Pure Blood Female Shifter โ˜†

By bclulu

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** ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค Kamila Elsie Lyndsay ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค **

125 6 3
By bclulu

Kamila Elsie Lyndsay

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Kamila walked into the pack house. She immediately scented the new scents so the visitors had arrived.

She slipped down to the infirmary and was immediately seen and glared at.  The Doctor quickly took her arm and led her into a room.  Once the door was closed she said I was at the neighboring pack.

He asked why? She said I and others were working on our assignments for a school project, nothing more.  My mother said it was okay so I had her permission.

He said well your dad was asked and he had no idea where you were. She sighed and said to tell you the truth Dr James, my mother was happy I went.  He asked why?  She said at the moment they are having issues. I stayed overnight as my mother wanted the time alone with her mate to work on those issues.

He asked what issues? She said I wasn't told exactly, but my mother at times would wince.  To me it was when he was away for pack business.  Dr James growled is he cheating?  She said I honestly couldn't tell you. I really can't say for sure and don't want to ever mislead you. It also could be because she isn't well. Each time she winced, I asked and she wouldn't tell me what's wrong.

He asked were they fighting? She said not that I ever witnessed firsthand. So it's just from her wincing that I know something is wrong. Dad shows no signs if he was cheating. We could turn that around as well.  Maybe it's her.  He asked you mean cheating?  She said again, I can't say for sure.  I'm not home and in school, so I don't know. There are no other scents or signs on either of them of any cheating going in.  It's very puzzling and has me worried and even scared.

He asked why scared?  She said if one or the other is cheating, they could break up.  If my mother isn't well that's scary as well.  But neither are running together anymore.

He said maybe that is it. She sighed and said maybe. It's all still worried me something is wrong between them.


After her complete and thorough exam, all her injections were given again for another two years on her request. After she dressed, she opened the door.

She walked out and loudly saying thanks Dr J. He chuckled and exited a room saying your welcome honey. You're to go up to the office now. She moved saying alright catch you later.  He said have a great day. She yelled you too honey.  He laughed.

At the office door, she breathed deep to ease herself, then knocked. When the door was opened, she slipped in as the pack Warrior only opened it slightly. She huffed at him making him smile.

She looked over the room seeing who was there, then stepped up to the desk and asked you wanted to see me Alpha? He said yes, you disappeared and no one knew where you were. She said my mother knew where I was as I asked her and she agreed.  I was at the neighboring pack as a group of us in the same class were working on our joint assignments together. He asked how many? She said nine of us, we were partnered up in groups of three by the teacher. We used their library as it's large and rarely used. It's also sound proof so we never bothered any others. We were looked in on constantly by many there as well as we worked.

He asked so if I called?  She said you'll learn I told you nothing but the truth. He asked who were you partnered with?  She said their next Alpha and next Head Warrior, why?  He said just wondering. She said I couldn't bring them here.  Working in the library was the best there was and I have to say it worked out better. We had books for references we could use, as well as going online as there is a computer and printer we used too. Food, snacks and drinks were also brought in.

He asked you stayed the night?  She said yes, with my mother's approval.  I slept in a room with another female in the group. He asked you done with the assignment?  She said yes, we worked through until late last night, then picked it up early this morning. We all finished around 3 very satisfied with the results. I was going to leave but I was sat down by the Luna and fed. She whispered they even made a huge surprize cake.

He smiled. Her dad asked why wasn't I informed? She sighed and looked at him and said you weren't home when I asked mum. So why hadn't you asked her where I was? He grunted and looked away.

She shook her head and looked at the Alpha and said is that all? He said yes, you may leave. She moved to the door and was stopped.  Her dad said go right home, I'll talk to you later. She turned and frowned.  He sternly said now go!

She looked at him and said fine, father.  He stiffened and she quickly left, blocking him from speaking to her through the pack link.

When she got home, she soon winced herself.  She swept her mother up and carried her to her mother's expensive and more comfortable car and laid her down on the back seat and soon grabbed her bag and her mother's as well as the keys.

She slipped into her mother's mind and put she and her wolf into a deeper, healing sleep then she drove away.


Hours later, she drove up to the Council building.  She quickly got out and seeing a Warrior said I need help please.  Other Warriors asked what's was wrong?  She said I brought my mother who needs a thorough exam and for someone to read and assess her. He asked why?  She said I'll tell you more once someone takes her inside, I'm really worried about her.

