Numinous | Yoo Junghyuk x OC!

By Lady_Luna_Latteton

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Numinous Origin: Latin Description: A powerful feeling of both Fear and Fascination, Of being in awe and over... More

The Book
A Fleeting Dream
A Fleeting Dream 2
Itinerant Fellow
We met again
The world we share
Enchanted 2
Havoc, On the other side
Oh No!
Apologies and Elucidation
Angel Baby
Liridona the Divine Mage
What exactly is it?
Demons! Oh, Demons!
Interstellar City
Insterstellar City 2
Auction 2
Auction 3
An ominous feeling
Dokja's Mother
Can you feel the love tonight?
Seoul Revolution
They, Who defy the System
Lust-filled Night
Basking in the afterglow
The duet between Evil and Good
The Demon and Saint's War
The reincarnation island
The reincarnation Island 2
Small Island
A great storyteller
The second Island
Good vs Good
Secretive Plotter
Castle of Reincarnators
50 years later
The 1st Prince
One's lost ego
One's Lost Ego 2
remedium memoriae
Ah, Jealousy
Special Chapter
The unknown hooded figure
The Good and Bad side
A Taste of the Past

Stop the execution!

98 5 0
By Lady_Luna_Latteton


– Capture them! Apprehend the eldest Prince and..! Stop the knightress!

– They are taking the Fourth Prince away!

Irate Reincarnators inside the screen were spewing out a barrage of arrows and sword lights. And there were two men and one lady running within the viscous, choking vapor – Yoo Junghyuk, Liridona, and Kim Dokja. "Ba-aht, baaaht!" With a very frenzied expression on its face, Biyoo vaulted up and down in the air like a ball of mochi. Arrows flew past Kim Dokja's head with barely any room to spare; some of them even accurately fell towards his back, but the First Prince quickly swung his sword to deflect them all. Liridona was in front of him to protect her small form. "I-I'm exhausted..!" Liridona clutched her stomach due to cramps.

– Retreat!

With that order, the revolutionaries receded away. And Constellations were watching this spectacle from afar. Unfortunately, their messages couldn't reach the Incarnations within the channel.

[Constellation, 'Father of the Rich Night', is gazing at 'Kaixenix Archipelago'.]

[Constellation, 'Queen of the Darkest Spring', is looking at the Underworld's successor.]

[Constellation, 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon', is roaring out in frustration!]

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is pleading for at least one message to get through!]

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is requesting permission to send indirect messages.....]

"Ba-aht, baaaht." With a sad look, Biyoo shook its head. Dokkaebis might possess the authority to change the broadcast set-up of their channels, but the situation this time with the 'Isle of Reincarnators' was a rather unique one.

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is grimacing at the 'Guardian of the Mandala'.]

The one who offered up the stage for the scenario of the 'Great War of Saints and Demons' was the master of the 'Isle of Reincarnators', 'Guardian of the Mandala'. He was not allowed to participate in this scenario personally, but at the same time, was given the same level of authority to interfere as the high-ranking Dokkaebis during this war. "Oh, young angel, that is regrettably unattainable to do so. Unless you decide to convert to the path of Buddhism through this opportunity."

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is throwing a temper tantrum.]

"You should be mindful of your temper. Those with much anger in them will get consumed by it later."

[A great number of Constellations are expressing their indignation!]


With the aid of Yoo Junghyuk and Liridona, Kim Dokja was able to safely escape from the audience chamber. The pursuit attempt by the guards proved to be annoyingly persistent, but thanks to the sacrifices of a few revolutionaries, they made it to the safe house in the end. Yoo Junghyuk chucked the unconscious Bilston – the host body of Lee Hyunsung – on the floor and opened his lips to speak. "Why did you show up this late?" Liridona kneeled beside the fallen man and sighed. "It wasn't because I wanted to, okay." Kim Dokja answered in a tired and weary voice.

[The worldview is growing suspicious of your conversation.]

['Midday Tryst' has been activated!]

Yoo Junghyuk shot his trademark murderous glare for a little while and n continued with his story.

– I arrived in this place around two years ago... Then found Liridona just a few months back, we traced where everyone might be.

Kim Dokja calmly listened to his experiences. He suddenly became the First Prince of the Kaixenix Archipelago, and just as suddenly, throne usurpation broke out. Yoo Junghyuk was thrown into the middle of that armed revolt and began his bid for survival. He escaped from the royal castle and created a group of freedom fighters. And then, he searched around for the rest of the companions. His knightress was on his side all along, then later turned out to be the character that Liridona would play...

– By the time I arrived here, Yi Hyeon-Seong, Jeong Hui-Won, and even Han Su-Yeong were already in that state.

– Are the three of them the only ones here? Where are the others? Is Liridona still the same?

– Haven't found anyone besides them. It's likely that only they were summoned to this world... Liridona had something in her that protected her mind. She was also the one who told me that it is you.

