BY CHANCE, bella hadid

By haizjenner

24.2K 913 68

For whatever reason, they were destined for one another. She was the untamable, and wild, and knew exactly wh... More



1.8K 65 2
By haizjenner

LEIGHTON didn't dislike her father's new girlfriend, but she didn't like her either.

She didn't like that this girlfriend sat where her mother used to. She didn't like that this stranger made her dad smile the way her mom once did. She didn't like how easy it was for her dad to find someone new.

Sure, her mom died two years ago. That was a long time ago to stay lonely. She understood her dad's need to have someone. He gave that need to her.

But that simple fact didn't make the interaction any easier.

And it disgusted Leighton to think this girl was almost the same age as Austin. She was thirty four, and working on her PhD. Sure, she was smart, but she was young.

But of course, Leighton understood love is love. Her dad loved her mom at one point.

"Leighton." Her father's voice made her jump in her chair slightly, looking around at the nicely lit yard. Her dad's house had a beautiful view of Los Angeles. The mansion sat on a cliff, overlooking the bustling city. "Leighton?"

"Yeah, sorry?" Leighton answered softly, her eyes going back to her dad who sat at the other end of the wooden table outside.

"Clarissa was saying she loves your music." Leighton glanced over to Clarissa, the younger girl smiling slightly. However, Leighton's eye began to well up as she thought about who used to sit in that spot. That was her mother's spot.

"Thanks but can you move?" The youngest sister didn't mean for it to come out harshly, but it certainly did. Darby and Austin sent Leighton a harsh glare, Annika snickering slightly at Leighton's stiff demeanor.

"Leighton Style." Her father never used her middle name, which made her realize quickly what she said. "That was incredibly rude young-"

"David its okay. I'll just move over there." Clarissa said sweetly, making Leighton feel slightly bad instantly. The singer watched as Clarissa stood up and grabbed her plate. Austin made an attempt to help, causing the youngest Butler to feel even worse.

"Chill out on her." Annika whispered slightly, making Leighton clench her jaw.

"She was in mom's spot." Leighton didn't mean to talk as loud as she did, but the anger remained at large. Why could this women just waltz into their life and try to adapt the mother figure they lost so suddenly. "You will never replace her."

Leighton didn't care for her father nor sibling's reactions as she threw her silverware onto the table, pushed her chair back and stormed inside. The girl rushed to the nearest bathroom which was located near the foyer. Stopping by the counter, the girl grabbed her phone.

She opened the door, and shut it loudly. Leighton was breathing heavily, and as she looked into the mirror, she broke down. Tears began to fall from her eyes, staring her cheeks. The girl cried quietly, not understanding why she lost it on Clarissa.

Her father's new girlfriend seemed incredibly sweet and kind. Clarissa reminded Leighton of her mother slightly, only making her cry harder. Leighton grabbed her phone and quickly dialed out Bella's number.

The phone only rang once, her lover's sweet and angelic voice calming her. However, Leighton sniffled, alarming Bella quickly.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I freaked out Bella. I saw her in my mom's chair and I-" Leighton cried softly, biting her lip, "I lost it."

"Oh love..." Bella whispered into the phone, to which Leighton cried harder. "Who did you lose it on?" Leighton soon remembered not many people knew about David Butler's new girl, the world only knowing of his previous wife's passing.

"My dad's new girlfriend." Bella's heart broke for the girl she was growing to love deeply.

"Baby I'm sorry."

"I yelled at her and I was so rude. I just couldn't stand-"

"Hey. Listen to me." Bella shushed the girl softly, "It's okay to be upset. It's okay to hurt. It's going to hurt Leigh. The hurt makes you human my love. Your anger makes you human. The betrayal...your dad would never intentionally move in any way to hurt you. He loves you, but he deserves happiness too. You understand that, I know you do. You out of all people understand how it feels to crave love."

As Bella talked, Leighton began to calm herself down. It amazed the singer how just listening to her words could cause her heart rate to decrease. The model was completely right in what she was saying. Bella always knew the right words to say.

"I l-You're right Bell." Leighton shook her head at her slip up, not wanting to say those words yet. She meant them, but she was too scared to let them loose. "You're always right. My dad deserves to move on and I know he still loves my mom...but he can move on."

"He will always love your mom baby."

