Chapter 121- 125

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Chapter 121 Umbrella

Zhao Weiqiang, Liao Tuhang, and brother-in-law Qin Yubin were all about the same age and got along a lot. Zhao Weiqiang knew the situation early on, and because it was Liao Tuhang, he didn't intervene.

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother looked at Zhao Weilan, then looked at Zhao Weiguo and Zhao Weiqiang, and knew that they should know Zhao Weilan's object. Both sons also said that the young man was a good man, and Zhao's father and Zhao's mother felt relieved.

When Zhao Weilan suddenly mentioned the object, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother stopped breathing.

In the past few years, Zhao Weilan is not too young. It has been a few years since she graduated from university. From her age, she is already at the stage of late marriage and late childbearing.

But Zhao's father and Zhao's mother never urged or mentioned marriage. I didn't expect Zhao Weilan to think clearly and find a good partner.

"Is Xi Province a little far away?" Zhao Weiju said, frowning.

She was a little worried that her younger sister would marry too far. Marrying far away was really a big gamble. Marrying close, with a daughter-in-law backed by her parents' family, life was completely different.

"He works in Yangcheng, and he also buys a house and plans to settle down. He has little time to return to Western Province. At most, he will go back during the Chinese New Year." Zhao Weilan replied.

She is very calm. After the incident with the original object, her mentality and state have undergone tremendous changes. She has no great thoughts and impulses about anything.

The reason why she wanted to find a partner to marry was really just because she was old and it was time to get married, thinking that she couldn't find a good partner, and Liao Tuhang appeared just when she thought she could get married, so she followed the trend. Accepted.

"That's good, you have time to take him home for a meal." Father Zhao spoke.

"Wait until my third sister-in-law gives birth!" Zhao Weilan nodded and decided the next time.

"Okay." Father Zhao nodded.

After a few words about Zhao Weilan's object, the family didn't say much. Everyone almost finished eating and went home.

At night, Xu Tao also talked to Zhao Weiguo about Liao Tuhang and Zhao Weilan.

When the Taoyuan Taxi Company first opened, Xu Tao basically knew the drivers of the Taoyuan Company. Later, with the expansion of the taxi scale, Xu Tao was also busy at the Jinnanxuan Hotel, and he knew much less about the taxi company.

But Liao Tuhang, she still knows a little bit and is familiar with it.

"Do you think the two are suitable?" Xu Tao asked Zhao Weiguo.

Xu Tao always looks at people with the eyes of the future, so she doesn't judge people very much now. She is not a person of this era, she can't understand this era, and the people who have been poisoned by feudal society are good or not. Bad.

But Zhao Weiguo can tell, and he is a man. It is easier for a man to see a man, and a woman to see a woman, and it is clearer whether this woman is good or bad in her bones.

Zhao Weiguo nodded: "Liao Yuhang is mature and can teach her to grow up, which is good."

When Liao Tuhang mentioned the target, Zhao Weiguo and Liao Tuhang mentioned about Zhao Weilan, and Liao Tuhang knew about it.

But he and Zhao Weilan had been dealing with each other for some days, and he felt that Zhao Weilan had changed a lot.

He is not too young now, and his family is busy looking for a partner for him. He is not in a hurry, but he also knows that if he should get married, he must get married. Step by step, it is the life journey of most people, but the routine has to embark on this road.

"Well, that's true." Xu Tao nodded.

To be honest, the love between siblings is certainly desirable, but no matter how old a woman is, she really needs to be cared for.

Mature men can control their temper in anger and think clearly about the consequences of mistakes. This mature charm definitely requires experience and time to precipitate.

When Xu Tao was young before she wore the book, she also liked boys of the same age. I have to say that falling in love with a young boy is really different. There is passion and joy, but it is really tiring to be with young people.

After reading through the book, she met Zhao Weiguo, and after getting along, Xu Tao found that mature men are really fragrant.