Another grabbed the keys then unlocked the door and quickly carried her mother inside alerting others there as he recognized her.  She grabbed their things and said I've witnessed my mother wince like she was in pain. It was always when my father was away on pack business.  I'm not saying he was or is cheating on her as I have no proof.  I asked her what was wrong and she'd never tell me. Two days ago, I asked if I could go to the neighoring pack as our teacher partnered many up to work on joint assignments. She said yes and it led to her agreeing I stay the night there too as dad was coming home and they had issues they needed to talk about.  I came home and found her almost unconscious on the couch. So I brought her here. The pack has visitors and I didn't want to bring her into the pack infirmary.  My father is acting weird, he was very stern with me and he angered me as he sent me home like I had done something wrong in front of the visitors.

He asked why? She said I have no idea.  I explained why I wasn't home as the Alpha said I had disappeared.  I commented to my father after my explanation why he hadn't asked his mate where I was and he looked away like he was guilty. It had me thinking he hadn't talked to his mate at all since he got home. Is that why she was in the shape she was found in? I don't know.

The Warrior said sound fishy to me.  She said she definitely needs an exam and reading for sure. I figured here was better too especially if her wincing was a sign of something being medically wrong with her. He asked like what?  She said I fear to even think about her being sick but it needs looking into ASAP. He said give us a hint?  She said maybe she's becoming sterile, or I hate to say it but cancer.  He growled got you.

He took her inside as she said I never alerted anyone there that I took my mother away before I left.  He said alright a call will be made to the pack office. She said I never read my mother but I did slip into her mind and put she and her wolf into a deeper, healing sleep.  She never felt me carry her away and it worried me.


He took her to the Head Councilman's office as her mother was beng stripped, then gowned and blood and other needed samples quickly taken for immediate testing.

She immediately looked up and said my blood is pure and if needed I do want to donate it for her to help her.  Head Councilman Donner said alright, usually they use the mate's. She snorted and said who knows if his is usable.  Both haven't shifted and run together for I'd say at least three months.

She said sorry, it has me on edge. I'm trying not to lay blame on my father but it's hard. He said really? She said yes. I'm trying to keep myself from interferring in their relationship. My mother did say they had issues they needed to talk about when he got home. I don't know what issues she meant. But I don't think they even talked. Maybe he never even walked into the house and she was sick at heart waiting for him.

She held out her hand and said go ahead and bite me. I just had a full exam and all my injections given for two years on my request. He took her hand and asked why 2 years?  She said after graduation I'll be attending University.

He asked and your true mate?  She had to close her eyes and both of them had to calm down.  She opened them and said when I got home and saw my mother, we felt our true mate suddenly mark another.  My wolf instantly then sealed the mate bond so we don't know if he fully claimed another.

He said so that put more of a strain on you?  She said yes.  I wanted my true mate just as much as my wolf. I never dated or looked at hooking up with any males.  He said though you were planning on attending University instead of looking for him.

She said I shook all hands of all the visiting males who came to our pack looking for their true mates. Sometimes even going to the neighboring pack as well when they had visitors and I learned of it. I planned on University and was planning to travel looking for him. I can't put my life on hold not finding him yet. I know the older I get, the more chance he's not looking anymore and would find another. It looks like to me he cared less, since he at least marked another, that he hadn't found us unlike us.

He asked you mean that?  She looked him in the eyes and said yes. It will be read as well. My wolf sealed the mate bond instead of us using it to him. We knew my mother needed help fast first. Coming here I was going to ask it be read once my mother was looked at.

She said if you didn't know, I'm still 17 and nearly finished high school. We graduate in a month. My grades have always been extremely good. My grandparents all wanted me to attend University.

She said so bite me and we can use my blood ties to read my father. He smiled. She groaned your purposely stressing me out. He chuckled and said a call was just received by your father.  He stated you both ran away.

She closed her eyes and soon slipped into her father's mind on her own and froze him completely in place.  She knocked his wolf out and screamed in his head we didn't run away you complete asshole.  My mother was found nearly unconscious and I brought her to Council.

She was bitten then blood used to slip into her head then he followed her and snared her angry and stunned father. She said as if you care.  Her father said I care.  She screamed really, I don't believe you. I think you've been cheating on your mate and she was feeling it as I've been witnessing her wincing in pain only when you've been away. You both stopped running together and I believe it's been affecting her health. Yet you continuously leave and state it's for pack business. You don't even ask your mate where I was. You leave that to the Alpha.

