Much Like Stardust

By I_Am_Feeling_Sassy

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Vincent Martin has unfortunate timing. He needs to save museum exhibits more than once. Vincent has no other... More

Part One: Take Two; Night Life
I. Night One: Night Guards With Flashlights
II. Night Two: Book Thesis and Birthday Cake
IV. Short Memorable Times
Part Two: A Deeper Meaning for Life
V. Meetings and Coffee Breaks
VI. Golden Chair; The Smaller, The Better
VII. I Just Found me a Brand new box of Matches
VIII. An Undertaker's Professional Night Time Getaway
IX. Late Mournings; Keep in Mind

III. Night Three: Wax Candles

394 11 0
By I_Am_Feeling_Sassy

Vincent sits atop the rock like the other night before him. He has nothing in particular to do for the night. Seeing as he's just waiting for the sun to set, he puts some music on and waits.

He nods his head sideways, bopping to the music, before he feels an odd compulsion to take his headphones off. He does so and he looks down to yawns. He hears quiet footsteps coming toward him. It must be Larry and his kid that he, for some reason, brought to work. He looks up and notices three silhouettes.

What was going on?

The shadows appear to be the three old men, or rather, the three fired old men, "You're not supposed to be here," Vincent watches two of them walk around him and toward the tablet, "Hey. Woah. You can't take that."

He goes to get off the sarcophagus, but is helped by Gus. He's shoved to the ground, thanks to being cross-legged, and groans with a hand to his head. He sits up and his head is slammed into the stone holding up the pharaoh's coffin. He curses.

Vincent is pushed to the ground and kicked in his side. He curls up; he never was much of a fighter. His head is slammed into the floor, and he goes unconscious.

The first thing Vincent hears when he wakes up is screaming. It doesn't help that he has a raging headache on the incline. He sits up and chokes out a breath. There's banging from the sarcophagus, and clearly, Ahkmenrah isn't happy; then again, when is he.

"Nice to see you too, Ahkmenrah," Vincent strains, he slowly climbs his way up, using the stone to lift himself up and steady his balance.

Metallic fills Vincent's mouth, he spits onto the ground. It comes out red. He wipes his mouth with his hands, trailing a still red liquid. He cleans his hands off on his pants and sees two figures coming at him.

Larry and his son enter the room with haste, the Anubis statues guarding it aren't happy. Larry nods over Vincent and the two of them push the stone off of the sarcophagus. Both of them reach down and pull a metal notch from the side of its home and the top of the sarcophagus is pushed off. It hits the wall and a mummy rises from within.

"Holy shit," Vincent mumbles, he steps back from the sight.

"Hey. Hi. How are you doing? Sorry to bother you, but- uh- your guys there? Your jackal guys?" Larry points at the Anubis statues that were crouching in front of the corridor, "Do you think you could actually ask them to back off, please?" Larry speeds up in nervousness, "'Cause we're not trying to hurt you, and I think they think we are. Think you could possibly do it, like, now?"

The pharaoh tells the guards something in another language and they stop their attack. Ahkmenrah steps out of his sarcophagus and begins taking off his face wrapping.

Nicky holds onto Larry, frightened. The wrapping comes off and the pharaoh coughs out sand and dust into Larry's face.

"You would not believe how stuffy it is in there," the pharaoh says, he has a British accent.

"How can you speak English?" Nicky says, the pharaoh isn't some scary, decomposing flesh mound, he's a handsome, gorgeous, man.

"I went to Cambridge University," he starts walking around

"You went to Cambridge?" Larry asks.

"I was on display in the Egyptology Department," he glances at Vincent before turning around to look at Larry, "I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, ruler of the land of my fathers."

"Uh, I am, uh, Larry," he pauses, "Son of Milton, and this is my son, Nick. And we hail from Brooklyn," Larry expands, "Well, I do. I mean, he comes out and stays with me on Wednesdays and every other weekend. That was the- uh- custody agreement that we had."

