I can try to help

By MarvelousMarshmallow

56.3K 842 56

Maya and Carina exploring a new part of their relationship. **AGE REGRESSION** Don't like, don't read. More

What should I do?
I think i'm doing it right?
How do I say this?
This is the part I know how to do
I think I can try this
I know what's going on now
How do you know?
An unwanted surprise
Don't put your hands under a knife
Little in the tunnels
We need a video doorbell
Work calls
Stick your head out the window
Time out
Trip to the ER
What was going to happen
This was gonna be part of it
final chapter


1.8K 37 2
By MarvelousMarshmallow

Dr. Bailey notices that I'm in regular clothes and addresses me, I turn to Jack because I can't hear. I watch as he explains that I can't hear, she looks through the glass doors and says something, clearly she called for someone because Amelia comes out.

She listens as Bailey explains and goes back through the doors before coming back out with a wheelchair. She wheels it over to me and gestures to it, No, I shake my head, I'm not being wheeled in, I can walk.

She gestures again with a "sorry, this is what needs to be done" expression and I shake my head once again.

She says something to Jack and he types on his phone he turns it to face me "It's just until they can be positive you have no head trauma" I look at it again and Dr. Bailey gestures sternly with a "Do it now or I will make you" expression.

I reluctantly sit down in the wheelchair, i'm wheeled in and sat down on a bed. Amelia pulls out a penlight and looks at me for confirmation that I know what she's going to do, I nod my head. She shines it in my eyes and starts to say something, then remembers that I can't hear.

Pulling something up on the Ipad, she shows me the writing saying "Follow the light with your eyes" I do as instructed and follow the light she types again "Are you in any pain?" I shake my head. "Any pre-existing health problems?" I again shake my head.

"Ok, you're going down for a CT just to make sure you're good. If that's all clear the ear doctor will come and see you" she types out.

I nod, and wait to be wheeled out of here, A nurse comes over and starts wheeling me. I intervene by wheeling myself. I continue along just following her after a minute I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, I look over and see Carina.

I smile looking back, in the process of looking back I knock into the wall. I start laughing before stopping because now Carina's pushing me. She says something to the nurse and the nurse responds, I'm not a fan of not being able to hear what they're saying. We get to CT and I'm helped into the scanner, I sit there for what seems like hours before the nurse helps me out.

Carina wheels me to a room where we wait for the results. After 25 minutes a separate doctor comes in and exclaims something seemingly meant for all to hear, Carina grabs a spare sheet of paper and pen and writes "No head trauma!".

The new doctor's name tag says Dr. Alice Ray, Dr. Ray grabs one of those things to look at the inside of your ear and happily says something before quickly leaving the room.

I look over at Carina who looks shocked and horrified, She writes out "She says 'You've lost most hearing in both of your ears, it most likely won't get better' give me a sec" she grabs the ear thing and looks in both my ears "It appears that she's right, but it was wrong to just say that and leave"

I sit there in shock until Carina tugs me out of the hospital. Suddenly, we're at home and I'm not sure how we got here

AN: I know that no medical professional would ever do something like this, the entire Dr. Ray storyline was meant to be a quick and easy way for them to know that it isn't going to get better. This is in ZERO way medically accurate, I just felt lazy. I'm sorry for not posting chapters for a while, I thought that i discontinued this, but i looked and i have more unposted chapters from long ago.

There is going to be one more short chapter after this, then i will post with what i wanted to happen further in the story.

Have a good one

-your exhausted author, Charlie

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