Head Councilman Donner calmed she and her wolf down as it was needed. Her wolf soon growled and she said so you cheated on your mate long ago.  The bitch you cheated with got pregnant and had a son. You never informed anyone, not even your parents.  Now you are attempting to bring them to our home saying he had strong Beta blood and you can train him.

Her father screamed stop reading me.  Her wolf knocked him out then they read more he was hiding.  They used his blood to his son, then used his blood to read his scheming slut of a  mother.  She was currently pregnant and stated he was the father. Donner said it's lies, the baby isn't his. She said stated before many to purposely break his mate bond.

Donner said I have Warriors near who will collect them all.  She said he's hiding them near the pack lands as they were ousted from their pack.  Her wolf smiled and knocked her wolf out cold and put her into a deep coma like sleep then severed the ties so her wolf couldn't ever be used again.

They read the son and his wolf.  Her wolf knocked his wolf out and soon learned more. Donner said both unworthy bitches will be collected too.

Donner followed her as they slipped away and soon were in her mother's mind. They read them and both boosted her mother's wolf back up to full strength then they boosted her mother to full health and strength too as it was truly needed.

She said you can ease those worst memories and pain away to help her.  He smiled and said oh I'm being urged to by my wolf.  She said good, then she slipped into the Alpha's mind.

He froze.  She said it's just me.  He smiled and asked where are you?  She said when I went home I found my mother and she was on the couch nearly unconscious.  He growled what, your father never told me that.  She said yeah, I brought my mother to Council. Just saying Alpha, my father is lying. When the Head Councilman is done easing the worst memories and pain from my mother he'll bring you in and you can read the actual truth about my father.  The one male he is trying to get you to accept is actually his weak assed pathetic son.

He growled what?  She said the boy's mother never knew he was Beta. His parents had no clue as he never told them. He's been visiting both.  She is lying, currently pregnant and stated before others that the child is his.  He's hiding them now as they were ousted from their pack and he is visiting her, cheating on his true mate.  The child she is carrying is not his. She's breaking up a mate bond on purpose so she'll be claimed and titled.

Donner slipped in the Alpha's mind and said everything she just said is the truth. I just read her mother. She said fine, I'll slip away and you two can honestly talk.  Prove it and bring him into my father's mind.  Donner said good.  She snorted and said your not helping matters and just stirring up our anger again.  He laughed as slipped away giving them total privacy.

She used his links and slipped into Head Council Dr Frost's mind.  She said ease down. I'm Kamila and brought my mother Camden in.  He smiled and said why are you in my mind?  She said I needed to alert you of many others being brought in by Warriors.  This is in regards to my cheating father. She then shared and he started growling.

She eased he and his wolf down then said we boosted my mother and her wolf to full health and strength so she needs those injections given so she doesn't go into her heat. The Head Councilman also dulled the memories and shoved the pain away. If you need blood use mine as l'm pure blooded. He said we don't need your blood if you both boosted her health and strength.  She said just saying my blood is purer and could help her if needed.

Their link was invaded and Donner said no, I'll bite her. She'll need it for what's coming. She said there you go again, purposely stirring my anger with your words. The Alpha snickered then laughed.

She said go ahead and laugh. The Head Councilman laughed too. Soon others slipped in and she and her wolf were knocked out.  The lot of them eagerly read the two and were amazed.


She woke up the next day. She got up, and grabbed her cleaned clothes then showered and dressed. She opened the door and both Warriors smiled.  One said we are your needed guards.

She asked is my mother awake yet? Dr Frost moved and said yes, she is with the Head Councilman. She asked was she mad I brought her here?  He smiled and said no, she is extremely grateful. She feared she was losing her wolf for taking most of the pain.

Dr Frost said In the end, you're all taking a needed trip overseas.

She asked why?  I never even packed anything for this trip here. Just grabbed our purses and keys to my mother's car. He smiled and said you'll be provided for.  Others are already out shopping now.

She said even my cell phone is in my car charging. I need to make a call to the neighboring pack so the others will hand in the assigned project we just worked on.  He said it will be done for you. The school contacted as well to alert them you'll be away.

She looked at him closely and said there is more isn't there?  He nodded. She asked about my mother and her cheating mate?  He nodded.  She said my guess is that they are breaking up. He nodded. She said either way, it's better for them as they can't stay mated.

