Two of a kind

By RebekahCoelho

68 0 0

Maria Sanchez is a 17 year old girl who lives with her older sister, nobody really knows Maria's tragic past... More

At first sight
Time for some...
And the party starts

It never ends

6 0 0
By RebekahCoelho

I fall asleep straight away, it was early, hadn't even been dinner time. I wake up when drake comes into the room "are you hungry? I ordered some pizza if you want?" He nods his head towards the door "yeah I am, what time is it?" "About 6:30" we both walk down the stairs I'm bit slower and Drake realises so he carries me down the rest of the way "you really don't have to" I say but he carries me all the way to the table "do you want me to take you to the doctors tomorrow? Get you checked out to make sure there's no broken bones?" "There's a clinic near my apartment, but you don't have to take me" "I have nothing to do, I don't mind" I smile at him "hey do you think you could take me to my dealers tonight I need some weed to help with the pain?" "Sure we can go as soon as we eat, it's the least I can do" we eat and then make our way to the car, once we're in and on the road Drake clears his throat "I didn't mean those things I said Maria" he looks remorseful, but I can't forgive him, those were really low blows "you mean a lot to me, getting to know you made me feel a lot closer to you. And when I said that thing at the party I was hurt and drunk and I said the worst possible thing, you have no idea how quickly I hated myself I wished I'd never said it" "I can't forgive you Drake, I also don't hate you, I just don't think I can trust you, I can't trust anyone" I say looking out the window as we drive, silence enveloping the car. We get to Troys house I make my way sluggishly to the front door. I buy a quarter and go on my way. When we get back to Drakes he sets up the TV so we can smoke and watch a movie "here we can smoke our own joints tonight" I say handing him one and picking up the other, we light up our joints and he puts on a movie called 'how to be a Latin lover' it played but I was a bit distracted, I started to fall asleep after I finished my joint my body felt lighter and the pain was all but a dull ache.

After we smoked Maria fell asleep, I couldn't forget her words, she'd never trust me after I threw what I knew in her face, after I acted like she wanted to have sex with her sisters boyfriend, just like everyone in her family. I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and covered her with it and laid her feet Over my lap, I fell asleep shortly after. I woke up to screaming and thrashing, I looked over and Maria was sleeping but she must have been having a nightmare "no stop, get off me" she said in her sleep "Maria, Maria wake up" she kept whimpering, I brushed her hair off her face "it's okay it's just a dream M" she started to relax into my hand and her breathing slowed, she was back to sleeping peacefully, I looked at the time it was 7am. I got up placing her legs on to the couch, I went to the kitchen and started making some scrambled eggs and started a pot of coffee. 30 minutes later everything was ready and Maria walked into the kitchen with the blanket around her shoulder "good morning, sorry I fell asleep on the couch" she smiled nervously "it's alright I did to, did you sleep okay" I didn't know if I should tell her about how she was screaming in her sleep, maybe she didn't remember what she dreamt about "okay I guess" she said but seemed like she was thinking about her dream "I made some breakfast, are you hungry?" She nodded and I nodded to the chair at the kitchen counter "coffee?" I asked placing a plate of eggs in front of her "yes please" she replied. We finished eating "I'm going to go have a shower before we go to the clinic, is that okay?" She asked me "of course" she walked towards the stairs and I watch as she looked at them dreading the walk up, I watched her start to make the climb and decided to carry her up, I scooped her up "it's okay Drake I can manage" "just let me help you" I left no room for argument she winced in pain when she went to tie up her hair "here let me help you" I grabbed the hair tie and put her hair in a messy bun, I reached for the hem of her shirt and helped her pull it off, her arms slowly moving up in pain, I then pulled her track pants down, he held my shoulder as she pulled her feet out "do you want me to help you with the rest?" I asked not wanting to overstep any boundaries, she nodded "if you could, I'm sorry" "you don't have to apologise, I just want to help you and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" I said, I put my hand behind her back and Unclasped her bra, and then I pulled her red lace panties down, I stood back and admired her quickly then started the shower, I set the temperature so it was to the hot side of warm. I cleared my throat "just shout out if you need anything I'll just be in the hall way" I walked out and closed the door, I leant against it and could hear her groaning in paid as she got into the shower, 10 minutes passed before I heard the water being turned off, she came out 10 minutes after that with the towel wrapped around her and her skin still wet, the beads of water running down her tanned neck and disappearing into her cleavage "your clothes are in my room" I said "thank you, the shower helped with some of the pain" she said as she made her way to the room "do you think you can help me get dressed?" I nod and follow her into the room, once she's dressed I go and shower.