"Mature men are really fragrant! Like you!" Xu Tao said, leaned over to Zhao Weiguo and pecked the corner of his mouth lightly.

This man made her realize the joy of a mature and stable man. Xu Tao now feels that talking about passion is too sweet!

After all, Zhao Weiguo, who is in his thirties, is physically strong, mature and stable, and occasionally he is so overbearing that Xu Tao is really pinched.

If she could meet a man like Zhao Weiguo in her previous life, she wouldn't insist on not marrying. The marriage grave, if it's good, will be buried!

"Am I fragrant?" Zhao Weiguo's eyes sank in an instant, and the big palm stretched out to pull Xu Tao into his arms.

"Xiang, but it's cold!" Xu Tao hissed and protested, pushing and shoving, shouting cold in his mouth, but his body was more honest.

well! Gee! Softer faster!

Zhao Weiguo chuckled, pulling Xu Tao to live a harmonious life silently. The man after the sterilization has no worries at all in the life of husband and wife, and is often too sticky.

Qin Yurou was born in early March. It was a boy, a fat boy. After giving birth, Qin Yurou announced that her belly was sealed. The child's name was Zhao Libei.

After the confinement ended, Qin Yurou hired a live-in nanny to take care of the children, and devoted herself to work.

Zhao Weiqiang supports Qin Yurou very much. Basically, after marriage, Zhao Weiqiang listens to Qin Yurou's arrangement.

Not long after Qin Yurou gave birth, Zhao Weilan brought Liao Tuhang home to meet for dinner.

Not long after the meeting, they negotiated and decided on a marriage. The marriage was not a big deal, but Liao Tuhang also brought his parents and family from Xi Province to Yangcheng.

Liao Tuhang's parents and family members were somewhat feudal, knowing that their son was going to get married, they were happy and proud when they were brought to Yangcheng.

Liao Tuhang, his son, was discharged from the army. At first, Liao's mother was teased by neighbors in the village. As a result, Liao Tuhang found a decent job in Yangcheng, earned more money, and sent home more money.

Liao's mother was immediately happy to publicize it in her hometown in Xi Province, and she was also proud to show off in front of her relatives.

After the date of the marriage was set, Liao Tuhang brought his parents to Yangcheng, and planned to bring Zhao Weilan back to his hometown at the end of the year to roughly make up for the banquet in his hometown.

"Have you negotiated how much the bride price will be?" Liao Tuhang brought Zhao Weilan to meet her parents when they were about to get married. After the meeting, Zhao Weilan went home.

Mother Liao didn't have much demands on Zhao Weilan, she just felt that Zhao Weilan was a little older.

But knowing that Zhao Weilan is a college student, she didn't say anything. She was in her twenties when she graduated, and it took two or three years to get married, so it's not surprising to calculate her age.

In other respects, Mother Liao didn't care too much, but she was only curious about the issue of the bride price.

"One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine." Liao Tuhang prepared three nines for the bride price, according to the price of the bride price in the province of Wenzhou.

"How much?" Liao's mother felt distressed when she heard this, and once felt that she had hallucinated: "Son, it only costs two or three hundred yuan to marry a daughter-in-law in our western province, which is considered a high betrothal gift, you, Why do you want to give so many gifts? Are you stupid and keep the money to burn your hands!" Mother Liao frowned, her tone full of disapproval.

One thousand nine hundred ninety-nine! Even if Liao Tuhang can make money, he is dying!

Mother Liao was so annoyed that she wanted to write some articles to suppress the betrothal money. Although Zhao Weilan graduated from college, no matter how many books a woman reads, she has to get married and have children.

Moreover, Zhao Weilan is also 27 or 8 years old. At this age, not to mention the dowry in the Western Province, it would be good if her family did not pay the money, and it is really outrageous to have a dowry of 1,999.

"Mom, this betrothal gift is based on the dowry from Wei Lan's hometown. I roughly added some." Liao Tuhang said helplessly.