"I just feel so bad. I really yelled at her Bella."

"What did you say. Can't be that bad. I've seen angry Leighton plenty of times."

"I just said can you move, and then told her she'd never replace her. And I said it after she kindly moved. Like who does that?" Leighton began to work herself up again, and Bella could hear it in her lover's tone.

"Leighton, she'll forgive you. If your dad likes her I'm sure she's kind, and sweet, and caring."

"She does seem sweet." Leighton bit her lip slightly, "I have to go apologize."

"Yes you do."

"Alright." Bella was about to hang up, but Leighton spoke again. "Thanks baby. For talking to me, calming me down."

"Any time Leigh. Call me if you need anything else. Anything at all. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'll be home in a few hours."

"Can't wait. Alright, go apologize now." Bella smiled, hearing the girl on the other side chuckle nervously.

"Bye Bell."


Leighton hung up the phone, and gathered in herself, before opening the bathroom door. She saw Darby right away, the girl leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Leighton rolled her eyes, a smile making its way onto Darby's face.

"I'm better than Austin. He would be yelling."

"I'm going to apologize okay? I know what I said was out of place."

"Good." Darby saw her sister's light tear marks, and sighed softly. The oldest triplet moved off the wall, and swung her arms around her baby sister. Leighton hugged back quickly, burying her face in Darby's shoulder. "He really likes her Leigh. I know it's going to take time, but he's so happy. Just try to be happy for him."

Leighton nodded, pulling away from the hug, and turning to walk into the main living room. When she entered, she saw her dad standing behind Clarissa as they washed off some of the dishes. Her presence was detected quickly, Clarissa moving away from David quickly.

"It's okay." Leighton said signaling to how close her dad and his girlfriend were two seconds ago. Clarissa smiled softly, drying the cup in her hand. "I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to say that-well I did mean to say it but-what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry."

The sweet smile on Clarissa's face made Leighton feel at peace.

"You make each other happy and I'm happy for my dad. I'm glad he has you."

"I forgive you Leighton. Don't stress it. I understand I will never be your mom sweetheart. I would never ever try to replace her either. I love your dad, and he makes me really happy. I just want you to know I would never do anything to hurt him or jeopardize his relationships with any of you." Her words made Leighton feel ten times better about the whole situation. Her father really did have taste in good women and it made Leighton smile. "Come here."

Clarissa motioned for Leighton to come closer and hug her. Leighton did just that, accepting the hug from her dad's girlfriend. The hug was comforting, and Clarissa could tell the girl really needed this. David had made it clear to Clarissa that bonding with Leighton would be more challenging than the other three siblings. It warmed her heart to know Leighton was letting down her walls already.

"I'm sorry again."

"Shh. Forget about it. It's over." Clarissa whispered, pulling away from the hug, and adjusted some of Leighton's loose hair. "Your earrings are beautiful."

"Thank you." Leighton blushed, reaching for the earrings dangling from her ears. The girl sat down at the island, watching as Clarissa handed her some leftover food since the singer left halfway through dinner.

"Where'd you get them?"

"Her girlfriend got them for her." Annika spoke from across the room, throwing a dart at the dart board. The middle triplet was playing with Austin, both drinking glasses of white wine.

Clarissa had a teasing smirk, "Girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend yet."

"Yet." Annika commented again.

"Can you shut up?"

"Girls." David broke up the brewing fight, making Clarissa laugh.

"What's her name. The situationship."


"It's Bella fucking Hadid. Say her full name. You're dating a supermodel Leighton. Take some pride in that shit." Leighton looked over to Annika, giving the girl a glare that made her laugh loudly. Austin let out a snicker, sipping his wine.

"I'm not dating her! We're just talking y'know?" Clarissa watched Leighton blush. It was clear the youngest Butler was thinking of the supermodel right now.

"So Bella Hadid? Well done Leighton. She's breathtaking. Extremely talented at what she does as well."

"Yes she is."

"When did you meet her?" Clarissa liked seeing Leighton like this. The singer was so open and happy in the moment when speaking about Bella.

"I met her almost three months ago. At a party Darby dragged us out to. I spilled my drink on her-"

"Ah, the spilling drink trope. I like this one." Clarissa joked making Leighton shake her head and laugh.