I felt so embarrassed that Drake had to see me like this and had to dress me like I was a helpless child, his hands feel so warm brushing against my skin, when he was done helping me he went to have a shower, I sat on the bed waiting. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist he grabbed some clothes and closed the walk-in closets door "okay I'm ready if you are" he said once he re-emerged from the closet "I'm ready" I said dreading the idea of having the doctor ask me a bunch of questions about what happened. Drake carried me down the stairs, we got in his car and drove to the clinic.

I had to get some X-rays, and waited while the doctor looked at the films "okay Maria, can you tell me how this happened?" I looked at the doctor, I couldn't tell him the truth, It's just not what we do in my family "I fell down a large flight of stairs when I was drinking" he raised an eyebrow not believing me but dropped it "you have two broken ribs, a hair line fracture in your wrist and deep bruising all over, the cut on your eyebrow will scar and it's to late to put stitches in, your lip may scar just underneath" he looked at me "I'm going to prescribe you some codine. Your ribs and wrist will heal in 6-8 weeks and the bruising should start to go away within 3 weeks, you can use ice packs for 20 minutes at a time and a compression bandage for your wrist. If you start to feel worse come back and we will check you over again" he said ripping the prescription pad and handing me the paper "thank you" I said getting up and walking out, Drake had waited in the waiting area the whole time "so is everything okay" he asked, I told him what the doctor told me, he drove me to the drug store and he went into get the prescription, I gave him the money for it but when he returned he handed me the bag and my money.


I was feeling a lot better and I returned to school after 3 weeks I still had some bruising but not to the point people would think I'd been in more than a small fist fight, Drakes parents had returned home and they were happy to let me stay, Drake told them my sister had to go away for some family emergency and I stayed to attend school, they didn't question it and were really kind to me. I was in fourth period English Mrs star was assigning us some reading home work, a book report on 'how to kill a mocking bird'  the bell rang for lunch. I got to my locker and placed my books inside, I closed my locker and walked to the cafeteria. Trent and Drake were sitting at our usual table a cheerleader manned Sabrina was sitting on Drakes lap and Trent was trying his best with her friend Lexi, I walk up to them not bothering with food today, I wasn't hungry "why is it every Friday the teachers decide to assign so much home work?" I ask sitting down next to Trent. Seeing Sabrina all over Drake and seeing him interested made me a bit jealous but I knew it was best for him to move on, I didn't trust him, I couldn't open up to him anymore, I was staying at his place in the guest bedroom and we were friends but it wasn't how it was before that night at the party "well get it done because my parents are going away in the morning and won't be back until Monday night so we're having a party" Trent says nudging my shoulder "I'll have it done don't you worry about that" I look at him feigning being hurt "my cousin Travis will be there with his buddy from college, so don't embarrass me" I laugh and hit his shoulder "are we invited to this party" Sabrina chimed in "of course wouldn't want Drake to sit around sulking all night" Drake threw a chip at Trent "shut up man" me and Trent laughed even more. The bell rang and we all took off.


"Drake! Did you turn off my curling iron" I walk into Drakes room "sorry I thought you left it on by mistake" he looked apologetic "never mind I'll be done in like 30 minutes will you be ready than?" He nodded "we have to stop to get Sabrina, and some drinks" "sweet" I say disappearing into the bathroom. I do my hair and makeup I go to the guest room I pull out my baby blue Leia top and matching mini skirt (babyboo fashion) and White open toed heels "come on Maria!" Drake yells out "I'm coming hold up" I say closing the bedroom door and making my way to the car.