The current dowry in Wenzhou is about a thousand yuan. His conditions are not bad, and Zhao Weilan is not bad, so he thought of a good number.

"That's not so much! Two thousand yuan!" Liao's mother was still not very happy, and she couldn't make a gesture with both hands.

To marry a daughter-in-law from another place, their whole family will spend a lot of money on the journey when they come to Yangcheng. In the future, there will not be many things going back and forth. It is better to find a daughter-in-law who is closer.

And even if her son Liao Tuhang can make money, he can't afford such a meal!

"Mom, the betrothal gifts have been discussed. You and my mother and sister come to Yangcheng and have a good wedding. Don't interfere with other things." Liao Tuhang spoke directly.

"No, I'm not doing it for your own good. You are young and you don't understand. We, as adults, must check this marriage dowry!" Mother Liao felt that Liao Tuhang didn't understand and was simply deceived.

"Mom, I know this in my mind." Liao Tuhang was speechless.

"No, Xiaohang, let's hurry up and talk to my in-laws tomorrow. We must discuss the dowry issue again." Mother Liao stubbornly prepared to intervene.

"Mom, are you trying to embarrass me and make it difficult for me to be a human being?" Liao Tuhang stopped Liao's mother, and simply told her own situation and Zhao Weilan's family situation.

"Well, Wei Lan's brother is really the boss of your company?" Mother Liao sighed.

Liao Tuhang nodded.

Liao's mother had nothing to say. Zhao Weilan was older, but she was also a college student. Her family's conditions were good, and she was also the boss of Liao Tuhang's company. If the promised betrothal gift went back on its promise, it was definitely her son who was in trouble.

Zhao Weilan's older brother is also the boss, so capable, and her family is strong, it would be inappropriate for her to make trouble.

After Liao's mother thought about it, these things didn't come to an end in the end. Without Zhao Weilan's knowledge, she was already handled and suppressed by Liao Tuhang.

Liao Tuhang is also measured. When he married Zhao Weilan, it was not because he was interested in the conditions of her parents' family, but he simply felt that he should get married, and Zhao Weilan was also suitable.

Zhao Weilan's marriage was quite lively. When they got married, everyone in the Zhao family was short of money, and the dowry was naturally beautiful.

The dowry given by Liao Tuhang was one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, which was auspicious, but the amount of dowry from Zhao's father and Zhao's mother was not low.

Zhao Weiguo and his wife, Zhao Weiqiang and his wife, Zhao Weiju and his wife, all of them gave a lot of dowry and red envelopes.

When Mother Liao knew that Zhao Weilan not only brought back all the dowry money of 1999, but also had thousands of dowries, she was overjoyed.

The red envelopes given by Zhao Weiguo and his brothers and sisters are all equal to eight or eight, and the three families are very willing to give them.

Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo also gave their dowry a large color TV, and the price was not cheap.

Zhao Weiqiang and Qin Yurou married a pair of custom-made red suitcases, which were of super high quality.

The gifts from Zhao Weiju and Wu Linbiao were not so good, but they were two sets of traditional Wenzhou quilts, plus two pairs of leather shoes and two sets of new clothes.

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother had more money for the dowry, and also bought a pair of gold earrings and a watch. The price was much higher than the dowry and dowry.

That is to say, Zhao Weilan was young, and when she got married, it was only when Zhao's family was in good condition that she had such a rich and amazing dowry, otherwise she would not have dared to think about it.

Of course, the strength of the maiden's family, in a certain sense, is the absolute confidence of the woman after she gets married.

Although Liao Tuhang's mother didn't make trouble because of what Liao Tuhang said, but on the wedding day, when she saw Zhao Weilan's dowry, she was so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Although this betrothal gift is high, the dowry is also a unique amount, so that some trivial matters and disputes after Zhao Weilan's original marriage were quickly aborted.

