Post 80's Mother's Daily Rout...

By jhenylle0117

58K 956 64


Chapter 1- 5
Chapter 6- 10
Chapter 11- 15
Chapter 16- 20
Chapter 21- 25
Chapter 26- 30
Chapter 36- 40
Chapter 41- 45
Chapter 46- 50
Chapter 51- 55
Chapter 56- 60
Chapter 61- 65
Chapter 66- 70
Chapter 71- 75
Chapter 76- 80
Chapter 81- 85
Chapter 86- 90
Chapter 91- 95
Chapter 96- 100
Chapter 101- 105
Chapter 106- 110
Chapter 111- 115
Chapter 116- 120
Chapter 121- 125
Chapter 126- 130
Chapter 131- 135
Chapter 136- 140
Chapter 141 end

Chapter 31- 35

2.3K 37 7
By jhenylle0117

Chapter 031

Xu Tao pursed her lips and confessed, "No, my problem was caused by falling into the river in winter when I was a child, and I couldn't even see a doctor." I just came, much later than normal peers, and because of this, I have seen many doctors long ago.

Zhao Weiguo frowned. Hearing that she said she fell into the river, he hugged someone in distress and asked softly, "Did it fall into the river connecting Xujia Village in Fenghuang County to Houshan Village?"

What impressed him most about his hometown, Fenghuang County, was that that river.

When he was a child, before he joined the army, in summer, he often took his younger siblings to play in the river, catching fish and shrimp. The water in that river was very clear and the current was not small.

"Yeah." Xu Tao nodded silently against Zhao Weiguo.

The original owner could not swim, but she was very interested in water. It was also an accident that she fell into the river, but she was almost gone.

"You still go to the river to play in the winter?" Zhao Weiguo still rubbed Xu Tao's abdomen, and continued to talk to Xu Tao to divert her attention.

He found that Xu Tao's attention was almost all on his abdomen, which must be the reason for being particularly uncomfortable.

"I was young and ignorant. When I was young, my hands were frozen and red, but I still went to play with water." Xu Tao pursed her lips, feeling helpless for the original owner's ignorance when she was a child.

This is really a sin when I was a child, and a responsibility when I grow up.

"Let's find time to go to the hospital another day!" Zhao Weiguo replied again.

The pain was so severe that he didn't feel relieved if he didn't see a doctor. In the evening, her face was pale and sweaty, and her face was circling in his mind all the time. At that time, his heart seemed to be pinched with a fist.

Xu Tao sighed, she leaned against Zhao Weiguo's chest, her entire back was in Zhao Weiguo's arms, and after pursing her lips for a moment: "My family actually took me to see the doctor, and the doctor said that there is no way to cure my pain. At most, some medicines can be prescribed for pain relief, but medicines are three-point poisonous, so it is best not to take them, as there will be dependence."

Relying on medicine for pain relief, my aunt has to take medicine every month, which is also very painful.

"Is there no other way?"

"I usually pay attention. It's almost the same." It was just a little tossing when I came to my aunt, but it's usually not a big problem.


"But the doctor said..." Xu Tao was entangled, but she was still going to tell Zhao Weiguo that it was not easy to conceive.

As a husband, Zhao Weiguo has the right to know.

"Huh?" Zhao Weiguo listened patiently.

"The doctor said that I may not be easy to get pregnant." Xu Tao didn't have a headache about this before, and she didn't have many thoughts of having children, but now that she has been with Zhao Linan for a long time, her thoughts have gradually changed. If she could, she actually wanted to have a child. Of course, Xu Tao didn't have the obsession to force it, she just thought about it.

And she can accept that she is infertile, can Zhao Weiguo accept it?

"..." Zhao Weiguo was stunned, and the hand that warmed Xu Tao's abdomen stopped for a second.

When Xu Tao said it, he began to pay attention to Zhao Weiguo. He also felt Zhao Weiguo's pause, and his heart was a little heavy. He still mind!

"Oh, will it affect other aspects?" Zhao Weiguo said after a second pause.

"No, it's just that I probably won't get pregnant, would you mind?" Xu Tao continued to ask Zhao Weiguo.

The implementation of the family planning policy has only just begun. Everyone subconsciously thinks that many children are more blessed. Zhao Linan is indeed very cute, but Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo are married for the second time. Zhao Weiguo is no longer a soldier, and he does not eat the iron rice bowl of the country. According to the regulations In fact, the couple could have a child.

She didn't know if Zhao Weiguo wanted to have another child, or if he wanted to have a child with her.

"I don't mind." Zhao Weiguo said frankly: "I don't really care. I didn't even think about getting married before, but my parents didn't agree. Later, with Xiaonan, it was an explanation to my parents. Can you have a baby? Okay, it's mainly you, do you feel sorry for yourself?" Zhao Weiguo asked Xu Tao's true thoughts.

He already has a son. Of course, if he could have a lovely daughter with Xu Tao, he would be happy, but no, he wouldn't force it.

However, he was a little worried that Xu Tao would be sad, Zhao Linan was not her own.

"Are you sorry? A little bit! But Xiaonan is enough." Xu Tao thought about it.

She regards Zhao Linan as her son, and the little guy sticks to her. Although he is not blood, he was raised by her. Even if he knows that she is not his biological mother, he should not refuse to give her old age.

The little guy is the male protagonist. He should feel how her stepmother treats him, and he must not be ungrateful.

"Well." Zhao Weiguo hugged Xu Tao even tighter.

Xu Tao told Zhao Weiguo about the matter. Although she was a little regretful that her body might not be able to get pregnant, she didn't pay much attention to it. After she finished speaking, she continued to lean on Zhao Weiguo's arms. The man's hand was always on her stomach. stroking.

Pressing it warmly on her stomach, Xu Tao closed her eyes and felt her big palm sliding on her stomach. The pain seemed to be transferred by the man, and she fell asleep unconsciously by leaning on him.

Because her aunt arrived, Xu Tao confidently enjoyed the treatment of a concubine at home for several days. She didn't cook or wash the dishes. She waited for three meals a day, and even her clothes were washed by Zhao Weiguo.

"Well, that, you wash the clothes, I'll do the rest myself." Xu Tao's face was really not that thick.

In the evening, when Zhao Weiguo was washing clothes and rubbing her replaced Xiao Nene in his hand, Xu Tao's brain exploded.

She and Zhao Weiguo are husband and wife, and how intimate things have happened between the two of them, but Zhao Weiguo's big palm is pinching the panties, and he carefully soaped the panties, rubbing them gently, the small A piece of cloth was rubbed back and forth in the man's hands.

The picture is so good that it makes Xu Tao feel ashamed and overwhelmed.

"It's okay, I'll wash it for you. Don't touch the water for the rest of your life." Zhao Weiguo didn't think there was anything wrong with washing girls' panties, and he even had a good time.

Xu Tao's brain was buzzing, her cheeks flushed, and the next moment, when she saw Zhao Weiguo holding her hood, she couldn't help feeling even more ashamed.

Well, there is no need to treat her so well.

"Stop." Xu Tao helplessly tried to stop Zhao Weiguo.

The man Zhao Weiguo was stunned. He took that little black dress and smeared it with soap. When he heard Xu Tao stop him, he turned back with a puzzled expression. At the end, he seemed to see Xu Tao's entanglement and rolled his eyes. After looking at Zhao Linan, who was holding water for the vegetables, he lowered his voice: "I have touched it, I have kissed it, and I can't wash it after washing? What's the reason!"

"..." You are amazing!

Xu Tao raised her hand to caress her forehead, and pretended to hide in the room.

She is not at all an opponent of Zhao Weiguo in terms of being cheeky, and what he said seems to be quite reasonable. Her little breasted brother has been violated by men in various ways, and now she is just helping with laundry. She is shy. too late.

After she figured it out, Xu Tao hid in the room and continued to write the novel, and at the same time began to look forward to the manuscript that was mailed out.

Her manuscript was also mailed out, and she didn't know when she would get a reply. When she mailed it, she was full of confidence. Xu Tao asked herself that her writing should be ok, but she couldn't help but worry because she didn't get a reply from the publishing house.

Time flew by like this. A few days later, Aunt Xu Tao left with honor. After being a concubine for a few days, she became a housewife who does laundry and cooking.

But Zhao Weiguo would occasionally help out, and washing the dishes was still Zhao Weiguo's job.

However, after Zhao Weiguo started eating meat, Zhao Weiguo began to exercise intentionally or unintentionally, preparing to let Zhao Linan sleep by himself. Xu Tao also agreed with this.

As the little boy grew up, it was time for the child to sleep in a room by himself.

But in the past, Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo slept with the child, and they quietly changed rooms after the child fell asleep. Xu Tao was almost too lazy to move, but Zhao Weiguo insisted, holding her every night to change rooms. Also happy to see Zhao Weiguo tossing.

The first day that Aunt Xu Tao left was also the first day that Zhao Weiguo was going to let Zhao Linan sleep by himself. For the first time, Zhao Weiguo and Zhao Linan, the father and son, were at each other's throats.

"Dad, won't you and mom sleep with me?" Zhao Linan asked while sitting on the bed, his face down and ready to cry.

"Well, starting today, you can sleep by yourself."

"..." Xu Tao pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Xiao Nan is going to sleep with his mother." Zhao Linan's eyes turned red, and the little guy pursed his mouth in grievance.

Where did Xu Tao see this scene, Zhao Linan's mouth was deflated, and she regretted it: "Otherwise, we should coax him to sleep as before."

Xu Tao suddenly felt that Zhao Linan was only over two years old It's just that, when a child is so old, it always feels cruel to have to sleep on his own.

"No." Zhao Weiguo insisted.

It's normal for a boy to sleep by himself, so he can't get used to being independent because he can't be considered young.

"Mom." Zhao Linan is very smart, knowing that it is useless to fight with Zhao Weiguo, the little guy stretched out his arms to Xu Tao with red eyes.

Xu Tao didn't even think about it and was about to step forward to hold the child. Zhao Weiguo grabbed Xu Tao's wrist with one hand: "Go back to your room first, and I'll do ideological work for him."

Zhao Weiguo couldn't see his son's ghost, the little guy knew how to rush Xu Tao's coquettishness works, so she stretched out her small arm. If Xu Tao went to hold the child, the possibility of letting the kid sleep by himself would be shattered. Basically, Xu Tao would have to coax him to sleep, and he would sneak up on it. Transfer Xu Tao to the next room.

He was happy to hold Xu Tao every day to change rooms, but Xu Tao sometimes lay drowsy, and when she was sleepy herself, she was too lazy to change places. Zhao Weiguo hugged her, but she was not happy, because her sleepiness would be disturbed.