"I'm coming hold up" Maria said walking out of her room she looked beyond amazing the blue colour of her top and skirt popped against her dark skin, her glossy lips and curly hair. God I wanted to run my hand through her hair and kiss those luscious lips "well come on you were yelling a moment ago time to get your girl" she said laughing and walking out to the car. My girl? Oh yeah Sabrina, we started seeing each other a week ago, she was hot and a good distraction, I had to let Maria go, she made it pretty obvious we weren't going to be more than friends. We got into the car, picked up Sabrina, stopped to buy our drinks and made our way to Trents, didn't seem like many people were here, we walk in Sabrina hanging off my arm, Maria behind us "yo Trent where do you want the beer?" I yell out, some guy I hadn't seen before pops his head out of the living room "oh hey you can put it in the fridge it's been emptied.." "Dirty Sanchez?!" The guy says spotting Maria "Big T! Long time no see" Maria says wrapping her arms around The guy he lifts her up "when you get bored of high school boys give me a call" he says winking at her, she slaps his shoulder "you wish T... this is Drake by the way and his missus Sabrina" I shake his hand "it's nice to meet you" Sabrina says "Hey Travis! Your cousin recons there will be some hot chicks here tonight" some tall tanned guy says walking out, he stops when he sees Maria "well I guess there's one already here, hi beautiful I'm Sam" he says grabbing her hand and kissing it "Maria" she says with a smile "I'm Sabrina"  Sabrina giggles and hold out her hand "Drake" I say, I swear if he doesn't stop staring at Maria I think I'll tear his eyes out "where's Trent?" I ask wanting to get away from this Sam dude "upstairs" Sam says "so Maria, will your boyfriend be coming tonight" she rolls her eyes, that's my girl "don't have one, where's the music at, and where can we light up?" She asked holding her joint "come out the back" Travis says slinging an arm around her shoulder "now who's it gonna be? Me or Sam?" He says and they disappear out the back, I go to Trent's room "come on bro hurry up you're worse than the girls" Trent looks at me "I gotta look better than Travis and Sam" he smiles chucks on his shirt and sprays his cologne "what are two college guys doing at a high school party?" I ask but Sabrina interrupts "oh hey there you guys are, Lexi just got here she wants you to come down" she says to Trent "I'm coming" we go down stairs Lexi is waiting by the kitchen "finally, when's everyone getting here?" "9ish" Trent says, I look at my watch it's 8:50, I hear Maria's beautiful laugh and look at the sliding door in the kitchen "you are such an ass T" she says Sam laughs "don't worry all the girls at our school think the same" I grab a beer out of the fridge "you want a drink Rina?" I ask trying to distract myself from Maria "yeah I'll have a cruiser, a pink one" "hey bro can you pass me the coke?" Sam asks near me, I hand the bottle to him "more coke than whiskey?!" He yells out "no just top it up with coke!" Maria yells back "what a woman" Sam says pouring two drinks and hands one to Maria, the door bell rings Trent goes and opens the door and 10 people walk in, drinks in hand "I'm gonna start the music!" Maria shouts over to Trent, she walks over the the speakers and plugs her phone in music starts playing and more people rock up, soon the house is full, Sabrina is tipsy and we start making out, she starts to dance on me sloppily "you're so hot" she whispers in my ear, I smile placing my hand on her ass "I guess that means we're one of the hottest couples here" I say kissing her as we dance a bit more "I'm gonna go get another beer you want anything?" "Some water would be great babe" she says following me into the kitchen. Maria, Travis, Sam and some girl from our school are setting up beer pong "let's join babe" Sabrina says, Trent and Lexi walk in "alright Sabrina and Drake join Travis's team" Trent says. We start playing Maria doesn't miss a shot, Sabrina is hopeless and misses all of hers and we keep going, Maria's team wins Sam lifts Maria up "fuck yes! You are one hell of a woman" he puts her back on the ground "well someone had to carry our team" she winks at Sam, he laughs and she starts to walk away "hey where are you going?" He asks "to dance!" She yells not looking back, Sam follows her and I grab Sabrina's hand leading her in the same direction 'Peru' by fireboy DML & Ed Sheeran comes on and I watch as Maria starts dancing drink in hand, Sam sneaks his hand around her waist and pulls her closer to him, my blood starts to boil, but Sabrina starts to kiss me so I stop watching, it wasn't any of my business.


