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By Xvriniti

5.1K 276 21

Anahstacia Vaneraries, her life is nothing but complicated. But everything is soon to change once she meets t... More



145 12 0
By Xvriniti

Anah strode into the darkroom soon catching the attention of Severus Snape.

The room was dim. Since it was shared, Severus allowed Anah to make a 'few' adjustments to the room.

She silently walked over to the dress robe that was settled on the corner. She started to undress. After all, she did duel today.

"What did Dumbledore want from you?.."

Severus asked breaking the silence.

She didn't turn to look at him.

"Oh, nothing. He just wanted to introduce me to someone.."

She grabbed the clothe she used for her shower soon wrapping them around her bare body.

"Was it.. the girl?.."

Anah turned to Severus who stopped in his tracks.


He gave her a simple look.

"Hm." He resumed back to his grading as Anah walked over to the bathroom that was connected to the room.

Good thing he didn't ask a lot of questions.

Her shower was rather slow. She took her time washing away her pain and regret. It was always difficult recalling that memory. But, Ivory knows the truth. That's all that matters.

Once Anah was done and dressed she entered the room once again. Severus was already in bed. The two exchanged nothing but pure silence. She layed on the right sight of the bed facing the wall. While he laid near the door.

While adjusting in bed his arm wrapped around her waist as he shifted closer to her body. His face rested on the crest of her neck as he held the woman tightly.

"Is there something... you wish.. to tell me?.."

His question was weak. Almost as if.. no. He can't know. Not now at least.

Anah didn't turn her body but merely shifted her head towards him. "Yes, there is.." She mumbled against the forehead that was against her lips.

"I love you, Severus Snape. Now please, let me sleep. Today was.. perplexing..."

His hum vibrated throughout her body.

He only agreed with her. The two eventually slept. At least one of them.


The next day came rather quickly. Since the other two foreign schools arrived, Hogwarts continued with their studies.

Classes have just let out, and Anah had just finished straightening her room. A first-year Gryffindor successfully and accidentally turned another Slytherin student into a cup. As proud as she was, given that it was the child's first time she eventually had to turn the student back.

As she thought over the mere memory that happened not too long ago two figures approached her room.

The door to the classroom creaked open as May and Ivory entered.

"Hi, mom." Ivory greeted with her cheered look. She had on the Hogwarts uniform with her house's badge plastered on her chest.

Ravenclaw. Just like her mother.

"Hello, my sweet. How was your day?"

She walked over to her desk setting the book down that she carried in her hands.

"Extremely over it.."

Her comment made Anah chuckle.

"Already? But it's only day one.."

May pulled a chair up to her sister's desk.

"Hogwarts is much different from Beauxbatons .."

"Mhm.." Ivory chimed in as she leaned onto her aunt.

Anah huffed shrugging her shoulders.

"You'll get used to it lovely. Now, what's your next class?"

Ivory pulled out the paper that had her classes written down.


May turned to look at her sister. Anah hummed to herself pacing around.

"As expected.."

Ivory sat the paper aside now sitting in the nearest seat. She looked over the Professors name multiple times sitting in thought. What would he think of her? Would he like her?

"Mom, could you. tell me about him?.." Ivory questioned again getting Anah's attention.

She looked at her with a simple smile.

"He's.. unique in his way-"

"Unique!" May blurted out as she soon started to laugh.

"Oh, that's a good one..."

Anah rolled her eyes overlooking the younger sister as she then lowered down to Ivory's level.

"Why don't you try and introduce yourself?.. But.. I will give you this mere warning. He's not much of a talker.. and he can be a bit.. harsh. All in all my love, just be yourself. Don't let him or anyone else intimidate you. Alright?"

The prep talk helped Ivory. She nodded her head in agreement. She was going to be herself and nothing more.

"Are you going with her?" Anah questioned May who sat at the desk next to Ivory. Her arms were crossed and she wore a smug on her face.