He asked what do you mean either way? She said it was affecting my mother and her wolf's health.  He seemed to care less. But once it truly affects someones health things need dealing with. I was really worrried she might be really sick health wise and she didn't want to worry me. You know if I had known, I would have brought her in here long ago to have it dealt with. 

She was quickly led away before she teared up anymore.


When she was brought up to the Head Councilman's office she was stunned.  She covered her mouth with one hand, covered her eyes with the other and spun around. The Warriors even gulped, grabbed her arms, and pulled her from the doorway and closed the door silently.

But they all then smiled. She whispered then take me outside so I can shift and run.  They eagerly nodded and left quickly after she put the DO NOT DISTURB sign up.

The Warriors guarding her quickly had other Warriors out running to join them seeing her large and beautiful truly special wolf.  After running for nearly an hour, they shifted back and headed inside starved.

After eating, behind her back she was injected again and totally knocked out. She was kept that way, so she couldn't interfere.


She woke up in a single room at the Academy. All her belongings were with her, meaning her bedroom had been cleared out at home. No cell phone though was found. They also put a block on her mind so she couldn't use any of her links.

Even her once strong connection to her wolf was felt tampered with and her wolf wouldn't tell her anything. So be it, she thought.  So she blocked her wolf out of her mind, totally shocking her wolf.

She spent five full years there with no contact with others. She didn't shift at all but used the fully equiped work out room daily.  She made no friends, as they didn't want to get to know her since she was an American. Her grades were in the top percent throughout all those years there, though she avoided attending the year end ceremonies.

At 22 she packed up her belongings as she was done there.  She grabbed a taxi outsde and took it to the airport. Then she disappeared. No one could find her or learned what happened to her.


It took a year as she bumped into a true shifter before entering the airport.  He grabbed hold of her as he slipped into her mind and learned she was an American she-wolf of true worth who was tampered with. He took her with him.

On the plane he bit her, injected his stronger blood and venom in that shocked her wolf as it boosted her, ten fold. Then he knocked she and her wolf out and he read she and her wolf and it deeply angered him. Learning what was done to her, he easily reversed it all.

He fully mended the connected she had to her wolf again. He was thoroughly disgusted. He then used her blood to read her birth father. Learned he was still the pack Beta who claimed another. So he read she and her wolf and learned she wasn't who he totally betrayed his mate with. But this female was sterile. She was of Beta blood too who had an 18 year old son that was being trained for the position of the next title.

He pulled away and slipped into her mother's mind. He grunted in his head as she was now fully mated to the American Head Councilman and has had two children with him, both being males. He then read her claimed mate without him even knowing. He was why Kamila was mind tampered with.

He then used Kamila's mate bond when it was still there. He growled in her ex-true mate's mind that completely froze him. He then crimped his ties to his wolf making it extremely hard for him to shift and then sterilized him. He said you were warned. You're cheating on your claimed mate and I'm thoroughly disgusted by you. Soon that title you have will be removed as you can't be trusted. I'll be watching you because if you ever cheat again on that weak tainted slut of a mate you claimed without ever meeting your true mate I'll be removing that title myself in a heartbeat. Then I'll remove your wolf and your wolf DNA. Now her ex-true mate truly feared as he had been seriously warned.

He then used the claimed mate's mate bond when it still existed and slipped in to his mind. He boosted he and his wolf up as he was the next Beta of the second largest pack in America.

The next Beta froze. He smiled and said I was reading your ex-mate and used the mate bond.  The Beta said but it was severed.  The stronger true shifter said and she is still a horrible unworthy slut.  The next Beta smiled. 

The shifter said as for the mate bond I used it when it was still there. She was sterilized and her wolf totally subdued.  But the pathetic asshole that stupidly claimed her is cheating on her and he was warned. I used his ex-true mate to read him.

The Beta asked wasn't she claimed?  The shifter said no, she truly wanted and was waiting to meet her true mate and was placed in the Academy and basically left there with no contact from others.

When he marked your ex, it was at a time when her parents's mate bond was in jeopardy because of her father's cheating and lying to his mate.

The slut he was cheating with got pregnant again and she deceitfully and schemimg lied to many saying he was the father when it wasn't his baby, all to break his mate bond so she would claim the title.  It broke them up as her first child was his, a boy, who he knew about and never told anyone. It's truly why you don't have relationships with others that can totally screw up your life.

The next Beta said so she is unmated? The shifter said yes, still pure and innocent and one truly worthy of worth and value. Too bad they tampered with her overseas that harmed her connection to her wolf. So I'm mending that as it was truly wrong of them. She'll never forgive any of them.