Yoo Junghyuk possessed the [Sage's Eyes]. In some regard, that skill allowed him to spy on far more complete information than Kim Dokja's own [Character List] exclusive skill. He had been relying on this skill to search for the other companions. He probably discovered Kim Dokja through it, too – since the [Sage's Eyes] didn't work on him. Kim Dokja observed the still-unconscious Lee Hyunsung. Yoo Junghyuk said he got here two years ago. In that case, just how long was Yi Hyeon-Seong trapped in this worldview?

– They have all been swallowed up by the Great Fable, haven't they?

– Presumably.

– What about you? You alright?

– You think a measly couple of years is enough to break me down?

(A/N- Nah, dude he built differently..!)

Kim Dokja belatedly recalled what an outstanding man Yoo Junghyuk was. The steadfast Lee Hyunsung, the driven Jung Heewon, and even Han Sooyoung all broke down and lost themselves... And of course, Liridona and Kim Dokja are on a different page.

[Great Fable, 'Kaixenix Archipelago', is shooting a dissatisfied glare at Incarnation 'Yoo Junghyuk'.]

However, Yoo Junghyuk was completely unscathed. But then again, that was pretty obvious when Kim Dokja thought about it. The method employed by this worldview's 'Great Fable' to break them down was 'time' itself. However, Yoo Junghyuk possessed far stronger resistance to the passage of time than anyone. Well, he had already spent hundreds of years in the Dark Stratum going through harsh training, after all.

[The worldview is expressing its puzzlement over your lengthy silence.]

"What are we gonna do now?" Liridona spiked up a question to the two silent males, she had been bothered by the silence and the constant eye contact from the two males. Kim Dokja raised his head towards the sky, The current scenario was governed by the rules set out by the worldview. Even Yoo Junghyuk seemed to have realized how they should start acting from here onwards. Kim Dokja finished preparing himself and opened his lips. "Older brother," Yoo Junghyuk's expression crumpled into something unsightly. Liridona the other hand look like a lost puppy looking in between them...

– Hey, don't make a face like that. This is the restriction of our current scenario. Do you think I'm enjoying this, either?

Yoo Junghyuk's eyes were bubbling over like boiling lava finally softened just a tad. Yup, this guy was going to experience severe difficulties pretty soon; according to Ricardo's memories, the original setting for the First Prince was 'loving and warm-hearted big brother', that was why. Yoo Junghyuk opened his lips, "Speak, Ricardo." Liridona sighed defeatedly and left the two alone to sit in a corner. "What are you going to do next? It looks to me that even the revolution has failed now. No, besides all that, why did you even appear in the execution ground, anyway?" Kim Dokja look at him, "I was planning to kill the false king."

[Character, 'Ricardo Vonnix', is agitated.]

I was pretty sure of him being dead serious here. The Yu Joong-Hyeok I know was fully capable of doing something like that, after all. "But, should you be doing something like that? She's originally your bride, isn't she?" Too bad, that wasn't my style. "Correction, She was supposed to be one. The throne was usurped on the first day of the wedding, however." Oh, I see. So, it's that sort of development? I felt just a bit relieved now. Han Sooyoung and Yoo Junghyuk as a couple? <Kim Dok-Ja's Company> hadn't allowed any dating at the workplace yet, so hell no... Of course, Liridona and he are excluded... Much to his dislike. It was a point in time when an unexpected message entered my ears. "Sooyoung-nii is supposed to be your bride?" Liridona chirped in devastated, "...No, and never." Liridona sighed and look down with a glum expression.

[The worldview finds your words interesting.]

[The genre of the applicable scenario has tilted slightly towards 'Romance'.]

....The genre had tilted..? Yoo Junghyuk continued. "It was already far late to save her, She was stained by the corrupted magic and lost her original humanity... And, I would never lay my eyes on anyone that way..." He took a side glance at Liridona on the wall and cleared his throat. 'Oh, really?' Kim Dokja thought and look at the man before him. Kim Dokja gave another signal to Yoo Junghyuk with his eyes.

[The worldview finds Incarnation Yu Joong-Hyeok's words interesting.]

[The genre of the applicable scenario has minutely tilted towards 'Fantasy'.]

– Did you hear that?

He nodded his head, "In any case, we both are too late now. We can't save them all." Liridona stood up and approaches us, "No, it's not too late. Whatever the case may be, there are three of us, right?" After saying that, Kim Dokja shifted his gaze down to Bilston on the ground, still snoring away, and carried on. "Maybe, four." Liridona chimed in and stifled a yawn, 'she looks adorable.' Kim Dokja had a fond small smile while staring at her, Yoo Junghyuk on the other hand sent a chilling glare his way, "Those three will be everyone." His voice went a deeper octave, "Who knows? There might be more. Maybe, a miracle happens and an existence crossing over from another dimension will help us out." And in the following moment, new scenario messages popped up right before their eyes. The three quickly accessed the scenario window.

[The worldview finds your words interesting.]

[The genre of the applicable scenario has acquired the possibility of being 'Fusion Fantasy'.]

[The Selection Point for the Sub-Scenario, 'Genre Selection', has been generated!]

[A new scenario message has arrived!]