Vincent turns around, his hand blocks his peripherals from seeing the pharaoh.

Holy shit. That man is very attractive- nope, that's an understatement. Vincent wishes he was more into girls, and, sure, the attraction would fade away at some point, but, damn, Ahkmenrah is looking good for a dead guy.

"And you?" Vincent looks over at the pharaoh, he appears to be addressing Vincent.

"Oh, uh," he swallows and looks down for a few seconds, "Vincent."

"And where do you hail from?"

"Well, Manchester, but I live around here," Vincent nods to himself, agreeing with what he was saying.

Ahkmenrah's face contorts in confusion for a second, his head tilts, "Why is it that you have blood on your face?"

"Oh," Vincent forgot about that, "I got the shit kicked out of me by some old bastards." Larry gives him a look, "Sorry; kids. I got the poopy kicked out of me by some old bastards."

Larry sighs and shakes his head. His son, Nicky, laughs, "Well then. Vincent: guardian of Manchester. Larry, Nicky: guardians of Brooklyn; I am forever in your debt. Now bestow the tablet upon me so that I may assume command of my kingdom."

"Oh, yes," they were finally getting to the point, "Okay, the tablet. I would love to bestow it upon you, but we don't actually have it."

One of the Anubis statues throws a large rectangular rock at the gate keeping them in, making it cave in on itself and hit the wall on the other side. Larry thanks the guards as the rest of them run.

"Huns," Larry says lowly. Vincent looks toward Attila and his gang. They were going to be trouble.

They run at the Huns and meet halfway between the staircases. Larry and Attila scream in each other's faces. Vincent and Nicky look at each other before continuing to watch the surprisingly heartfelt moment between the two.

Larry gathers groups of people to find the old men. The civil war men go to the Planetarium Wing. Columbus takes the Neanderthals to sweep from the Invertebrates Exhibit to the Reptiles Exhibit. Jed and Octavius take care of the old men's van.

There is discourse-- no shit-- within a few groups. Most notably Jed and Octavius, but with a seemingly practiced "we're in this together" speech, Larry gets everyone pumped to help save their museum.

Vincent still has nothing better to do, so, with a whole night of nothing ahead, he decides to help fight some old men. What's the worst that could happen? He's already bleeding, nothing else could really go wrong.

They had broken Sacagawea from her glass exhibit (Vincent was surprised no one got cut from the excessive amount of glass on the floor) and brought her outside to track the van.

"He went east but lost control and crashed," she stands up and looks at Larry.

"You're amazing," Larry gushes, "How can you tell that?"

Sacagawea points behind Larry. Everyone turns and notices the crashed van, "He left the wagon, and went back."

"He went back?" Vincent asks.

"Why would he go back?" Larry mumbles.

Whines of horses make the two turn and notice a carriage appear. Cecil really knows how to make an entrance. He heads straight towards the opening of the alley, not stopping for Sacagawea, who was still in its path.

Theodore Roosevelt pushes her to the snow. The carriage carries on past her.

Roosevelt lays in the snow, cut in half horizontally (or hotdog style).

A tiny energy powered truck flies from the open security door and over a small mound of snow, a bone tied to a sting trailed behind it. Jed and Octavius were in the front seats. They had made it. Rexy exits the building with their loud, boney stomps.

"Teddy," Larry looks down at the top half of Roosevelt, "I need a horse."

"Do it, man," the top half of Roosevelt moves just the slightest.

Vincent gets the clue, "Hell yeah," he whispers. Ahkmenrah looks at him with slight confusion, "This is going to be a lot of fun."

They run on a parallel road to Cecil, Rexy chases after Jed, Octavius, and the bone. Larry rides Texas just behind Cecil, and he's hot on Cecil's tail. They would get that damn tablet back.

A turn appears ahead, Jed and Octavius take the opportunity and make a half doughnut and drive toward Cecil. Rexy runs after them. They would crash into Cecil; a real suicide mission it seems.

