My Guardian Nightmare

By WintxrCherry

51.5K 3.3K 2.5K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Important Stuff
=1 - The News=
=2 - The Ritual=
=3 - New Friend=
=4 - A Guardian=
=5 - Cooking=
=6 - Speaking of Jobs=
=7 - Park a duck duck=
=8 - Cooking with Glitchy=
=9 - Nightly Problems=
=10 - Family Cooking=
=11 - Arcade=
=12 - Gift Giving=
=13 - Troubling thoughts=
=14 - School Recognition=
=15 - Lesson in Fear=
=16 - Cat Catastrophe=
=17 - Cat food=
=18 - A mother's troubles=
=19 - Job details=
=20 - Bullying Gone Wrong=
=21 - A Familiar Guest=
=22 - A Father's Love=
=23 - Unannounced Visit=
=24 - Lil Ms. Tomato=
=25 - Get in the van=
=26 - Fresh visit=
=27 - Birth Error=
=28 - Soul checks=
=Bonus - Birthday Special=
=29 - News and Results=
=30 - Good news=
=31 - Mansion Tour=
=32 - Her Office=
=33 - Cult explanation=
=34 - In the Middle of the Night=
=35 - A king and his prince=
=36 - Crayon Queen=
=37 - Her name=
=38 - Spider friend=
=39 - Another Doctor Visit=
=40 - Past talks=
=41 - A Tsundere Mama=
=42 - SOUL care=
=43 - Meeting Asy's Fam=
=44 - 90's awakening=
=46 - A God's teasing=
=47 - Coming home=
=48 - Adventure Time=
=49 - Happy Questing=
=50 - Waking world=
=51 - Complimentary Reboot=

=45 - Christmas Party=

675 50 52
By WintxrCherry

* Gehehe more updates :)

* Listen I have my reasons

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

"Hey Ma... Don't me and Ink have a christmas party tomorrow?" Error glanced at CQ, before glancing at Ink.

CQ frowned a bit and nodded then. "You're right... you do..." She said slowly, glancing at her son and the son of Comyet.

"Oh right..." Comyet muttered under her breath. "Good thing I'm already done with the outfits and such." Comyet sighed lightly before glancing down at Ink and rubbing his skull. "Don't worry, the new place has a lot of stuff that would keep you company while Ink and Error are gone, kiddo." Asy said softly, smiling at Fresh before glancing at Geno. Right, he made sure that none of the children would spoil Fresh on where they live now so he'll at least have excitement as an emotion at the sight of the mansion.

Geno nodded excitedly, bouncing lightly. "Yes! You will love it! Well, maybe. I dunno, depends." He cheered, before thinking. "Well, Error likes it and I like it, so I guess you will like it too!" The child blinked and looked up at Asy, before shrugging to himself and continued bouncing.

"Guess we'll see then." Fresh then gave a half grin despite not feeling anything yet, Error then rubbed Fresh's skull a bit.

Geno just nodded excitedly, not stopping with jumping. He was happy that Fresh was awake now.

"Broski yer shakin' the bed." Fresh then poked Geno playfully while Error just whined playfully at that. Though truthfully, the bed shaking makes Fresh's dizziness worsen.

"Oh! Sorry." Geno apologized and let the bed go. He giggled slightly, before his eyelight wandered around. He then jumped to Comyet. Geno seemed to have found a liking in jumping to Comyet.

"Woah kid!" Comyet quickly moved fast to catch Geno. "Careful!" Comyet couldn't help but laugh a bit as she easily carried Geno and rubbed his skull lightly. "Full of energy as always, I see?" Comyet smiled a bit.

Geno giggled slightly, before nodding. "Uh-hu!" He cheered, leaning into the rubs. "I can't really control it, though!" He said then grinning, tapping now lightly on Comyet's shoulder and back, to let more energy go but also not hurt her.

"I know." Comyet chuckled softly, nuzzling Geno a bit. "You and Ink are alike when Ink has a sugar high." Comyet snickered, glancing down at her child. Ah, she finds it quite adorable in all honesty. 

Ink just looked up, waving at Geno, Geno waving back, while he was nuzzling Comyet back. "Oh! Really? So cool!" He cheered and laughed slightly.

"Yep." Comyet couldn't help but giggle, glancing up and watching Dr. Maraya carefully check over Fresh again.

Geno laughed slightly, before calling out to his mother. "Mama, Mama, did you hear?" CQ turned around with a tilted head. "Aunt Comyet said that Ink is like me when he is on a- on a uhh... sugar high! Yes, sugar high!" The child giggled. The pink haired woman blinked, lightly confused, before saying: "I... don't think I know what a sugar high is- but that's uhm- that's great, Sweetie." Geno just nodded smiling.

"A sugar high is like how Geno acts, except it's when you eat too much candy." Asy spoke. "You had quite a few when you were little." Asy chuckled as he booped CQ's nose. "Didn't Error also experienced a sugar high and a sugar crash?" Asy asked and Comyet blinked.

