part of the family..

By Skelly167

63.7K 1.7K 551

this is about how you the reader is apart of the sbi family dynamic. After your birth your mother got sick an... More

1. the very beginning
2. Blame
3. invisible
4. new brother
5. Take a look at my girlfriend!
6. Fundy?
7. first birthday
8. Sick
9. gone
10. brink of death.
11. tides of change
12. Sally?
13. X-Mas
14. Fundy's dream
15. Birthday preparations
16. your party
17. a small realisation
18. that song..
19. Village
21. Why?
22. Wilbur
all a dream
23. A brother
24. Hunting
25. a tiny bit of whats too come
26, the truth
27. A break

20. first impressions

2K 56 17
By Skelly167

I rewrote this 4 times:) also should I get rid of the ages recap I put in the beginning of each chapter? I use it for myself so I know where we're at but I just wanted to know enjoy♡♡♡♡

Techno Wilbur, 19
Y/n, 14
Tommy Tubbo, 12
Funnel/Fundy?, 3 (15-16)

Y/n was busy.. well.. making themselves busy. Sure their family is coming over and I get why their worried about it but still this is definitely overboard.
Tubbo didn't really understand why, I mean what's the point of cleaning the whole house? I mean it's just their family coming over? What's so bad about portraits being slightly off centre or the top shelf that's just a little bit dusty I mean.. are they really that judgmental?
Then again both Foolish and Dr Taylor did warn him.

Y/n wasn't cleaning the house to make a good impression or because you thought your family would be judgmental-no. You were distracting yourself. Distracting yourself from the looming death that was facing your psychological problems.
You never reached out for help, being the quiet person you were. Not when you got beaten in the alley not when your whole family ignored you either.
Why should you suddenly reach out now?
That was your mentality.

A family that had abandoned you. A family that left you for dead. A family that had forgotten you, was coming over TO VISIT. Not to see if you were still breathing. Not to come back greifing no.
TO VISIT Someone they have lost all contact with for over a year and act as if nothing happened.

And to be honest, you didn't know how to feel. All you knew is that you didn't want to feel.
You didn't want to feel anything.
Not Angry. Not happy. Not relieved. Not sad. Nothing.

You wanted it all to just disappear. Go back to your limbo and stay there. With mother. Another person who left you.. but at least she had a reason. And she came clean about it.

These thoughts made your head spin. Every little thing you were concerned about. You didn't even know if they still cared or if Funnel forced them all to come. You wouldn't be surprised if she did do that.

''Y/n, mabe you should get some sleep.'' Foolish spoke softly gently taking the broom out of your hands and leaning it agenst the wall.

''Huh? Oh, wait! No no, it's fine! I still have to-''

''Y/n, your panicking and stressing. It's not good for you. At least sit down.'' Foolish said now slowly guiding you towards the couch but before he could sit you down you refused.

''No! I-I still have to do stuff.. um.. let me just finish first'' You said abruptly before disappearing upstairs to who knows where.
Foolish looked towards the crow who was on the coffee table eating out of an apple without a care in the world. Foolish believes there is absolutely zero thoughts behind those bird eyes.

Foolish sighed needing to think of a different plan to get you to rest. He can't stand watching you like this. You seem so far away even though you right there. It hurts to see.

''Hey Tubbo?''

''Yeah boss man?''

''Mabe we should get Mr Joy.. he can talk some sence into them.'' Foolish said turning to Tubbo who was sitting cross legged on the couch.

''I can stay here, watch them, make sure my older sister is alright.'' Tubbo claimed in an extremely serious tone.

''Okay.. but, what's with the serious tone? And.. did you just call me boss man?''

''Shh. Don't question it.''

''.. okay..? Anyway-I'll go get him now.'' Foolish claimed walking over to the door.

Knock knock knock*

Oh fuck.

''Umm mabe I-its just the uh.. doctor..'' Foolish laughed to himself turning to Tubbo for help.

Turning towards the stairs Y/n was already there.

''Who's at the door?'' They asked clearly a little panicked but trying to keep calm.

''Uhh nobody!'' Foolish smiled while Tubbo stood beside Foolish blocking the door.

Knock knock knock*



''Move.'' Y/n spoke coldly walking towards the door trying to get past the two boys.

''No-no, we got it! We-Ah!''

Y/n used her wings to push the two aside, not enough force to make them fall over but with enough force to just get them out of their way.

They went to open the door.. they hesitated. They weren't sure why. Mabe it was because apart if them knew who it was and that part of them didn't want to see their family.. not yet anyway.
But, they opened the door regardless. Huge midnight wings tucked in tightly behind them as they did.

And there they were.
Their two older brothers standing tall beside their father, while Tommy and Funnel were jumping up and down behind them trying to see what was happening.

''Y/n..?'' Phil was first to speak. His voice sounded so far and you just froze in place. Like a deer in headlights. Not scared not worried but not happy or content either. Just nothing.

Funnel managed to push past her Uncle and father and there you were. She couldn't be happier. She jumped up into you, sending you backwards down to the floor earning a death glare from Tubbo and a concerned look from everyone else.

''Funnel!''  ''Hey!'' Tubbo and Wilbur both yelled at the same time. 

