Chapter 46- 50

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Chapter 046 Too Tired
"It doesn't matter." Zhao Weiguo replied to Xu Tao with ease: "I'll clean up tomorrow."

He now feels that he wants to clean up Xu Tao rather than clean up the tableware. Obviously, Xu Tao is better and more interesting to him. .

Xu Tao blinked and refused: "No, it's hot, you'll stink to death if you don't clean up tomorrow morning." In

this weather, how can these meals be made overnight.

Xu Tao also didn't allow Zhao Weiguo to be lazy, and pulled Zhao Weiguo to clean up the dishes quickly. Zhao Weiguo had no choice but to help. The man who drank a lot of alcohol was not completely drunk, but he was not too sober.

Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo cleaned up all the tableware and chopsticks together, and it was already half an hour after they were washed in the kitchen.

Xu Tao grinned tiredly, but the smell of oil smoke lingered throughout the day. Even if Xu Tao was too tired to straighten her waist, she still boiled water to take a bath.

In fact, Zhao Weiguo was not completely drunk, and was busy with Xu Tao between half drunk and half smoked.

"I'll bring you hot water." Zhao Weiguo watched Xu Tao boil the hot water with a coal stove, and the man graciously helped.

Seeing this, Xu Tao did not refuse. After all, a large bucket of hot water was indeed quite heavy, and since Zhao Weiguo was willing to help, Xu Tao was also happy. She was happy to hold the towel and pajamas easily and followed Zhao Weiguo.

"Okay, let's go out!" Seeing Zhao Weiguo bring hot water and put it in the toilet, Xu Tao waved his hand ruthlessly to dismiss the man.

A sense of sight that can be thrown away after use!

Zhao Weiguo raised his eyebrows at Xu Tao, watched Xu Tao put the pajamas and towels on the shelf next to him, and when Xu Tao turned around, the man leaned over, his thin lips blocked the delicate red lips.


Xu Tao didn't expect that Zhao Weiguo would attack suddenly, the man's kiss was hot and affectionate, and he didn't give Xu Tao any chance to think, and forcefully pressed her against the wall to ask for it.

Xu Tao thought confusedly, this man was suddenly domineering and very emotional, but could he not be in the toilet.

This kind of play on the bathroom wall could be very romantic and beautiful if it were written in Ba Zongwen, but it has been eight years now, and the toilet is also squatting and smelly. Although Xu Tao pays attention to hygiene, it is still The toilet is not dreamy at all!

"Don't!" Xu Tao angrily regained some thoughts, but instead of kissing the man, she put her hand on Zhao Weiguo's shoulder to stop the man from touching her clothes.

"Wash together." Zhao Weiguo suggested with bright eyes, full of anticipation.

It doesn't have to be so exciting! ! !

Xu Tao stared: "No, it's just broken conditions, I can't accept the stalk of the bathroom party! And there is no big bathtub, no full-length mirror, it's not perfect at all! Get me out!"

Zhao Weiguo didn't quite understand the meaning of Xu Tao's words, he only knew that he really wanted to do something exciting with Xu Tao.

"Try it?" It's really good to take a bath together or something.

"Zhao Weiguo, you go out." Xu Tao said coquettishly, it was impossible for him to be a werewolf.

As a serious person, Xu Tao said that she must refuse seriously to go to the toilet or something!

Zhao Weiguo was very helpless and was pushed out of the toilet by Xu Tao. The man could only watch the small door slammed shut, raised his hand to touch his nose, but the man was not in a hurry to leave. At the door, listening to the sound of water in the toilet, the sound of washing.

Everything is exciting!

Zhao Weiguo deeply felt that there were some things that he couldn't see, and it was more exciting to rely on his brain to make up. That's right, he was very excited at the moment.

There was even an urge to smash the door in front of him.

When Xu Tao opened the door after taking a shower, she saw Zhao Weiguo still standing at the door, the man staring at her with terrifying eyes, like a tiger who had been hungry for more than ten years.

Xu Tao screamed inwardly, and could see the man's anxiety. She still had clothes in her hand, and was about to put it in the sink to wake up tomorrow, but she saw that Zhao Weiguo had turned into a werewolf, bent over and stretched out his hand to carry her up. His stomach was against his shoulder, and he was easily carried by him and strode to the room.

Xu Tao lowered her head and saw Zhao Weiguo's pace. It could be seen from the man's speed that he was in a hurry.

"Zhao Weiguo, you didn't take a bath!" Xu Tao slapped the man on the back.

She washed cleanly and fragrantly for sleep and rest, not to make him toss for nothing.

Xu Tao bared his teeth in protest, Zhao Weiguo carried the person onto the bed in the room and put him down, leaned over and kissed: "I'm going to take a shower."