"Oh right... Yeah, it was that time when you both had a competition on how much sweets you can eat." Comyet chuckled and Error blinked. "I remember that... We were so hyper we were literally like Geno at that time." Error couldn't help but giggle a bit.

CQ blinked lightly. "Oh." She then answered. "I see..." The woman looked at Asy. "Were I like Geno too when I was on a sugar high?" She then asked curiously.

"Definitely." Asy chuckled softly. "I don't think I want to know what Geno would act like with sugar high." Comyet sweatdropped. "Since he's like, on sugar high 24/7 already." Comyet snickered softly and Asy nodded in agreement.

Geno cheered lightly. "Yay! I am like Mama!" He cheered, purposely ignoring the rest of the conversation. CQ blinked and looked at Geno, smiling at him slightly, before agreeing to Comyet. "Yeah, no, I don't think anyone wants this-" She said.

"Yeaah..." Comyet chuckled softly before before glancing back at Fresh. "And we're done for now..." Dr. Maraya spoke after she finished checking on Fresh and writing on her clipboard.

CQ nodded lightly at that. "Alright..." She mumbled out. She looked at her youngest. "I am so happy that he woke up." She mumbled again, smiling at him.

"Don't get why you are but okay." Fresh then gave CQ a half smile before it dropped again and he leaned back a bit.

↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺

Ink rushed out of his room, all dressed up nicely for the Christmas party. He ran to his mother, clearly being excited. Not Geno-excited, but excited. The child turned around, waiting for Error.

Error then shyly went outside as well, sheepishly rubbing his arm a bit. Dressed up in a red vest, with a red waist corset over it, the borders being a pretty gold, there was also a large yellow ribbon behind himself, seemingly attached to the vest, the ribbon hidden by the corset. Underneath his vest was a black button up shirt, the collars flipped up and a white bow on his collar.

He was wearing a pair of black dress pants with the edges gradiented to a royal blue with white embroidery. He was wearing black heels and a pair of white gloves. He was also wearing a pair of tinted glasses, the tint being yellow and the rim being a dark red. "I- I'm not sure if I look good in this..." Error slowly said with a blush on his skull. Comyet silently fangirling besides Asy, who whistled at the sight of the two children.

(I couldn't help myself and just ended up drawing him <3 - Neva)

Ink stared at Error, his face being a very bright rainbow. He covered his mouth with his hand, his eyelights changing rapidly - mostly having heart forms.CQ stared at her son, before smiling. "You look gorgeous, hun." She cooed, while Geno jumped around his brother in excitement.

"M-Ma!" Error whined, blushing even more in embarrassment and rubbing his arms a bit more before glancing at Ink. "You-You umm... bien paraître." Error mumbled, remembering the meaning from how often Ink uses it.

(Look good.)

Ink blushed even more, while staring at Error. "Toi... Toi aussi..." He mumbled, while staring at Error. He stepped a bit forward to Error, staring at him with a slight opened mouth and wide eyesockets. CQ cooed quietly.

(You... You also...)

Comyet glanced at the two and couldn't help but giggle. Ah, the two children were so adorable! "Alright you two. Ink, arrête de regarder Error maintenant, nous devons y aller puisque vous deux voulez être là tôt." Comyet snickered lightly. "Error we have to go now if you two wanna be early."

(Stop watching Error now, we have to go since you two want to be there early.)

"R-Right!" Error squeaked and then quickly adjusted his bag and then rushed downstairs quickly, taking his goop from Nightmare to fiddle with it again. He misses Nightymare, it's been five days now after all... Error shook his skull a bit, no no, he can do it later, he shouldn't ruin Ink's day by being moody! 

Ink looked embarrassed up at Comyet, before nodding. "Ou-Oui, Maman!" He stuttered out, putting his hands on his cheeks. He then grabbed his mother's hand.

Comyet then laughed softly at that. "Error! Do you have your medicine and cream?!" Comyet called. "Yes Ms. Com!" Error called and Comyet nodded. "Bye now." Comyet waved a bit at CQ, Geno and Asy, who then chuckled and waved back before pulling out his phone. Error then peeked in and waved goodbye at his brother and family before quickly peeking out of the door again. Comyet just carefully led Ink down the stairs and to the outside.

CQ waved lightly back, as did Geno, while Ink seemed to get more excited, his eyelights still staring at the glitching skeleton.

"You kids are excited huh?" Comyet smiled and Error nodded as he then got on the car, taking off his bag and then carefully looking through it again.

Having heard those words often enough - mostly to describe Geno - Ink understood what Comyet was saying and nodded lightly his head. "Oui, Oui! Very excited!" He answered.

"That's good." Comyet chuckled softly and Error just nodded shyly, moving and scooting closer to Ink and laying his skull on Ink's shoulder, humming a bit.

Ink took in a surprised breath, his eyelights wandering to Error. A happy smile widened on his face and he moved his head a bit to the side, to touch Error's.