Funnel clung onto you, your emotions completely shut down, like you were a blank slate. Nothing was there.

Wilbur came inside and managed to ply Funnel off you while Tubbo and Foolish went to help you up.
You felt dizzy. Confused. Not knowing what your feeling or what you should be feeling.

''N/n are you alright?'' Tubbo asked giving Foolish concerned glances. But Foolish was busy ensuring you were okay rather than paying attention to Tubbo.

Everyone was staring
Everyone was there.
Nobody spoke.
All they were doing was just giving concerned glances towards you who was trying to keep balanced on their own two feet by clinging onto Foolish and Tubbo.
You just stared at them.
A deer in headlights.
Until you finnaly decided to avoid their gaze and look down at the floor.

''Um.. w-why don't you come inside?'' You offered a forced smile on your face while you tried to be hospitable. Your wings pressed agenst your back in an uncomfortable way but you didn't notice.

''Y/n.'' Foolish warned. You turned to him, he was shaking his head as a no and staring at you. You ignored him and stood up straight before forcing another smile.

Funnels tail was wagging to no end. She was so happy not even her father could contain her excitement.
Sadly, her excitement stopped for a bit when she noticed the small brunette stare at her. It was like he was telling her to leave or showing that he didn't want her or any of them there.

Wilbur put Funnel down on the ground but didn't let go of her hand. Techno seemed so sure you were gone. So did the crow.. how are you still alive.

Tommy seen his crow and ran into the living room picking it up and letting it sit on his shoulder. Proud of the fact his bird managed to get here.

You closed the door behind them. Phil was looking around his home, all the furniture was different. The carpet was different and there was more items on display on the shelves.

Tubbo and Foolish sat down on the couch. They were both trying to think of a way to at least try and calm you down. They both watched as everyone in your family walked past you. Not even a glance to see your okay, or a hello. Nothing. Even Tubbo noticed it. They were more focused on the house.

Then Funnel walked over to you. Her tail was wagging behind her and she had a white bag in her hand. She looked your age. And thinking of it, your pretty sure she is... maybe older.

''Your older than me now.'' You commented trying your best to smile at your neice.

Her tail wagged more at the fact you remembered her. As if you could forget. She held out the bag towards you. A smile present on her face.
You took the bag and opened it. Inside was a pair of ruby hangdown earrings with silver peices surrounding each Ruby.

You smiled, it wasn't forced it was a soft one. One that ment something.
''Thank you Funnel.''

She jumped up and hugged you again. She was tall now, not as tall as you but still tall. Especially for a 3 year old. When she hugged you, you no longer had to bend down, when she talked to you she wasn't like a child anymore. She was all grown up.
Without you.

It didn't mean you weren't gonna baby her though.

''Who's my favourite neice!'' You grinned pinching her cheeks and patting her head gently.

She pouted and stomped her foot.
''Aunty N/n, I'm not a baby anymore. Please stop.''
Although she asked you to stop, her tail said said otherwise. It was swishing happily behind her and her fox ears perked up a little.

You hugged her instead. Your head rested comfortably on her shoulder. You didn't even need to bend down..

It made you sad to think about. You missed so much. You missed birthdays, events, celebrations everything.
All for a pair of wings on your back that you didn't even want.

''I missed you..'' You said sadly. Funnel smiled probably more than she should of at that time but she smiled anyway.

''Can we go into the forest? Please!'' She asked bubbling from excitement. That's when Foolish and Tubbo stepped in before things got out of hand.

''Y/n needs sleep. You've been up all night and all morning.'' Foolish claimed walking over to you.

''Yeah! I can see the bags under your eyes from here.'' Tubbo said a little more upbeat than Foolish. Tubbo didn't trust or know your family like Foolish did. He didn't know names or personalities or anything about them. It made him uncomfortable.
It made him more uncomfortable to see these strangers just enter your home, his home, and act as if it was their own and not even a hello their way.
Do they have any manners?

''R-Right.. '' Foolish took your hand and dragged you upstairs. Tubbo was staring at him realising what he had done and cursed at him.

''Oh Foolish you bitch.'' Tubbo muttered turning back to see the looming death that was your family. And he forced a smile.

''Hello!'' A blonde spoke confidently walking over to Tubbo.

''Um.. your Tommy? Right?'' Tubbo asked now realising if he was wrong it would be very embarrassing.

''Yes! Wait-how did you know?'' He asked now a little skeptical. His bird was no longer on his shoulder and instead on Phils.

''Y/n talks about you sometimes.'' Tubbo said relieved that it was the right name.

''And other times?''

''Um, different things.. like, when I wanted to start school or what I wanted for my birthday.'' Tubbo said now getting nervous from the constant questions Tommy was throwing at him.

''Tommy give him some space.'' Wilbur said sitting down on the couch.

''Careful, I threw up on the couch yesterday.''

Wilbur immediately stood up, looking behind him at a clean couch.
Tommy just laughed.

''What? I did, Y/n had to clean it up, and Foolish was sick too. That's why they've been up all night.'' Tubbo spoke quietly. Only now realising how weird it is to tell complete strangers that you puked on the couch.
So instead he tryed to be hospitable.

''Um.. would you like a drink?''

Good save Tubbo.

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