Foreign Love || KTH

By tae_beau_ty

9.7K 948 1.2K

"So, Y/n. Why don't we try to get along?" "Hmm... How are we going to get along?" "Join me in the shower,"... More

Chapter 1: The meeting
Chapter 2: Roomfate
Chapter 3: Hate him
Chapter 4: Hate her
Chapter 4: Hate her (continued)
Chapter 5: Best Friend
Chapter 6: Friend's Bestie
Chapter 7: What in hell!
Chapter 8: Success is sweet
Chapter 9: Secret Weapon
Chapter 10: The Party
Chapter 11: Fair Game
Chapter 12: I like playing dirty
Chapter 13: Wet
Chapter 14: Kiss?
Chapter 15: Just an accident.
Chapter 16: A day out
Chapter 17: The Stars
Chapter 18: Do I love you?
Chapter 19: I'm lost!
Chapter 20: You are not going anywhere
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 23: Long Time No See?
Chapter 24: Sweet Talker
Chapter 25: Blind Date
Chapter 26: Date me!
Chapter 27: Moonlit Night
Chapter 28: Past Wounds

Chapter 22: Get Along

241 20 60
By tae_beau_ty


 ♫ ♫  🎸 Sweet night by V  ♫ ♫

Cause the window
Opened one time with you and me
Now my forever's falling down
Wondering if you'd want me now

How could I know
One day I'd wake up feeling more
But I had already reached the shore

Guess we were ships in the night

Night, night
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

I hum the tune while laying backward on the bed, legs swinging slowly in the air, side to side, matching the pace of the song. My gaze is fixed on my laptop as I go through the teaching assignment of my first semester. Kinda hectic, but I would definitely get used to it.  

I'm wondering.....Are you my best friend...Feel's like a river's rushing through my mind

And I'm reminded of Taehyung all of a sudden. Because he is currently the only one occupying the throne in my mind.  I wanna ask you...If this is all just in my head

I close the pdf and curl up in my arms. Suddenly this song feels so right. As if it were written specifically for me.

My heart is pounding tonight...I wonder

I wonder too, what does Taehyung feel about me? He's been really nice to me since we returned from the trip. My gaze shifts to my hands, where I notice my scars mending. They have healed a lot. Well, why wouldn't they? Someone has taken great care of them.

I couldn't even walk properly after the accident, and Taehyung was a huge relief. Bringing me to my room, taking me to restrooms, living room, and kitchen. Everywhere. He was always there. He even looked after me for four days while the doctor told me to bed rest. He is being too good to be true.

If you....are too good to be true...and would it be alright if I.....pulled you closer

And suddenly, I smile, thinking of the time in the forest when he came running to me, hugging me, pulling me closer to him. His concerned eyes checked me out with all the eagerness to see if I was hurt anywhere.

How could I know...

"One day, I'd wake up feeling more," I sing along to the music. I'm not sure where this is all going, but I'm enjoying whatever is going on. This sensation, this song, this space, him, and I. I'm liking everything.

Guess we were ships in the night...night.... night 

I sing again, completely unaware that someone is watching me unless the door creaks. When I turn around, I see Taehyung leaning against the wall, one hand on the door frame. He's dressed in a black loose t-shirt, spectacles, and unkempt hair; gosh, I'm hungry, and he looks like a snack. My pupils dilate slightly as my gaze shifts from the laptop to him. Oh my god! Was he standing there for a long time?

"What?" I ask, taking off my headset and sitting properly. I'm dressed in my sleeping shorts. And the way he licks his dry lips tells me that the position I'm in is unsuitable for the peaceful environment we are maintaining.

"What?" He parrots me.

"Why are you in my room?"

"What are you doing?"

"Some college stuff since it is going to start soon," I reply softly, looking at him inquisitively.

"Hmm.." He hums in response. 

"Seriously, what are you doing here?" I question. "Don't tell me you breached my privacy only to find out what I was up to."

"You don't want me?" he mocks, placing his palm on his chest and saying, "That hurts right here." Drama King!

"Taehyung, you can't just come to my room like that," I yell at him while crossing my arms across my chest.

I don't believe whatever I say is having any effect on him. He maintains his penetrating focus on me and approaches my bed to sit with me. "We are roommates, remember?" he critiques, perched on the edge of the bed opposite me.

"But you need to give me some privacy. Have I ever barged into your room without knocking?"

"Well, I don't mind; you're more than welcome in my bedroom," he replies, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. Oh! What an impact he has on me, Lord!

"No, thank you; I'd sooner die than be in your bedroom," I say, turning my head to hide my flushed cheeks though I'm sure he must have already seen it.

"Want to see heaven so soon?" He comments, "But you don't have to die to be in heaven. I can make you see it in various other ways." His gaze roved about my body. I choke, looking at him; he certainly knows how to catch me off guard. Just look at him, saying these double-meaning lines with such a straight face.

