Stop the execution!

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– Capture them! Apprehend the eldest Prince and..! Stop the knightress!

– They are taking the Fourth Prince away!

Irate Reincarnators inside the screen were spewing out a barrage of arrows and sword lights. And there were two men and one lady running within the viscous, choking vapor – Yoo Junghyuk, Liridona, and Kim Dokja. "Ba-aht, baaaht!" With a very frenzied expression on its face, Biyoo vaulted up and down in the air like a ball of mochi. Arrows flew past Kim Dokja's head with barely any room to spare; some of them even accurately fell towards his back, but the First Prince quickly swung his sword to deflect them all. Liridona was in front of him to protect her small form. "I-I'm exhausted..!" Liridona clutched her stomach due to cramps.

– Retreat!

With that order, the revolutionaries receded away. And Constellations were watching this spectacle from afar. Unfortunately, their messages couldn't reach the Incarnations within the channel.

[Constellation, 'Father of the Rich Night', is gazing at 'Kaixenix Archipelago'.]

[Constellation, 'Queen of the Darkest Spring', is looking at the Underworld's successor.]

[Constellation, 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon', is roaring out in frustration!]

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is pleading for at least one message to get through!]

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is requesting permission to send indirect messages.....]

"Ba-aht, baaaht." With a sad look, Biyoo shook its head. Dokkaebis might possess the authority to change the broadcast set-up of their channels, but the situation this time with the 'Isle of Reincarnators' was a rather unique one.

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is grimacing at the 'Guardian of the Mandala'.]

The one who offered up the stage for the scenario of the 'Great War of Saints and Demons' was the master of the 'Isle of Reincarnators', 'Guardian of the Mandala'. He was not allowed to participate in this scenario personally, but at the same time, was given the same level of authority to interfere as the high-ranking Dokkaebis during this war. "Oh, young angel, that is regrettably unattainable to do so. Unless you decide to convert to the path of Buddhism through this opportunity."

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', is throwing a temper tantrum.]

"You should be mindful of your temper. Those with much anger in them will get consumed by it later."

[A great number of Constellations are expressing their indignation!]


With the aid of Yoo Junghyuk and Liridona, Kim Dokja was able to safely escape from the audience chamber. The pursuit attempt by the guards proved to be annoyingly persistent, but thanks to the sacrifices of a few revolutionaries, they made it to the safe house in the end. Yoo Junghyuk chucked the unconscious Bilston – the host body of Lee Hyunsung – on the floor and opened his lips to speak. "Why did you show up this late?" Liridona kneeled beside the fallen man and sighed. "It wasn't because I wanted to, okay." Kim Dokja answered in a tired and weary voice.

[The worldview is growing suspicious of your conversation.]

['Midday Tryst' has been activated!]

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