If you let me

Oleh yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656

Lebih Banyak

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven


2.4K 91 1
Oleh yagirlllay11

"My body's your addiction,Your touch is my affliction, I speak, you never listen, Somehow we stay consistent, Rehearsin' my thoughts on the way to your crib, oh
Overnight bag in the back of the whip" - Teyana Taylor

March 4, 2020
Los Angeles, California

How mama J doing?" Brandon asked

I laughed "Don't call her that bro."

"What? She's going to be a mom."

"Yeah but you said it so funny just now."

He laughed "Man whatever, have y'all met up yet?"

"Bro, I just touch back down. But, I'm on my way to her place right now."

"Try not get her double pregnant."

"I don't even think that's possible." I chuckled

"Shit, you never know."

I shook my head as Brian pulled up to Jordyn's place. I grabbed one of the duffle bags I had in the car and got out.

"Aight call me back bro."

"I will." I said before hanging up

I knocked on the door since I left my key back at my place.

Soon she came unlocking the door.

The door swung open revealing my future wife.

I smirked "What's up boo?"

She squealed and rushed into my arms.

I hugged her tightly in my arms. I kissed her temple. After a minute we pulled back and I followed her inside.

"What you was doing in here?"

"Cleaning up a little bit. I just have to sweep."

"Okay, I got it. Go run some bath water."

Jordyn playfully rolled her eyes "You trying to bath with me?"

"You going to do what I said?"

"Morgan don't play with me."

I laughed as she walked past me, her behind twisting.

She's not that big into her pregnancy. She's only three months.

I swept before putting it in the dustpan and throwing the trash way. Once I was done I washed my hands and walked to Jordyn's room and into the bathroom.

I seen she was already in there.

"How long you've been in there?"

"Like two minutes."

I nodded and begin to strip out of my clothes. I moved towards the tub and slowly got in.

"You trying to kill me?"

She sucked her teeth "You're so extra."

I laughed before a nice silence got over us.

"Jordyn, we should talk."

She stared at me waiting for me to continue.

"You know we've mentioned it before but never really got into it that much."

I reached over the tub a little and grabbed my jeans.

"I'm doing this so backwards bro." I laughed pulling out the box

She was staring at me the whole time. I opened the box showing the ring.

Her eyes watered "Morgan."

"Mary me. We both want to, we eventually will but I don't want to wait and I know you don't want to either. We're building a family together that I love and wouldn't trade for anything. I can't see myself loving another woman as much as I love you. And for that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with everything in me so with that being said... will you marry me?"

Jordyn was bawling in tears

I reached up and kissed her cheek.

"I think I just added two times more emotional to your pregnancy." I said

She chuckled wiping her tears "Yes Morgan. I'll marry you babe."

I smiled and took the ring and placed on her finger.

"You picked this out?"

I shook my head "Custom made mama."

"You and Brandon call me mama everyday now."

I laughed while she placed her hand on my face. She locked her lips onto mine. We kissed slowly moaning in each other's mouths. I let her win and pulled back.

Jordyn pecked my lips a few times

"Let's plan a little bit." I said changing the subject back to the wedding

Before we start fucking

"Right Now?"

"Mhm." I nodded

Jordyn slowly moved over on my side of the tub and moved in between my legs.

I kissed her neck before sucking on it

She moaned "Morgan... planning."

"You're right, my bad."

She nodded "That little month away got you frustrated huh?"

"Be quiet." I sucked my teeth

She snickered

"So I was thinking we could have the wedding when you're about seven months. I want to enjoy our wedding but also celebrate you carrying our baby."

"Would it be too much if we find out the gender there too?"

"I like that idea. I mean it's going to be a girl but we could do that."

She rolled her eyes "Shut up."

"You know you think it's a girl too."

"I do but it might be a boy so I'll keep hush about it."

I chuckled "Where do you want the wedding to be?"

"Let's say our answers together."

"Okay countdown."

She had countdown from three.

"A beach." We both said

"Where?" I raised an eyebrow

"San Francisco." We both said

I laughed

"Sorry babe I've been obsessed every since you took me."

"As you should." I smirked

"I want it to be small. Just your family and mine and our close friends. Not our friends other friends."

I chuckled "I get what you're saying. I agree."

"What time?"

"I was thinking later on in the day when the sunset shows really pretty."

She nodded "Yeah me too. The pictures would be so cute. Did you see and view the planner I sent you?"

"Mhm, I spoke with her. We have a meeting tomorrow."

"Okay thanks. I would've did it but I've been so tired."

"It's okay as long as you don't fall asleep for our wedding."