"Of course I am. Where else would I go?.."

Anah turned her back against her black-headed twin as she walked over to the board that stood in the corner of the large class.

"Why don't you stay here and help me with my last class? They're Fourth years.."

May cocked a brow. She knew what she was doing.

"You don't want me to see Severus.. don't you..?"

"No, I don't. I don't want you causing any drama."

Anah's eye twitched at the comment. Why must she be a smart-aleck?

May smacked her lips as she turned towards her niece. She was working on some of her schoolwork.

"Fine, I'll stay..."

"Good, the only you'll do is sit at the desk and remain quiet-"

"Or I can just interfere with the class and ruin your day?~" May peered causing Ivory to chuckle at her side comment.

"May, please just shut up.."

Not too many minutes later Ivory soon left for potions class while her Aunt and Mother stay behind.

She clenched onto the books that were in her arms. Since classes were switching, Ivory got caught in the mix losing her way down to the dungeons. She had to admit. This school was much bigger than her old one.

The crowd of students intensified causing the poor girl to drop everything that was in her hands. As the other students carried onto their classes, one girl, in particular, stopped to assist her.

"Need any help?" The blonde student asked.

Ivory glanced up at her allowing a small smile to form on her face.

"I don't mind.."

The blonde bent down gathering up Ivory's book quickly handing them to her. She was able to glance at Ivory's name before giving off a soft hum.

"You're a Vaneraries?" she questioned as Ivory shook her head.

"Uh.. yeah... I am.."

The blonde extended her hand out to her.

"I'm Catalina. Catalina Malfoy. But you can call me Cat."

Ivory accepted her hand keeping the smile on her face.

"I'm Ivory Vaneraries.."


Ivory heard of the Malfoys, at least from the thoughts of her Aunt. They were a pureblood family, just like Ivories.

"So.." Cat caught the attention of Ivory.

"Where are you heading to?"

Ivory showed her schedule to the girl who soon took it.

"Potions, Hm? I'm heading there too.."

"Would you like to.. walk with me?" Ivory questioned as Cat shot back a smile.


On the way to potions class, the two pre-teens managed to spark up a conversation. Ivory learned that Cat was also twelve. She was a Slytherin and the complete opposite of her family. She rammed on about her family and mostly how she was the spoiled one.

At this point, the girls were speed walking since the classes were so far away. Once they got down to the dungeons, they slowed their pace as they got closer.

"I've talked the majority of the way. Tell me more about yourself?.."

Ivory clenched onto her books. She had to admit, she was never the type of child to talk about herself. But, they were also getting closer to the Potions class. And Ivory was becoming nervous.

"Well um. I grew up in France.." She mumbled making it hard for Catalina to hear.

Cat noticed Ivory's behavior. It was confusing almost.

"Are you okay?..." She asked. Ivory's head quickly turned to her. "Oh! Me? No! I'm fine, totally fine. I'm just so nervous about this class.."

Cat chuckled at her comment.

"Why? It's just Professor Snape? I mean, I can understand. He is scary.. and mean.. and over the top. But overall, I like him?"

Ivory stopped in her tracts in front of the Potions Classroom door.

"But doesn't he favor Slytherins? I'm a Ravenclaw-"

"Which is almost like a Slytherin.. You'll be fine Ivory. Now come on before we're late!"

Cat walked in first leaving Ivory by herself.

Ivory stood there allowing her anxiety to get the best of her. After all, this is her first time meeting her father.. Who.. doesn't know that she exists. Now that's what she thought about it.. It sounded depressing.

As she fought with herself for a moment she entered the room eventually causing all eyes to fall on her.

"Over here Ivory," Cat called out getting her attention.

She rushed over to the seat that was next to her setting her stuff down in the process.

"Are you sure you're alright? You look like someone just killed your dog or something.."

"I'm fine, promise."

The door to the potions room soon closed causing all eyes to fall on the figure that just entered the room. There he was..

Severus Snape, her father.

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