My Guardian Nightmare

By WintxrCherry

49.6K 3.2K 2.5K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Important Stuff
=1 - The News=
=2 - The Ritual=
=3 - New Friend=
=4 - A Guardian=
=5 - Cooking=
=6 - Speaking of Jobs=
=7 - Park a duck duck=
=8 - Cooking with Glitchy=
=9 - Nightly Problems=
=10 - Family Cooking=
=11 - Arcade=
=12 - Gift Giving=
=13 - Troubling thoughts=
=14 - School Recognition=
=15 - Lesson in Fear=
=16 - Cat Catastrophe=
=17 - Cat food=
=18 - A mother's troubles=
=19 - Job details=
=20 - Bullying Gone Wrong=
=21 - A Familiar Guest=
=22 - A Father's Love=
=23 - Unannounced Visit=
=24 - Lil Ms. Tomato=
=25 - Get in the van=
=26 - Fresh visit=
=27 - Birth Error=
=28 - Soul checks=
=Bonus - Birthday Special=
=29 - News and Results=
=30 - Good news=
=31 - Mansion Tour=
=32 - Her Office=
=33 - Cult explanation=
=34 - In the Middle of the Night=
=35 - A king and his prince=
=37 - Her name=
=38 - Spider friend=
=39 - Another Doctor Visit=
=40 - Past talks=
=41 - A Tsundere Mama=
=42 - SOUL care=
=43 - Meeting Asy's Fam=
=44 - 90's awakening=
=45 - Christmas Party=
=46 - A God's teasing=
=47 - Coming home=
=48 - Adventure Time=
=49 - Happy Questing=
=50 - Waking world=
=51 - Complimentary Reboot=

=36 - Crayon Queen=

547 42 7
By WintxrCherry

* Bow down to the Crayon Queen

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

CQ put her shoes on, Geno excited running around. They wanted to go to their old house again, to have a final look around. She looked shortly nervously to Asy.

"It's gonna be fine CQ." Asy smiled gently at CQ, ruffling her hair a bit while Error hummed as he finished putting it on. 'Did I really left something back at home, Nighty?' Error thought to Nightmare, quite confused.

"I dunno. That's why you drive there again. To see if you all left something." Nightmare answered humming. "It can happen to everyone, you know?' 'Alright...' Error then grabbed ahold of CQ's shirt as they then walked down towards the garage.

CQ looked up at Asy and just nodded slowly, taking Geno in her arms, who giggled excitedly. "We'll take my car this time, CQ." Asy added, moving and opening the shot gun seat for CQ.

CQ blinked and looked at Asy, before nodding. "Uhm... Okay." She answered and let Geno down, who immediately began to bounce. The woman looked at Asy once again, before sitting into the car.

Asy then closed the door before opening the passenger door. "Geno, Error." Asy called and Error nodded, he then entered once Geno did so and then sat down, swinging his legs a bit before looking at front. Asy just closed the door and went to the driver's seat, getting in and adjusting himself. "Alright..." He muttered as he started the car.

CQ looked at Asy, before looking out of the window. Geno was just excited. Like always.

Asy then glanced at the family that he's gonna be carrying over to the old house and chuckled softly, ah, such adorable children... CQ included, of course. Asy then pulled his car back and off they went.

During the car ride, Error thinned his lips impatiently at a swirling thought that won't leave his mind. Geno and Asy wouldn't mind him asking the question... Eh, why the heck not. "Mama?" Error then got up to peak over the back cushion, glancing at CQ as he does so.

CQ perked up and hummed. "What's wrong, Ruru?" She asked and turned her head back. "Mama... I haf a question..." Error began. "'S been in my mind for a while."

CQ tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes. "What's your question, Sweetie?" The woman asked the black boned skeleton.

"Uhm... Ma, is your name Crayon Queen because you're the Queen of Crayons?" Error curiously asked and Asy quietly snorted before quickly shutting up.

CQ was clearly confused. "I- uh- what?" She answered and tilted her head. "Uh- why are you asking this...?"

"Because mama, you're Crayon Queen!" Error chirped while Asy chuckled softly. "Definitely the Queen of Crayons." Asy snickered softly.

Ah yes, CQ was a tomato again, as she tried to say something, but shut herself up every time. "I-" She began one more time, "Wh- what?" The woman hid her face in her pullover - again.

Asy glanced over before letting out a soft laugh at the reaction, CQ was a really adorable chile in his eyes. "So you're the Queen of Crayons then?" Error gasped in awe. "My crayons bow to you mama!"

Geno gasped. "Yes! Mama is a queen! Mama is a very beautiful queen!" He cheered happily. Da smol choild then gasped. "Does that mean we're the princes of crayon?"

"Yes we definitely are!" Error exclaimed excitedly as he then quickly sat down. "We are princes! Wait wait- would you be the Red prince then? Cuz we're like- like- like... Color crayons!" Error gasped.

The other child nodded. "Yeah! And you- youuu... the blue one?" He thought. "Oh! And Fresh the pink one! Like Mama's hair! Or purple!" He cheered with a smile. CQ was just embarrassed.

Error simply nodded excitedly. "Definitely! I could either be Blue or Black honestly..." Error blinked a bit. "Either way, Crayon Princes!" Geno nodded happily. "Yeah! And we are the best princes in the whooooole world!" He cheered.

"Nuh uh, that's you and Freshy!" Error huffed childishly. "You both are the best princes! I'd rather be that one prince who studies a lot." So basically like Nightmare... Unintentionally. Nice.

Geno nodded. "Okay! Whatever you want!" He giggled happily, smiling at Error. CQ looked at her children, before muttering something to herself and looking out of the window. Error then glanced at CQ and giggled as well. 'Nightymare! Mama's also a Queen! Did'ja hear?!'