Jordyn laughed and playfully rolled her eyes "Shut up. I won't."

"Alright." I moved my arms around her belly

Her hair was tied up in a bun. I kissed softly on her neck making her let out a moan. I then sat back and closed my eyes, just enjoying each other's company.


"Hmm?" I hummed caressing her lower back

She moved her body up a little out of my hold before slowly sitting down on me and her entrance met my tip.

I groaned at how tight and warm she was.

"Shit." I mumbled, "You sure about this?"

I know we could have sex while she's pregnant but i wanted to make sure she wanted to.

She nod her head "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby." I said as my jaw clenched in

She peeped it before slowly moving her hips. I placed my hands on them and leaned my head back.


"Mmm." She moaned placing her hand on my chest

I grabbed her breast gently and kissed them making her run her fingers through my hair. Soon she sped her movements up. The hot-warm water splashing in between us. Her ass bouncing on me and against my thighs.

I let out a moan making her lock eyes with me.

"Ahh shit, Jordyn." I said knowing I was getting ready to let it go any moment now

I guess she knew too

"Mmmm s-shit hold it babe." She said bouncing more

I bit my lip watching her do her thing "Damn."

Fuck this

I grabbed her ass and stroked her upward making her feel me more.



"W-wait Morgan. I-I can't." She gripped my shoulders

"Mhm yes you can. I got you." I grunted pushing her legs to go around me

When they did I picked her up out of the bathtub neither of us not caring about water dripping off of our bodies onto the floor.

I walked over to the shower with me still inside her. One of hands moved from around her to turn the water on. When it did I moved her against the wall and went in deep. Deeper strokes.

She gasped and scratched at my back

"Fuck I'm cumming baby."

"I know... hold it." I said

"I can't." She whined

"Stop saying that... yes you can." I mumbled

She moaned looking down

"Look at me."

She brought her eyes to mine before I connected our lips together. Tugging on her lip as we pulled back.

I grunted "Shit."

She attacked my back with her nails more and more. Soon I felt her legs shake against me and she bite my shoulder.

My nails went into her ass when she did.

She hissed before moaning loudly and climaxed on me. I did a few more strokes before I released in her.

We both breathing hard holding onto each other. We both stayed there for about two minutes before she slowly moved her legs from around me. I slowly helped her gain balance to get her feet onto the shower floors.

Jordyn looked up at me

"So shower?" I asked

She laughed and nodded

I chuckled as she just stood there. I raised an eyebrow at her behavior but immediately got what she wanted to do.

"Right now or after?"

"Right now." She said

I sat the body wash down and opened my arms. She softly smiled and walked into them.

I playfully shook my head at her baby cuddling ass. No matter where we have sex, cuddling is mandatory for her afterwards.

At first I thought it was childish for us but I actually love it now.

"You know I be laughing sometimes but I actually like this cuddling shit after sex." I said

"Yeah I know. You have soft skin so that's why I like it too."

I chuckled "Thanks love."

I looked down seeing her blushing.

The hot-warm water running on us. She soon pulled back and started to bathe while I did the same.

Once I was done bathing myself I helped her wash her hair.

"I'm going to cut it."

"Yeah that's going to be cute." I said but my voice came out so wrong

She snickered "You gave barbershop the movie just now."

"Shut up." I laughed

I helped rinsed it out. When we were done I turned the water off, grabbed towels for us both.

I wrapped the towel around me and walked into Jordyn's bedroom. I went into my bag to grab some under clothes. I changed into some briefs and a sports bra. I moved over to the bed and laid down.

Jordyn was in her walk in closet. I decided to order some take out and I was ready to eat but she wanted to take all day to change and do her hair.

"Babe you know we laying down right?"

"Yes I know. I'm trying to find some sweats. You know I was braiding my hair."

"You're just going to kick them sweats off anyways." I chuckled

"Whatever." She came out of the closet with baggy sweats on and a spaghetti strap shirt that has her belly popping out of

"Come on." I pat beside me, "Come lay with me big pregnant mama."

"I feel big too. I don't know how you picked me up earlier." She said getting in the bed

"You're not heavy to me. Heaviest thing on you is your ass." I shrugged

She slapped my arm "Stop."

"I'm serious. Hands be slipping every time I grip."

She laughed "Morgan stop playing so much."

I laughed with her and opened my plate of food. She did the same.

"I have to talk to you about something else." Jordyn said eating her food


"You know I care about Mia, I love her."

My heart melted


"I just wanted to know how you felt about her calling me mom?"

"She called you mom already?"

