Chapter 26- 30

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Chapter 026 Breathing

Zhao Weiguo was especially ruthless in beating people. After beating the man until he had more air and less air, he stood up, went to the utility room to find a rope, and then tied the man's hands and feet and threw it next to the toilet in the yard.

In the room, Zhao Linan was already asleep. Xu Tao covered the child with a blanket to prevent the child from catching a cold. She sat on the edge of the bed in a daze. When she heard the sound, she looked up at the door and saw Zhao Weiguo walking in.

"I'll send the person to the police station tomorrow."

Xu Tao nodded lightly, the sequelae of fear were quite long, because Zhao Weiguo had a great sense of security, which made her full of trust in Zhao Weiguo.

"You're scared!" Zhao Weiguo saw that Xu Tao didn't speak, the woman closed her eyes slightly, and fanned her long eyelashes like a fan.

He knew that she was definitely afraid, so he stepped forward and squatted in front of Xu Tao, gently wrapping Xu Tao's hand with his big palm: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He looked at Xu Tao and spoke seriously.

"Why did you come back early?" Xu Taohong's lips finally loosened.

Zhao Weiguo saw Xu Tao's dependence on him, and the man's thin lips couldn't help but curl up: "I missed you, so I came back overnight."

Xu Tao heard the man's words, and blinked a little uncomfortably and said happily. : "Fortunately you are back."

"Yes!" Zhao Weiguo nodded in fear.

After going to the Shanghai market for six days, he was really worried about his family, so he could take a rest in the Shanghai market, but he still greeted his colleagues and rushed back. I wanted to go home quickly, but I happened to meet that scumbag outside.

"It's late at night, and that man was tied up by me and left at the door of the toilet. I'll take him to the police station in the morning, so hurry up and sleep!" Zhao Weiguo comforted Xu Tao.

Xu Tao pursed her lips: "I can't sleep."

It's not that she can't sleep, her body's physiological routine has long been protesting, and she was so sleepy that her eyelids were fighting, but she was too frightened before, even if Zhao Weiguo came back and made her feel relieved, she would be sitting in the room now, and her mind was still full of thoughts. The picture of the man lying on the window and infiltrating people before.

She was frightened out of a psychological shadow.

"I accompany you?" Zhao Weiguo raised his eyebrows at Xu Tao.

Xu Tao looked at Zhao Weiguo tangled, and bit her red lips lightly. After thinking for a while, she finally nodded.

"..." Zhao Weiguo was very surprised, but he also knew that Xu Tao was so uneasy because she was really scared, otherwise she would nod her head in agreement.

Although there is some danger of taking advantage of others, Zhao Weiguo has to admit that this will be his company, and the relationship between each other will come naturally. It can be regarded as a reward for God to see him alone in the empty room every day?

"Okay." One word, one good sentence, was uttered by the man over and over again.

Zhao Weiguo stood up, raised his hand and touched the top of Xu Tao's hair: "I'm going to take a bath, you sleep first.

" Color gas.

She lay on the bed in her pajamas, pulled the small blanket to cover it, her mind was flying, and she couldn't help but feel hot.

Xu Tao, you have to calm down! You are a husband and wife, and he makes you so happy with just one rude remark, which is really useless.

Xu Tao poured cold water on herself frantically before calming herself down.

Zhao Weiguo took a shower very quickly. After taking a bath, he glanced at the half-dead Xiao Baogui, and then wiped his hair and went back to his room.

Xu Tao lay on the bed and didn't fall asleep. She pricked her ears to listen to the sound, and when she heard Zhao Weiguo's familiar pace approaching slowly, she immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

When Zhao Weiguo walked into the room, she saw Xu Tao sleeping with her eyes closed. He didn't break her act of pretending to be asleep, but he didn't plan to go back to the original room.

Even though the bed in the room was only one meter two, it was too crowded to sleep three people, but Zhao Weiguo did not intend to give up because of this trivial matter.

He got her permission to sleep with him today. If he didn't have the cheek to accompany him to sleep while the iron was hot, he would like to sleep with him confidently when she was no longer afraid tomorrow, but maybe she didn't want it again.

Zhao Weiguo still understands Xu Tao's temper somewhat, so he doesn't plan to give Xu Tao a chance to go back.

Zhao Linan was placed in the middle by Xu Tao. Xu Tao usually always slept on the right side of Zhao Linan, and she slept on the left side, but just nodded and agreed to let Zhao Weiguo accompany him. After sleeping, she felt a little regretful in her heart.

But the big woman spit and nailed, and she made a decision, and she immediately admitted that she couldn't make it, so she took advantage of Zhao Weiguo to take a bath and changed Zhao Linan's position, let the child sleep in the middle, and she ran to the right. Lie down.

"Asleep?" Zhao Weiguo lay down. Although he was tired after driving all day, he was in good spirits and wanted to tease her.

He knew that Xu Tao was not asleep, and even though the woman pretended to be asleep, Zhao Weiguo could tell whether she was asleep or not. It was not natural for Xu Tao to pretend to be asleep, and her breathing was heavier than her actual sleep.