Comyet glanced at the children in the rearview mirror and grinned a bit. She still can't get over how adorable they are!

Soon enough, they have arrived at the school and Comyet parked. "Alright children, we're here." Comyet then glanced behind her. "Ink, Error, have fun alright?" Comyet smiled gently and Error slowly nodded as he straightened himself up.

Ink nodded and smiled, before looking at Error, booping him slightly, before giggling.

Error blinked lightly at the boop. "Hey!" Error whined before pouting at Ink. "You two have everything? Ink, Avez-vous tout?" Comyet asked, glancing at her child as Error then nodded and scooted to the edge of the seat.

(Do you have everything?)

Ink nodded too. "Oui, Maman!" He answered, his eyelights narrowing from Error to his mother.

"Good." Comyet then chuckled as Error then opened the car door and motioned for Ink to follow, keeping it open for his artist friend.

Ink scooted after Error and jumped out of the car - not literally, he just went out fast. The child moved his scarf a bit and looked around, seeing other kids arriving.

Error then closed the car once Ink is out and waved goodbye at Comyet, who then waved back before starting the car again. "Can you go first? I wanna go buy something first." Error said softly to Ink, glancing at him.

Ink waved at his mother too, before looking at Error nodding. "D'accord! I- wait you in school!" He cheered and smiled lightly, before going in the direction of the school.

Error then waved goodbye at Ink before sighing lightly, he then squeezed the goop in his hand a bit before looking at it and frowning. Where was Nightmare? He misses him... He promised too... Walking towards the nearby store of their school, he then yelped a bit when he bumped into someone and quickly scrambled back.

"I- I'm sorry!" Error squeaked as he then looked up before blinking in surprise when he saw a black robed being carrying a scythe... Why was he carrying a scythe? It's not even halloween... It's way past that now actually!

The guy flinched and turned around, staring down at Error. It was a skeleton which didn't have any eyelights. "Are you... talking to me?" He asked then slowly. The skeleton had a deep voice and his robe seemed to move the whole time.

Error blinked lightly and slowly nodded. "Y-Yes... I'm sorry Mister." Error then sheepishly said, squeezing his fidget goop more. "I- I have to go now, I'm sorry again!" Error then shyly pushed past the male and then began to speed walk faster towards the store.

The skeleton stared after Error, before saying: "He-hey! Wait a moment!" And suddenly he was in front of Error again, his face directly in front of Error's face, while his... legs... seemed to dangle in the air. "You can see and even touch me! What are you?" The man tilted his head.

Error meeped in surprise, stumbling back a bit in surprise, before glancing behind him, and then back at the person. "I- I uhm... I don't kn-know?" Error squeaked out in confusion. "Uhh... Mister... Are you... Okay? Why wouldn't I be able to see or touch you?" Error asked in confusion, blinking a bit. "I thought that was normal?" Ah, what an unaware child.

"Well- yeah, but actually no. Not with me." The skeleton answered, looking a bit excited at Error. "But hey, that could actually help me- Say, small one, did you see by any chance..." The man thought for a bit. "A... kind of black guy with a teal glow? And goop and tentacles?"

Error blinked, before blinking again, before blinking once more before softly gasping, his eyes sparkling a bit. "D-Do you know Nightymare?" Error whispered quietly, looking around to make sure that no one's listening. "Wait wait- we have to talk somewhere else... Not here." Error whispered, quickly grabbing on to the skeleton's sleeve and quickly dragging him somewhere that should provide them more space, inside the story and in a corner.

The skeleton gasped and grinned happily. "Knew it-" He mumbled, before looking at Error. "Wait- Nightymare? You call him Nightymare? And are still alive? Dang..."

"Uhh... Yeah?" Error blinked lightly once they're now in a corner, Error looking around cautiously before sighing softly. "I- I'm sorry... It's just that... I'm not allowed... To talk about Nightymare out in the open..." Error whispered quietly, fidgeting with his goop a bit before blinking. "But Nightymare gave me this!" Error chirped in a whisper as he showed the skeleton the fidget goop.

The newcomer blinked. Then he chuckled. "Oh man, he is growing soft!" He snickered. "But when was the last time you saw him? He didn't come to drink coffee with me anymore. Rude, I tell ya. The name's Reaper, by the way."

"O-Oh uhm..." At the question of where Nightmare was, Error then frowned and began to tear up a bit, looking down as he squeezed the goop. "I... I haven't seen him in... Five days now..." Error murmured. "I'm- I'm still hoping he would come back... He promised me that... That I'd always be his prince..." Error mumbled sadly.

Reaper blinked, before grinning slightly. "D'awwww, he likes you. He be soft." The guy snickered. "But that is weird. Haven't seen him either, that means that Nightmare is probably busy. Don't worry little one he isn't dead or something like that. I would be the first one to know." The floating one shrugged.

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* :)

* What? Didn't expect that?

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