After the wedding, Mother Liao originally said that she would stay in Yangcheng to take care of their husband and wife, thinking that they should have children when they were almost married, and did not want to go back to their hometown in Xishen.

Naturally, Liao Tuhang didn't agree, he bought a ticket and sent his family back.

Zhao Weilan's wedding is over, and the Zhao family's life is getting busy again.

The community that Zhao Weiguo and Niu Zhengzheng developed together are still like beasts that have been swallowing gold, eating money and money.

More than half of Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo's income is paid for in real estate projects, which is a headache, but once the development is successful, the future money will be another scene.

Zhao Weiguo was actually a little discouraged for a while, and he did not expect that the amount of money invested in the development of the community would be so huge, it was like a bottomless pit.

Xu Tao has been cheering him on. She trusts him very much. When he worries about money, Jin Nanxuan Hotel's monthly profit and Taoyuan Company's profit are all invested.

It was also Xu Tao's trust that made Zhao Weiguo feel much calmer.

Zhao Weiguo is very smart. He has long known the weirdness of Xu Tao. He entered the real estate industry and developed the community, and invested so much money. If the industry is not rich enough and earns not much money, Xu Tao will definitely stop him.

Since she didn't stop him, she still supported him, which is undoubtedly good news, so Zhao Weiguo calmed down a lot.

With their busy careers, Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo were so busy that they could barely touch the ground, much busier than before, so when Zhao Linuan was two and a half years old, they sent the little girl to the nursery.

After getting rid of Zhao Linan's dependence on his brother Zhao Linan, Xu Tao would occasionally pick up the child when he was free, and would ask the driver to pick him up when he was not free.

Occasionally when there is no way, it is Zhao Linan to pick up.

In the blink of an eye, it was a winter of one year. Zhao Linan stayed in the nursery for about half a month. The little girl quickly adapted to the life of the nursery. She stayed happily every day, and there was no such problem that Zhao Linan disliked the classmates around him.

Zhao Linan is now a freshman in high school. He knows that the nursery school ends early and usually picks up his sister very rarely, but Zhao Linan still occasionally skips class to pick up his sister.

Xu Tao doesn't get angry much at times like this. Zhao Linan skips class to pick up her sister. Usually, when the weather is bad, Xu Tao will naturally turn a blind eye.

It was another rainy day. It was cold and the rain was heavy. It was raining all afternoon, and the road was wet.

When Zhao Linan was in class, he looked at the weather outside. He didn't have the last class in the evening, so he directly asked for leave to go to the nursery to pick up his sister Zhao Linan.

Outside Zhao Linan's nursery, Zhao Linan was waiting with a black umbrella. The boy was carrying a schoolbag with one hand and looked at the nursery inside, in a good mood.

A group of little devils in the nursery were silently being led out by the teacher. Zhao Linan saw his soft and cute sister standing at the back, hand in hand with a quiet little boy next to him.

Because of the rain, the parents came to pick up the children early. Zhao Linuan was young and the boy happened to be at the back. The children in front were picked up one after another, leaving the two youngest children.

"Brother." Zhao Linan held the boy's hand and waved at Zhao Linan outside with a smile.

The little boy next to her also looked up at Zhao Linan. The little boy was very handsome. The little boy of a few years old could be said to be very handsome. When he knew that the tall big brother was Zhao Linan's brother, the boy's eyes lit up. With a look of envy, he silently lowered his head and pursed his lips.

Zhao Linan also smiled at his sister, but his eyes glanced at the little hand that Zhao Linan was holding the little boy. He didn't know what was going on, and felt that the little hand he was holding was a little annoying.

The feeling that the little cabbage that he raised was being humiliated by pigs made Zhao Linan angry. He pursed his lips and told himself that his sister was still young, and the boy was still young. The two were just innocent friends, and he was not happy. , purely boring behavior.