In no time, Jed and Octavius drive under Cecil, turning their car and drifting into a snowbank to avoid Larry. They crash the car with a small explosion. Rexy stops where their morbid sight lay.

"Oh, shit," Vincent whispers, he looks at Nicky, who looks right back at him with big, innocent child eyes, "Don't tell your Dad."

Larry stops for a second, looking at the snowbank Jed and Octavius had crashed into. He continues following the carriage. They were neck and neck. The road becomes small as they ride far away from Vincent and the others.

The Huns follow Ahkmenrah, Nicky, and Vincent, as they walk toward an unscathed Larry. Luckily, Larry holds the tablet and a rather frail looking Cecil. The Huns take Cecil back to the museum with Larry's "permission" to only rip him apart just a little.

The sun was going to shine through the trees soon, and it's time to head back to the museum. They were far from it, and a lot of the exhibits had wandered away from the group, they needed a way to get everyone back in time.

Ahkmenrah reads his tablet and it glows. All of the exhibits, including Ahkmenrah, begin walking back to the museum. Nicky, Larry, and Vincent follow just behind the entranced exhibits.

Vincent separates from the group and stalks after the handsome pharaoh. He just finished wrapping his body when Vincent enters, and was just about to lay in his small box.

He notices the odd boy, "So now that you can leave your sarcophagus, what are you planning on doing?"

Ahkmenrah shrugs, "I suppose we can still talk."

"I suppose we can," Vincent nods with a gentle smile.

Ahkmenrah sinks into his unconventional bed and slides the top on. The only problem is the stone. On his way to gather Larry for help, as his feeble arms weren't enough, he spots two miniature men scuttling around the floor.

"Jed, Octavius," he crouches down toward the two smaller men, "Need some help?"

"Don't manhandle me," Jed threatens, Vincent shakes his head and lifts the two up.

"I thought you guys wiped out?" Vincent brings them close to his face.

"We did," Octavius looks at Jed, "but we made it back."

"That's good," Vincent sets the two in their separate, smaller exhibits and begins walking off.

"Thank you, Gigantor," Jed nods at Vincent.

"Any time, big guy."

Larry is in McPhee's office, most likely getting fired because of the mess three spry old men had caused. Vincent waits for the two to leave McPhee's office and notice what their late night endeavors had done for the place.

McPhee certainly isn't pissed once he sees the crowd gathering in his museum.

Vincent tries to sneak past the two for a silent escape, but McPhee easily spots him. "Oh, no, you're not getting off scot-free, Mister," Vincent turns around and plasters a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" his voice goes up an octave.

"Don't play dumb," McPhee crosses his arms, "Why are you still here?"

"Right," Vincent looks around, "Well, there's business, and no one can say no to that. I was also here helping Larry," he mumbles the last part.

"With the stunts he pulled last night?" Vincent nods begrudgingly and looks at Larry. Larry shrugs, "Next time I find out you stayed past twelve, you're done. No more- no more peace and quiet for you, sir."

McPhee storms off. Larry shuffles toward the younger man, "So I'm your scapegoat?"

"Shut up," Vincent laughs, "What else was I supposed to say? 'Just came to see what the fuss was about! Don't mind me!'"

"Just be gone by twelve," Larry pats his shoulder, "I don't want to get in trouble for your defiant behavior."

"Of course, of course. Wouldn't want to get the innocent Mr. Larry in trouble. He's done nothing wrong!" Nicky, who just appears out of thin air, laughs. "In all seriousness; let's groove tonight," Vincent grins and sends finger guns at Larry. He doesn't react. The grin and finger guns go limp, "Ba dee ya, we can dance in September?" there is still no reaction, "Wow. Alright Mr. Seriousness."

That night, they did, in fact, dance to "September" by Earth, Wind, and Fire.



Word Count: 2122

Notes: Why is it that in every early 2000's movie, at the end, there was a dance party.

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