Chapter 56- 60

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Chapter 056 Autism

"There are 1,700 night shifts?" Xu Tao asked while looking at the numbers on the registration form.

On the first day of the Taoyuan Taxi Company's opening, the 17 cars combined for morning and evening shifts, and the total income was 3,300 yuan, which was 300 yuan higher than Xu Tao's original guess of 3,000 yuan.

"Yeah." Zhao Weiguo nodded with a smile.

"I didn't expect so much income from night shifts." Xu Tao smiled and put the registration form on the table.

"Yeah!" Zhao Weiguo didn't expect that the night shift's income was more than the morning shift, and at the same time, he couldn't hold back the smile on the corner of the man's mouth.

Seeing Zhao Weiguo chuckle, Xu Tao even continued to have a look of anticipation on her face, so she said, "Zhao Weiguo, you are really amazing."

This amazing man belongs to her! Really happy thing.

Zhao Weiguo kept looking at Xu Tao, expecting Xu Tao to say something. When he heard Xu Tao compliment him, the man's smile spread from the corner of his raised mouth to his dark eyes.

Xu Tao looked at Zhao Weiguo, and suddenly felt that he was a little cute like this. She turned her head and glanced outside the window. Seeing that there was no one, she stood on tiptoe and quickly leaned over to Zhao Weiguo's cheek and kissed him.

The sound of the horn sounded a little louder.

Zhao Weiguo was stunned for a moment, staring at the woman in front of him, staring at her red lips.

"Reward." Xu Tao looked at the expression on Zhao Weiguo's face and said with a smile.

Zhao Weiguo has done a good job during this period, and he naturally needs praise and rewards for his good performance. Xu Tao knows better than anyone how much pressure he was under during this period. Now, seeing Zhao Weiguo because of one of her encouraging compliments, his eyes are full of compliments. With a smile on his face, there is confidence on his face.

Xu Tao couldn't help but wanted to encourage him more, so she kissed him.

Zhao Weiguo looked at Xu Tao's red lips for three seconds, then stretched out his big palms and pinched her waist, and turned Xu Tao's body with force, so that Xu Tao's buttocks pressed against the desk.

"Well..." Xu Tao raised her head slightly to welcome Zhao Weiguo's kiss.

Zhao Weiguo held Xu Tao's cheeks with both hands, leaned over to cover her lips, and sucked gently.

Originally, it was a kiss that rewarded interest, but because Zhao Weiguo's anti-customer focus changed the taste of the office kiss, and the man's kiss was strong and domineering. Xu Tao was kissed until her breath and strength seemed to have been sucked up, her hands could only rely on his clothes and coat, and at the same time tried to cooperate with his aggression.

"Cough cough!!!"

Suddenly, a woman's embarrassed coughing sound came from the door of the office. Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo were ecstatic. Hearing the voice, Xu Tao was subconsciously embarrassed, and instinctively drilled his head into the man's chest.

Zhao Weiguo clasped Xu Tao's head on his chest with his big palm. He looked sideways at the door of the office, and also saw Guo Pingping, who was standing there with a lunch box and a child, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"..." Zhao Weiguo is a man, it doesn't matter if he is thick-skinned, but he doesn't know what to say at this moment.

Even a big man felt embarrassed, not to mention Xu Tao in his arms. At this moment, he just wanted to find a hole to burrow into.

"I really didn't see that your relationship as husband and wife is so good." Guo Pingping opened her mouth to speak, and her tone was full of ridicule.

She is from Sichuan Province, and her personality is very carefree. Although she was surprised to see this scene, she was calm when she saw that Xu Tao was too embarrassed to raise her head and her face was flushed.

To be honest, she really didn't expect that Zhao Weiguo and his wife would have such a good relationship that they kissed in the office at noon.

She is two years older than Xu Tao, and after marrying Li Jianshu, their relationship is the same as most married couples. The daily discussion has also changed from love and love to particularly tacky tea, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, kissing, etc., and I don't even dare to think about it.