"No but some times there are moments where it almost slips out and she quickly says my name instead."

I nodded my head "Well honestly I don't mind her calling you mom because you've been that figure in her life and became someone she built a strong relationship with in the matter of a few months. I knew eventually she would start or might ask about that but I didn't want to force you."

Jordyn nodded "I understand. I want to be her mom figure. She became my daughter overtime. I love her like she's my own Morgan."

I smiled before Jordyn move her face closer to mines to give me a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"There's another thing I want to talk to you about."

" I'm listening."


"Aht aht. No."


"No, I'm not telling you nothing."


"It's a surprise." I smirked

"Is it somewhere I've been or wanted to go?"

I shrugged ignoring her "Pass me my drink."

"Tell me where first."

I raised a eyebrow "Stop playing and pass it. Petty self."

"What drink?" She shrugged looking at the tv

I nodded and got out of the bed. I walked over by her side and got my drink off of her little glass stand.

I felt her eyes on me watching my every move. I took a sip and sat back down next to her in bed. Just then my phone rung.

It was Kevin but I decided to play a little game.

I answered "Yo."

"What's up. Where you at?"

"At the crib, laying down."

"This early? You must be with Jordyn."

"Yeah I'm with her but I'm trynna hit the club up tonight." I said my voice kinda giving him the hint

"Real talk. You back in town so you know the baddest chicks about to be outside."

He was picking up on my joke. My Nigga.

"I'm already knowing. Females and drinks is what I need right now." I said

Jordyn turned her head towards me but turned it back around.

"Same bro. Look get dressed and I'll come scoop you up."

"Nah I'm about to leave and go to my crib. I don't want to be over here when we come back from the club."

"Let me find out you trynna bring someone home."

"I am trynna bring someone. I was gone for almost a month. Frustrated and I need some." I said moving my legs a little to be petty

He chuckled "Alright I got you. Ima call you back."

"Alright." I said before hanging up

I got out of bed and walked out to my bag. I grabbed some jeans. I didn't even get a chance to put them on when I seen Jordyn sped walk past me out of the room.

I chuckled lowly and sat the jeans down.

I walked out and to the guest room down the hall. I tried to open the door but she had it locked.

"Jordyn, open this door. What you mad for?"

"Leave me alone, Morgan. You're so fucking wrong like seriously."

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything."

"You're really about to leave me in this condo by myself and go out to be in other females faces. I am pregnant and you just came back after almost a month. You're wrong." I heard her voice crack

I sighed "Baby open the door."

"No, just go and leave and fuck them chicks at the club since you're so frustrated. As if we didn't just have good sex like an hour ago. You're sad as fuck. Leave me alone."

"Come on for real J, open the door."

I heard her sniffing but didn't move. I bent down to sit on the floor and moved my back against the door.

"Whenever you ready to open the door and let me explain. I'm right here."

Eventually me waiting had to be long because I ended up falling asleep. When I almost fell back, I realized she opened the door.

I stood up and walked in seeing Jordyn standing not too far.

I walked by her

"It was a joke, Jordyn. It was Kevin on the phone and he started to joke with me. I was never going to the club or leave you in here late by yourself."

"Why would you joke like that?"

"You act like you wasn't bring your petty self before I even got on the phone."

She rolled her eyes and sniffed

Tears started falling down by face. I wiped them.

"You took it too far especially knowing how emotional I am now."

I snickered

She began to walk away but I held her by her waist

"Alright I'm sorry babe."

She sighed "I just want to cuddle and eat ice cream."

I chuckled "Really?"

"Yes, please. And can you get my heated blanket I'm cold." She said and walked out the guest room

I followed her and she quickly turned around. I scrunched my face up in confusion.

She grabbed me down below making me groan.

"Keep playing with me and your going to see what I do." She let go walked down the hall to her bedroom

"This pregnancy got you wanting to be in control so bad." I yelled so she can hear me

"You love it though now go get my ice cream." She yelled back

I shook my head and went to the kitchen. I grabbed her ice cream and two spoons.

I grabbed her heated blanket off of the couch and went back to the bedroom.

I handed her the ice cream and spoon before getting into the bed.

I grabbed my spoon and ate a little out of the big container. Knowing her she will eat most of it.

I looked up at her watching the tv.

She looked back at me "What?"

"Nothing. Just admiring."

She blushed and laid her head on my shoulder. Before I know it we both were knocked out.


Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on their wedding planning?

Thoughts on Jordyn's pregnancy?

Comment and let know.

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Avery Mikes is a intersex male and he is famous Singer.He thought he found love but not the love that he wanted