wukong said, making a few pointers

"A Buddhist monk never hurts people, I would rather get hurt to protect Alya than hurt someone else" he said,

Wukong and I look over at eachother until he started to snicker. And burst out laughing

"That's ridiculous! We should have beaten them up, I know she wanted to do that too" Wukong pointed over to me

"You are cruel and violent Wukong, and don't assume something about some else bad intentions." Tripitaka glared down at Sun Wukong

While Tripitaka scowlded him, Wukong growled and glared over at him

"I just saved your life! How dare you scold me!" He growled over to Tripitaka, crossing his arms together

"I don't have to accept this type of treatment. Not only did I save you're life, I just saved hers as well. Dosent that matter?"

"Yes, and we are grateful, but that doesn't mean you should hurt others."

"Well you don't act like you're grateful, don't forget that heading towards the Western Journey there's gonna be a lot of bad guys who won't care that you'll spare them."

"But you also wanted to trade Alya to the robbers, dosent that mean you a one bad guy?"

"That was only a joke!! Geez!" He growled outloud, creating a yellow and golden cloud out of thin air

"If you're in trouble again, don't bother to tell me!"

Wukong leapt into the air, getting on top of his cloud before flying away. Gone from where he stood. Leaving us alone with just us

I hear Tripitaka sigh, as I put my hand over his shoulder

"Don't worry, maybe he needs to calm himself down?" I tell him

"No, he did say he wasn't going to come back. Let's just keep on moving" he said, as we than continue on traveling on the road and into the forest

After a few minutes of walking, we saw someone else sitting over by a rock. It was an old lady, smiling towards us

"Where are you two going?" The old lady asks us, we bow over to the lady as Tripitaka spoke

"We're going to the Western Paradise on our own" Tripitaka looked over to me

"Don't you have anyone with you? Beside your friend. You both can't go there alone" said the old lady

"We did have a companion, but..." I said but looked on over to Tripitaka. He sighed and nodded

"He got angry when I scolded him for being violent. And in the process, he left" Tripitaka said, remembering his disagreement towards Wukongs intentions

"Your companion will come back. And when he does, trick him into putting this on" the lady stood up and walked over to Tripitaka, pulling out a metal headband out of her bag. It shimmered light and gold from the headband, as it of was some kind of trophy

"Whenever he misbehaves, recite the Tight Headband spell" the old lady handed the headband over to Tripitaka. As she leaned in closer towards Tripitaka, whispering something in his ear.

Tripitaka nodded and smiled over to the women,

"Thank you, but how did you..."

There was a flash of bright light, as the woman rose into the air. Changing form, turning into Guanyin herself

"The Bodhisattva Guanyin!" We both said her name, as he soon get off from our horses. And bowed in her presence

"Its good to see you are both in good health. I had a feeling my help was needed"

"We're so sorry, we should have known" Tripitaka said apologetically

"No need for your apology, I was sure Wukong would get like this. After so much has passed, he still yet to listen.." she sighed before looking over at us

"That Headband is specifically design to force Wukong to behave. As soon as he does not want to cooperate or be good, use the spell I taught you" she said to Tripitaka,

"I will, thank you so much"

Bodhisattva Guanyin looked over to me, she smiled

"That bracelet isn't any ordinary bracelet, if you're ever in trouble. Tap it two times, and soon enough. Help with be on its way. Don't forget" she said, before she disappeared in a bright light

We both looked over at eachothers items before sighing heavily. Already tired from the long walk, and as well hungry...

(Meanwhile in the Eastern Sea, inside the Palace of the Dragon King)

(Wukong Pov)

I sat down ontop of Dragons Kings desk, drinking tea and enjoying eachothers company.

'Hmp. Good grief, enjoying time away from that monk. And that girl. Ugh. My cheek still hurts.'

"I hope you've learned from your punishment Sun Wukong," said the Dragon King

"Yes, I have" I replied, wanting to roll my eyes so badly but decided not too. So he wouldn't report me for being rude. Again.