The same is true, Zhao Weiguo was just about to let his son Zhao Linan get used to sleeping independently, but he didn't believe that a kid who could sleep by himself in the second half of the night had to listen to a story every day before going to bed. That's why this stinky boy was so used to Xu Tao's troubles.

Chapter 032 Satisfaction

Xu Tao felt soft-hearted whenever Zhao Linan acted like a spoiled child, but seeing Zhao Weiguo's tough attitude, she gritted her teeth and didn't go up to hug Zhao Linan.

"Mom." Zhao Linan continued to call, the little guy got up from the bed wearing small pants and a small top, and his two little fleshy legs jumped up cutely, and his little expression was on the verge of crying again.

"Zhao Weiguo, or..." Xu Tao tried to persuade Zhao Weiguo.

"You go back to the room first." Zhao Weiguo went to embrace Xu Tao's shoulders and pushed the woman out of the room.

"Wow!" When Zhao Linan saw that Xu Tao was gone, the little guy was unhappy and climbed down from the bed to chase after him.

Zhao Weiguo was also fast, let Xu Tao go back to the room, turned around and picked up the little devil Zhao Linan, and then closed the door.

"Bad dad, hum!" Zhao Linan couldn't see Xu Tao, and was hugged by Zhao Weiguo again. The little guy's tearful eyes were held back again, and his little hands pushed Zhao Weiguo fiercely. He was very dissatisfied with Zhao Weiguo.

Zhao Weiguo didn't care either, the little guy's strength to tickle was completely unmoved, and he carried his son onto the bed.

"You sleep by yourself." Zhao Weiguo coldly forced the child.

"I want a mother." Zhao Linan pouted, not to be outdone.

Zhao Weiguo remained silent and his expression was serious. Zhao Linan also pulled his face. The father and son looked at each other in the same way, not letting anyone else.

"Son, have pity on your father, it is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law when you are old." Zhao Weiguo finally couldn't help but speak first.

"..." Zhao Linan blinked, not understanding what his father meant at all.

"I've been sleeping by myself for almost 30 years, and you should learn to sleep by yourself, okay?" Zhao Weiguo sat beside the bed, reached out to the child's armpit, and picked Zhao Linan up and stuffed it into the blanket.

"Huh?" Zhao Linan continued to not understand, but was tucked in the blanket but did not struggle to resist.

"You are a boy. Boys can't sleep with their mother." Zhao Weiguo continued, trying to tell the child in a way that Zhao Linan could understand.

"Nonsense, Brother Stone sleeps with his mother." Zhao Linan shook his head and retorted.

"..." Zhao Weiguo was a little speechless. He knew the stone in Zhao Linan's mouth and how old the stone was. In fact, it is not unusual for a son to sleep with an adult when he is seven or eight years old. Some people have few rooms in their homes. The adults in the family share a room.

"Boys sleep with their mothers, and they will not grow taller." Zhao Weiguo continued to coax.

"Xiao Nan, don't grow up." Zhao Linan's tone was serious.

"..." Why didn't he realize that his son was so articulate before.

"Anyway, from today onwards, you have to sleep by yourself." Zhao Weiguo said angrily.

Zhao Linan pursed his mouth and was unhappy, but Zhao Weiguo turned off the lights and left. Zhao Linan was lying on the bed, the little guy was very aggrieved, and he started to sob silently.

Not long after Xu Tao returned to the room and lay down, Zhao Weiguo came back without Zhao Linan behind him.

"You fell asleep so soon, the little guy didn't make trouble?" Xu Tao's tone was astonished.

"I didn't coax him." Zhao Weiguo also lay on the bed: "You've spoiled him so much that he doesn't look like a boy anymore. I thought I'd take the opportunity to change his temperament."

"..." Xu Tao pursed her lips, her expression a little angry. , is very upset. Although she doted on Zhao Linan, she didn't turn the child on the path of squeamishness, okay?

"Where is he squeamish?" Xu Tao felt that the little angel Zhao Linan was good everywhere, but too good!

Zhao Weiguo was helpless: "He sleeps by himself, he has to pull you to listen to the story every day." The man with a headache, a little annoyed, leaned over to Xu Tao's side and hugged Xu Tao into his arms.

The man's meaning is obvious, but is this coddled? Xu Tao expressed her dissatisfaction and stretched out her hand to push him: "It's hot, don't stick to me."

"..." Zhao Weiguo was a little speechless when he was pushed away.

He also knew that he had just said that Xu Tao spoiled Zhao Linan and made her unhappy, but he was right. Relatively speaking, Zhao Linan was indeed a bit petite and had to listen to stories before going to bed. Rural parents still have this kind of leisure.

If it wasn't for seeing Xu Tao spoiling the child, she was frightened again a few days ago, and her aunt was uncomfortable, Zhao Weiguo would have already prepared to let Zhao Linan sleep independently.

The little boy will be three years old in a month, and it is normal for a three-year-old boy to be independent.

"Sleep, let him get used to it for two days." Zhao Weiguo turned off the light, grabbed Xu Tao and prepared to do bad things.

Xu Tao struggled and was a little worried about Zhao Linan, but Zhao Weiguo didn't give Xu Tao a chance to think too much, and slipped into the soft place with big palms. As a man, he did not hesitate to force his young son to be independent, and his purpose was self-evident.

Xu Tao was no match for Zhao Weiguo in this regard. She wanted to fight hypocritically, but in less than two minutes, she surrendered, and she was still soft in Zhao Weiguo's arms.


"Mom." Zhao Linan came out of the door with a crying little milk voice, and the little guy knocked on the door crying.

Zhao Weiguo was about to pick up his gun and go into battle when he heard a knock on the door the next moment.

Xu Tao was slightly stunned, and her passion quickly retreated: "It's Xiao Nan."

"Leave him alone." Zhao Weiguo was helpless, grabbing Xu Tao and trying to continue his work.

No matter where Xu Tao might do it, as soon as she heard the little guy calling, her heart flew away, and her enthusiasm was completely extinguished. She hurriedly pushed Zhao Weiguo away, and hurriedly got up and put on her pajamas.

"Woooo, Mom!" Xu Tao opened the door and saw Zhao Linan barefoot, with tears on his face.

Xu Tao's heart was almost broken by the child's crying, so she bent down and picked up the child and returned to her original room, regardless of whether Zhao Weiguo in the room was uncomfortable.

At this moment, there is no doubt that Zhao Weiguo's status is completely impossible to compare with Zhao Linan.

"..." Zhao Weiguo lay on the bed, a little regretful.

If I knew earlier, I should coax the kid to sleep as usual, and then transfer Xu Tao to this room, which made him feel unbearably uncomfortable now, and Xu Tao might have to give him a temper.

What a misstep! ! !

Xu Tao took Zhao Linan back to the room. The child really couldn't cry, and her little eyes were swollen. She must have been crying silently for a while before she came to pat the door, which made Xu Tao feel guilty.

"Good baby, where's mom? Stop crying!" Xu Tao racked her brains to coax the child, kissing the child from time to time to restore the child's mood to stability.

"Mom, sleep together." The little guy Zhao Linan was domineering in Xu Tao's arms, and his little hand touched Xu Tao's cheek.

"Okay, let's sleep together." Xu Tao couldn't refuse, of course it was because of the little guy's wishes.

Xu Tao spent more than half an hour patiently coaxing the child to fall asleep.

Zhao Weiguo stood at the door of the room with a dark face, and looked at Xu Tao with accusing eyes: "Go back to the room by yourself, or shall I hug you?"

"You sleep by yourself tonight, I will accompany Xiao Nan." Xu Tao is not happy to satisfy the stinky man!

Zhao Weiguo frowned, how could he possibly agree, a man who had eaten meat would warm his arms every day after eating meat, and waited on her for these days, and now he still doesn't eat it, how can there be such a reason.

"Then I'll hug you." Zhao Weiguo came over, reached out and grabbed Xu Tao.

Xu Tao struggled, but Zhao Weiguo was also very fast. He didn't give Xu Tao a chance at all. He hugged her and walked out. Xu Tao didn't dare to make a loud voice, for fear that he had just coaxed the little guy Zhao Linan to sleep and he would wake up again. coming.

"Be quiet!" Xu Tao raised her hand and beat the man.

Zhao Weiguo chuckled lightly, hugged Xu Tao back to the room, closed the door and turned on the light to do errands.

Xu Tao was reluctant to return, but Zhao Weiguo managed to catch him and have a full meal. It was another day of back pain when he woke up early.

After Zhao Weiguo failed to let Zhao Linan sleep alone on the first day, his life became the same as before. Xu Tao slept with Zhao Linan almost every day. Learning adult nightlife stuffed with peach jam.

As the weather gets hotter and time flies by, the number of words in Xu Tao's novels gradually increases.

Half a month later, when Zhao Weiguo went to work, Xu Tao received a letter from the newspaper, informing her that her manuscript was favored by the publishing house, asking her about the amount of manuscripts she had in stock, and at the same time confirming the time with her, ready to wait for Xu Tao's reply. , and began serializing the content of the novel in the magazine.

When Xu Tao's novels are almost serialized and there are many readers, they will sign a contract for publication.

Xu Tao was naturally happy to receive the reply from the publishing house. She wrote the reply very quickly, wanting to finalize the story of the novel, and arrange the manuscript and mail it out the next day.

Another half month later, on the day of Zhao Linan's third birthday, Xu Tao received another reply from the publishing house. This time there was still nearly 300 yuan in manuscript fees. Because Xu Tao was a new writer and had no readers before, it was published. The price given by the company is not high.

But the manuscript fee of more than 300 yuan was already considered a huge sum of money at this time. Xu Tao took the remittance slip in the letter and took Zhao Linan to the post office to get the money with the ID proof.

"Son, mom is happy today. You are celebrating your birthday again. What gift do you want? Mom will buy it for you." Xu Tao is very generous. As someone who made 300 yuan by herself, she is really happy, although she is not as good as Zhao Weiguo. Earned, but relatively speaking, the money she earned was considered a high-income group in this era.

"Mom, I want a car." Zhao Linan said happily: "Brother Stone likes a car."

Xu Tao usually buys some toys for the little guy, but he really doesn't want to see the little guy and the children in the alley always together He played with mud and stones, so when he saw some small toys, he would buy them for Zhao Linan.

Xu Tao's concept of spending money is in a later way, not like the parents of other children in the alley, breaking a penny into two flowers, and buying less toys.

Zhao Linan's toys are the most among the children in the alley. There are a lot of small toys such as jumping frogs, cars and cars. Xu Tao buys them generously. Zhao Weiguo will not stop Xu Tao in this regard. Naturally, the little guy does not have much obsession with toys. read.