Now that their husband and wife have reached each other, a middle-aged husband and wife can kiss each other and be disgusting for a whole night. How can they be as sticky and sticky as Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo.

"It's okay, it's my younger brother and sister." Zhao Weiguo comforted Xu Tao.

Xu Tao buried her head in Zhao Weiguo's chest, almost annoyed by her reward behavior just now. Knowing that the club was dead, she would never kiss her.

How could she have imagined that there was no one outside just now, and of course she didn't expect that Zhao Weiguo would suddenly kiss her, and Guo Pingping saw it.

It's okay, she was okay at first, what could happen with a kiss, she was just embarrassed to be seen.

Xu Tao bit her lip angrily and embarrassed. It took a long while for her to force herself to lift her heavy head. At the same time, she pinched Zhao Weiguo's waist where she couldn't see it. It was all to blame for this man, who had to press her kiss. .

"..." Zhao Weiguo was pinched by the woman and did not dare to say a word, his expression remained calm.

"I'm here to deliver lunch to my family's Jianshu, but I didn't mean to disturb you!" Guo Pingping saw Xu Tao raised her head and walked in with a lunch box.

Xu Tao tried her best to hide her embarrassment, treating the kiss as if it had never happened. She wanted to change the subject in her mind, but accidentally bumped into Guo Pingping's daughter, Li Pandi, who was looking at her in surprise.

Guo Pingping's daughter is inherently restrained and timid, and basically does not speak, but the little girl's eyes are very large, and her dark eyes are blinking at her, full of innocence and curiosity.

At the scene of her death, and she died in front of a five-year-old child, Xu Tao suddenly didn't know how to react.

"Sister-in-law, don't be embarrassed, I understand." Guo Pingping saw Xu Tao blushing into a peach, so she spoke to comfort.

Really, I'm used to Xu Tao's virtuous and calm appearance, and I know that Xu Tao is literate and smart. Seeing her embarrassed now, I just want to talk to make her not so embarrassed.

Xu Tao reluctantly bent the corners of her mouth, understand? Understand what, you don't have to be so magnanimous.

"Don't tease her, she's thin-skinned." Zhao Weiguo spoke.

"Okay, okay." Guo Pingping nodded, feeling that Xu Tao was really thin-skinned and changed the subject with a smile: "When will my family's Jianshu come back for lunch?"

"Should be back." Zhao Weiguo glanced at the time, it was almost time for lunch.

"Then I'll sit and wait for him for a while." Guo Pingping found a stool to sit down, while Li Pandi followed her step by step.

Xu Tao also sorted out her embarrassing emotions at this moment, watching Guo Pingping bring up Li Jianshu's work problem. Li Jianshu originally took over from Zhao Weiguo to run the transportation. A few days ago, because of the persistence of Qiu Tianyong and his wife, Li Jianshu and Qiu Tianyong exchanged jobs.

Li Jianshu was very talkative, and Zhao Weiguo mentioned it. He agreed without thinking, which also saved Xu Tao and the others a lot of things.

"I'm really sorry for letting Li Jianshu run for two days for transportation." The

job was exchanged. Because of Zhanyue's relationship, the transportation company readily agreed to change the person to run the transportation. , Li Jianshu's two-day car can only be regarded as a white run.

Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo felt a little bit sorry for causing Li Jianshu to waste two days in vain.

"Sister-in-law, what are you saying, you can't hold back. If you don't just run for two days for transportation, what's the matter? I think it's good to run a taxi." Guo Pingping put the bag with the aluminum lunch box on the table next to her and listened. When Xu Tao talked about Li Jianshu's job change, he was not unhappy.

Li Jianshu went home and told her about the situation. She also knew that Qiu Tianyong's daughter-in-law Zhang Shufen changed her mind after making a fuss about changing jobs.

Zhao Weiguo and his wife are actually in a dilemma. Although Guo Pingping has no right book and no foresight, she will not be ignorant. I also have a good impression of Zhao Weiguo and Xu Tao, and Zhao Weiguo gave Li Jianshu the job of running the transportation. Before Li Jianshu took over, Zhao Weiguo also said that he would start a taxi company.

