Forgive me Father, for I have...

By wingsandhunters

734K 33.8K 62.1K

Castiel James Novak is a good man. Not because he was a priest and told people about the word of God and also... More

Prologue - The Nightmare
Chapter One - Confessions
Chapter Two - The Knight of Hell
Chapter Three - AngelFace
Chapter Four - Stained-Glass Windows
Chapter Five - First Introductions
Chapter Six - Forgive Me Father
Chapter Seven - Sins in the Place of Worship
Chapter Eight - Angels Are Dicks
Chapter Nine - Forgiveness and Redemption
Chapter Eleven - Doctor Doctor
Chapter Twelve - Quarter-Life Crisis
Chapter Thirteen -A Demon Named Dean.
Mr Atomic-Bomb
Chapter Fourteen - What Am I?
Chapter Fifteen - Left Hand of God
Chapter Sixteen - The Cage
Chapter Seventeen - He ain't Human
Chapter Eighteen - No Sympathy for the Devil
Chapter Nineteen - Highway To Hell
Chapter Twenty - Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire
Chapter Twenty One - Purgatory
Chapter Twenty-Two - Antikristo
"Ride Me Like Your Harley"
Chapter Twenty Three - Detroit
Chapter Twenty Four - Darlin' I'm a Nightmare Dressed as a Daydream
Chapter Twenty-Five - This Isn't You
Chapter Twenty-Six - Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven - A Plan
Chapter Twenty-Eight - When Blue Met Green
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Destiny
Chapter Thirty - Father of Lies
Chapter Thirty One - Thanks for the Memories, Even Though They Weren't so Great
Chapter Thirty-Two - Hope
Chapter Thirty-Three - New Beginnings

Chapter Ten - A Deal with a Demon

24K 1.1K 2.4K
By wingsandhunters

Cas (POV)

"How long are you going to stay here?" I ask, rubbing my eyes tiredly before looking at the demon who was hanging out the window and spitting on people. He shuffled back into the apartment and turned to look at me before shrugging.

"Until I get bored." He replied simply and I grimace and roll my eyes and sigh. "You could always make a deal for me to leave... But you've already done a deal."

"I did no such thing." I snap and Dean just laughs and goes back to hanging out of the window. I swear it was like living with a child.

"No seriously, I want to know why you and other demons believe I apparently made a deal with a demon!" I say, pulling him back into the room and he grumbles moodily under his breath and flops down onto the bed, putting his arms behind his head.

"You really don't remember do you. I suppose that only makes sense." Dean laughed. "All you were trying to do was summon God to you, and instead you got a rein of devils pouring into your life instead." My mouth opened up in shock as suddenly, I realised what he was talking about.


I was going crazy. My belief in god was starting to fade. All I wanted was a sign, a sign that he was really there. Anything to suggest that he listens to me or even existed. It was hard just relying on my faith of him.

I had found an ancient book in the church, one that i had never actually seen before on the book case inside the study of the church. He decided to read it and this is where he was thankful that his family had actually come from Italy and where extreme Catholics as the whole book was in old Latin.

I read through it a few times and come across a summoning incantation. I read into closely and itch my chin, wondering what it summoned. Some of the old Latin words I didn't understand and I had to look them up. Yet some weren't even in a Latin dictionary that my father had given me when I became a priest.

I knew the gist of what was being said. I summon thee ____ to do my bidding, to answer my questions and to ___. It also said something about Cain, the King of Hell and Lucifer being banished from earth. What it said never did make any sense but it was a book that had prayers in it from what I had read.

"What harm can it do?" I ask myself and start to read the instructions.

End of flashback

I stare into space as I think back to when I drew a pentagram on the floor and started shaking. When I did it I hadn't thought that it had even worked! All I was trying to do was get Gods attention and instead I brought wrath and ruin down onto my head.

"It's lucky you got the incantation wrong or you would have sent me, old Crowley and old Saint Nick, the devil himself all to damnation!" Dean says, pretending to wipe his brow before grinning at me. "You also caught everyone's attention when you did that, there was just something about you."