"I won't cause any more trouble for the Jade Emperor or Heaven itself" I swore, holding my hand in the air

"What will you do now, since you're free?"

"I was traveling west with a monk and his friend, Alya. To get the scriptures from Buddha" I said, sipping once more my tea

"I promised Guanyin I would do it"

The Dragon King smiled and nodded

"That's wonderful to hear!" He said, making me shrug my shoulders

"Yea, well, I'm not doing it anymore."

The Dragon Kings expression changed from happiness, to confusion. Putting down his tea cup

"Why not?"

"That monk had a bad attitude, he yelled at me. He said I was cruel and violent" I said, irritated by the monks words. I soon sit down, glaring down at the ground

"And that girl, Alya ain't no white dove either. She called me a jerk after she pulled on my cheeks!" I furiously shouted growled. Frustrated at her

That girl...

'Even after I helped her get out of her getting stuck AND saved her from those robbers. Both of those two mortals are so annoying!!'

"That girl is gonna be the end of me someday." I gritted my teeth, before I heard snickering...

I glared over at the Dragon King, as he quickly looked away. Sipping his tea away, trying his hardest not noticing me glaring at him.

The Dragon King coughed nervously, clearing his throat

"Well Wukong. The monk has a point" he said, I kept on glaring at the King.

"What do you mean" I asked, waiting for the King to respond. As he hesitated for a moment,

"Well...you are violent sometimes"

I folded my arms, as I stare at the ground.

'Am I really that violent? I wasn't ACTUALLY going to hit those stupid robbers. I was just going to scare them...and maybe swung my staff around. And maybe them around..'

"Not only that, but you made a promise to Guanyin. Perhaps, Wukong, it is you who has a bad attitude?" The Dragon King scratched his neck, waiting for my answer...

I grabbed my tea, sipping just for a bit before swallowing my last bit of tea left. As I looked over at the Dragon King, I sigh heavily

"Fine...you're right" I admitted, making the Dragon King look over to me in surprise

"I did make a promise to Guanyin. And also, I don't think those two can even defended themselves. No matter how much they try" I say, a flash memory of how terrified the Tang monk looked

I chuckled at Alyas worry face especially, and even feeling a little but guilty for making that joke. I guess I did sorta go a little too far on that

I put down my teacup and stretched my arms, I stood up and looked over at the King

"Thank you my friend, I will visit again soon" I promised, making the Dragon King smile

"Good luck Wukong" before I can leave, I hear the Dragon King say something else

"Send my thank you to that Monks friend!" He yelled,

I raised an eyebrow and groaned, now I wished I hadn't told him about Alya. I have a feeling that won't be the end of it

I thought, as I quickly hurried myself out from the Dragon Kings Palace and out from the sea. Jumping out and caught my cloud, and speeded over to look for the monk and Alya

(Alya Pov)

We kept on continuing west side, as we were traveling alongside a stream. I looked on over the stream, as the water reflected the sky above us. Until I wondered and thought,

'I wonder if everyone else back in my timeline is wondering where I am. I've been gone more than three days...'

I thought before I was interrupted by a loud voice calling for us,

"Master, Alya! I have returned!" He called,

We lool over to see Wukong landed behind us. Tripitaka smiled at the sight of the diva monkey finally returning back. Rolling my eyes, not meeting the monkey gaze

Wukong noticed this and ignored me. It seems like we're both at the same page.

"We're glad you're back, Wukong"

"Did you finally now cool down Mr. Hothead?" I ask, making Tripitaka whisper my name. Feared that if we started arguing, he might just want to leave for good. Good riddance! This monkey is really under my skin for that kidnap joke.

Wukong only chuckled and waved his hand,

"Pshh, oh please, from what I remembered. I didn't get easily angered by simple harmless jokes" he grinned, making me raised an eyebrow. Is he seriously not going to apologize?