"Don't you like it?"

"Xiao Nan also likes it."

"Okay, then buy a car, and mom will make you a cake when she gets home." Xu Tao led the child to buy toys.

Chapter 033 Birthday

Zhao Linan was very happy. He didn't know what a birthday was. Before in Wenzhou, Zhao's mother thought was similar to that of most people. She thought that it would be good for a child to be fed and clothed, so why would she have a special birthday.

Besides, Zhao Linan's birthday was also his mother's memorial day, which was taboo in the countryside, and the child was not old enough to remember.

But today Xu Tao said his birthday. Seeing that his mother bought him a lot of small toys and enlightenment books, he laughed all the way, and when he got to the door, the child showed off: "Brother Stone, the car!" The

child shook the The toy car started to be shared with my brothers and sisters without even entering the house.

"Wow! Xiaonan, your mother is so nice." He Hua looked at Zhao Linan's little toy car and tin frog with envy.

"Yes! My mother never buys me toys." Shitou and the other boys also looked envious.

To be honest, the children in the alley are actually very envious of Zhao Linan. His mother is good-looking and gentle. She often cooks delicious food and buys toys. Zhao Linan said that she tells stories at night, she is a fairy mother!

"Well, my mother is good." Xiao Nan also nodded with pride.

Don't look at the child's third birthday today, but the child has always been smart. Hearing his friends compliment his mother, he naturally agrees with him. That's his own mother!

Xu Tao bought a bunch of toys for the child. When she saw him, she took the toys and played with her friends. She was not annoyed. After tidying up the small living room, she went into the kitchen and made a birthday cake for Zhao Linan.

It's a birthday! How can there be no cake? These days, cakes can't be bought on the street. Xu Tao has experience in making dessert cakes. As soon as he gets home, he starts to make various preparations, whipping cream, and making cake embryos.

At one or two o'clock in the afternoon, the milky fragrance of the cake embryo wafted out of the house. The fragrance was more domineering than sweet potato snacks. A group of children in the alley were shocked, and ran to the door of Zhao's house to breathe wildly.

Zhao Linan also sniffed along with the fun, a group of children looked very funny.

"Xiao Nan, what is your mother doing for you?" Shitou sniffed the sweet milk with envy. After confirming that the fragrance came from Zhao Linan's house, he turned around and asked Zhao Linan. The corners of the mouth flowed out.

I want to eat it! This sweet taste is so delicious.

"Mom makes a cake." Zhao Linan didn't know what a cake was, nor had he ever eaten a cake.

When Xu Tao brought him to buy a toy, he said that he wanted to make a cake for him. The little guy remembered it, and then he smiled and talked.

"What is a cake? Is it delicious?"

"It must be delicious. The cake should be made of eggs. Can eggs be delicious?" , can be understood literally, when I hear the word egg, I think it must be delicious.

It's delicious made with eggs!

"Besides, do you think it's delicious if it's so fragrant?" Shitou raised his head and raised his little head to sniff, being seduced by the sweet and greasy smell of milk.

I really want to try this cake!

"Xiao Nan, can you share some cake for us?" A little boy named Wang Yang said silently.

"Well, points." Zhao Linan is not stingy at all when it comes to eating toys. Maybe it's because Xu Tao is also generous, and the child is completely taken away by Xu Tao in this regard.

"Thank you." Although the four or five children hadn't eaten the so-called cake, they immediately thanked Zhao Linan for his answer.

"No thanks." Zhao Linan nodded with a smile, then put down the toy car, turned and ran home.

The little friends thanked him, and he went home and asked his mother if he could have cake.

A group of children stood at the door, and when they saw Zhao Linan running home, they knew that he was going to get something to eat, and the toys were no longer fragrant.

"Prodigal women, little hooves, you know how to mess around every day! Sooner or later, you will have no good fruit to eat!" Lin Xiaoqiang from Mrs. Lin's house was crying again. Since the Xu Tao family next door moved in, her baby The good grandson Xiaoqiang cried every three days.

Old Mrs. Lin was always crying and sulking, so she had to scold Xu Tao secretly at home.

Zhao Linan ran into the house, the little guy ran to Xu Tao, reached out and grabbed Xu Tao's skirt, and raised his head: "Mom."

"Well, what's wrong?" Xu Tao is still trying to make the cream , the hands were sour, and the cake embryo was being steamed in the kitchen stove.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat." The child smiled at Xu Tao.

Xu Tao listened to the child's hunger: "Why are you suddenly hungry, can mother wash an apple for you to eat?"

"Well, we need to share." The child nodded, knowing that he didn't mind if he couldn't eat the cake, and then pointed to the outside of the yard with his little finger: " Mom, it's delicious."

Xu Tao followed the direction of the child's finger and saw a group of children in the alley, guessing that the child was probably greedy for the cake embryo being steamed in the kitchen, she nodded with a smile.

It was the little guy's birthday today, and he also said that he would invite the Ye family to come over for dinner in the evening and help the children lively together, so Xu Tao went out to buy food and some fruit.

"Understood." Xu Tao stopped tossing the cream, took two apples, cut them into pieces, put them on a plate and handed them to the child: "Take it and eat it with your friends."

"Okay, thank you mom." Zhao Linan He took the plate with a smile, and walked towards the door with a happy pace.

Shito and a group of children were waiting at the door. When Zhao Linan came out and saw that he was holding a plate, everyone's eyes were straight.

"Wow! It's an apple." This is the child who has eaten apples.

"Ah! What is an apple?" The child who had never eaten it was full of doubts.

The stone is the largest, and the child king is also very experienced now. For these snacks, every time Zhao Linan takes it out, the distribution is all stones, and the stones are also very fair. Xu Tao also counts the number of people almost every time, even two The apples were all cut into about the same size, and it just so happened that the group of children playing together in the alley could each eat two small pieces.

"It's crunchy and delicious."

"Mmmmm, it's delicious, so sweet."

A group of children ate apples, while Xu Tao continued to whip cream. In the evening, the Ye family would come to the house for dinner. Meals are being prepared, so she has to whip up the cream quickly.

It's a pity that the conditions are limited now. All the cake-making process has to be done by Xu Tao. Xu Tao's two arms are sore and painful, so he can barely make the cream.

Xu Tao's hands were soft and tired, but she was very happy that she made the cream. When the cake embryo was steamed, Xu Tao began to spread the cream, and then decorated it with some small apples that were cut nicely, and a cake was ready.

Not long after the cake was ready, Zhao Weiguo also came back from get off work.

Xu Tao felt a little helpless. Knowing that Zhao Weiguo had returned so early today, she would have left him the work of whipping cream, causing her arms to suffer from pantothenic acid.

"This thing looks good." Zhao Weiguo had read birthday cakes in the book. It was very popular in foreign countries, but he had never tried it before. He didn't expect Xu Tao to be able to make cakes, and they looked like molds. decent.

"Don't touch it." Xu Tao finally made the cake. Seeing Zhao Weiguo reaching out to touch it, she immediately slapped the man's hand away viciously.

Zhao Weiguo withdrew his hand angrily.

Xu Tao stopped the man's destructive hand, and she was not free. Today, she is going to be a chef again, and she has to be responsible for side dishes and cutting vegetables. That's all, and she has to stare at the firewood stove from time to time. Too high or the fire is out.

"You came back just in time, help me watch the fire, and kill the fish by the way." Xu Tao ordered Zhao Weiguo to order him without any burden.

"Okay." Zhao Weiguo agreed and took the fish into the yard to kill.

Zhao Weiguo cleaned the fish and went into the kitchen again. Looking at Xu Tao's various preparations, he knew that it would be a super feast in the evening, and he couldn't help but taste it.

"This brat is happy enough!" Zhao Weiguo also said something after eating.

Xu Tao has always been reluctant to admit it, and feels that she does not pet children at all, but he knows that Xu Tao is really petting, that kind of love from the bottom of her heart is that she likes little guys, and because she really loves children, so in the alley No one knew that Xu Tao was actually Zhao Linan's stepmother.

It is estimated that no one can imagine that Xu Tao's love for Zhao Linan like taking care of his eyes is not the child's mother.

"Yes!" Xu Tao raised her head and smiled: "Well, I want Xiao Nan to be a happy child. If he is happy, I will be happy." In the

past, Xu Tao didn't understand why those mothers were circling around their children, and there were so many children. How annoying! But now with Zhao Linan, Xu Tao realized that just because she had no children, she couldn't understand how amazing the release of maternal love instinct was.

Now pampering Zhao Linan and pampering Zhao Linan is what Xu Tao instinctively does.

"Wei Guo, brother and sister..." At around 4 o'clock in the evening, Ye Zhenhua and his wife Wu Hui came with their daughter Ye Xiaohua. They also carried two kilograms of rock candy and a box of creamy biscuits that looked cheap.

"Brother Ye, Sister-in-law Ye, you are here as soon as you come, so what are you doing so politely!" Xu Tao came out of the kitchen and greeted the couple with a smile.

"I just brought some small things, they're worthless." Wu Hui put them down politely: "We originally wanted to invite you to dinner when we were free, but your husband and wife never had time, but now we're coming to your house first. Excuse me."

"We don't know many people here with Wei Guo. On Xiao Nan's birthday, he was thinking about how crowded it would be. And we asked you to come for dinner, how could we be so embarrassed to let you spend money." Xu Tao did not Thinking that Wu Hui even spent money to buy a box of cream biscuits.

The biscuits are not cheap these days. When she went out today, she also saw these biscuits from the supply and marketing agency, and a box cost more than ten yuan!

"I didn't buy anything, just a little food for the children." Wu Hui smiled and put down her little daughter: "We just saw Xiao Nan playing outside at the door, there are many children in your alley, it's quite lively, and I see It 's almost all boys!"

Wu Hui had an obsession with boys, and she noticed the simple and honest boys in the alley, and Zhao Linan was also among them, the children had been playing in the middle for more than a month, and they had been hanging out with the children earlier. Familiar, but the child is still white and clean, and is always particularly eye-catching among several children.

Xu Tao no longer bothered about fake hospitality. People came to dinner and brought gifts, whether it was expensive or cheap.

"There are quite a lot of children in our alley." Xu Tao replied with a smile, and then asked Wu Hui, "Where are your three sisters, Xiaoqin, Xiaoqi, and Xiaoshu? Didn't you come together?"

"I came with Lao Ye. That's good, there's no reason to go out for a meal and bring a swarm of bees with you." Wu Hui touched her little daughter's face.