He asked Li Jianshu's opinion, if he didn't want to run the transportation, it was okay.

Li Jianshu and she have seriously considered the matter of running transportation, and both of them have also made psychological preparations, thinking that if driving a taxi really makes more money than running transportation in the future, they should also treat it with peace of mind. After all, the job of running transportation is also a golden job that no one can ask for.

Zhao Weiguo was kind to her man Li Jianshu, she knew very well. She also knew that Zhang Shufen wanted her man to run the transportation. Zhang Shufen mentioned that Zhao Weiguo still gave Li Jianshu the job. As Li Jianshu's daughter-in-law, she remembered the Zhao family's affection.

She is not someone who can't handle it. On the contrary, she is very grateful to Zhao Weiguo and his wife. If Zhang Shufen was not satisfied that Zhao Weiguo gave Li Jianshu the job of running and transporting, the job would not have been suddenly exchanged.

Of course, before yesterday, she was still a little uncomfortable, and even had some grudge against Zhang Shufen.

After all, it is still unknown whether driving a taxi can make money, but the wages of running a transportation are not low, but they all know it. Guo Pingping doesn't mind Li Jianshu doing any job, as long as she can support her family, whether driving a taxi or running a transport, she will support her.

She supports Li Jianshu and understands Zhao Weiguo and his wife, but she also hates Zhang Shufen's naked act of spreading calculations. In her opinion, Zhang Shufen doesn't even bother to do it on the surface, which is really ugly.

But yesterday, Li Jianshu came home from the day shift taxi, closed the door and figured it out with her, running a taxi for a day, and the commission could be more than ten yuan. Their husband and wife are not stupid. If they can get more than ten yuan of commission every day, plus the salary at the end of the month, it will be 400 yuan at least a month.

I earn 400 yuan a month, not 40 yuan. The taxi I drive is also a new car, a taxi that costs more than 20,000 yuan. There is no wind or rain at work. The key is that there is no need to travel long distances or help to carry large goods. The husband and wife are so happy, let alone unhappy, it is too late to thank them.

At the same time, Guo Pingping is also a little gloating. She knows that Zhang Shufen calculated for a long time, and finally broke the stick and lost the watermelon, and she was about to laugh out loud.

"Thank you for your understanding." Xu Tao really didn't want Guo Pingping to feel estranged in her heart, although it was Zhang Shufen and his wife who were stupid.

"Understand! Ah, my family's Jianshu is back." Guo Pingping looked outside, saw two taxis coming back one after another, and saw Li Jianshu get out of the car, so she spoke happily and pushed her daughter next to her: "Pandi, your father is back."

Guo Pingping's daughter has been clinging to Guo Pingping, but she also has a lot of affection for her father Li Jianshu. When the little girl heard Guo Pingping talking about her father, she let go of her mother's hand and turned to go outside the office. run.

Before Li Jianshu got to the door, he saw his daughter running over and hugged her with a smile.

"Why is Pandi here?" Li Jianshu asked the little girl.

"Deliver food." Li Pandi replied, but answered in a low voice.

Li Jianshu nodded: "I see! My family Pandi is really good." Holding her daughter with one hand, she stroked her withered yellow hair with one hand.

Some simple and honest Li Jianshu is a lot softer when facing his daughter.

Xu Tao also saw Li Jianshu's attitude towards her daughter, and could see that both husband and wife were very good to their daughter, and they didn't seem to be particularly patriarchal people, so why did they name their daughter Li Pandi?

Xu Tao was puzzled and asked Guo Pingping.

"Hey, my mother-in-law had to get Pandi's name. She said that when she gave birth to a daughter for the first time, she must be named Pandi, so that she could bring a boy later." Guo Pingping said helplessly.

She is not as patriarchal as her mother-in-law, but she can't deny that deep down she also longs to have a son to inherit the lineage. Not only can she have both sons and daughters, but she also has an explanation for the ancestors of Li Jianshu's family.

"It's not reliable."

