Duplicitous | T.N.

By sofiamariaisabel1

221K 5.5K 4K

Aurora the sleeping beauty, damned to a boundless doze. Only true loves kiss had the power to haul her from s... More

I • 42 days, 1008 hours, 60 480 minutes and 362 8800 seconds
II • Nail chewing is a bad habit
III • Little Miss too perfect for me
IV • What are you hiding?
V • True colours
VI • Prejudice
VII • Physiological warfare
VIII • That one blissful moment
IX • More Angst
X • Every time 'Great' is said, note the sarcasm
XI • Dumbledores Army
XII • Half the angel
XIII • No clubs
XIV • Pure Dread
XV • Spells and Stunning
XVI • Two graves
XVII • A sneaky bugger
XVIII • Drowning sorrows in thick liquor
XX • Shame
XXI • Downturned Glares
XXII • A brush with war
XXIII • Red & Green Ying & Yangs
XXIV • Two Stolen Angels
XXV • Selfish Hatred
XXVI • Repeated Mistakes
XXVII • Stern memories
XXVIII • Sleeping Beauty
XXIX • To reign hell
XXX • Injuries and Assumptions
XXXI • Armestice
XXXII • Bad news at Breakfast
XXXIII • Forbidden Serpent
XXXIV • Jovial Encounters
XXXV • Daring Lions & Crafty Serpents
XXXVI • I made a friend...
XXXVII • Almosts & Atelophobia
XXXVIII • Triumphed smiles
XXXIX • Hit me
XL • The real Fox
XLI • I can't
XLII • Concealed shames
XLIII • Pretty Blondes
XLIV • Stained, inky crushes
XLV • My father
XLVI • Various departures
XLVII • Owed Favours
XLVIII • Authentic sneers
XLIS • Parrallel || lellarraP • XLIS
L • Fantasy Letters
LI • A corpes' touch
LII • Nott acceptable
LIII • A scented boy
LIV • Cast under influence
LV • An Opal Curse
LVI • The end marks the beginning, the beginning marks the end
LVII • In the rain
LVIII • Cruel Bastards
LIX • A loathing
LX • Red handed
LXI • Deceitful doves
LXII • Once upon a dream
LXIII • The prodigal boyfriend
LXIV • Gothic fears and families
LXV • Bewitched minds
LXVI • The highs and hows of a teenage girl
LXVII • Complexion
LXVIII • Jam on toast
LXIX • Familiar Faces

XIX • Anthony Creevey

2.8K 85 43
By sofiamariaisabel1

|TW| this chapter has evidence of both sexual content and illegal activity, please feel free not to read if triggering

Also, If you happen to know me personally you better skip this chapter

It was a boy. The person who took a seat next to her was a boy. A handsome one at that. In fact she actually recognised this particular boy. He wasn't a boy at all but a man, the same one she'd barely interacted with a couple of months ago at her last trip to Hogs Meade.

He was still just as beautiful. Eyes ever so sky blue and naturally downturned in a fashion that made her giddy. Hair, a pile of messy, soft, brown curls that sat a fraction away from touched his eyebrows. She couldn't help but gawk at his rosy tainted cheeks and nose.

She hadn't realised she was staring until he turned to face her. She shot her head down to her first cup that she had gotten half way through. She didn't feel any effects of the drink, the only thing she felt was the sorrow she had been experiencing all day.

It all happened in a second but when he turned to face her, she gave him a look as though she was a deer caught in the headlights, quicker than ever Aurora shot her head so fast her ponytail flew over her shoulder and whipped the side of her freckled face. Smooth.

A deep chuckle erupted from beside her. She pretended not to notice as she took in all of her drink in one gulp. The stinging sensation made her face scrunch up as though she had attempted to suck a lemon. After finishing, her hand shot straight, the action reminded her of Hermione whenever she answered a question in class.

The bar tender approached. "Two more fire whiskeys please?" She smiles a coy grin at the bar tender. He was quick to return with two more. She bit her lip before engulfing a large gulp out of one of the cups.

"Is it safe to assume that second drink is for someone else?" She almost choked, startled by the voice from beside her.

She sucked in her cheeks, eyes wide as she turned to face him. "Um. No." She said 'no' in a hushed whisper, almost as though she was ashamed.

He laughed lightly. "Problems?" He asked.

"Tell me about it." Her head buried in her hands.

"Wanna share?" He offered. "I heard somewhere confessing your truths to strangers in magical pubs was the perfect way to relieve yourself."

His joke provoked a laugh. He seemed nice so she enlightened him. "Dead mum." She cleared her throat. "It's her birthday."

His smile faded. "I'm sorry to hear, was it recent?" He was genuine, she liked it. The last time she saw him she couldn't help but notice his similarities with Theodore Nott but that was only physical wise, from what she was witnessing he seemed almost nothing like Theodore, she liked that.

"A few months ago." She grinned down at the table in memory of her mother. "Accident at the ministry."

"The ministry?" Her eyes narrowed, how could one live however many years he had without knowing of the ministry?

She voiced her thoughts. "The Ministry of Magic." He still looked confused so she continued. "Our magic parliament of sorts."