If it wasn't for the fact that the youngest daughter needed to be taken care of, she would not even bring her: "The sensible ones at home have to be busy stringing beaded flowers, so I will let them eat at home."

Although Xu Tao knew, This kind of thing is normal, but when I think of those sensible girls, I can't help but feel distressed.

She also knows that this is the situation in this era. Parents will be told when they go out to eat and bring their children, but the children who are left at home by their parents are also very pitiful. Xu Tao really can't bear it. She likes those girls very much. , A girl who is too well-behaved and sensible is always painful.

"Sister-in-law, call Xiaoqin and the others to have dinner together! I have prepared a lot of meals, and I even made a birthday cake. If I can't finish it, it will be wasted. Now the weather is hot, and things can't be kept overnight." Xu Tao said seriously Wu Hui said.

She wanted those girls to come to the house for dinner, instead of having dinner at home alone.

"No, no, they can cook and eat by themselves." Wu Hui waved her hand and didn't agree, she just asked Xu Tao, "How is your meal preparation, do you need me to help you?"

"Okay!" Xu Tao said in her heart. Not a taste, but still agreed.

"Old Ye, look at some small paintings, I'll help my younger brother and sister." Wu Hui was about to fight Xu Tao, so she threw her youngest daughter to Ye Zhenhua to watch.

After a month or two of recuperation, Ye Zhenhua's arm has had the bandages removed, and it is almost recovered, but he still can't do any heavy work for a while, so it's no problem to help look after the child.

Moreover, several children in the Ye family are actually very good, and they don't need to be distracted.

When Ye Zhenhua came home, Zhao Weiguo withdrew from the kitchen. He and Ye Zhenhua were sitting in the small living room chatting and chatting in various ways.

Xu Tao was cooking in the kitchen. She was preparing fish, meat and vegetables for a large table, but she had already started preparing it before, so she was not too busy.

"Weiguo, there's no vinegar at home. I want to fry some shredded potatoes. Go and buy a bottle of vinegar." Xu Tao came out of the kitchen and asked Zhao Weiguo to help.

"Okay." Zhao Weiguo agreed to go and went out to buy vinegar: "Brother Ye, sit down first, and I'll go buy a bottle of vinegar."

After Xu Tao ordered Zhao Weiguo, she went back to the kitchen to continue cooking. As the sky gradually darkened, The aroma of the food also became stronger.

A group of children playing in the alley were almost about to go home for dinner. Zhao Weiguo took the little birthday star Zhao Linan home while he was buying vinegar.

"Do you guys want to go to my house for dinner today?" Zhao Weiguo asked Zhao Linan to go home, but also asked several other children.

On Zhao Linan's birthday, Xu Tao said that today is mainly for the little guys to be happy, but he was also happy to cooperate with Xu Tao, so he asked these children.

"Can we go?" Stone's eyes suddenly lit up.

As early as the afternoon, when he smelled the fragrance, all kinds of fragrances wafted out of Zhao Linan's house, so greedy that his greedy worms were about to crawl out.

"Yes." Zhao Weiguo nodded.

"Then let's go." Stone immediately took the lead in announcing.

There is a big meal to eat, there is delicious food, it would be silly not to go!

"Well, go home and talk to your family." Zhao Weiguo continued to speak.

He was actually afraid that so many children would make a noise, but Xu Tao called all the girls from the Ye family, and Zhao Linan played in the alley every day, and he had a good relationship with this group of friends. Since it was his birthday, Xu Tao wanted to The little guy is mainly happy, and naturally he doesn't mind a few more children in the lively home.

It's good enough to have a lively day!

"Dad." The three sisters Ye Xiaoqin also came in behind Zhao Weiguo. When they saw Ye Zhenhua in the room, Ye Xiaoqin who took the lead was a little scared and called out in awe.

Just now Uncle Zhao came to the house and asked them all to come for dinner. She came, but she was afraid of being reprimanded by her parents,

"Why are you here? Didn't your mother let you cook at home?" Ye Zhenhua looked The three daughters were also stunned.

"I went to call over." Zhao Weiguo answered Ye Zhenhua.

Xu Tao made an excuse to ask him to buy vinegar, and by the way told him to go to Ye's house and call all three girls over for dinner.

Zhao Weiguo knew Xu Tao very well and had been paying attention to Xu Tao all the time. Naturally, he knew that Xu Tao was also very distressed for these girls. Xu Tao said it, and he naturally called.

The meals prepared by Xu Tao were sufficient, and Xu Tao was someone who would never eat overnight meals. It would be a waste to not finish it anyway, so why let a few children eat at home by themselves, it would be more lively if they came to eat together.

"Come on now! Go to the kitchen to help watch the stove." Ye Zhenhua is a man, and he is not as sensitive as Wu Hui. Zhao Weiguo said that he went to the house specially to call, so he didn't say much.

He is the father of the child. Although several of the children are daughters, he also hopes to have a son in his heart, but it does not mean that he does not feel sorry for his daughter at all, but these days, parents rarely bring their children with them when they go out, but today Zhao There are not many people eating at home, it's just their family, and they come when they come.

"Okay." Ye Xiaoqin nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"Mom." Ye Xiaoqin walked in, looked at her mother who was burning the fire in front of the stove, and called out tremblingly.

Wu Hui looked up to see the eldest daughter, Ye Xiaoqi and Ye Xiaoshu behind the eldest daughter, and looked back at Xu Tao.

Although she was in the kitchen, she also heard a few conversations in the living room. Then she thought of Xu Tao asking Zhao Weiguo to buy vinegar, saying that she wanted to fry hot and sour shredded potatoes, but she glanced at the hot and sour shredded potatoes that were about to cook, knowing that Xu Tao asked Zhao Weiguo to buy vinegar. Tao deliberately made an excuse to ask Zhao Weiguo to call some children to dinner.

She knew Xu Tao's kindness and accepted her polite treatment, so she nodded.

"There's nothing wrong in the kitchen, you take your sisters and don't mess around." Wu Hui nodded.

"Okay." Ye Xiaoqin responded obediently.

She is very quiet, she almost does what her parents say she does, and she is very obedient!

"Brother and sister, I'm causing you trouble." Wu Hui looked at the Ye Xiaoqin sisters and spoke to Xu Tao.

"How many talents are lively!" Xu Tao laughed.

She really hoped that the girls from the Ye family would come to dinner together. Anyway, it would be lively if there were a lot of people to eat. If there were a lot of people for dinner today and it was inconvenient to have children, Xu Tao would probably not let Zhao Weiguo go here.

But there were not many people eating today, and it was Zhao Linan's birthday. Since she made a cake, she hoped that there would be more people and a stronger sense of ceremony.

"The food is almost ready, sister-in-law, please bring it to the table for me!" Xu Tao glanced at the fish soup being simmered in the pot. With the noisy noise of the children, Xu Tao was ready to serve.

Wu Hui agreed and started serving the dishes quickly. Several children in the alley went home and told their parents that today was Zhao Linan's birthday, and they were coming to Zhao's house for dinner. , a group of children are very happy, adults naturally have no opinion.

And since the Zhao family moved to the alley, the children in the family have eaten a lot of good things, so the more polite people will pick a handful of vegetables from their own yard, or pick a few cucumbers and tomatoes, etc. It was delivered, and a few stools were provided by the way.

After all, the group of children from Laobaxiang came to Zhao's house for dinner, so there must be not enough stools. When the parents brought a few leather monkeys to eat, they politely brought stools and said some polite words before going home.

The food came to the table soon, and a group of children in Laoba Alley sat down obediently. The three girls from the Ye family also sat on the table. Xu Tao knew that there were many children, so she went to the Shishi family to borrow a small table, and the four adults sat on the small table. , a group of children sitting at a large table.

Just before the meal, Xu Tao brought out the cake and asked Zhao Linan to make a wish to cut the cake with a sense of ceremony. It was a fun and fun meal to eat.

Whether it is the children of Laobaxiang or the Ye family's children, it seems that they never thought that the children's birthdays could be like this, and they could be so happy.

This birthday dinner was very lively until the commotion was almost over. The neighbors of Laobaxiang came to call their children home. A group of children were still reluctant to leave, and they couldn't help showing off with their parents when they went back. What did you eat tonight, sang happy birthday, and ate birthday cake, etc.

"Mom, I also have a birthday next month." Shitou hadn't even walked out of Zhao's yard, and he started to ask his mother.

There's no way, it's really that Zhao Linan's birthday is too good, and he wants to celebrate it too.

"Mom, are you okay?" Shitou shook Fan Qiumei's hand and acted like a spoiled child.

Celebrating Zhao Linan's birthday today, he had the most hearty dinner of the year and a birthday cake. He was so envious.

"Pa--" Fan Qiumei, who was eight or nine months old with a big belly, walked out of Zhao's house with a stone and slapped her son directly on the head: "You're thinking about shit."

Fan Qiumei came to pick up her son and went home. I noticed the large table of dishes prepared by the Zhao family, and also saw the few cakes left.

This Zhao family is in good condition. They are willing to celebrate their children's birthday, and they cook such a large table of dishes for the children to eat, just to make it fun, but these days, every household is living a restrained life. Happy birthday this way.

Fan Qiumei wanted to do it when her son Shitou said it, but because she was still in the yard, she endured it. As soon as it came out, she did it and gave Shitou a complete childhood.

You still want to celebrate your birthday, your mother's Good Friday, you still want to be lively! snort!

"Mom!" Stone was slapped on the head, and he covered his head in annoyance: "You're going to make me stupid."

"I wasn't smart at all." Fan Qiumei said frankly that the mother and son hurt each other without the slightest psychological burden.

Shito suddenly felt aggrieved, everyone was a son, why is the gap so big: "..."

And there are many examples like Shishi, there are no children who came to Zhao's house for dinner that night, and there is no one they don't envy when they go back, and therefore, Zhao Linan's birthday It can be regarded as well-known in the old eight alleys.

Ye Zhenhua and Wu Hui were a little embarrassed when they brought their four children back after dinner. After all, they didn't expect Xu Tao to spend so much money.

"Brother and sister, she is so willing!" Wu Hui originally thought that she was just here for dinner, but she didn't expect Zhao Linan, a three-year-old child's birthday, to be so lively. Xu Tao also cooked such a large table of dishes, and that Beautiful cake.

It was the first time in her life that she ate cake!

"Yeah." Ye Zhenhua agreed, saying that today's meal was really expensive.

"She is also really good to Zhao Linan. If I hadn't known that Zhao Weiguo was married for a second time, I wouldn't have believed that she was a stepmother." Wu Hui herself grew up with her stepmother, and her stepmother was not particularly mean. Ten years ago, when everyone had a bad time, it was not bad that she didn't starve to death.