"I-I didn't mean- all I wanted to do was summon god."

"You weren't summoning god, you were summoning Michael so e could send us all to hell." Dean shrugs and sits up, yawning as if this was the most casual conversation in the world.

"Michael? The archangel?" I ask in awe and Dean nods.

"Yeah, he doesn't come down to earth often." Dean says, biting his lip. "Where do you come from? Originally I mean?"

"Italy. Our family is Italian." I say absentmindedly as Dean nods his head.

"And before that?" He asks and I sigh.

"My grandparents came from Greece. Why does it matter?" I snap and Dean only shrugs and holds his hands up in defeat.

"Nevermind. Jesus Christ almighty with a shotgun on a bike taking the wheel, I was only asking. I'm bored." He adds on to the end as I sit down and put my head in my hands, thinking hard. "Caaaaas I'm bored!"

"Find something to do then." I mumble out a reply and hear him stand up quickly.

"Great idea. Let's go to laser tag!" Dean says excitedly, pulling me up.

"Laser tag? Really? What are you, eight?" I scoff and he flashes his eyes at me which it jump back at.

"Laser tag is the greatest. Shut up and get some comfortable clothes on." He then just walks out of the room without another word. I wondered why he was so uptight by a stupid game of laser tag? Whatever.


"HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!" He shouts as I zap him once again. "I was trained to hold a gun when I was four years old and you've never held a gun in your life! What is the meaning of this?" He snaps as I suck behind a wall, laughing.

"You're right Dean, laser tag is fun!" I call out, laughing loudly.

"This is ridiculous! It's not fair!" I look around the corner to Dean throwing the gun down on the floor and all of a sudden he turns into a cloud of black smoke and just leaves.

"Did a demon just storm off because I won him at a game?" I ask myself curiously. "HELL YEAH HE DID!"

I walk out of the arena thing and go to get myself something to drink and eat, finding Dean sulking on one of the tables.

"I beat you! I beat you, hell yeah, I beat you!" I chide in his face, sitting down in front of him.

"If there is a hell yeah and a heavens no, shouldn't there be a purgatory maybe?" Dean muses after a whole of sulking and I shrug.

"Purghaps." I say and he looks up at me and grins.

"Was that a joke father? My my," he laughs as I blush lightly. "Look who's suddenly grown a funny bone."

"Shut up." I mumble.

"Don't tell me to shut up."

"I just did." He leans over and grabs my hair before pulling my head down and banging against the table hardly. I cry out in pain and hear him stand up and walk off.

Rubbing my head, I finally look up and around for any sign of Dean but he as gone. With a tremble of my lip I stand up, but feeling a bit faint I stagger outside and jut begin walking home. It was weird, for only a moment I had almost forgotten that Dean was a demon, he acted to human like but then all of a sudden would just snap.

The worst part of it was, I knew he would be back and I knew he wouldn't even apologise. It wasn't in his nature to do so.


"I've got to find that book!" I murmur to myself, searching through the archives and shelves to find the book that could solve all my problems at this point. I didn't want to keep having demons coming to me every night and day, threatening to kill me or do other things. I wanted rid of them for good!

"Looking for this?" A voice behind me asked in an amused tone and i freeze and slowly turn around to see who the voice came from.

A man who looked in his late thirties was holding the book and smirking slightly. His hair was dark brown, he was a bit on the chubby side and was wearing a black shirt, black trousers and a long black coat.

"That's mine." I say, holding out my hand towards the book and he just laughs, clicks his fingers with his spare hands and the book vanishes.

"Not likely. You think i don't know what you were planning on doing with it? I don't really fancy spending the rest of eternity in damnation with Dean bloody Winchester and Satan." He says, sneering slightly.

"That must mean-"

"Yes darling, i'm the King of Hell. Now why don't you be a good boy and run along." He says, putting his hands in his coat pockets.

"This is my church." I say, scowling slightly. My fear of demons was becoming obsolete now since Dean. I knew he would protect me, i had ... given myself to him.