"Ah." He said at the explanation. Now she was confused. "I'm not a wizard." He cleared out for her.

"Muggle?" She asked him. She could only assume, he didn't have the obvious traits of any other magical breed.

"I've heard of that one. Yes. I'm a muggle, but my brother is a wizard, you might know him, carries that bloody camera everywhere he goes" His smile was so beautiful she internally noted, but instead of dreaming about his face she came to a realisation.

Her eyes doubled in size, damn right she knew his brother. In her third year he was determined to follow Harry around with his cute camera, and in hand he often followed her too. Thinking about it she could see the resemblance, their hair and noses were impeccably similar.

He noticed her shock. "You know him?" He asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I know him. Colin Creevey?" She grew excited at a chance to talk to the handsome stranger before her.

His laugh was a breathy one as he spoke his next words. "That's so cool. How do you know him?"

"Yeah, he used to chase around my friend." She smiled. He looked confused so she continued. "I don't know if you know of Harry Potter?"

He snorted. "Heard of him? Colin spent a year talking about him more than anything else."

"I'm not surprised. During his first year he was so determined to get a nice photo Harry. I happen to be Harry's friend, older sister type. I often saw your brother ready for a picture." She found him cute, a little bothersome but cute.

While conversing about his brother, the two had forgotten introductions. The man was first to remember. "Oh, so sorry for my lack of manners, I've forgotten to introduce myself." He gave out his hand for her to shake. "Anthony."

She gleefully took it. "Rory." She smiled.

The both of them, continued to converse for what felt like hours, laughing and drinking almost like old friends. As time passed, her mind began to fuzz and from there she was officially drunk.

They were laughing about some stupid joke he had just brought up when she apologised. "I am so sorry, my tolerance is a joke." She giggled into her cup.

"I can't think straight either, trust me, I'm not judging." He also happened to be drunk.

It was a disastrous sight, both slurring their words and breaking into fits of snorts and chuckles over almost anything.

They were currently feeling existential glee while talking about the dangers of sugar looking exactly like salt. The disasters possible, sounded beyond amazing to drunk ears.

Out of nowhere Anthony silenced beside her. She was too hammered to notice. Then he asked. "How old are you?"

She froze. How old was she again? It took her a moment to process, her mouth spoke before her brain thought. "Twenty." She lied. Like said before, her drunken self was a disaster inflictor. An evil troublemaker.

He smiled. "I'm Twenty Three." He grinned wider. "Are you okay with that?" A gentlemen while drunk, the less similar to Theodore the better.

She pretended to be devoured in deep thought. "Hmm." Her eyes darkened and she bit her lip to conceal a smile. "I guess it's okay." She shrugged.

They both silenced.

It was a moment that wasn't awkward, but rather exciting. They looked at each other, unsure what would happen next.

She didn't know who moved first, whether she advanced first or he did it ended the same way regardless. His hand rested gently on her jaw as his lips caressed hers. They moved in a synchronised movement.

He pulled back, she was about to trip into a pit of disappointment and humiliation that was until he smirked. "I have a place at the inn nearby. Wanna head over there?" She nodded, so eagerly that it was near embarrassing but again she was way too out of it to care.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out. They tripped while walking through the door and fell into another laughing fit. They began to run through the cold, hands still linked. She could see the inn as they approached, the serious parts of her went silent as she grew excited.

He pushed open the door and pulled her up her stairs, before they made it to the top he pulled her into his chest and brought his lips down to hers. His palms found her waist and planted firmly down on them before dragging up her body and onto her neck. He began to play with her hair as they kissed. Her hands remained flat against his chest occasionally dragging up and down.

Their lips continued to move at a fast pace as they walked through the hall. The stumbling no longer made them giggle, for they were too focused on their other activities, which in their minds became the priority.

She guessed he had found his door when he began to search his jacket pockets for some key, unable to take his lips off her made it a challenge. Drunk Aurora on the other hand apparently had game. While he fumbled for said key she brought her hand to his front pocket ever so close to his crotch and pulled out a single key. They paused as she held it up in between them and presented him with a prideful grin.

He pulled her by the back of her neck and into him again as they continued their make out. He gently bit her bottom lip and dragged it outwards. She threw her arms around his neck and held a tight grip. He gently slammed her to the wall and lifted her up, Rory's legs wrapped around his waist in response.

Cupping her behind, he pulled her off the wall and carried her to his door. He held a tight grip with one hand as he used the other to open said door. Once open he hurried in, slamming it with his foot behind them.

Once the door was closed and they were promised complete privacy he slammed her back against the door, this time with more force. In between her legs she felt something hard against her thighs.

She glanced down for merely a moment and caught sight of the tent pitched in his jeans. She didn't know if she was startled or thrilled, the emotions in that situation seemed similar.

If Aurora was in a clear state of mind, she would've definitely reconsidered her decisions of the night but due to the alcohol, the sensible parts of her were muted, well, muffled. She would be lying if she said she didn't think even for a moment about her choice because she did. By the end of her minor rethink she could conclude was that this was a distraction.