He knew that if he didn't wash himself, Xu Tao wouldn't touch him.

After Xu Tao was kissed, she saw the man rush out like a tornado. She was stunned for a while, and then burst out laughing.

Can! It's fun to see that the man's forbearance behind his usual calmness is exposed, and it's all exposed after drinking.

Xu Tao lay down funny and yawned delicately.

Wow, the man is carrying a bucket to fill the sink with water. The weather is hot, and the man is too lazy to boil the hot water. The water temperature of the faucet is just right for him.

Xu Tao was lying on the bed and wanted to close her eyes to fall asleep. She was really tired today, but she closed her eyes, but her ears perked up unknowingly. She couldn't help but wonder about Zhao Weiguo's speed.

Zhao Weiguo did not let Xu Tao wait, and took a battle bath as quickly as possible. The man still had drips of water on his neck and chest.

Xu Tao watched the man wink, and couldn't help but admire in her heart.

Zhao Weiguo's figure is really good, and his muscles are just right. He is not the scary muscles like a gym, and he has an inverted triangle at the waist.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Xu Tao would have the urge to whistle to tease men.


Zhao Weiguo turned off the light. In the darkness, with a little moonlight, the man went to bed like a cheetah, grabbed Xu Tao's ankle, and climbed up from the bottom with his palm.

Xu Tao felt the itch on her leg, kicked her lower leg, and successfully made Zhao Weiguo pounce.

Zhao Weiguo drank wine this night, and his spirit was far more excited than usual. Xu Tao was able to cooperate at first. After all, she felt that the two of them were quite compatible, but when she studied hard for the second time, Xu Tao couldn't take it anymore.

The third time Tian Tian went up, Xu Tao directly wanted to die on the spot.

It's very, quite, very shocking Zhao Weiguo's terrible, how can this man be so energetic, let her learn once, twice or three times, she never understands that a man can love learning so much!

"This day will never end!" At dawn, when Xu Tao saw the faintly rising sun outside, she reached out her hand in desperation, scratched Zhao Weiguo's neck fiercely, and then she was relieved and fell into a deep sleep.

When Xu Tao woke up again, the sky was already completely bright. She picked up the watch next to her with a sore back and softly picked up the watch next to her, seeing that it was already eleven o'clock.

Very good, she was even more terrifying than the first indulgence, and she was obviously exhausted today.

"Ow!" Xu Tao got out of bed, her legs were weak and she almost knelt down. At this moment, Xu Tao suddenly regretted, why she only scratched it yesterday, she should have scratched the man's body.

"Mom, Xiao Nan is hungry." Zhao Linan passed the time by himself, and when he heard the sound in the room, he ran over and acted like a spoiled child.

"Mom will cook for you." Xu Tao couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to herself at this moment.

The older ones have to be full at night, and the younger ones have to be full during the day.

Depressed, Xu Tao got up to wash and brush her teeth, and endured the pain all over her body to cook for Zhao Linan. She was still very tired, so she cooked noodles for lunch, and added two poached eggs to Zhao Linan.

After lunch, Xu Tao felt much better. She saw that the weather was fine, so she sorted out the manuscripts of the novel. In more than two months and less than three months, she had finished writing all the novels. In the afternoon, she prepared Take the time to mail the manuscript.

The serialization of the novel has been well received, and the number of copies has been determined, with 20,000 copies published for the first time.

This is also the number determined by the publishing house after taking into account the repercussions of the serialization and various letters. Of course, if the sales after publication are considerable, it will be reprinted in the future.

"Go, Xiao Nan, go out with your mother." Xu Tao greeted Zhao Linan to go out.

The children are not like they used to be recently. The children in the alley are playing less and less. The children can only accompany Xu Tao bored at home every day. Fortunately, the children are not noisy, so Xu Tao will follow him, but he is also prepared. When I come back from my hometown in Vancouver after the new year, I will send the child to the nursery.

Go to the nursery, and the child will not be so bored.

Thinking about the time, Xu Tao looked at the calendar that Zhao Weiguo bought, and found that it was less than two months before the New Year.

Compared with the temperature in Yangcheng in December, it was already very cold in my hometown of Wenzhou, and I even had to wrap it in a big padded jacket to go out.

The weather in Yangcheng is hot, but it occasionally cools down, so after Xu Tao went to mail the novel, she went to buy some cotton, thinking that it would be a backup in case the temperature suddenly drops.

Xu Tao has experienced life in Yangcheng of thirty degrees during the day and several degrees at night, so she had to prepare in advance.