"I know it's not reliable, but most girls in rural areas are called Pandi Laidi. I don't want to argue with my mother-in-law over a name, so I just follow her wishes! It's a pity that after I gave birth, Pandi is called Pandi. In the past few years, Li Jianshu and I have been together less and more apart, and my stomach has never moved."

"My stomach has never moved, and my mother-in-law has become more and more mean to Pandi. Usually she is either fierce or pinches her arm. Pandi is afraid that she will be afraid of her. It can't be done, so that girl is now timid and doesn't dare to speak loudly." Guo Pingping was also full of bitterness when talking about her mother-in-law.

After she married Li Jianshu, she was very satisfied with everything, except that she had a bad relationship with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law was feudal, and she looked down on girls very much. Since she gave birth to her daughter Li Pandi, she lost money and goods every day. The one who loses money is called a child, and she is not pleasing to her left and right.

If it hadn't been a really aggrieved life in Sichuan Province, she wouldn't have come to Yangcheng after Li Jianshu was discharged from the army.

Xu Tao sighed, knowing that the general environment these days is to favor sons over daughters, but it was not until this period in the depths that she deeply felt how serious this trend was.

"Hurry up and put her down. After running the car all morning, you are not too tired. Hurry up and eat, I made you an omelette with dried radish today, and put a lot of oil." Guo Pingping also said in a hurry. When my mother-in-law saw Li Jianshu come in with her daughter in her arms, she started to greet Li Jianshu for lunch.

Xu Tao did not continue the topic, and motioned for Zhao Weiguo to have lunch, while she took the registration form and went out to help Zhao Weiguo record the situation of each vehicle.

As soon as Zhao Linan arrived at the taxi company, he played alone outside. The child held a miniature toy car and lined the taxi side by side, and dubbed it in his mouth.

The child is not afraid of being bored, and Xu Tao is also relieved, but it is a little cold, and the child is running around, and Xu Tao is also worried that he will catch a cold.

"The sun is shining here, you can play under the eaves over there."

"No!" Zhao Linan shook his head.

Xu Tao squatted down angrily, stretched out her hand and lifted the hem of the child's clothes and probed inside. After feeling the child's sweaty clothes, she frowned seriously: "I'm sweating and running happily, do you want to get sick and take medicine?"

In this weather, the little guy is sweating. If she doesn't find out, the sweat and so on will be absorbed by him again, and it will definitely be uncomfortable at night.

"..." Zhao Linan bowed his head in a guilty conscience.

Xu Tao sullenly picked up the child and walked back to the small building, took the washbasin that Zhao Weiguo bought and put it here, poured hot water and wet the towel, and wiped Zhao Linan's sweaty back with the hot towel.

"Mom, it's hot."


"Mom, Xiaonan likes cars."

"I know."

"Mom, kiss." Zhao Linan allowed Xu Tao to wipe his sweat, the child kept talking and pouting after wiping the sweat. Mouth to kiss.

Xu Tao immediately thought of the scene of her and Zhao Weiguo's death just now, and pinched the child's cheek: "Don't run away, you know? Otherwise, mom will beat you."

"Well, I know mom." Zhao Linan had to obediently agree.

"It will be a year and a half later for your family. It is estimated that the skin will be lifted." Guo Pingping came out with her daughter, Li Pandi, and saw Zhao Linan being wiped off sweat by Xu Tao, and the child was grinning and avoiding, Guo Pingping endured it. Can't stop expressing emotion.

"It didn't take a year and a half, it's already very skinny now." Xu Tao replied, reaching out and pinching the child's nose.

Fortunately, Zhao Linan is naughty, but he has always been measured. The little guy knows Xu Tao and Zhao Weiguo's bottom line very well, and he doesn't dare to make them anxious, otherwise Xu Tao will definitely invite him to eat bamboo shoots and fried meat.

"If only Xiaonan was half lively in my family, it's so quiet that I can't hold back a word for a long time, and I'm worried too!" Guo Pingping said, looking at Zhao Linan and then at her daughter.

When Li Pandi was in her hometown, she was scolded and pinched every day by her mother-in-law, but she never found out.

