The blood I spill for you

By taiga_lily143

675 16 18

This is a story about a young British man George, moving to Florida and meets a very odd-no crazy man that la... More

Chapter1(Hello new school)
Chapter 2:together in the mall
Chapter 3 (The party)
Chapter 5 (the unknown guest)
Chapter 6 (the plan)
Chatper 7 (the plan in action)
Chapter 8 (plan in action part 2)
Chapter 9 (the torture)
Chapter 10 (the rescue misson)
Chapter 11 (goodbye freedom)
Chapter 12 (hello new house)
Chapter 13 (sapnap?)
Chapter 14 (sweet revenge)
Chapter 15 (final good bye)

Chapter 4 (the after party)

40 1 1
By taiga_lily143

Third person pov

After the party sapnap left with quakity and Karl while george took care of dreams bruised lip with dream still spreading more lies about sapnap saying he was jealous of him and george that he wanted him to leave goerge alone but dream supposedly saying "no" which made sapnap "mad" and punched dream.while goerge was listening to dreams story,he was pissed and hurt that sapnap was mad because just because he was friends with dream,after the party died down goerge walked dream home to make sure he was gonna be ok and went to go back his house in a hurry still worried someone was gonna follow him.

Back with sapnap

When quakity and Karl took sapnap home,sapnap tried to explain to them but they didn't seem to believe cause they thought his was drunk and tried to make him go to sleep "guys pls you gotta believe me,i'm telling the truth i promise!" Sapnap desperately trying to tell they but it didn't seem to work " we...believe you pls go to sleep you definitely had drank a lot tonight" quakity hesitated but reassured him "yeah we'll stay here with you,so you don't need to worry about anything.I'm sure george will be ok" Karl tried to reassure him as well which kinda work help the restless sapnap lie down and slowly fall asleep with quakity and Karl next to him with their warmth in arms reach.

While sapnap sleeps.Quakity and Karl started talking about the event that just acquired,"do you think dream actually has photos of george? That just seem weird and sapnap has never acted out like this before." Karl asked quakity concern for their friend and crush but they never had the guts to tell him. " I don't know to be might be true lets just keep an eye on both dream and sapnap.." he assured Karl with a gentle smile "its not like we can take our eyes of this sapnap " Karl joked to quakity trying to lighten the mood which earn him a laugh and a gentle punch in the shoulder.

Next week,Monday

Georges pov

During the weekend sapnap tried messaging me and calling multiple times but i just ignored him after what he did.but during the weekend the weird stalker that kept following me around never stopped and its really terrifying me even more and it caused my sleep schedule to be completely messed up,i never told my parents cause im scared they wont believe me and say its probably just some homeless guy that will be gone in a few im on my way to school probably gonna ignore him and just keep on talking to dream and his friends for the whole day.

"George!" I heard a familiar voice and saw a guy with raven hair and worried written all over him running towards me but i just ignored him and kept walking "george pls you gotta believe me! I'm telling the truth." Sapnap said while trying to catch his breath from running
" believe you? You punched dream in the face and lied about him having pictures of me,just because your jealous im friends with dream!" I argued back at him but i try to keep my calm cause i didn't want to get detention "why did he show you that he didn't have pictures of you in his locker?" Sapnap fought back which made me froze cause it was a NO, "w...well do you have proof that he those?" I uno reversed him with his respond "no but i will find a way to show that his not who he said he is." Sapnap looked determined to prove his point but before i could respond he left without saying another word. I just sighed and went to my next class.

Going into my next class i saw dream and sat next to him with a smile "hey dream i just saw sapnap earlier" i told him and he looked upset "do you think he'll beat me up again?" I shook my head "no i wont let him." I reassured him and he smile "I don't think you should be friends with him anymore he seems dangerous." He whispered in my ear " why?" I ask cause I was a bit confuse on why one punch can make someone so dangerous " well before you came to this school.he was known for being a delinquent and would beat up people and bully others " Dream told me which left me with my jaw flying open cause i never knew how awful sapnap was.

"Wow i never knew sapnap was that dangerous.i mean i knew he look tough but i never knew he actually hurt people,he was seemed really nice when I first met him.." i started to get really upset knowing all this information "he was probably just faking everything.he can be a real snake sometimes but don't tell anyone i told you,so i think its better you just be friends with me." He smiled and put his hands on my shoulder for comfort which made me blush a little "plus i am way more funnier and more handsome than him " he jokingly added which to i just roll my eye and laugh " sure whatever floats your boat " i told him sarcastically and we continue to joke with each other but little did we know someone behind us was listening to our conversation ready to tell sapnap everything dream said.

Word count:925

Authors note: I may not be able to post for the next few days cause i will be going places with my family and relatives but i will try and post something soon! Have a nice day,make sure to eat ad drink lot of water!<333

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