"You literally joked about letting those robbers take me away"

"But I didn't let that happen! No need to thank me, you're welcome" Wukong grinned widely

'Sometimes I want to bonk that monkeys head but no. I'm afraid if I did, my hand would break if I ever did try'

Tripitaka poked my arm, making me look back at him. His eyes pointed over at monkey, remembering our plan. I nodded,

"I'm hungry" Tripitaka said, looking over the sky

"I'll find a village and beg for some food for you" said Wukong about to leave,

"You don't need to do that" said Tripitaka, making Wukong look over at him confused and stopped his tracks

"Alya has rice in her bag, you can cook that" Tripitaka looked over at me, I nodded. Unlike like him, I'm going to cooperate and put my anger aside.

"We can use a break" I say, looking over at Wukong, giving out my best smile I can muster.

"We can cook together if you like" I say to Wukong, he looks over at us in question before shrugging his shoulder

"Sure whatever, move your butt out of the way!"

"Hey!" I jumped down from my horse as Wukong took my seat. I folded my arms, as I hear Tripitaka giggle before getting off. Stretching his legs and arms

Wukong grabbed the bag I was carrying, opening the bag. When he looked inside, his eyes opened wide and started to sparkle. He pulled out the headband out from the bag and smiled in delight

"This headband is marvelous!" Said Wukong, admiring it's beauty

"Oh?" Said Tripitaka, as he studied and waited for monkey to examine the headband in his hands

"Do you like it?" Tripitaka asks Wukong

"Yes!" Wukong exclaimed happily, still looking at it

"Try it on," said the monk, pretending that's a good idea

"Really? Wait, is it mines?" Asks Wukong, Tripitaka nodded. But before Wukong can put it on, he hesitated

"I mean, it's a beautiful headband. But I'm not exactly sure if..." before Wukong can get suspicious, I sigh outloud

"Well if you really don't want it, you can always give it to me. A new outfit is what I needed" I said, pretending that I want it too. Sticking my arm out, pretending to wait for Wukong to hand the headband over to me

'Please don't give it back. Please don't give it back..'

Wukong raised the headband and shook his head

"Uh, who said anything about that? I saw it first, so I should wear it first" he said, before putting on the headband around his head

He quickly got off my horse, and ran on over the stream of water. Reflecting himself, making poses and face expression. Even if he acts like a jerk, I can't say I find it cute how he's admiring himself.

"I look handsome! Don't you think so Peaches?" He asks me,

"Stop calling me that!" I yelled, feeling the corner of my cheeks start to heat up. But before I knew it. Tripitaka started mumbling to himself

"Heh, whatever Peaches! Thanks for--ahhh!!!" Sun Wukong grabbed the sides of his headband, and fell over. His eyes bulged out of pain, as the headband glowed in light. Working it magic

"W-Whats happening?! M-My head feels like it's going to explode!!" Wukong cried outloudly, rolling all over the ground. Slamming his head against the ground and even crashing his forehead over a rock. Breaking it into pieces, but the headband still stayed on his head.

As he continued to cry and cry, yell and groan. It didn't stop,

'I didnt think the headband would hurt him this badly...sorry man, but it's for your own good'

His pupils looks over at us, more specifically at Tripitaka as he was still mumbling the spell

"Wh..what is he s-saying..??" Cried Wukong again,

As Tripitaka stopped talking, the pain from the headband stopped. Making Wukong relax, breathing heavily, sweating from the constant pain he's gone through

"The Bodhisattva Guanyin taught me a spell, as she gave me the headband to force you to be good" Tripitaka said,

Wukong quickly stood up, trying to pull the headband off. But no matter how much strength and power he's put into, the headband did not budge. As it stayed against Wukong head like glue

"Its stuck! You tricked me, the both of you!" Wukong pointed over at us, stamping his foot. Making the ground under us shake, like an earthquake

Tripitaka held his arm infront of me, and shook his head

"I tricked you. It's for your own good" said Tripitaka

"This headband will prevent you from being violent towards others"

Tripitaka said but Wukong was furious and refusing to listen. He pulled out his iron staff and lunged towards us. Mainly towards Tripitaka

"I'll show you who's violent!!" Wukong yelled in anger, as me and Tripitaka panicked

Tripitaka stood infront of me, as he quickly recited the spell again, started to whisper to himself.