"You can't talk to me like that," I respond, taking a pillow from nearby and placing it in front of me as a protective measure. At the very least, I have a weapon now.

"And why is that?"

"Because we are friends. Did you forget?" And done. I throw the pillow at him, attacking him for his misdeeds. Huh! You reap what you sow.

The pillow hits his handsome face, and he smirks, exhaling a breath. He gently sets the pillow aside, returning his gaze to mine. I can tell by his expression that he is irritated, but who cares? I won, bruh!

"All right, so what do we do now?"

Wait! Is he not angry? Is he not going to fight back? 

"Huh?" I blink, unsure if what I heard correctly.

"I said let's do something. I'm getting bored," He says, adjusting his hair and putting it back. My eyes stop blinking as they get fixed on him. I can't even describe how hot that was or how quickly it made my heart race. Is he even conscious of his actions?

"Y/n?" He calls.


"Do you have any ideas?"

 Well? I have a lot of ideas, but I don't think it would be healthy to share them with my loving roommate. My gaze shifts to the laptop, and I notice an open tab in the browser that I visited a while ago.

"Umm...actually, I know exactly what we should do," I remark as I rotate the laptop to show him the webpage.

He looks at me, his eyes darting between the laptop screen and myself. While I smirk, contemplating what we are about to do. It's always been on my bucket list, and now it's finally going to happen.

"Bake cake!"


If someone would come and say baking cake is a fun thing, I would definitely kick their balls. If they have one. But I guess both genders have balls.... in different places?? Wow!!

"Taehyung, you need to beat it until its peak is stiff," I say to my roommate for the nth time because he's asking for the nth time if it's done or not. Can't he be patient?

"Why are you ordering me?" he says as he sets the beater aside and locks his hands around his chest, "I'm trying to concentrate, can't you see?"

"Mister? I was speaking gently," I yell once again. How could he blame me? When he is the one who is wasting all of the time. First, he used salt instead of sugar, so we switched bowls. He broke the vanilla extract container the second time, and the bits dropped into the batter; changed the bowl again. The third time, he shattered the eggs and the shells spilled into the bowl. Changed the bowl AGAIN! Now he's making the batter while eating my head.

"I have two pretty big ears, so please keep your voice down, like the gentle woman you are," he says as he resumes beating the batter.

"Taehyung, let me do it. I haven't done anything except sit here," I say, kicking my legs impatiently on the counter.

"You haven't recovered yet. So I can't allow you to do such things."

"But I am totally fine. See, there are no scars," I show him my hands and legs, and he looks at them shortly before meeting my eyes.

"You still can't do it, and I'm baking it for you; isn't that enough?" he adds as he continues his work.

"Baking for me???" My voice comes out a bit softly.

"Who came up with the idea?"

"But I wanted us to do it together, not just you," I murmur, my lips forming a pout. It was my idea, and he won't even let me do it.

"You're giving me directions, and I'm following them, so we're in this together," he says, swirling the batter to check its thickness. "Besides, we can do it whenever you're totally recovered."

I look at him in awe. He wants to bake a cake with me again! And here I thought he was getting annoyed by all the work he is doing.

"Oh, I think it's done," he says, lifting the beater and showing the consistency to me.

I leap from the counter and approach him. "Yes, I believe this is correct; good job, Mr. Kim," I stroke his shoulder, and he smiles and looks at me.

He brings in a dish lined with butter paper to pour the batter.

"I'll pour, I'll pour," I say as I jump in front of him and grab the dish. I smile as I slowly pour the batter into it, setting it perfectly and tapping around the corners.

I put it in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes. "Perfect," I mutter asI turn around to see Taehyung inspecting the batter bowl.

"What happened?" I ask.

"There's a tiny bit left; what should we do with it?" he wonders.

I approach closer to him and see the bowl. "Ummm... what to do? Maybe this?" I take a small amount of batter and place it in Taehyung's nose.

He looks at me astonishingly while I smirk like the tiny devil I am. I take more of the batter in both hands and massage it over his cheeks.

"Such a good face mask. I'm sure you'll be shining by tomorrow."

He stares at me with a straight expression before his lips sneer, "Ahh!! You think so? Then maybe you should try it too," he adds, attempting to grasp me, but I escape before he can.

"It's not that easy, Taehyung," I say, showing my tongue and mocking him.

"Who said I liked easy stuff, huh?" He runs behind me to grab me while I sprint fast to the living room. I ain't losing from him.

"Uhuh.. then maybe you should speed up your ass a bit?"

"Do you really think you can compete with me?" He comments.

"I think? I can, and I will show you."

"Oh! I am very eager to see that." He sprints faster than I and comes in front of the sofa while I am on the opposite side. I go to the right, and he imitates me; I move to the left, and he imitates me again.

"It looks like a Tom and Jerry fight," I joke.

"And you're the evil little Jerry?"