"We became quick friends and I knew she was the person I've been looking for my whole life. We just started talking a little more than a week ago. We kissed at a party and our feelings were out there."

"Aw. She sounds lovely."

"You can meet her sometime." The singer smiled softly, making Clarissa nod and smile back.

"I would love to."

"How about the Fourth of July? Our cookout? You invite the Hadid's, any other friends." David suggested, making Leighton nod excitedly, then look to Clarissa.

"Oh my god you're going to love our fourth cookout. Dad makes the best food with his friends. You can meet all my friends. They're great."

"Maybe she doesn't want to meet your friends?"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Leighton snapped, turning to Annika who was laughing manically.

"Leigh-" Her father started, about to discipline her for cussing at her older sister.

"I would love to meet your friends."


WHEN Leighton got home, the girl made sure all the doors were locked, and the gate was closed. She made sure to grab a small snack on the way up, raiding Bella's pantry until she found something good. Bella had a "shrine" of foods only Leighton could eat in her pantry, so it was there where the girl found a bag of cheez-its.

Leighton started up the stairs, making her presence known so she didn't scare Bella. However, if Bella was asleep there was no chance of her waking up. Bella was the deepest sleeper known to man.

The singer turned down the large hallway, making her way to Bella's room. She could smell a cinnamon candle burning, which hinted that Bella was still awake.

When Leighton turned into her room, she was not surprised to see the girl sitting up, reading a book. Bella turned her head slightly, meeting eyes with Leighton.

"Hi beautiful." Bella set her book down, getting up from the bed, and took Leighton into her long arms. Leighton immediately hugged back, placing her head on Bella's chest. This hug was exactly what she needed.

Leighton pulled away first, handing her food and phone to Bella.

"I need to shower quickly. I feel so sweaty and gross. Can I borrow some clothes?" Bella nodded with a smile, setting Leighton's stuff on her side of the bed. Bella knew Leighton brought her own clothes, but the model thought it was extremely cute that Leighton preferred her clothes instead.

"Go get your shower baby. I'll set the clothes on the bed." Leighton moved towards Bella who was looking through her sweatpants drawer. The singer bent down and placed a soft kiss on Bella's cheek. Bella smiled brightly, blushing softly.

The singer turned around and headed towards Bella's luxurious bathroom. The shower was absolutely gorgeous, the multicolored stone fitting the personality of the house perfectly. Bella had a thing for interior design and Leighton found it strangely sexy.

The girl reached into the shower and turned on the water, making it hot. Leighton left the door open, inviting Bella to come in and talk to her at any time. Leighton quickly undressed, throwing her dirty clothes on the floor.

Stepping into the shower, the girl felt relaxed as the scorching water soothed her muscles. Leighton got her hair completely wet, before looking around Bella's shower. The model had so many different products, making Leighton giggle to herself softly.

The singer went with the most used shampoo, squirting it on her hand, then applying the soap to her hair. The shampoo smelt exactly like Bella, making Leighton feel so good. It was liked being wrapped up in Bella's arms.

"Baby, there's a bin in here for a reason." Bella waked in nonchalantly, not caring that the shower door was clear. The shower was on the back side of the bathroom, so Bella really couldn't see her, but if she tried, she would. However, Leighton didn't care. She felt so comfortable with Bella as if they'd been dating for years.

"I know I just missed."

"You missed? That's cute. The bin is all the way over here." Bella walked right by the shower, not even peeking at Leighton. The singer thought it was cute how respectful Bella was being.


"You're adorable." The model walked by again, turning on the fan for the shower.

"Can you stay?"

"Of course." Bella said quickly, sitting down on the bench she had installed in front of her mirror. Bella loved that Leighton wanted her around all the time. "How was dinner? Besides the outburst on new girl."

"Shut up." Leighton heard the teasing tone Bella had, her response making the model laugh. Leighton took the conditioner that matched the shampoo, and lathered it in her long hair. "It was good after I apologized. Clarissa is actually really fucking nice."

"I knew she would be."

"We talked about you." Bella had butterflies. She loved knowing her lover talked about her to other people even when she wasn't around. "All good don't worry. I told her I want her to meet you."

"Meet the parents? I'd love to."

"Not the parents. Just Clarissa."

"Oh yeah of course." Bella said back, making Leighton giggle softly.