When she was in her hometown in Sichuan Province, she had to do a lot of work every day, such as cutting hog grass, feeding cattle, cooking, doing laundry, and farming. Even in the countryside, every day she woke up and opened her eyes, there were a lot of things waiting for her to do.

Therefore, Guo Pingping did not take her daughter Li Pandi with her all the time, and often asked her mother-in-law to help look after the child.

It was not until Li Pandi became more and more timid that she found out that her mother-in-law was abusing the child. But at that time, the child already had a psychological shadow. Even playing with other children in the village, she was bullied and pushed. She didn't know how to fight back when she grabbed it.

"Just let her play with the children more." Xu Tao looked at Li Pandi and felt that the little girl was really too quiet.

She has met Li Pandi twice, and she has only heard one sentence in total, which is really pitiful.

"She doesn't want to! There are several girls in the alley where I live. They are about her age. Everyone can play together, jumping rubber bands, flipping flower ropes, and playing hide-and-seek. Son, it's like a wooden stake." Guo Pingping was worried when she thought of her daughter's state, but she didn't know how to change it.

Xu Tao listened to what Guo Pingping said, and then looked at Li Pandi, who basically did not speak. In comparison, Zhao Linan was making a noise like a little frog.

"If you can't do it, take your child to see a doctor." Xu Tao also heard of some withdrawn children in his later life, and the children would become autistic after being withdrawn for a long time.

This is why, in the beginning, Xu Tao always tried to make Zhao Linan talk. She was afraid that children would not like to talk, but fortunately, Zhao Linan was healthy and healthy. .

And Li Pandi's current state looks very bad. If, as Guo Pingping said, the little girl seems to be unable to integrate into the circle of children, it will be very serious.

"Do you still need to see a doctor if you don't like to talk?" Li Pandi looked puzzled.

Children don't want to play with children, don't like to talk, can this be cured by a doctor?

"I suggest you take her to see it." I just don't know whether the current hospital pays attention to the problem of autistic children.

Xu Tao doesn't know much about this aspect, but she also knows that many children have this kind of problem these days, and they usually don't go to the hospital, and parents don't take it too seriously.

After all, everyone raises children in a way that allows children to grow up savagely.

"Look, apart from talking to you and Li Jianshu, she basically didn't communicate with other people. If she just doesn't like to talk, that's fine, but if you have a disease, you can go to the hospital for early detection and early treatment. Be cautious about children. It's always right." Looking at the situation now, Li Pandi is not particularly serious.

But if she doesn't pay attention and keeps letting her go on like this without improvement, the problem may become more and more serious.

"Okay." Guo Pingping was flustered by Xu Tao's words.

"Mom, when will I grow up!" Zhao Linan looked at Xu Tao and Guo Pingping talking, the child felt ignored, and asked Xu Tao sullenly.

Since Zhao Weiguo said that he would let him drive when he grows up, Zhao Linan has been very interested in growing up. He gets up early every day and asks him when he will grow up if he has something to do.

"After you have another fifteen birthdays."

"Fifteen birthdays!" Zhao Linan was very impressed with birthdays: "Then Mom, I can celebrate my birthday today and tomorrow, and grow up all at once. Are you driving?"

"No!" Xu Tao replied angrily, wishing to knock a chestnut on the child's head.

Hearing this, Zhao Linan said a little dejectedly: "I'm going to find Dad, Dad is lying." The child moved his short legs and ran into the small building.

"Your Xiaonan is so fun." Guo Pingping was amused. Seeing that Xu Tao took good care of Zhao Linan, she turned her head to look at the girl at her feet and felt a little uncomfortable.

Xu Tao was Zhao Weiguo's second wife, and his ex-wife died in childbirth. Zhao Weiguo didn't hide it, but when Xu Tao married Zhao Weiguo and looked at her and Zhao Linan like a biological mother and child, everyone subconsciously forgot that Xu Tao was stepmother fact.

I have to say that Xu Tao is really good, and he is really good to Zhao Linan.