She has had a hard time since she was a child. At the age of three or four, she began to herd cattle and sheep, cut hog grass, and feed chickens and ducks. She started working in the countryside since she was a child, and she never thought about it in her memory. Better than my mother.

"My younger brother and sister are literate, can make money, and have high ideological awareness." Ye Zhenhua chatted with Zhao Weiguo, and from Zhao Weiguo's mouth, he probably knew what Xu Tao did.

Xu Tao is so happy today to celebrate Zhao Linan's birthday. Part of it is because the serialization of the novel she wrote has been well received, and she has received hundreds of dollars in royalties. She belongs to someone who makes money with a pen.

"It's a literate person!" Wu Hui was only halfway through the first grade of primary school, and when she was in her thirties, she could only write her own name. When Ye Zhenhua said that Xu Tao was a literate person, she couldn't help but envy.

Young and beautiful, cultured, good character, and generous in doing things, it's nice!

"Zhao Weiguo is very lucky, and the second marriage can still be married with such good conditions." Wu Hui couldn't help but sigh.

Not lucky! The second marriage is to marry a young and beautiful wife, who can make money and be good to the stepson. There is no luck at all.

Ye Zhenhua nodded, and was also somewhat envious of Zhao Weiguo's luck. He held the third daughter's little hand, looked at the dark alley, and had mixed feelings.

Ye Xiaoqin was holding her younger sister Ye Xiaoqi. The twelve-year-old girl was already very sensible. After listening to her parents' conversation, she realized that Aunt Xu Tao was actually Uncle Zhao's second wife, and she was not the biological mother of Xiao Nan's younger brother.

But she was very kind to Xiaonan's brother. She always thought that Xiaonan's brother was Aunt Xu Tao's biological child, because when she was in her hometown, the uncle next door was also married for a second time, and the new auntie was not good to Xiaoyan at all. , Every day she was not allowed to eat enough, and she forced Xiaoyan to work. Xiaoyan was especially pitiful.

She also always thought that her stepmother was bad, until today she suddenly realized that not all stepmothers in this world are bad.


Everyone dispersed after dinner here. Xu Tao was tired all day, making cakes and whipping cream hurt her hands, so she packed up and put the dishes in the kitchen for Zhao Weiguo to wash. He carried a large bucket of water and went to the toilet to take a bath. When he came out of the bath, Zhao Weiguo also washed the tableware and chopsticks, and took a baton to bathe Zhao Linan who was excited for the day.

Xu Tao was sitting on the bed. When Zhao Weiguo bathed Zhao Linan, she took the book and turned it over again. This is a small book of this era. She bought it when she went to the bookstore. .

"Mom." Zhao Linan took a shower, returned to the room in pajamas, and rushed towards Xu Tao's arms excitedly.

The little guy was really happy, and he had never been excited until now, so Xu Tao had to put away the books, hug the little guy, and take the children's enlightenment books and show them to the children.

"Mom, it's my birthday tomorrow." Zhao Linan couldn't read the enlightenment books, so he pulled Xu Tao and spoke happily.

Really delicious cake, happy birthday, he will have it tomorrow!

"No! A person can only have one birthday a year." Xu Tao shook her head and pinched Zhao Linan's nose.

The child only knows how to have a happy birthday, but today, I spent more than 30 yuan for the little guy's birthday, grocery shopping, and various ingredients for making cakes. Fortunately, her manuscript fee came in time, if it weren't for the 300 yuan With the support of the manuscript fee, Xu Tao is absolutely reluctant to be so extravagant and wasteful.

Although she and Zhao Weiguo are quite able to make money, at least the income of two people is definitely rich in this era.

To know that the house they rented, the annual rent was only more than 100 yuan.

Moreover, Xu Tao also admitted that it just happened that Zhao Weiguo's ability was good, and she had the experience of later generations, so she could barely make ends meet by writing. Like Wu Hui.

If she wants to earn 300 yuan, she has to string beaded flowers at home every day, until her eyeballs fall off. I'm afraid it will be difficult to earn 300 yuan.

"Ah! Really?" Zhao Linan's excitement seemed to be splashed with cold water.

Xu Tao smiled and patted the child's head, holding the enlightenment book to show the child. The child is very smart. She has taught the pinyin on the enlightenment book twice, and the child remembers it. Now he even watches the spelling of pinyin by himself. the above stuff.

"How do you read this?" Xu Tao asked Zhao Linan, pointing to the book to read and write.


"What about this?" The pretty slender finger pointed to the side.


"Awesome." Xu Tao praised the child.

"Then, Mom, reward!" Zhao Linan raised his face immediately after being praised.

Xu Tao smiled and put a kiss on the child's face: "Reward."

Zhao Linan was kissed, and the child pursed his lips and smiled. Although the child wanted to celebrate his birthday every day, but Xu Tao said no, he did not continue to make trouble. At this time, the little guy is still very principled, and Xu Tao also likes Zhao Linan.

"Mom." Zhao Linan looked at Xu Tao and called.

"Huh?" Xu Tao also turned the pages of the book while looking at him.

"Brother Xiaozhi said that he wants to change mothers with me, hehe." Zhao Linan said happily when he got close to Xu Tao's ear.

"Ah! That's it!" Xu Tao was amused by the child's playful words: "Then Xiao Nan is willing to change with brother Xiao Zhi?"

"Mom, why don't you change." Zhao Linan's tone was firm.

"Can I change if my mother is not good?" Xu Tao asked the child.

"Don't change, mother is good." Zhao Linan continued to reply: "Mom, brother Xiaozhi's mother is bad."

"Why is it bad?" Xu Tao hugged the child and sat on her lap.

"Brother Xiaozhi has no food and is hungry." Zhao Linan said to Xu Tao with a small mouth.

Xu Tao frowned and guessed why. Xiaozhi was the child of the Hu family in the last house on Lao Eight Alley. He was about five years old. His mother was married when the educated youth went to the countryside. I spent many years in the countryside, but when I couldn't make it, I found someone to marry.

Not long after she got married, the policy of returning the educated youth to the city came into effect. She spent a lot of time getting divorced and returning to the city, but not long after the divorce and returning to the city, she found out that she was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion, but was told by the doctor , Her physique is not suitable for surgery, I am afraid it will be difficult to get pregnant again after surgery.

As a last resort, she gave birth to the child and married the Hu family at the end of the alley. The Hu family disliked Xiaozhi and was not good to Xiaozhi's mother, Zhou Yu. Xiaozhi hated her a little bit. She felt that everything was caused by Xiaozhi, so she was not good to Xiaozhi, either beating or scolding.

She also vaguely heard He Hua's mother Yu Li talk about this, and she felt pity for the child Xiaozhi. After all, among all the children in the alley, that child was the most pitiful.

"If brother Xiaozhi is still hungry in the future, Xiaonan will bring him back home, will his mother cook for him?" Xu Tao couldn't see the child being so bitter.

Xiaozhi, whose real name is Zhou Haizhi, is obviously five years old, but he is about the same height as Xiao Nan when he is three years old, and even thinner than Xiao Nan. He looks unhealthy. Xu Tao is a little sad every time he sees it. , Xu Tao always generously let Zhao Linan take the food out to share with the children.

"Mmmm." Zhao Linan nodded in agreement. The child felt that his mother was super nice, so he pouted his lips and put his lips on Xu Tao's cheek: "Kiss."

"Okay." Xu Tao put her face close.

The mother and son kissed playfully and continued to read enlightenment books until Zhao Weiguo took a shower and returned to his room.

"It's time for you to sleep." Zhao Weiguo reminded the little boy Zhao Linan as soon as he came in.

Zhao Linan pouted and lay down: "Mom, tell a story."

Xu Tao put away the enlightenment books, lay down silently and began to tell stories to the children. She told some common fairy tales: "What are you going to tell today? Hai's daughter?"

"Mom told it." Zhao Linan has a good memory, unless Xu Tao will continue to tell the story the next day, children are unwilling to listen to repeated stories.

This made Xu Tao feel helpless. A small story should be told for two days at most. After these days, the limited fairy tales she knew in her mind were about to come to fruition.

"Then about Thumbelina?" Xu Tao struggled for a long time before thinking of a small story.

"Well, I've never heard of this." Zhao Linan nodded.

The child does not yet have the concept of male and female, and whether it is a male or a female in the story, he is very happy to hear it. The only requirement is that the story cannot be repeated.

After finally coaxing the child to sleep with a story, Xu Tao sighed: "It seems that I have to go to the bookstore to buy a few more children's story books when I have time."

Chapter 034 Sack

Zhao Weiguo laughed lightly when he heard the words: "You can choose not to be accustomed to him!" The man stretched out his hand to cover the child's stomach with a blanket, stood up and walked to Xu Tao's side, bent over and hugged Xu Tao.

After getting along for more than a month, Zhao Weiguo has become a habit to carry Xu Tao back to the room, and Xu Tao has long been accustomed to this man.

Anyway, if he didn't come to hug her, she just lay down and slept. This man was going to hug her! She cooperated with him to change rooms, which was barely considered a small interest between the two of them.

"That won't work." Xu Tao shook her head.

She is happy with the sweet burden of pampering children.

Zhao Weiguo didn't pour cold water when he saw her arrogant expression. Anyway, she spoiled the child and didn't deprive him of his personal welfare.

"Zhao Weiguo, I'm really happy today! Isn't it right?" Xu Tao was hugged to the bed by Zhao Weiguo, and she smiled at Zhao Weiguo.

"Well." Zhao Weiguo turned off the light and went to bed, pulling Xu Tao to lie down.

"Hey!" Xu Tao was a little unhappy with the man's perfunctory attitude. Before, she always thought that Zhao Weiguo was serious and serious.

That's right, this man is really serious and serious during the day, but he changes at night, like a werewolf with a full moon, and he is always keen on intimate things.

"Can you not be like this at night!" Except for the monkey's urgent work, he doesn't care about other things.

"How?" Zhao Weiguo came up, grabbed Xu Tao and pressed down and kissed.

"Just, don't be in love at night!" Xu Tao closed her eyes and said angrily.

In addition to the aunt period, he was held and tossed by men every day. His body was really good. Every night was like this, and he was still full of energy during the day.

But Xu Tao couldn't bear it very much. Recently, her back was always sore. She wondered if she was the over-indulgence.

"What? You don't want to?" Zhao Weiguo stopped, his tone puzzled.

It's also a bit of fun! But would Xu Tao admit this kind of thing? She won't!