Wukong fell to the ground, and rolled around in pain yet again. Yelling and screaming for the pain to stop.

"It hurts! It hurts!!" Wukong cried,

I covered my mouth, feeling horrible for Wukong to be in this much pain. But I'm more than surprised he would attack Tripitaka like that. Goes to show how badly Wukongs temper is.

"Please stop! I won't try to hurt you again!!"

Tripitaka stopped the spell, making the monkey gasps in relief before sitting up. Standing but lunged forward

"Now, will you cook some rice please?" Ask Tripitaka

"I'll get a fire started.." Wukong said looking away sadly

I sigh and nodded

"I'll grab the horses" I said, walking on over to them. Letting the two do their own things,

As I grabbed the two horses straps, I couldn't help but to turn my gaze back at the two. As I see Sun Wukong lifted his staff and walked on over slowly towards Tripitaka back,

Before I can call for Tripitaka, he too noticed and soon started to mumble. Wukong started screaming again, once again falling to the ground

While Wukong started rolling all over the ground, I couldn't help but to think I'll have to try and get used to this kind of punishment towards Wukong. Even if it's painful to watch

"P-please stop!" Sun Wukong cried in agony but soon stopped,

"Don't try to hit me again. If you do, I'll recite the spell until your head really does explode" Tripitaka scowlded Wukong before walking away

I look on over Wukong as he laid on the ground

"Um, you okay bud?" I ask him, he glared over to me. Gritted his teeth, about to pounce on me too. But was stopped as Tripitaka turned back around, glaring at the Monkey

Sun Wukong put his hand behind his back, smiling nervously. Stopping from doing so

"And if you hurt Alya as well, I will recite the spell until you're sorry" he said

"I'm sorry Master, I'll be good" Wukong said, before Tripitaka walked away

We both stood in one place, as I look on over Wukong. I smiled softly to him

"Welcome back?" I said, Wukong grumbled and walked away. Furiously stomping away from me,

I felt little bad for Wukong, I wish it wouldn't have to come to this. I sigh as we look for a spot to sleep, since it's been getting late and the sun will most likely be down

As time passed, the sky finally gone dark the stars appeared into the night sky. While Tripitaka was busy meditating, Sun Wukong was cooking rice all by himself. While I was sitting near a bush, I look over at Wukongs back.

He was silent the whole half of the day. He didn't talk or has said any jokes. Maybe we really did pissed him.

Before I remembered early, I did tell him I was going to help him cook the rice. Maybe it's a good opportunity to talk to him. Or maybe not. Who knows, but I won't figured it out if I go talk to him myself

I walked on over to Wukong, obviously he heard me behind and waved his hand

"The rice isn't ready, you gotta wait"

"I'm actaully here for you" I said, hearing him groan

"Well then, thanks for the headband. That was the real trick for you and Master pulled on me. Happy?"

"N-no? I mean, you did tried to attack Tripitaka twice and also me" I said, he didn't say anything but kept on cooking the rice

I sigh as I sat next to him

"I really am sorry, I had no idea the head and would do that"

"Oh really? Why even let me put it on in the first place?" He growled, looking away

"But I wasn't--*sigh* okay, look I'm sorry this happen to you. I just want us to make it to the West.." I said, looking down at my fingers. I hear Wukong sigh and roll his eyes

"If you start crying, Master think I hurt you." He grumbled. Not exactly what I planned for our conversation to start

Before I can stand up to leave, Wukong spoke

"So? Didn't you say you wanted to help?" Wukong asked

I smile softly, sitting back down next to him

"Get rid of that dumb smile off your face, I won't accept your apology" he said, stirring the pot of rice

"I know, but it's a start"

I said, as the stars above us shined down at us. As all we can hear we're crickets chirping it's melody throughout the night..

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