god I love this song, I start dancing and Sam comes over pulling me closer to him. We dance our faces getting closer and closer but not kissing, just teasing each other seeing who makes the first move "you're so fucking sexy" Sam says his lips brushing slightly against mine, the song ends and I need another drink "refill" I say turning around, Sam grabs my hand and we go to the kitchen "I love that you don't drink girly drinks" he says pouring our drinks "I'm not in 7th grade, I like the harder stuff" I wink at him "I bet you do" he says seductively "hey guys time for truth or dare!" Lexi yells out walking into the kitchen with Drake and Sabrina in toe "god looks like we are in 7th grade" I say with my cup to my lips, Trent and a few others gathered around the kitchen island "I'll go first" Lexi says taking a sip of her cruiser "why don't we make it a little interesting?" Travis pipes up "if someone doesn't want to do their dare they have to have a shot" he puts the tequila in the middle "alright Sabrina I dare you to kiss Drake" wow Lexi really went for it (note the sarcasm) Sabrina grabs Drake and they start making out like they always do when they're done Sabrina looks at Trent "Trent I dare you to take your shirt off" "easy" he huffs and pulls off his shirt "Sam, I dare you to hookup with Maria" Trent dares, Sam looks at me "you alright with that?" I nod and we hook up he grabs my ass and deepens the kiss I put an arm around his neck and the other on his chest, someone whistles in encouragement "get a room!" Someone shouts, Sam pulls away slightly "maybe we will" he says low enough for only me to hear "alright my turn, Travis I dare you to strip and jump in the pool" Travis does his dare and comes back "Maria I dare you to take your top off" I look at the tequila "come on don't chicken out on us now" Travis says, everyone's eyes are on me seeing what I'll do, Drake looks a bit tense "you are such a jerk" I pull my top off, I didn't wear a bra tonight because my top looked better without one, the boys start whistling except for Drake who looked away, what has gotten into him "I approve" Travis says, I put my shirt on I look around "Drake, I dare you to kiss Trent" I say with a smirk Drake grab the tequila "fuck no" he says taking a shot. The game continues for a little bit longer I get bored and go out the back I sit by the pool with my feet in the water, I light up my last joint "you really are one of a kind" Sam says sitting next to me "so how long has that Drake guy had a crush on you?" He asks, I hand him the joint blowing out some smoke "we're just friends, he can be a bit of a dick though" I laugh "yeah maybe because he wants you" he replies "not going to happen, I'm staying at his at the moment and we're working on our friendship he really fucked me over a little while ago" "so I don't have any competition?" He says hopefully "I didn't say that" I laugh and take the joint back "can I get another kiss? One that's not a dare?" I look at him his got really nice hazel eyes "why not" he leans closer and we start kissing it's soft at first but gets more intense, he grabs my waist and lifts me into his lap so I'm straddling him "do you want to go upstairs?" He asks, his eyes dark with desire, I hadn't slept with anyone since Drake "yeah let's go" I get off his lap and we hold hands, he leads me upstairs to a room, I think it's the spare room, he turns on the lamp and comes over to me, kissing me running his hand up my thigh, his hands are warm I take his top off and start to unbutton his jeans he lifts my top off and moans when he touches my breast, his cock is hard when his pants are off he kisses me lifting me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and he moves to the bed, he lays me down on the bed and hovers over me while  still kissing me, his tongue brushes my bottom lip asking for access and I open up, our tongues greet each other, exploring each other, his hand goes up my inner thigh and touches my Center "fuck you are so wet" he moans and starts moving my underwear down, he hikes my skirt up around my hips and pulls out a condom from the bed side draw, I grab it from him and he pulls his boxers off I roll it down his cock and then we go back to kissing he slides his finger into me and I moan, he pulls his finger in and out before I know it he