"Take a break! My old waist is going to be abolished." Xu Tao reluctantly applied for a truce with the man tonight.

Zhao Weiguo was silent for a while, the man was thinking in the dark, and then he chose to let Xu Tao go: "Okay! I'll let you go today."

"I thank you!" Xu Tao smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, pulling the man's big Putting his palm on his waist, he immediately became arrogant: "My back is sore, and so are my hands. I'm exhausted from whipping cream this afternoon, so give me a squeeze."

"Okay." Press, and gently knead along Xu Tao's arm.

Zhao Weiguo is not an expert in kneading, but Xu Tao enjoys it very much. He just feels that Zhao Weiguo's casual kneading can relax the muscles of his arms and waist, and he hums comfortably with his eyes closed.

In the darkness, Zhao Weiguo gently waited on the woman, listening to her humming unconsciously, the strength of the light pressing in his hand gradually changed, and even began to shift.

It was she who applied for a truce, and now she is the one who deliberately hummed and seduced!

"Xu Tao, you did it on purpose." Zhao Weiguo called Xu Tao's name softly to accuse her of her behavior.

He shouted to rest, he gave her relaxation, but she hummed and seduced him, how could he bear it, he couldn't bear it.

"What! You wronged me." Xu Tao replied with a smile, pushing the man with her small hand.

But Zhao Weiguo didn't want to hear her explain that the man fouled Xu Tao with both hands and started the night life mode. As for the truce, Zhao Weiguo said that today Xu Tao definitely started the fire first, and he was just fooled by no resistance.


After Zhao Linan's birthday, the little guy was obviously more popular in the alley, plus the little guy shared toys every day, and the children liked Xiaonan's younger brother Xiaonan's younger brother to call him.

Zhao Linan's popularity has increased, and Xu Tao's status has also risen a lot in the minds of children. With a birthday cake, she immediately became the most beautiful and best mother in the mouths of children.

When Xu Tao heard what Zhao Linan said, she only thought that a group of children were cute and fun. They were busy writing manuscripts as usual every day, and then lived a life without shame and shame with Zhao Weiguo.

With the serialization of "Fate Come So Close" in magazines, the novel is very popular, and the readership is also very wide, which indirectly led to the leisurely Xu Tao began to be urged by the publishing house.

In the past, Xu Tao wrote novels with a leisurely and casual attitude, and with the increase in income, her busyness also increased a lot.

Xu Tao is also diligent. She sets a requirement for herself every day to write updates of at least a few thousand words, so as to ensure that the magazine's serialization will not open the skylight.

Another month has passed, time has passed quickly, and it has been two or three months since Xu Tao was reborn.

This afternoon, Xu Tao received another letter from the publishing house. She happily took the remittance slip and took her child Zhao Linan to the post office to withdraw money.

With the serialization and audience level, the publishing house has made appropriate adjustments. After a month of hard work, when Xu Tao got back five hundred yuan, she was really excited.

After withdrawing the money, Xu Tao conveniently deposited the money in the passbook, Xu Tao took Zhao Linan out of the post office, and took Zhao Linan to spend happily, but after walking a distance, she saw Lin Fang grabbing Zhou Haizhi and pushing He scolded and slapped the child on the head a few times at the same time.

"Little bastard, bring it to me." Lin Fang's voice was very sharp and arrogant.

"No." Zhou Haizhi shook his head, staring at Lin Fang stubbornly and viciously, and then because the child couldn't break free because of the clothes being pulled, he grinned and went to bite Lin Fang.


"The little beast still dares to bite me, it's going to die." Lin Fang waved her hand again, she was not soft at all, she reached out and gestured to snatch what Zhou Haizhi was holding tightly in his arms: "Give it to me!

" Don't." Zhou Haizhi was beaten, but the child was still stubborn, trying hard to protect the things in his arms.

"Bad bones." Lin Fang got angry, her tone was extremely impatient, and her raised hand was about to fall.

"Ah! Bad guy, big rooster." The little guy Zhao Linan didn't see the situation clearly until he saw that the person who was beaten by Lin Fang was his friend Zhou Haizhi, the boy rushed out bravely, rushed in front of Lin Fang, carried Kick her legs up with her short legs.

Lin Fang looked down and saw Zhao Linan, frowning: "Get out of the way." At the same time, Lin Fang also looked at Xu Tao.

If it wasn't for seeing Xu Tao there, Lin Fangxing would have done something to Zhao Linan.

Zhao Linan was not afraid of being murdered, and stared at Lin Fang bravely: "You, don't bully Brother Xiaozhi!!!"

"Mind your own business." Lin Fang raised his hand and waved at Zhao Linan.

Xu Tao's expression changed, and without thinking, she walked over and quickly grabbed Lin Fang's hand: "If you dare to hit my son, my mother will dare to kill you, believe it or not?"

Xu Tao has a soft personality, but this kind of personality is gentle. It's usually scary when someone gets ruthless. She absolutely won't allow Zhao Linan to be touched by this crazy woman. Last time Zhao Linan was beaten on the arm by Mrs. Lin, she was angry for several days, and now Lin Fang is still in front of her. dare.

Xu Tao's words successfully frightened Lin Fang, and Lin Fang's face was dark and particularly unhappy: "Tell your son to go away."

"Then let go of Xiaozhi first." Xu Tao raised her eyebrows at Lin Fang.

"You think beautifully, this little beast stole my money." Lin Fang replied to Xu Tao.

Xu Tao was stunned, and looked at Zhou Haizhi. Zhou Haizhi's expression was a little embarrassed, but he shook his head at Xu Tao: "Auntie, I didn't steal."

"You stole, and what you are holding in your arms is mine." Lin Fang He was so angry that he wanted to smoke Zhou Haizhi again, his eyes were extraordinarily vicious.

This little beast is so bold, let's see if she doesn't kill him!

"I picked it up, not yours." Zhou Haizhi defended himself, the thin little boy was about to cry in a hurry, but his face was firm.

"Let go, let go of Brother Xiaozhi." Zhao Linan also raised his head and pushed Lin Fang.

"This is mine." Lin Fang stretched out her hand to grab what was in Zhou Haizhi's arms and acted tough. She didn't care about Zhao Linan, so she only wanted to grab it, afraid that she wouldn't be able to grab it.

"No, no." Zhou Haizhi cried anxiously, struggling as he cried, but the child didn't have much strength. Lin Fang grabbed the child's slender arm and snatched the yellow paper bag from the child's arms.

Xu Tao stood by and looked at the bag. She could also see the color of the bag. It was a yellow-brown envelope bag. It could be seen that the bag should contain money. These days, when you go to the post office to withdraw money, the post office will provide such a yellow envelope. Bags for money.

Thinking about it, Xu Tao reached out and grabbed the envelope bag when Lin Fang was a little proud.

"You!" Lin Fang turned back instantly.

Seeing this, Zhou Haizhi immediately ran to Xu Tao's side: "Auntie, I picked this up just now. When I was picking up the trash, I saw that an uncle lost it."

Zhou Haizhi is also very smart. Similar to Zhao Linan, he is very malnourished, but his articulation is very clear. The five-year-old child's ability to express is very clear.

"Well, Auntie believes you." Xu Tao held the envelope and felt the thickness of the envelope. Knowing that there was a lot of money in the envelope, she looked at Lin Fang coldly.

"Give it back to me." Lin Fang eagerly reached out to Xu Tao and asked for a yellow envelope.

"It's not yours, why should I give it back to you!" Xu Tao sneered.

Although this yellow envelope bag is used for mailing and withdrawing money, Xu Tao inexplicably trusts Zhou Haizhi. Although this child is not loved by his family and has been abused, the child is still very kind. He is obviously hungry, but the food shared by Zhao Linan has never been I didn't eat too much, and each time I ate the least amount.

Xu Tao believed that this child would not lie!

"That's mine!" Lin Fang was about to come over to grab it, but Xu Tao took two steps back while holding the envelope: "You said it was yours, so do you know what's inside?"

"I know, the money is five thousand. Dollars!" Lin Fang blurted out with certainty, without any hesitation at all.

Xu Tao was stunned. She was not frightened by the amount, but wondered how Lin Fang knew about the money. Then she thought about it, this woman works in the post office, maybe the owner of the envelope bag just now went to get the money. , which she handled.

"Haha, even if you say the exact amount of money, I won't give it to you." Xu Tao sneered.

Based on her understanding of Lin Fang's relationship, it was difficult for her to believe Lin Fang's character, so Xu Tao felt that finding the money and sending it to the police station was the best outcome.

"You give it back to me." Lin Fang anxiously reached out and grabbed Xu Tao, ready to force Xu Tao to give her the envelope.

That's five thousand dollars! A full five thousand yuan! What an astronomical sum, she worked in the post office for many years.

"If you are indeed the owner, then you should have the withdrawal certificate. I think the envelope also has the time written on it. As long as you provide the withdrawal certificate, I will return it to you." Xu Tao is not stupid, she is ready to take the envelope The bag was sent to the police station, but he still asked Lin Fang with a smile.

As long as Lin Fang can get the withdrawal certificate, Xu Tao will return it to her.

But how did Lin Fang get the withdrawal certificate? She just handled it and helped to withdraw the money. It didn't mean that the money really belonged to her.

"Xu Tao, are you ill? Why should I show it to you if I have the withdrawal certificate? You return it to me." Lin Fang sarcastically scolded Xu Tao.

"If you don't show me, I'm too lazy to read it." Xu Tao replied, looking at the two children of similar height beside her: "Xiao Nan, Xiao Zhi, let's go, let's take the envelope bag to the police station."

"Xu Tao!" Lin Fang was angry and mad.

"If you have proof of withdrawal, go to the police station to get this thing." Xu Tao was very calm, as if seeing through Lin Fang, he shook the envelope bag in his hand at Lin Fang.

As soon as Lin Fang heard about the police station, her face became particularly ugly. She stared at Xu Tao as if she was going to eat a human being. The next moment, she went crazy and started to attack Xu Tao. Extremely harsh.

Xu Tao wanted to avoid her, but how could she have imagined that Lin Fang was so ruthless that she directly scratched her side face and neck, and even scratched a handful of her hair.

"Grass! Crazy dog!" Xu Tao complained that she should not be image, and turned her hand back at Lin Fang.

Xu Tao is not someone who is willing to suffer losses. She is not bad-tempered, and can even be said to be good, but Lin Fang has disgusted her once, twice, three times, and now she is the first to beat her. She really can't stand the grief.

"Xiao Nan, get out of the way." Xu Tao opened the mouth to remind the two children, and reached out to look at Lin Fang's hair.