"Well noticed." The man sniffs. "But i need it right now."

"No. Get out." I snap and the 'king of hell' laughs.

"You're getting a bit too big for your boots there father. Just because you've given your soul to good old Deanmon doesn't make you untouchable. There are... other ways."

"I did not sell my soul." I say, crossing my arms over my chest angrily.

"Sure you did my pet." He starts walking over to me and circling me, looking me up and down. "You made a deal with him. He gets to sleep with you while you get his protection so those down under can't touch you. And i don't mean Australians."

"T-that wasn't a deal!" I cry, turning my head so i can keep an eye on him. "T-that was- that was just- that-"

"That, that, that." The demon mimicked harshly before laughing. His eyes flashed red and i jumped back, gulping slightly. I had only seen black eyes on demons before, never red.

"You like the contacts do you? Different from what you're used to i pressume." He chuckles, stopping to stand right in front of me. "I wonder, if i only touched you, would he come?"

The man suddenly puts a finger on my forehead and suddenly the whole building shakes angrily. I stumble, looking around fearfully while the man laughs and looks up.

"Hello Winchester, my old friend!"

"Crowley." I hear a rough voice from behind the man and 'Crowley' turns around to face Dean whose eyes are as dark as night, his fists were clenched and he was baring his teeth angrily. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving both my ass and your ass, Winchester." Crowley says, snapping his fingers once again to show Dean the book. "You're little lover here was about to send both me and thee down to the pit."

Dean eyes turned back to normal, he looked from the book, to Crowley before his eyes finally landed on me. I gulped and looked down, unable to hold his gaze for too long.

"Get out." Dean grumbled after a moment of silence.

"What? No thank you?" Crowley mocks and Dean growls.

"Get out."

"Fine. But you should try and keep your little pet on a shorter leash next time. He's dangerous. And there is something off about him, something that isn't human." Crowley looked at me in disdain before disappearing right in front of my eyes.

I gulp once again and look up at Dean who is looking down at the floor, biting the inside of his mouth.


"Shut up." He says, looking at me. "We had a deal."

"I didn't-"

"I said shut up!" He snaps and I go quiet. "Do you know how many demons i have actually slaughtered for you because they were trying to come and kill you... or worse?"

I shake my head.

"You made a deal. You wanted, no, you needed my protection and this is the thanks i get?" He walks over to me and grabs the front of my shirt angrily, lifting me up into the air and glaring up at me while i look down on him in fear.

"I-i'm sorry." I choke out, flinging my legs slightly to try and get out of his grip but it was too strong.

"Sorry? You tried sending me to a place worse than hell, Novak!" He shouts, throwing me across the room so my head bangs hard against the wall and i whimper.

"I never asked for this! I didn't mean to become messed up in a world i have nothing to do with!" Dean laughs at me mockingly.

"Oh that's funny. But i thought this was exactly what you wanted! To be closer to God, to have insight into the unnatural world." *dean you had one job. damn it.*

"I didn't mean this! I never wanted to be a demons little bitch!" I cry, hugging my legs and burying my face into my knees as i cower in the corner. "I just wanted him to give me a sign that he was really there. That he was really listening."

"Yeah well, from what i hear, God is dead." Dean snaps out and i look up at him in shock. "You heard. God's dead, or at least he's left the building and he ain't coming back no more. He's given up on the angels and he probably gave up on humanity a long time ago."

"H-how do you know?" I ask in a tired and an abnormally high voice.

"That's none of you business." He says. His voice was strange when he spoke the last words, soft and sad. Not like before when he was angry at me. I look up to find him gone, disappeared completely and i stand up after a few minutes and look around.

"Dean?" There was no answer. I sigh and sit on the table tiredly, rubbing my eyes. What have i got myself in to? Demons with mood swings? Angels who liked strawberry/cherry ice cream? What next, a Texan vampire?

A/N: Once again, sorry about the bad updating. I've been focusing more on Drunk on You recently and need to think up a good story line for this one lmao.

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