"It's fun, it's true that it's getting harder and harder to coax." Xu Tao said, looking at the child's back.

Zhao Linan ran to the office, Zhao Weiguo and Li Jianshu were both having lunch, Zhao Linan ran to Zhao Weiguo's leg.

"Dad, you said that Xiao Nan grew up and gave Xiao Nan the car to play with." Zhao Linan grabbed Zhao Weiguo's trouser legs and looked up at Zhao Weiguo aggrievedly.


"But it will take a long time for Xiao Nan to grow up." Zhao Linan hummed, "Dad, Xiao Nan wants to drive a car."

"Open your mouth." Zhao Weiguo did not hear the child at all. He watched the child shake his legs and his chopsticks were caught. A small piece of pepper ring.

"Ah!" Zhao Linan raised his head and opened his mouth subconsciously.


Zhao Linan obediently took a few bites of the little chili pepper in his mouth, and the spicy taste spread in his mouth instantly: "Wow!"

Zhao Linan immediately released the hand that was holding Zhao Weiguo's leg, turned around and got busy again Wronged to find Xu Tao.

Bad dad bullies him again!

"Mom!" Zhao Linan shouted as he ran.

When Xu Tao and Guo Pingping were talking, they happened to see Wu Hui brought her young daughter to the company, and suddenly heard Zhao Linan's loud voice behind her.

"What's wrong?" Xu Tao replied helplessly.

"Chili, Dad let Xiaonan eat it." Zhao Linan approached Xu Tao and complained to Xu Tao about his grievance.

This little guy is full of grass, and Zhao Weiguo comes to Xu Tao when he is wronged. Xu Tao is not satisfied, and he will find Zhao Weiguo to solve it, but usually Zhao Weiguo mainly bullies him.

"Open your mouth and let me see." Xu Tao cooperated with the child.

"Ah!" The child opened his mouth.

"Well, my father is bad, let's ignore her." Xu Tao glanced at her small mouth, but it was only a little red. She made her own dishes, and she knew exactly what kind of chili she put in it. It wasn't particularly spicy, so she coaxed him perfunctorily. two sentences.

Zhao Linan immediately seemed to have brought Xu Tao, a helper, to his camp, and he echoed solemnly: "Well, ignore my father, my father is bad!"

"Pfft, why is your father bad?" Zhao Linan asked with a smile.

"Sister-in-law." Guo Pingping and Xu Tao called together.

"Wei Guo fed him a chili ring, and he felt wronged." Xu Tao explained after calling, and seeing Wu Hui sweating profusely, she reached out and took Ye Xiaohua from her arms, the little girl He's very good, and he won't be unhappy when he is hugged by Xu Tao.

"This company is too far from my side, so I carried her over from Laoba Alley and walked for almost an hour." Wu Hui also came to deliver lunch to Ye Zhenhua.

In the morning, Ye Zhenhua was in a hurry to go to work and did not bring an aluminum lunch box. She had to come to deliver her lunch, but she was reluctant to take a ride and walked over with her child all the way.

"Old Eighth Alley is indeed quite far from here." Xu Tao replied.

She knew that Wu Hui came all the way to save money, but she was a little helpless, but she also had a new understanding of the frugality of women in this era.

Everyone is generally thrifty. If it were her, it would be impossible for them to carry their children for such a long distance.

"My old Ye still walks back and forth every day, and went out before dawn this morning." Wu Hui was exhausted from the walk by herself. Thinking of Ye Zhenhua who went back and forth every day, she suddenly felt sorry for her man.

It's a long way to go back and forth after working for more than ten hours!

"That's a little hard work." Guo Pingping replied, "Sister-in-law, you might as well move closer. They drive a long time to work every day, and it takes a lot of energy, but you can't walk like this every day, your body will overwhelm and collapse."

"It really can't be like this. I'm going to work hard." The schedule is for morning and evening shifts, and the normal working hours are eight hours, but considering everyone's conscious overtime, there are more than ten hours a day, and walking back and forth for such a long way will really be overwhelmed.

"It's time to prepare to move." Wu Hui nodded.

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