"Yeah! See, my prince? You're really a prince, not only because I said so!" Nightmare answered. "My little prince of darkness."

Error couldn't help but smile happily at that. 'Okay fine, I very very believe now.' Error hummed in glee, swinging his legs as he glances out the window to watch the world go by. Nightmare just chuckled. "Alright then, little prince."

↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺

Soon enough, they arrived at the old house where Error was quick to leave the car. "Careful Error!" Asy called with a chuckle as he got out of the car as well, Error just stopping up front and looking up at the house with a tilted head.

CQ and Geno came out too. Geno was quite excited and bounced lightly. CQ looked at the house and sighed slightly, bringing out the old keys. With a click she opened it.

Error then entered quickly after CQ opened it, coughing a bit when some dust rose up. "Didn't we cleaned?" Error whined childishly while Asy just chuckled softly. "Dust would still collect from spots you may have probably missed." Asy spoke as he then looked around at the empty room. Error then hummed before quickly going up the stairs and to the shared room of him and his brothers.

CQ hummed slightly. She walked slowly through the empty house, her steps now echoing, as there was nothing anymore to catch the sound. Geno giggled, his voice echoing too, of course. The child ran around the house. "It... seems weird to be back..." CQ mumbled.

"Yeah... Last minute collecting always feels surreal." Asy chuckled softly. "Geno, Error, meet at the front door when done!" Asy called to the children. "Okay Apa Asy!" Error called from where he was as he roamed around the room. 'What did I forget...?' He couldn't help but ask again.

Nightmare sighed. "Do you think you forgot something?" He asked slowly. 'Uhm... I dunno...' Error responded, thinking for a bit. 'If I did, I would probably be crying while I look for it!' Well- technically that's true but- he didn't have to be so open about that fact- But hey, he admitted it at least-

"I see..." Nightmare answered. "Well, do you see anything in here?" "Uhh..." Error then squinted a bit as he looked around before blinking when he saw something sticking out from a drawer, curiously, he then walked towards it and opened it before gasping. "Isa goop!" Error couldn't help but whisper-yell to himself. 'Is your goop?!'

"It is." Nightmare answered and chuckled lightly. "I thought it could help you when you're talking and being scared and stuff like this-" He hummed.

"Awh Nighty..." Error whispered quietly, squishing the goop a bit before giggling at how it reacted, squishy! And the sound isn't so slimy too! Just perfect! 'Thank you so much Nighty!' Error couldn't help but feel giddy as he immediately began to play with the goop, in awe of how it reacted, and quite happy that he gets to technically hold Nightmare even when he can't!

Nightmare chuckled. "You're welcome, Ruru. Only the best for my little prince." The guardian hummed. "You really like my goop, huh?" He hummed then, sounding a bit amused.

'Ye!' Error perked up happily before he then looked up when he saw Asy enter with CQ. "Hey Kiddo. "Hi Apa Asy!" Error then squished the goop more before watching as Asy looks around. "What are you looking for?" "Anything worth taking, in case your mother missed something really. Did you get what you wanted to find?" Asy asked as he looked through drawers. "Uhuh!"

CQ kneeled a bit down to Error and rubbed his skull. "That's nice, Ruru." She hummed and stood up again, looking a bit around too.

Error then giggled softly, squishing the goop happily in his hands before he then began to morph it into a smol ball, eyes sparkling a bit as he played with it. Asy hummed as he closed the last drawer. "Well, there's not much in here either other than dust and dirt." Asy spoke.

CQ nodded slightly. "Yeah... That's good. Meaning we have everything from here." She hummed, as Geno came excitedly inside, still getting rid of his energy.

"Looks like it, let's go check your room now." Asy spoke while Error then waved at Geno before he then followed after Asy and CQ as they then left the room.

CQ hummed slightly in agreement, before they went to her room and opened the door. CQ sneezed at the dust and rubbed her nose. She then went in, looking around. Geno bounced excitedly next to her.

Error also sneezed at the dust making Asy chuckle, waving the dust off of his face and then looking around. "Search around and see if we can find anything." Asy glanced at Error, who then nodded and began to look around, still fidgeting with the goop.

CQ nodded and looked around in her old room. She sighed and smiled slightly, before opening drawers and looking around. After quite a while of them looking around, something got CQ's attention.

The woman kneeled down and moved the drawer, to grab the item behind it. She brought out something, that looked like it was very old, seemingly as old as CQ. It was warped in brown paper and had a seal, but the paper was ripped everywhere, so that it was visible that in it was a folder.

CQ stared confused at it, before looking at the seal and her confusion immediately morphing into anger. A few seconds later, the folder flew across the room.

"CQ?" Asy asked in surprise and worry before he then moved and picked up the folder in concern. "What's wrong?" Asy asked, rushing towards CQ while Error glanced in worry. "Mama?" He was concerned. 'Is something wrong with mama?'

"I... I don't know, Ruru. But whatever it is, it's making your Mama angry..." Nightmare muttered. CQ growled slightly, before pointing at the folder. "Don't get this... this thing near me!" She hissed, clenching slightly a fist. Geno walked to his mother and hugged her. "Mama! Don't be angry! It's only paper!" He said, making CQ look at him and pet him slightly.

Error then nodded before quickly rushing towards CQ and hugging her. "Mama, please calm down." Error worriedly said.

Asy looked down at the folder in confusion before he then checked what's making CQ so worked up.

The folder's seal already told a lot about from who or what it was. It was red and a house was printed on it, over it being written in big letters 'ORPHANAGE AT THE RIVER'. This was pretty much everything visible, as to open the folder the brown paper would be needed to removed.


╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* Hohoho, things awe getting intewesting~

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