The shifter shared her scent and essence and the next Beta groaned oh my god. The shifter smiled and said a truly stronger than others she-wolf.

Her mother is now fully mated to the American Head Councilman.  The Beta groaned I know who he claimed, oh my god.  I never knew she had a daughter. The shifter said one he tampered with as he blocked her mind and all her connections to others and forgot about it as her mother, his new mate got pregnant and had two boys, one after the other that they are raising. Casting her daughter aside as if she means absolutely nothing.

The shifter said so I'm just telling you there are truly worthy she-wolves out there. I'll even say you stay on the rightful path and don't screw up messing with any unworthy sluts and I'll even get her to personally meet you.  The next Beta smiled and said I'd like that.

The shifter pulled away smiling as well as the Beta really needed that boost and encouraging talk.


Six months later the next Beta took a break. While gone her ex-true mate screwed up badly and it was learned by the shifter when checking on him. 

He slipped into his mind and fully read him.  He started screaming as his title was removed, then his wolf and wolf DNA as well, it knocking him out cold.

The Head Councilman slipped into his mind and was completely frozen. The shifter growled in his head that caused Head Councilman Donner to pale.

The shifter said the fault lies with you. Just because she was from a titled family doesn't mean she shouldn't have been dealt with as needed like others are.

He grabbed Donner and they slipped into the cheating slut's mind. Reading her it was learned she cared less she cheated on her mate with another mated titled male.  So the shifter removed her weakened wolf who wanted to die, then took her wolf gene, then sterilized her completely.

They slipped into her father's mind and froze him in place.  The shifter growled in his head and cut his wolf off.  It scared the Alpha. The shifter said oh your pathetic unworthy daughter is still alive but is no longer a she-wolf.  She cared less she cheated on her mate with another titled mated male she purposely stirred up.  Both were punished harshly as he was seriously warned perviously what would happen. You god damned Alphas are pathetic as your children are not exempt from harsh punishing as needed.

If you dared try call War, I'll take you on myself and remove your title and wolf too. Kamila sighed in his mind and calmly eased him totally down.  He groaned. She snickered. She said I totally agree though. I eased down her mate as he freaked out as you didn't warn him. As for the uncaring cheating slut of a daughter of his, she truly is one ugly hearted unworthy vile bitch who could turn rogue easily. Just taking her wolf and wolf DNA isn't all that should be done to her.  The memories are still there.

He smiled and said so I'll remove them. She said agreed, because just talking to her and seriously warning her won't stop her. She truly is as vile as can be. As for the one she cheated with, his father too could call War.

So they slipped into his father's angry mind and froze him in place. She said you dare try calling War and your pack will be no more. The Alpha growled at her.

She said your an asshole.  The others males all laughed as that shocked them all. The shifter laughed so hard it had her chuckle.

She said yup, that was the truth. The Alpha yelled who the hell are you?  She said I'm reading you, no you can't  deem me a threat. He said oh I could too.  She said your son is the way he ended up was because of you.  He watched as you cheated on your mate as if you cared less. He learned as long as he claimed another instead of his true mate, he wouldn't have a bond with her so she wouldn't feel it when he screwed others behind her back.  Just like you.

The Alpha said I never cheated.  She said a liar as well, just like him.  You wolf is saying differently. Your true mate felt you cheating and she retaliated. You had the mate bond severed, blaming it all on her and claimed another, one you pathetically cheated on your true mate with. Like I said, your an asshole.

They read his wolf and learned she spoke the truth. She said your ex-true mate is currently mated to another Alpha and they live far away in Australia. You cut her off from her son and she truly hates you.

You were supposed to have joint custody but you lied to everyone and cut her ties to her son. If that were me, I'd do serious damage that could never be reversed.

The ex-true mate smiled and said I still could.  The males all froze in shock. Especially her ex. The ex's mate said I could take him down with ease. She said yes, but you won't.  He smiled and said there's no need. I was sickened he took my mate's son away from us and refused to let him visit.

She said he lied to Council and had his son's memories hazed, then shoved to the back of his mind so he never remembered. And as for your Head Councilman, I don't trust him even an inch. One day your going to totally regret what you've uncaringly done. Then you'll be brought before the Royal Council, and they'll take that god damned title from you.

The Shifter smiled and pulled them away as the Head Councilman couldn't read her at all.

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