"I believe you've forgotten, but Jerry always wins."
He smirks a little, before replying. "Is that so?"

He jumps over the couch and suddenly stands in front of me, startling me completely. I try to flee back, but he grabs my waist from behind and pulls me up, tossing me over the couch. He leans over and hovers over me as I lay on my backside.

"I guess Tom is the one who is going to win this time," he murmurs near my face.

"You cheated!" I push him back and try to get out of his grip, but no use.

He holds my hands firmly to keep them in place, and asks, "How?"

"You entrapped me in your chats and then caught me."

He smiles softly and closes his eyes before digging holes in mine. "It's not my fault you fell into my trap."


He laughs again, which makes me wonder did I ever mention how enchanting his voice is? If I did, I think I'm going to say it again because Ii can never get over his voice.

"So, where were you?" He asks.


"Face mask?" He raises one of his brows in a teasing gesture and begins to approach me."Can't wait to see you all shiny tomorrow."

He gets so close to me that for a brief minute, I could feel his breath on my cheeks, which startled my body. Too close to him!!

"Taehyung, can you..?" I try saying.

"Can I?" he replies.

I shut my eyes because I don't think I can look at him from this proximity. It makes me feel stuff. "We are too close."



"You don't want me this close to you?" He says, which gets me to open my eyes. Now, how do I convey to him that all I want is to be close to him? That I'm loving every moment we're having?

"No... I.. Yes.. this..."

"Want or not?" he demands and I find myself at loss for words. What should I say? Or rather how should I say?


"Don't you like it when I'm this close to you? When I touch your waist and pull you closer to me?" he asks, turning me around and making me sit on his lap while he sits on the couch. For some reason, this feels so wrong. Me on top of him feels so wrong, yet so right.

"When I gaze into your eyes and bring my face close to yours?" he asks, cradling my face in his palms and pulling it close to his.

"When my nose touches your nose, like this," He makes our noses touch, and I close my eyes and feel the pleasure. I know that no matter how tough and tough I appear, I will always be vulnerable to his touches. I'll always be weak in his presence.

He separates our noses and glances at me, while I close my eyes. I don't want him to be able to read all of my thoughts. I don't want him to know what I'm actually feeling for him.

"When my cheeks paint your tinted cheeks," he continues, rubbing his cheeks on mine while one of his hand moves to my waist groping it tightly. 

"When I whisper faintly in your ears, that sends shivers down your spine," I gasp slightly, unable to stop the shudder that has just run down my spine. This guy is unbelievable. He is making me feel things without even doing anything.

"Don't you?"

I can't even form words because my throat is dry. I open my eyes to gaze at him, and my breath becomes heavy as it becomes lodged in my lungs.



He looks at me for a long time before speaking, "You look good with the batter, though."

My eyes squint as I try to understand what he's saying until a smile develops on his face and he begins to laugh. It takes a time for me to think what batter he is talking about before I feel something sticky and wet on my face. "Shut up," I shout and push him away.

I can't believe I let him beat me. Why do I always get weak in front of him?

I try to get up, but he grabs my hips and drags me back onto his lap. I gaze at him, puzzled, while he continues to stare at me. "What?"

"I like you on top of me."

My face becomes hot as I feel that familiar tingling between my legs, which is not at all helpful to the situation. What is he up to? "Tae.."

"What are you guys doing?"

A voice breaks our eye contact, and both of us turn to face Jimin, who is staring back at us with wide eyes and an open mouth. Fuck!

"We.." I get up from Taehyung's lap and stand up, straightening my dress. "It's nothing that you are thinking, Jimin."

"I don't even know what I am supposed to think. What are you doing in each other's arms?"

"No..." I try to make something up, but then I hear Taehyung speak.

"Actually," Taehyung adds, still sitting on the couch and looking at Jimin as if he hadn't done anything illegal or dirty only a few moments ago. "We are trying to get along."

"What?" Both Jimin and I say at the same moment. 

What is he even saying? How do people get along this way?

"We were just getting to know each other, likes and dislikes, so we could feel comfortable with each other, right Y/n?" He glances at me, one brow arched, signalling that I should support him.

I'm not sure what he's trying to do. But, for the time being, I believe this is the best method to dodge Jimin's questions.

"Oh, sure! We were just... getting along?"

Yeah.. getting along nicely!


Author's note:

(UNEDITED: some grammatical mistakes can be spotted)

So, how are you doing, my lovely friends? I hope I made you all feel single because, well, why not?
What good are friends if they don't share each other's sorrows?

I'm kidding!

A lengthy chapter to compensate for the lengthy wait. Though I have already written longer chapters but never mind. Did you all like it?

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your support. We are already 500 votes up and are on our way to 5k views. I can't believe how sweet everyone is.

Also, for all of the new readers who are leaving comments, you guys make my day! I adore you all.

Continue to comment and support.

Until the next chapter!


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