After all, pretending to sleep with eyes closed, subconsciously a little nervous, that kind of tightness on the body is easy to tell.

Xu Tao pursed her lips and didn't speak, she closed her eyes and tried to muddle through.

Zhao Weiguo didn't ask Xu Tao to respond to him either. He lay on the bed, turned over gently, and turned his body to look at Xu Tao on the right.

Xu Tao pricked up her ears, and when she heard Zhao Weiguo turn over, her heart thumped and drummed. This drumming was different from fear, but it made the adrenaline soar. At the same time, she also had some regrets. Why did she sleep on the right side just now? Get used to sleeping in.

Now Zhao Weiguo is also lying on her side, and she is also lying on her side. The two seem to be facing each other, but there is a little boy Zhao Linan in the middle.

Xu Tao thought about it, but she didn't know if she would pretend to be asleep and turn over to avoid the man's gaze.

"How about I find someone to make a big bed tomorrow?" Zhao Weiguo looked at Xu Tao and asked.

big bed! The ghost bed!

"..." Xu Tao subconsciously wanted to speak to stop her, her eyes hurriedly opened in the darkness, just in time to meet Zhao Weiguo's smiling eyes.

The man obviously knew that she was pretending to be asleep and deliberately bombed her.

"Well, what kind of big bed is it." Xu Tao rolled her eyes at him, snorted, and turned her sideways body towards the roof, avoiding the face-to-face with Zhao Weiguo.

"This bed is too small." Zhao Weiguo actually didn't think the bed was small. He always slept well. A man who has been in the military camp for more than ten years has long been accustomed to the small bed in the dormitory in the army. It is spacious.

But he also knew that Xu Tao still slept quite fiercely. For the sake of a happy life in the future, Zhao Weiguo felt that it was necessary to put a big bed on the agenda.

"Not small!"

"Small." Zhao Weiguo's tone was firm.

Xu Tao was exasperated by his firm tone, with a slightly fierce tone: "Sleep, I'm sleepy."

Zhao Weiguo chuckled, the man's laughter was very pleasant on this summer night, Xu Tao's ears were hot from the laughter, Couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

"You're still laughing, it's all your fault tonight." Xu Tao heard what the pervert surnamed Xiao said, and Lin Fang had a lot of credit for him daring to come so arrogantly.

Xu Tao also did not expect that Lin Fang could still play this kind of operation. But when she thought of her deliberately asking about Zhao Weiguo's whereabouts during the day, she also knew that she should have been paying attention to their house recently.

"Blame me." Zhao Weiguo replied frankly, without the slightest idea of ​​shirk his responsibility.

"..." Xu Tao didn't know what to say again, Zhao Weiguo simply made her helpless, and he didn't give him a chance to find an excuse to lose his temper.

"Zhao Weiguo, give me a good self-reflection." Xu Tao said after being silent for a while.

"Huh?" Zhao Weiguo was a little puzzled. He turned his body to look at Xu Tao. In the dark, Xu Tao's appearance was quite angry, but he couldn't hide the petty temper in her tone.

"Lin Fang was hired by you, you can solve it yourself, I'll bother her."

Zhao Weiguo looked wronged, and after a while: "Is Lin Fang the woman who came to buy Xiaolongbao last time?"

"What do you think?" Xu Tao couldn't help but smile when Zhao Weiguo asked back.

Although she didn't know Zhao Weiguo very well, Xu Tao believed in how she looked at people when they got along with each other, and couldn't help but sympathize with him. After all, he was actually quite innocent.

"Hey! I really didn't see it before. You are a second-married old man. You are quite popular." Xu Tao embarrassed him with a puffed cheek and a sour tone.

Second marriage? old man!

"I'm very old?" Zhao Weiguo raised his hand and touched his cheek in the dark. He admitted the second marriage, but he couldn't bear the word old.

She is not old, she just made this sigh casually, Xu Tao grinned without returning to him, just closed her eyes to take a breath and prepare to sleep.

She was actually very tired after tossing around in the middle of the night. Now Zhao Weiguo was lying beside her, Zhao Linan was asleep, and the little guy slept soundly. When the two were not talking, the little guy's shallow breathing was very hypnotizing. Xu Tao was sleepy.

Zhao Weiguo was a little excited. He was lying on the bed, very close to Xu Tao, and the fragrance of Xu Tao kept getting into his nose.

After a long time, Zhao Weiguo stretched out his hand.

Xu Tao, who was dozing in a daze, heard Zhao Weiguo sitting up from the bed and looked at him suspiciously.

"Xu Tao." Zhao Weiguo called her name, and the next moment the man's breath hit his face.

Xu Tao felt that Zhao Weiguo was approaching her, and knew that he just got up and carried Zhao Linan aside, but now he has seized the child's position, lying on the bed close to her neck, breathing spray on her neck, and at the same time using A low voice called her name softly.

"..." Xu Tao shuddered, the subconscious tremor made her a little overwhelmed.

The next moment, the man's strong breathing approached, not giving her a chance to refuse, and blocked her lips. On a summer night, Xu Tao felt hot, and the man's approach was also hot, but his lips were slightly cool. Domineering intrusion.

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