Xu Tao's hair was tied in a plait at the back. Lin Fang couldn't catch it, but Xu Tao ignored this crazy woman. She caught Lin Fang's hair and grabbed her hair fiercely to force her to look up. , a slap slap greeted the past, slap, another slap.

"I have endured you for a long time, and you brought it to your door today." Xu Tao slapped Lin Fang a few times, and grabbed her hair and shook it vigorously, wishing to catch Lin Fang bald.

Xu Tao's combat effectiveness is good, and once she exerts her strength, Lin Fang can only be beaten in a frenzy.

At this time, many passers-by started to stop and watch. Lin Fang was not the real owner of the envelope bag, and she did not dare to be too arrogant.

Just at this moment, a middle-aged man rushed over in a hurry. Lin Fang raised his eyes and saw the middle-aged man, and immediately gnashed his teeth at Xu Tao: "Let go, let go." The tone was very urgent.

Xu Tao was so relieved that she heard Lin Fang's call to let go, and then she let go angrily.

As soon as Lin Fang waited for Xu Tao to let go of her, she turned around and ran away without stopping. Xu Tao was still wondering why, and was reminded by Zhou Haizhi.

"Auntie, this is the old uncle's." Zhou Haizhi said, looking at the middle-aged man over there.

The middle-aged man was wearing factory work clothes and glasses with a worried expression. He was looking for the owner of the lost money.

"Uncle." Zhou Haizhi ran to the middle-aged man: "Did you lose an envelope bag?"

"Yes, kid, have you seen it?" The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, looking at Zhou Haizhi, his eyes A raging hope ignited in it.

"Yeah." Zhou Haizhi nodded.

Xu Tao took the envelope bag and led Zhao Linan over, and explained the question: "Uncle, please show the ticket for withdrawing the money. I'll confirm the time and check the envelope bag."

"Okay." The young man immediately took out the ticket for withdrawing money from his pocket and handed it to Xu Tao: "I am Li Yunsheng, the deputy director of Guangming Electronics Factory. I came to the post office to withdraw money to buy materials. The total cost is 5,000 yuan."

Xu Tao took the ticket and compared the envelope and bag, and then looked at Zhou Haizhi and asked with her eyes. In fact, she had already determined that Li Yunsheng in front of her was the owner, but she still looked at Zhou Haizhi.

"Auntie, it was indeed lost by Uncle." Zhou Zhihai confirmed.

"Well, then you order." Xu Tao handed the ticket and envelope bag to Li Yunsheng.

Li Yunsheng took it with a grateful face. He was glad that he could get the five thousand yuan back. He breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the envelope and glanced at it. Without counting the money, he took out two Gray ticket: "A little thought, girl, take it and buy something to eat. Thank you so much today. You saved my life."

"It wasn't me who picked up your money, it was him. It was this little hero." Xu Tao refused with a smile, and at the same time told Li Yunsheng the truth, praised Zhou Haizhi, and said that the child was beaten by Lin Fang to protect the money.

Zhou Haizhi was praised by Xu Tao's shoulders, and he blushed a little embarrassedly. He was such a big child who was praised for the first time.

"Little boy, thank you uncle." Li Yunsheng squatted down and looked at Zhou Haizhi. He could also see the child's thinness and the red marks on the child's head. Hearing what Xu Tao said, he couldn't help being moved. A gray one-hundred-dollar bill is stuffed to the child.

"Although this is a lot of money, it doesn't belong to Uncle Li. Uncle has no way to make the final decision. Two hundred yuan! Uncle personally paid you, it's a reward, and it's not ignorant to reward you for picking up gold." Li Yunsheng spoke very kindly and touched Zhou Haizhi at the same time. brain.

He didn't treat the child as a child, and he was very serious about what he said.

"Uncle..." Zhou Haizhi blinked at Li Yunsheng, then looked up at Xu Tao in a panic, his eyes were blank and overwhelmed.

"Take it! This is your uncle Li's heart." Xu Tao nodded to the child: "Thank you, uncle."

Compared with the huge sum of five thousand, two hundred yuan is nothing, but two hundred yuan, Zhou Haizhi It can be accepted confidently, and it is also a reward that children deserve.

Zhou Haizhi's life was not good. This can be seen from the tattered and old sack next to it. The sack is obviously filled with garbage. The child is walking around picking up garbage and selling it for money! A five-year-old boy!

Thinking of this, Xu Tao couldn't help feeling a little sad for Zhou Haizhi. A five-year-old child has already experienced the warmth and warmth of life.

Chapter 035 Clear

Zhou Haizhi pursed his lips, his eyes flickered for a long time, and then he took the two hundred dollars. He pinched it carefully, held it tightly in his hand, and then bowed to Li Yunsheng to thank him: "Thank you, Uncle."

Five years old The child of the old man already knows the function of money, and also knows that two hundred yuan can buy a lot of things.

"It's Uncle who should thank you." Li Yunsheng stroked Zhou Haizhi's head, feeling grateful and distressed for the child.

The 5,000 yuan he came to pick up today was the 5,000 yuan from the factory. If he lost it, he would be doomed. Fortunately, he found it back. He really thanked Zhou Haizhi in front of him. If it wasn't for him, he would This life is estimated to have to catch up.

Zhou Haizhi didn't understand Li Yunsheng's gratitude. The child only did what he thought was right, and he was very grateful for the gift of two hundred yuan.

"Girl, this is the phone number and address of my factory. You can take it. If he has any difficulties in the future, or if there is something I can help with, you can bring him to me, and I will do my best to help." Li Yunsheng Stand up, take out a pen and paper from the briefcase, write down the address and phone number and give it to Xu Tao.

Knowing that Li Yunsheng still had something to do, Xu Tao took the note for Zhou Haizhi: "Then I will accept it for him. If there is a day when I really need your help, I will let him contact you."

Zhou Haizhi has always been It's a child whose stepfather doesn't love his mother and doesn't love him. He is only five years old this year, and he still has a long way to go.

Xu Tao took pity on Xiaozhi, but she could only do what she could to help.

Li Yunsheng gave two hundred yuan as a thank you, but Xu Tao still felt that since Zhou Haizhi forged this kindness, it could not be wasted easily.

Guangming Electronics Factory is a big factory, even Xu Tao of later generations has vaguely heard about the company of Guangming Electronics Factory. Li Yunsheng is now the deputy director, and he may have a higher position in the future. Such a person will help Zhou Haizhi a little when he needs it. Zhou Haizhi might become different in the future.

Therefore, this phone number and contact information should not only be kept, but also kept well. Xu Tao hopes that Zhou Haizhi in the future will be rewarded for his kind deeds.

"Let's go! Go home." Xu Tao put away the note and greeted Zhao Linan and Zhou Haizhi to go home.

"Auntie, I have to pick up some garbage and sell it for money." Zhou Haizhi looked at the sack over there, and even though he was holding a huge sum of two hundred in his hand, he was still reluctant to throw away his plan to make money by picking up garbage.

If he picks up garbage in the afternoon, he can sell it for a dime or two!

"..." Xu Tao looked at the child with pantothenic acid in her heart: "Xiaozhi, Auntie knows you are smart, you can hide this note and two hundred dollars, right?" Xu Tao bent down and looked at the child and asked earnestly.

"Yeah." Zhou Haizhi nodded firmly.

He'll take the money and the note! He knew that the note had the address and phone number where the uncle could be found.

"Okay, then, auntie will also hand over the note to you for safekeeping." Xu Tao considered taking out a pen and paper from the small bag she was carrying at the same time, and copied the phone number and address to prevent Zhou Haizhi from losing it. The note left behind was also handed over to Zhou Haizhi.

"Do you know if you keep it?" Xu Tao repeatedly told the child.

"Well, the aunt I know." Although Zhou Haizhi was only five years old, his living environment made him mature prematurely.

He also deeply remembered Xu Tao's advice. He knew that the aunt was for his own good.

"Then you go home early, and come to Auntie's house for snacks when you are hungry." Xu Tao patted the child's head, but did not stop the child from continuing to pick up trash.

The child is indeed very pitiful, and his living environment will allow him to grow up quickly. If it was Zhao Linan, Xu Tao would definitely not bear the child's suffering.

If Zhou Haizhi had no father or mother, Xu Tao would still be able to adopt him, but he was not. He was not an orphan, but he was still helpless, so he could only grow up strong by himself, and Xu Tao could not meddle in his own business. It's cruel, a child without an umbrella is doomed to run wild in the rain.

"Well, thank you Auntie." Zhou Haizhi nodded, then quickly walked to the sack over there, grabbed the sack and ran away.

Xu Tao held Zhao Linan's hand until Zhou Haizhi ran away and couldn't see it before leaving.

"Mom!" Zhao Linan's child took Xu Tao's hand: "Brother Xiaozhi, ran away, won't he go home?"

"He went to grow up alone." Xu Tao bent over to hug Zhao Linan and answered him with a smile.

Zhao Linan still didn't understand. The child blinked his clean eyes and gestured with Xu Tao with a smile: "Xiao Nan hit a big cock!" The

child was showing off his bravery to Xu Tao.

"Well, Xiao Nan is great, but in the future, when her mother is away, can't you know that?" Xu Tao pinched the child's cheek as a reminder.

The woman Lin Fang was obviously not normal. If she wasn't there, she would have been kicked by Lin Fang like Zhao Linan before, and Xu Tao didn't dare to let the child take risks.

"Well, my mother is not here, Xiaonan is afraid." Zhao Linan nodded with a smile.

Xu Tao still knew the situation clearly when she saw the child, and knew that she had the confidence to be a child, so she felt relieved, smiled and hugged him home, and by the way, on the way home, she went to the vegetable market to buy a chicken and went home to make soup.

"Cuckoo! Chicks." Zhao Linan followed Xu Tao to buy chickens and saw a cage of chicks next to them. A group of fluffy chicks was extraordinarily cute. The child immediately squatted in front of him and carefully stretched out his Short index finger to touch.

"Be careful it bites your finger." Xu Tao frightened the child.

Zhao Linan was not afraid, just happened to be handed a small piece of vegetable leaf to him by the vendor: "Feed the chicken."

Zhao Linan didn't understand at first, but when he heard the owner of the vendor said, he immediately took the leaf and handed it to the chicken. Seeing the chick eating the vegetable leaves, the child giggled and laughed.

"Mom, buy chickens."

"You can't buy hens if you buy chickens, can Xiaonan not eat chicken?" Xu Tao asked him with a smile.

She knew that Zhao Weiguo and his son were typical carnivores. Xu Tao would not think about not eating meat for ten days and a half months, but Zhao Weiguo and Zhao Linan could not be separated.