<Sub Scenario – Genre Selection>

Type: Sub


Clear condition: The worldview you've been summoned into can participate in the 'Great War of Saints and Demons'. Choose the 'genre' of the worldview you're now a part of, and lead it to its natural conclusion. The worldview that witnesses the conclusion will earn the right to participate in the war.

Time Limit: None

Reward: Participation in the 'Great War of Saints and Demons', 300,000 coins, ???

Failure: You will be bound to the 'Isle of Reincarnators'.


<List of currently selectable genres>

1. Romance

2. Fantasy

3. Fusion Fantasy

* The attributes of a genre will strengthen the further you act in a manner befitting said genre.


"...So, this is how it was." Kim Dokja raised his head and found Yoo Junghyuk's and Liridona's dumbfounded expressions. Kim Dokja kind of understands how they should go about advancing the scenario now. However, the problem here was the difficulty of figuring out which 'genre' was the right one to select. "Romance? Does that mean it can end in a happy ever after wedding-themed ending?" Kim Dokja nodded and smiled briefly at her, "I don't like how that sounds..." Liridona expresses her thoughts.

– We just don't have enough information. It'd been nice if only we knew what the original plot of this world was...

It was unknown what kind of a conclusion they'd get after choosing a particular worldview. What Kim Dokja wanted was to ensure the survival of everyone and move on to the next scenario together. But, what if someone were to die as the price for him choosing a genre? Yoo Junghyuk threw out a question.

– I guess your high and mighty book didn't mention this part, then?

Kim Dokja flinched slightly before making his reply. "You're doing it again..." Liridona whined and look at them. "I'll just stop..."

– How can I know something that a Regressor like you doesn't know?

– But, I do know.

– What? You know what, exactly?

– The course of this scenario.

Kim Dokja stared at him in pure shock. Yoo junghyuk knows of this scenario's plot. But, that couldn't be. If his memories save him right, then the Yoo Junghyuk of the 3rd Regression turn had not experienced a scenario like this one. And he'd not go through one in the future, either.

– I read it in a book.

– What book was that?

Kim Dokja momentarily wondered if he was talking about the 'Ways of Survival', but quickly realized that was impossible. Because even that novel didn't contain any in-depth information on this scenario.

– I read the diary written by Han Sooyoung from the 1863rd turn. She experienced this scenario in that Regression... And there was this page Liridona's copy, I only read it briefly but it was very detailed...

– Han Sooyoung of the 1863rd turn? And why do you have her diary in the first place? And how did even Liridona get a hold of a copy in the first place?

– I got hold of it via special means...

– And Liridona?

– It was given to her by the plotter...

Kim Dokja scowled at Yoo Junghyuk for a little while, Well, He was scarcely overcome with convoluted feelings of betrayal. Han Su-Yeong from the 1863rd turn didn't cite any information on this scenario to him. Why was that? Did she think that he must not know about it? Or... Just to spite him? His thoughts remained complicated, but shook his head and got rid of them. They weren't important right now.

– If you possessed such information, you should've told me that already, you dumbass. Okay, so. How did the 1863rd turn Han Su-Yeong clear this scenario?

Whatever the case might have been, the important thing was that we did have info on this scenario. If they had info, then that meant there was an already-set method to clear it. However, Yoo Junghyuk's expression was gloomy.

– This world is not unfolding in the original direction.

– What are you talking about?

– 'Throne usurpation' didn't happen in the original plot of this world. This means, that the event of the current king becoming 'king' shouldn't have happened.

– Which means.....?

– Before we entered this world, someone changed the plot of this story.

Kim Dokja was flustered. Currently, they were in a situation where neither of them– Yu Joong-Hyeok the Regressor, Liridona the newly added variable, and Kim Dokja the sole reader – had any idea about the future storyline. Sure, there had been a few times when the progress of the story didn't match up with the 'Ways of Survival' in the past, but this would be the first time they wouldn't be able to predict what the future held for them. The 'Ways of Survival' they knew didn't contain any potential solutions to a scenario like this one.

⸢Ma ybe y ou sho uld have  re ad the Fin al Re vision.⸥

Regret belatedly rushed into Kim Dokja's head after hearing the words that the wall said, It was at this time that someone knocked on the door. "Enter," Almost at the same time Yoo Junghyuk issued his order, the door was pushed open and the revolutionaries entered. They brought along an older man, currently tied up by them. "He says he's the secret envoy from the king. He wishes to speak to you, your highness." The older man turned out to be the same butler who handed me water back when I first regained consciousness after the 'possession'. His beard trembled in fear; he sucked in deep breaths and addressed us. "First Prince, and the Fourth Prince... Her Majesty told me to give you a certain item. Specifically... Her majesty from 40 years ago...." Yoo Junghyuk and Kim Dokja exchanged glances. Meanwhile, the butler rummaged through his inner pocket and pulled something out. "... A book?" Liridona approaches them after missing for a few minutes. "Don't wander around carelessly..." Liridona smiled apologetically at Junghyuk and was immediately glued to his side...

{Three Ways to Survive a Ruined Scenario, by the author Han Sooyoung.}

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