After soothing himself in this way, Zhao Linan spoke to the teacher, ready to go over to pick up his sister Zhao Linan and go home.

"Xiao Nian, how are you going home?" Zhao Linuan held the boy's hand and asked enthusiastically.

"Go back by yourself." Xiao Si in Zhao Linuan's mouth is a boy. He is three years old this year and his full name is Mu Sinian. After Zhao Linuan went to the nursery, he often mentioned the boy when he came home. The little girl was very enthusiastic about boys.

"Do you have an umbrella?" Zhao Linuan also saw that it was raining.


"Nuan Nuan has an umbrella, Nuan Nuan will send Xiao Nian." Zhao Li Nuan said with a smile.

"No." The boy refused.

The boy is three years old, but his home is not far away. His parents are usually busy with work. From the time they sent him to the nursery, the little boy basically went home by himself. Nian waited in the nursery until the rain stopped before going back.

But Zhao Linuan happily waved to his brother.

Zhao Linan walked over happily, bent over to pick up his sister and went home.

"Brother, warm the umbrella." Zhao Linuan stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Huh?" Zhao Linan didn't understand, he squatted down and looked at his sister Zhao Linan: "The umbrella is heavy, just hold it for my brother."

"No, take it warmly." Zhao Linan shook his head and reached out for the umbrella .

Zhao Linan was helpless, the umbrella was easily snatched by his sister, and it was fine. He petted, held, and cared for his precious sister, holding the umbrella, regardless of whether he was exposed to the rain or not, he held the umbrella for the boy next to him. .

"?" Zhao Linan squatted on the ground dumbfounded, his expression desperate and astonishing, he didn't expect this to happen at all.

Zhao Linuan gave the boy an umbrella to hide, his brother, the little girl didn't care whether it was raining or not, and even the little girl ignored him, completely ignoring his existence.

"..." Zhao Linan's breathing became heavier.

"Xiao Nian, let's go, Nuan Nuan has an umbrella." Zhao Linuan held an umbrella in both hands, and shared two steps to stand with the little boy Mo Sinian.

Mu Sinian looked at Zhao Linan who looked desperate and shocked, pursed his lips and nodded: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Zhao Linan smiled immediately, and the little girl smiled warmly, like a little sun.

The black umbrella is very big, Zhao Linuan held it very hard with both hands, and Mu Sinian reached out to help. The two ignorant milk dolls walked out holding the umbrella together, looking harmonious and beautiful.

"..." Zhao Linan squatted on the spot and looked sideways at his ruthless sister, heartbroken.

Did she forget that she still has an elderly brother squatting?

"Nuan Nuan." Zhao Linan clenched his cheeks and called out.

"Huh?" Both Zhao Linan and Mu Sinian stopped, turned their heads, and the girl with a particularly cute smile waved to Zhao Linan.

"Brother, let's go!" Zhao Linuan's right hand was like greeting a puppy.

"..." Zhao Linan's breathing became heavier, and there was a swear word in his chest.

Let's go, you take your umbrella away and hide from the rain with your little classmates. Your brother and I are in the rain, didn't you see it?

Although it's not raining much at the moment, this cruel behavior is like torture to Zhao Linan.

It doesn't matter if it rains, the key is that my sister turns her elbows out when she sees it.

Zhao Linan said that he was very injured. The tall boy had no choice but to stand up, his face was gloomy and jealous, and his moving pace was also very hurt.

The key is that Zhao Linuan and the boy turned around and left after saying hello.

Zhao Linan was more like a wooden man. He silently raised his hand to lift the hat on his coat and put it over his head. He took a step with deep eyes and followed Zhao Linan and Mu Sinian step by step.

This year's Yangcheng is really cold, the rain hits the face, it really hurts!

There was an umbrella in front of him, and the sweet man (three years old) and the woman (two and a half years old) were really annoying, and his heart was so hurt that he almost fainted.