pulls it out completely, he lines his cock up with my entrance and as his about to push in the door swings open "what the fuck!" I yell looking over at the door, Sam covered my body with his so whoever came in couldn't see my naked body "get up we're going home" Drake said from the door "I'm kinda in the middle of something" I say frustrated, was he for real? I never barge in on him and definitely never cock block "now Maria" he says through clenched teeth "bro can you get out!" Sam growled, suddenly Drakes pulling Sam off me, I scramble to cover myself "what the fuck Drake!" He hands Sam his Clothes and pushes him out the door slamming it shut and locking it "get up" he says throwing my clothes at me "are you for real Drake? What the hell was that?!" He looks at me anger flashes though his eyes "what are you doing with him? Huh? I told you that I was the only one allowed to touch you like that" he moves closer to me, I tighten my hold on the blanket I managed to wrap around me "what the fuck are you on about, you slept with Chloe in my bed, you're with Sabrina now, what I can't have some fun?! You fucked up and yet you still want me to wait around until I can trust you?!" He rips the blanket off me and leans over me, he runs his hand up my thigh and puts pressure on my entrance with his fingers "this Belongs to me" he whispers in my ear and bites the lobe I shiver in pleasure "I'm the only one that can make you feel this way" she continues and pushes his fingers inside of me, I gasp "say you're mine Maria" he whispers and pulls his fingers out slightly "your with Sabrina" I say weakly wanting him to slide his fingers back it "she broke up with me, said I seemed distracted, now say you're mine" he pulls his fingers out a bit more making me moan "stop Drake we can't do this" I'm trying to sort my head out but with him this close and his fingers teasing me I couldn't pull away "tell me your mine" he says again, this time my back arches, my body betraying me, i'm getting wetter by the minute, I've got to get a hold of myself, his just pissed because Sabrinas broken up with him, I push him off me "stop Drake, don't fucking touch me" I grab my clothes and get dressed, he looks worked up, a storm brewing in his eyes "Fuck Maria, i'm sorry!" I unlock the door "let's just go" I walk out of the room going past Sam who try's to stop me and go to the car Drake comes out shortly after. On the drive home I look out the window, Drake sighs "I can't ignore how I feel about you Maria, I've tried. Sabrina was a distraction but even then all I wanted was you, all I did was compare her to you" he says breathing out in frustration, he pulls over "will you please look at me" he pleads "Drake you cant possibly think we'd ever be anything more than friends who fucked a few times" I snap "don't say that! I know you felt what I felt, please just give me a chance!" He turns his body to face me, I touch his face, bring my lips to his, I climb on this his lap and start to undo his pants he holds my hips and moves his hands to my ass he moans "take them off" I say breaking the kiss, he does as I say "do you have a condom?" He reaches into the glove box, he starts to put it on, I settle myself on his hard cock, I start to move up and down slowly "Is this want you wanted?" He tenses and pushes me off.


It felt so good to be back inside her, she was riding me slowly "is this what you wanted?" She whispered, was this a game to her, I wanted her! not just sex with her! Did she think that lowly of me! I push her off me "is that what you really think?!" I'm shocked by how she could just use her body like a weapon to hurt someone "that's what you and every other guy wants, you fuck whoever you want, and I leave you alone, I get close to sleeping with someone who isn't you and you lose your shit, you interfere because you want to be the one to touch me, while still being able to do what you want with whoever you want!" She was so wrong "I only want you!" She looks at me "you want me because you think I need you" she turns away from me "now take me home" we drive the rest of the way in silence. When I get to my room I take my clothes off and get into bed, I was so pissed off I could barely sleep when I finally did I didn't dream, blackness consumed me.

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