She was miserable and she knew that sex was a commonly used outlet of emotion so her choice was clear. The drunken parts of her did the rest of the thinking, clearly. She was at that moment pressed between a door and a dick, tongue down the throat of a man who was way too old for her. Not to mention she had never actually divulged in any form of sexual activity besides snogging before.

Her alter ego came out to play when she thought the phrase 'Welp, there's a first for everything.'

He still had her pressed to the wall as his hands roamed her upper body. Against her lips he whispered. "Are you okay with this?" Like before, she nodded with so much eagerness and mumbled a quiet Yes'.

He smiled, the action felt so sensual against her lips that she smiled back. With his hands in her hair he pulled her off the wall and walked her around the room. She wasn't surprised that he hadn't dropped her, she was one tall girl, but the guy she was currently gripping on to like a monkey happened to be well built.

He not so gently placed her on to the bed. Anthony stood tall at the foot and leant down to reconnect their lips. Pushing her further up the bed she began to raise her shirt. He helped her pull it off completely before devouring her chest. She was disappointed when she noticed she only wore her plain bra and not something extra. But at least the fabric was thin and he didn't seem to mind.

He kissed all over her top half, including her cheek, jaw and neck. While his mouth was busy with the bridge of her neck he dragged his hand up her sides and over her chest. He held a soft grip on them as he continued to kiss her. She was suddenly overcome with the strong urge to release a loud moan, never had she ever felt this way. She didn't realise how sensitive her chest really was until Anthony massaged them beneath his large hands.

His lips lowered down until his head was in between the valley of her breasts. Earnestly, he bit over the thin fabric and onto her hardened nipple, her back jolted upwards at the action. 

She was confused as he began to venture lower and lower. His body no longer rested on top of her but bellow her. She took in a breath as he stood up and stripped off his shirt. It didn't take long until he was back down again, that didn't stop Rory from taking in his defined front and goggling at it.

He pulled down her skirt until she was dressed only in her underwear and bra, the cold air tickled her bare skin. He clutched her thighs to yank her body down closer to him. She sat up one more time to kiss his swelled lips, after relieving herself with a tender kiss she flopped back onto the mattress.

He pulled down his jeans and kicked them off his feet. Both of them had lost all their clothes, only separated by their very last layers.

He pulled down his boxers and stood shamelessly in nothing. She couldn't help but take a peak. Her eyes widened. That's all to be shared.

He leant down delivering a single kiss to her stomach before standing back up and revealing a single condom in his hand. She looked at it with her jaw open, closing it ever so quickly.

She had to naw on her bottom lip as he used his teeth to rip open their source of protection. It didn't take long for him to put it on.

The moment was coming, to say she was nervous was a massive understatement. He levelled himself over her figure while tugging down her undergarments. He aligned himself to her entrance but before Anthony continued, he paused. "One last time, are you okay with this?" His words were slurred he was trying hard not to rip into her that very moment.

She shook her head up and down. The word 'yes' escaping her a total of three times.

Then it happened.

He pushed into her. It wasn't exactly a slow movement but it wasn't painfully fast. Aurora cringed into his shoulder at the movement. It hurt. She felt as though she was being stretched in that moment, it didn't sit right with her. Yet, as he pulled out that moan she had been holding in released. Pushing himself right back in she bit her tongue and cringed again. Pulling out a second time she sighed, the feeling was exhilarating, the pushing, not so much.

He repeated his movements, searching for a steady pace that would suit the both of them. His speed wasn't fast, which she was thankful for, but each thrust was strong.

As he found the pace that made her feel best, she wrapped her bare legs over his torso, this gave him more room, it also felt better for her. Less sting. He kept going at that speed.

Within minutes, the two of them became a moaning mess. Anthony's head buried into the side of her neck as they continued.

The pain dwindled, it was still there but she had mostly adjusted to his size. Their bodies moved in an up and down motion on top of the bed.

Then an odd feeling hit her. She knew what was coming she just hadn't predicted it to arrive at that moment, it was getting closer. He had felt her clench. "Are you close?" He asked.

"Almost." She stated, her breath gone.

"Mind if I speed up a bit to catch up?" She nodded another time that night.

His speed increased but just over a fraction in fear he would hurt her. They both began to lowly pant as they progressed. Her breathing increased again and she was caught fighting for air.

His actions grew sloppy, she could only guess he was approaching his high also. After another few thrust Aurora released a load whimper when hit with an unpredicted wave of euphoria. The ecstasy was enthralling. A second later, Anthony threw his head backed and let out a deep groan.

I'm sync they rode out their highs. Legs tangled and shaking. Her heart hammered against her chest so hard she feared he could hear it, she certainly could. They both breathed out one final time before the boy flopped down beside her.

The two were exhausted. Too drunk and exhausted to process their current predicament. The two quickly fell into a slumber.

Though, to be exact, her sleeping was restless due to the absence of her absent family picture, but that thought didn't cross her mind, her consciousness didn't notice. Safe to say. She was officially distracted.


Okie dokie then. Hope that was okay.

Anywho, I have not edited this chapter either so please ignore any typos or phrases that fail to make sense.

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