"What are you doing for the fourth?" Leighton started to wash her body gently with the loofa Bella used.

"Well we have Kris' party at night at Kim's. But during the day, nothing. I wanted to spend it with you preferably."

"Come to dad's cookout."

"I'm invited to the Butler annual cookout?!" Bella was genuinely excited. This cookout was known around the celebrities of Hollywood. David Butler was an amazing rib-maker. Word spread so of course Bella knew about the cookout.

"Yes. He invited you personally."

"I'm actually honored as fuck. Of course I'll go." Leighton smiled uncontrollably, finishing up her shower. The girl turned off the water, grabbing the towel from outside the shower, and loosely wrapped it around her dripping body.

The singer stepped out, steam floating of her golden skin. Bella's mouth went dry as she tried to control her thoughts quickly. Leighton walked over to the sink, and looked at her skin.

"I was thinking we could stay till like 5 then head over to Kim's since that starts at 4. Watch fireworks there. Apparently Kanye is ordering some dope ass display that I definitely want to see." Bella watched Leighton as she started her skin care routine. The towel around her body was hanging dangerously low, showing her defined back.

"That sounds like a plan. What time do you want to go to your dad's? I want to take you out to breakfast that morning."

"We can go to my dad's at 11?" Leighton asked, looking at Bella in the mirror. Bella nodded quickly and gulped, Leighton's sudden eye contact making her nervous.

"So breakfast at 8:30?" Leighton nodded, "I'm taking you to the pancake place on Melrose."

"Oh my gosh their pancakes are so fucking good. I could eat those motherfuckers all day."

"I know." Leighton lifted her one eyebrow, turning dramatically to face Bella. "Your sisters say you love that place."

"They make fun of me for eating there so much! Now they're encouraging it? Wack." Leighton to brush her teeth, turning completely to face Bella. The singer leaned against the bathroom counter, her free hand holding up her towel which she was being very nonchalant about. It made Bella incredibly nervous.

"Let me go get your clothes." Leighton nodded, watching as Bella nervously left the room, and entered a few seconds later.

"I love this shirt." Leighton grabbed it, examining the shirt that had a butterfly on it that was smoking a joint. The girl turned away from Bella and the mirror, dropping her towel slightly, and putting the shirt on. It was a little big on her figure, but the singer loved it. The singer kept the towel around her legs, much to Bella's dismay.

"It looks so good on you baby." Leighton smiled to Bella, spitting toothpaste from her mouth then washing it out. When she was done, she took the underwear and pants from Bella. Bella exited the bathroom, grabbing hair product and a brush. "I'll brush your hair?"

"Fuck yes." Leighton loved it when Bella played with her hair. When Bella was gone, Leighton dropped the towel and put on the pants. She smelt so much like Bella and it was infatuating. She loved it.

Once she was dressed, the singer exited the bathroom and walked over to the bed where Bella was sitting. Leighton sat in front of Bella, allowing the model to start brushing her hair. Leighton grabbed the cheez-its from her side of the bed, and also started to eat them.

The silence between the two was comfortable. The sound of the fireplace under Bella's television could be heard slightly, along with the crunching of Leighton's chewing.

"Tired?" Bella questioned, knowing Leighton only got this quiet when she was tired.


"Well lets go to bed then." Bella suggested, letting Leighton finish her small bag of cheez-its.

"Fuck. It just ate after brushing my teeth. Be right back." Leighton jumped up, making Bella laugh and set her brush on the end table along with the hair product she put in Leighton's wavy hair.

The model could hear the singer brushing quickly, and soon she was back. Leighton climbed into bed, falling into her spot right next to Bella. Bella's bed was huge, giving them plenty of room to sleep apart, but both preferred to be right on top of one another. Leighton cuddled into Bella's side, wrapping her arm around the model's waist, and setting her head on Bella's chest.

The model turned off both the fireplace and light, keeping the TV on for right now. Bella started to caress Leighton leg which moved over top of the model's figure in a protective manner. Bella adored how Leighton cuddled her. It was like the model would float away if she didn't hold tight.

"So-" Bella was about to speak, but when she looked down and saw Leighton's sleeping face, her lips slightly parted, she chuckled to herself. Bella leaned down and placed a kiss on Leighton's cheek, deciding it was time for her to go to sleep as well.

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