After taking Zhao Linan out, Xu Tao went to the supply and marketing agency after going to the post office, bought more than ten kilograms of cotton on purpose, and then worked hard to carry the cotton to a shop specializing in custom-made quilts.

That's right, quilts these days are almost all custom-made, and they are all made by the boss with cotton, and those who need to make quilts buy a few kilograms of cotton and go to the cotton shop, and pay for their work. Let the boss play the quilt.

This is the first time Xu Tao has seen people play cotton and quilts. Watching the cotton-pulling machine work, the boss quickly spreads the cotton and sews the quilt with thread. The quilt is made of solid cotton. Therefore, the quality of a quilt now is very thick.

Sleeping on a quilt for more than ten years is not a problem.

"Boss, how much does it cost to play two quilts?" Xu Tao entered the store and asked the boss, while looking at the soft, snow-white cotton that was being played.

"The labor fee is three yuan per bed." The boss also had a lot of cotton wool on his body because he was playing cotton, and he wore a barrier cover similar to a mask: "Don't think it's too expensive, playing a quilt is too labor-intensive, and I'll give it a free entry now!"

"Then please ask the boss to play two quilts for me, it's cotton." Xu Tao didn't despise the price.

She didn't know how a quilt was formed, but she glanced at the cotton quilts made by the boss, all of which were piled thickly next to them, and could clearly see the quality of the quilts, and then glanced at the scattered and bounced quilts. Soft cotton.

She knew that the processing of a quilt should be time-consuming and laborious.

"Then I'll weigh the cotton for you." The boss took the notebook to record Xu Tao's name, and weighed the cotton that Xu Tao brought by the way.

"You have a total of 12 pounds here, and a quilt is six pounds of cotton, right?" The boss and Xu Tao confirmed.

"Yes." Today's cotton is real cotton, and a quilt weighing six pounds can definitely survive the winter in Yangcheng.

Although Yangcheng is hot all the year round and cold in winter for less than a few days, this winter quilt still has to be prepared.

"Is this diamond shape okay?" The boss pointed to the shape of the wiring on the quilt next to him.


"Then you hand over the money and come pick it up in the evening the day after tomorrow." The boss recorded the request.

Xu Tao paid the money without any objection, and saw that Zhao Linan was padding his feet, carefully reaching out to touch the soft cotton.

"Don't touch it." Xu Tao reached out and grabbed the child's hand.

"Mom, there are so many marshmallows!" Zhao Linan's eyes were bright.

Xu Tao couldn't help but chuckle, it really looked like cotton candy, white, and it looked very beautiful.

"This is not cotton candy, you can't eat it." Xu Tao smiled, grabbing Zhao Linan's hand and saying goodbye to the boss.

It was about three o'clock when the two went out. After mailing the things, they bought cotton and went around. It was already evening now.

Zhao Linan reluctantly and Xu Tao left the store of Dianmian, strolled to the vegetable market, bought some vegetables and went home.

When Zhao Weiguo came back from get off work, it was already dark, and the originally hot temperature gradually cooled down not long after Xu Tao arrived home.

"Mom, it's cold." Zhao Linan was still sweating at first, but after a while, he shivered and ran to Xu Tao.

Xu Tao had no choice but to put on a small jacket and trousers for Zhao Linan.

"This Yangcheng is cold, and it feels like it's frozen." Xu Tao bared her teeth, and she couldn't bear to change her clothes.

"The weather in Yangcheng is like this, and it may get hot again in a few days." Zhao Weiguo has been in Yangcheng for more than ten years, and he has long been used to the weather here.

Seeing Xu Tao's appearance of not being able to do it, she approached with a funny smile: "Are you tired today?"

Xu Tao had changed her clothes and was about to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner, but when she heard Zhao Weiguo's question, she was instantly heartbroken, and she turned her head, how could you still have a face Honestly asking such words of despair.

"Go away!" Xu Tao shouted fiercely through gritted teeth.

He didn't mention it, but when he mentioned Xu Tao, his back hurt and his legs cramped badly.

She rolled her eyes at the man: "make dinner! I'm too tired."

The man who had eaten and drank last night smiled and nodded.

"It cooled down all of a sudden. It's cold. I just bought cotton today to play the quilt. How can I sleep at night?" Xu Tao asked, afraid that Zhao Linan, a child, would catch a cold while sleeping on a blanket at night.

"Let Xiao Nan sleep with us at night!" Xu Tao said, her eyes lit up, she thought this was a good idea, and she could give herself a vacation by the way.

Her old waist is no longer allowed to continue to indulge happily, at least, at least three days of recuperation

! "Okay!" Zhao Weiguo nodded, the man sat in front of the stove and started plugging the firewood, the big pot stove is like this, it is more troublesome to burn the fire every day .

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