One-shoulder backpack, using clothes and hats to keep out the rain, occasionally raising his hand to wipe the raindrops on his cheeks, Zhao Linan felt the coldness of his heart.

Ah! See Brother Sewang's little bastard.

The way home has come back, and I still laugh with the boy from time to time, laughing ass!

"Xiao Nian, do you like to eat cake?"


"That Nuan Nuan will bring you tomorrow." Zhao Li Nuan suddenly said in surprise.

"Thank you, no need." The boy thanked in a calm tone, declining his kindness.

"I want to bring it to you." Zhao Linan insisted.

"Ha!" Zhao Linan sneered after watching his sister please the boy while soaking in the rain.

Usually at home, he eats a bite of her cake, the little brat who is not happy, but now he insists on bringing cakes to others!

Look at his little brat who couldn't hold back at the age of two and a half, he started to please men, and even a three-year-old man! snort!

Zhao Linan became more depressed the more he thought about it, and he snorted loudly. He was about to die of anger, but he still did not admit the fact that he was very unhappy at the moment.

"That's good!" Mu Sinian accepted with the serious tone of a handsome young man.

"Hee hee, Nuan Nuan likes you." Zhao Li Nuan also enthusiastically confessed.

"..." Mu Sinian said nothing.

"Ha!" Zhao Linan couldn't help sneering again.

Really mad at him, Zhao Linan felt that the winter in Yangcheng was even colder.

Zhao Linan didn't know how long he followed Zhao Linan silently until Zhao Linan sent Mu Sinian home, the little girl put down her umbrella and waved goodbye to Mu Sinian with a smile.

"Goodbye." Mu Sinian waved to Zhao Linuan and ran home.

"..." Zhao Linan gritted his teeth extra hard, looked at Mu Sinian's house, and then looked at Zhao Linan's reluctant figure.

The pattering rain has stopped, but the downpour in Zhao Linan's heart is still raging.

Little white-eyed wolf! I really want to spank her little ass! Reluctant to part with other men, his brother is like a transparent person!

"Brother." Zhao Linan turned around, the little girl found that it was not raining, and regardless of the umbrella, she came over and looked at Zhao Linan and called out cutely.

The little girl's brother's cry was as sweet as before, but Zhao Linan's discomfort was still very obvious. The boy was called a brother by his sister before, and he wanted to pick the stars and the moon for the little girl. This is the first time Zhao Linan heard the little girl's call. Brother, still unhappy.

"Brother, isn't it good-looking in a young age?" Zhao Linuan didn't know her brother's heart journey at all, so forget it, the little girl still disliked it enough and continued to stab her heart.

"..." You look good, your brother and I were much prettier than that stinky boy when I was young.

Zhao Linan has a good memory and recalled his time in the nursery for the first time. At that time, there were many girls in the nursery who always liked to stick to him.

It seems natural for men and women to look at their faces, no matter how old they are, there will be strong instincts.

Feng shui turns, he has rejected many female children to please, but now the wind is blowing, and it is still raining in the winter.

Gala! Zhao Linan's fist clenched unknowingly, and he was really angry!

"Zhao Linan, brother, I didn't have an umbrella just now, and I was soaked in the rain all the way behind you, do you know that?" Zhao Linan spoke, looking at the little girl holding his leg.

"Oh!" Zhao Linan pursed his lips and said, "But my brother has a hat."

"Ha!" Zhao Linan closed his eyes in anger.

This broken hat is nothing to do with it, even if it gets wet in the rain, his heart is mainly hurt!

"Don't you need an umbrella to cover the rain if you have clothes and hats?" Zhao Linan said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry!" Zhao Linan hugged Zhao Linan's leg, she didn't understand why her brother wasn't happy, but the little girl was smart enough to apologize consciously.

"Ha!" Zhao Linan continued to snort coldly.

I didn't expect that I would happily pick up the little bastard and go home today, and I got such a result, I was very depressed and very depressed.

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