"Mom, buy chickens and eat big chickens." Zhao Linan stood up, grabbed the vegetable leaves and rushed over, hugging Xu Tao's legs and acting like a spoiled child.

The child is now with Xu Tao every day, and he is no longer the child who used to have a small mouth and mute, and even the child knows that as long as he acts like a spoiled child, Xu Tao is basically responsive to him, so the child is becoming more and more unaware of spoiling. Tiancheng.

"Okay! For the sake of how cute you are, my mother will buy it for you." Xu Tao squatted down and pinched the child's face. Anyway, the chickens don't have much money, and fifty cents a piece is not too expensive. It's also good to keep a few for the children to play with: "But, mother bought you chickens, and you have to feed them yourself


In this way, when returning from a trip to the vegetable market, Xu Tao was carrying a large hen and vegetables, while Zhao Linan was carefully holding a small cage containing three chicks.

When Zhao Linan got home, he released the three chicks from the small cage and let the chicks run around in the yard.

The chicks are still very small, and the vegetables in the yard are all mature. Xu Tao is not afraid that the chicks will spoil the vegetables, so Zhao Linan is allowed to stock the chicks.

When Zhao Weiguo came back from get off work, Zhao Linan was carrying a vegetable leaf, and the yard was chasing the chicks to feed them. The chicks were chased by the children and ran all over the yard, making Xu Tao almost go crazy with laughter.

Think about it again in the original book, Zhao Linan is a crazy male protagonist, but now he should not know that the little boy who suffered in the ravines and corners and was abused by his adoptive parents and mothers was innocently chasing chickens. Xu Tao felt in a good mood.

"Why did you buy chickens?" Zhao Weiguo ignored his son and walked into the small living room to ask Xu Tao.

"Xiao Nan liked it, so I bought it for him. He said it, and he will feed it himself." Xu Tao smiled and raised his chin at Zhao Weiguo. Zhao Weiguo looked at Xu Tao and smiled, but the next moment he raised his hand and stretched out to grab Xu Tao's hand: "What happened to your neck and cheeks



Xu Tao's skin is good, and her whole body is fair and pure. A 20-year-old woman just hovers between maturity and charm, which makes him feel particularly good when he comes home every day to see her and his son.

Today, I accidentally saw a red mark on the originally fair face, and I was in a bad mood.

"It was scratched by a mad dog." Xu Tao sighed.

When she got home, she looked in the mirror and found that the marks on her cheeks and neck were quite obvious. Although it was not serious and would not be disfigured, it would not disappear immediately these few days, and she immediately regretted it. He didn't even catch Lin Fang and pull him bald.

"Huh?" Zhao Weiguo frowned and looked at her suspiciously.

Xu Tao didn't really want to talk about it, but Zhao Weiguo asked, and the man found the scar right away, so she didn't hide it, and told the whole story of how she met Zhou Haizhi and Lin Fang at the post office today.

"Did you win or lose?" Zhao Weiguo looked at Xu Tao and asked again after listening.

He was actually quite surprised that Xu Tao could actually beat people. Xu Tao looks delicate and quiet, and the most fierce time was on the bed. When he made him ruthless, he would scratch and scratch him. He really couldn't think of her hitting people. look.

"We won!" Xu Tao smiled and nodded, joking that she just looked weak, but she wasn't really weak, okay?

"Have you wiped the medicine?" Zhao Weiguo pinched Xu Tao's chin and took a serious look at the scratches on her neck.

"Wipe it."

"Well." Zhao Weiguo didn't say anything more.

Xu Tao also changed the subject and dragged Zhao Weiguo to kill the chicken. The chicken she bought was still tied to her feet and left in the kitchen. She had no experience in killing chickens, so she could only wait for Zhao Weiguo to come back to deal with it.

Zhao Weiguo is always very reliable in this regard. He went to the kitchen to carry the hen out, wiped the hen's neck with a kitchen knife without blinking, and even took a bowl to pick up the blood of the chicken.

Xu Tao watched Zhao Weiguo slaughter chickens neatly and shed their feathers, and people came over to continue the original topic: "Zhao Weiguo, let me ask you, if I lose the fight with the surname Lin today, and my nose is bruised, what will you do? What should I do?"

In fact, Zhao Weiguo's attitude was too calm after hearing her say that he had won the fight, which made Xu Tao couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

"What should I do?" The man raised his eyebrows and chuckled, and seriously considered Xu Tao's question: "Would it be alright to go to her house in the middle of the night and beat her two brothers

over their heads?" There is really no possibility for a man to hit a woman, even if the woman is shameless.

"What's the use of hitting her two brothers." Xu Tao was surprised by Zhao Weiguo's brain circuit, and she asked a little arrogantly: "Then I want you to hit her? Will you hit her?"

Xu Tao knew that Zhao Weiguo was also tangled. Because Lin Fang is a woman.

"If you insist on me going, then I can only fight." Zhao Weiguo said frankly.

"Then you can beat a woman."

"You beat a woman. My daughter-in-law was bullied. I can't fight back. There's no reason." Zhao Weiguo chuckled lightly and quickly opened the hen with a pair of scissors. The belly is broken, and by the way, the internal organs of the hen are dug out and cleaned.

Xu Tao wanted to help, but she still didn't help, and kept watching Zhao Weiguo clean up the hen.

"This hen is heavy, half fried potatoes and chicken, half stewed soup!" Xu Tao thought about how to prepare chicken.

"Okay." Zhao Weiguo had no objection, and neatly cut the hen into chicken pieces.

Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo were preparing dinner in the kitchen, Zhao Linan continued chasing the chickens in the yard, Xu Tao took the time to glance at Zhao Linan, who was sweating, and sympathized with the chickens.

"Zhao Weiguo, you call your son to take a break, and then run after the chick, I guess the chick won't be able to survive tonight." Xu Tao cut potato pieces to help the chick talk.

"Mom." Xu Tao finished speaking, Zhao Weiguo didn't reply, Zhao Linan ran into the kitchen, the child was excited: "Mom, the chick is shitting.

" He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

When she bought chickens, she didn't think about the chickens' need to eat, drink, and lax. As soon as Zhao Linan acted coquettishly, she agreed to buy them for children, and a large part of it was because she didn't think about raising chickens at all. Now Hearing Zhao Linan say that the chick had pooped, Xu Tao only felt that his brain was buzzing.

She regrets it! I regret buying chickens for my kids.

Thinking of this, Xu Tao looked at Zhao Weiguo for help, and it was right to count on this man at this time: "Xiao Nan, your father is smarter, he knows what to do!"

Shirking responsibility and boasting about Zhao Weiguo.

Zhao Weiguo glanced at Xu Tao with a smile, and looked at his son Zhao Linan very usefully: "You want to raise chickens yourself, then you feed the chickens, and you have to deal with the chickens' shit."

"Well, Xiaonan knows." Zhao Linan didn't think there was a problem, the child just wondered what to do: "Dad, does Xiao Nan want to wipe the chick's ass? The chick runs, I can't catch it."

Wipe the chick's ass! Sure enough, he is still a three-year-old child, and the naive and childlike language can really surprise you.

"Pfft!" Xu Tao turned her head and couldn't help laughing.

"No need." The veins on Zhao Weiguo's forehead jumped up, but he didn't laugh out loud: "Where is the chicken poop, just dig some soil and cover it up."

"That's fine!" Zhao Linan nodded again. I grabbed the vegetable leaves and went to the yard.

Xu Tao neatly stir-fried the chicken pieces, put the potatoes in and simmered together, and then covered the pot.

"With you every day, that kid's IQ was taken away by you." Zhao Weiguo stood by the kitchen window, watching the outside chasing the chick again, and carefully handing the shit of the chick to his son who covered it. Speechless feeling.

He was not like this when he was a child, the child must still be influenced by Xu Tao.

"Hey, don't wrong people! He's your son, and you can do whatever he looks like." Xu Tao immediately shook his hand and said that he would never carry this nest.

"When I was a child, I should be—not so stupid!" Zhao Weiguo pondered his words.

Xu Tao continued to laugh again, and her cheeks hurt from laughing all day, so she waved her hand and stared at Zhao Weiguo: "Don't make me laugh, my face hurts.

" After the stew is ready, the potato and chicken nuggets are also fragrant.

Shi Shi was at home alone, and the little boy would make some random food, but the little boy couldn't help smelling the fragrance, so he had the cheek to come to Zhao Linan to play.

"Auntie, can I eat at your house today? My father sent my mother to the hospital to give birth, and no one cares about me." Shitou asked Xu Tao in despair and anticipation.

Mainly because the chicken soup and potatoes and chicken nuggets are too fragrant, and Shishi is really greedy. Before going out, his dad asked him to get something to eat. If he didn't smell these strong aromas, he could eat it, but Zhao Linan My mother cooks so deliciously.

"Okay!" Xu Tao readily agreed: "Your mother gave birth today?"

Xu Tao asked Shitou to count the days, and found that it was almost time to give birth. Fan Qiumei's belly was seven or eight months old earlier.

"Well, I just don't know if it's a younger brother or a younger sister."

"Then do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?" Xu Tao asked him, and at the same time filled the stone with a bowl of chicken soup.

Shitou was a seven-year-old child who was almost eight years old, and he thought a lot about it precociously. Xu Tao just asked casually, but the child really thought about it before answering: "If I want a younger sister or a younger brother, my parents shouldn't care about me anymore. ."

They paid much less attention to him since his mother said he had a younger sibling in his womb.

Xu Tao couldn't help feeling a little emotional when she heard what Shi Shi said. People in this era don't pay as much attention to having children and raising children as later generations. A group of children in the alley spend their time every day by themselves. host.

Stone's mother, Fan Qiumei, has a big belly and has limited energy every day, so she sends stones to play by herself. Her husband, Sun Tonghai, is a factory worker. Most of his time is spent on work, so he naturally ignores stones.

"Brothers and sisters are the same." Xu Tao replied, not daring to enlighten the children too much.

Her thinking is more influenced by later generations, and she is not the same as many mothers in the alley. Xu Tao knows this and does not intend to say more: "Drink the soup! Try the chicken soup stewed by Auntie, is it good?"

"Auntie , your stewed chicken soup must be delicious, auntie you are the best cook in the whole alley." Shi Shi immediately echoed and boasted.

"Mom is the best food." Zhao Linan also echoed.

There was also a bowl of chicken soup in front of the child. The child pouted and took a sip. The mouth was very cute.

"Mom is not delicious, but chicken is delicious." Xu Tao smiled and nodded a little bit of the child, and also added a little green vegetables to Zhao Linan.

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