One PiecexReader AU!!Love and...

By TitaniaDLuna

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Your boyfriend of three years has cheated on you. A brilliant, handsome surgeon with tattoos and a sense of d... More

1. Pain and coping
Chapter 1.5: Pain and Coping Law's POV
Chapter 2: Morning after
Chapter 2.5: Morning After Law's POV
Chapter 3: 1 week later
Chapter 4: Loyal Employees
Chapter 5: The Coffee Cake Inception.
Chapter 6: New Neighbors
Chapter 7: Smoker's warnings & an unwanted visit
Chapter 8: Confronting Loneliness
Chapter 9: Becoming too much
Chapter 10: Goodbye? Or see you later?
Chapter 11: A day with Pops & unexpected encounter
Chapter 12: The Deal
Chapter 13: A Business Offer
Chapter 14: The Deal pt. 2
Hiatus notice
Chapter 15: We need to talk
Chapter 16: Landlords and Donuts
Chapter 17: Enemies
Chapter 18: All the happenings.
Chapter 19: Relationships
Chapter 20: Disasterous Situation
Chapter 21: A helping hand
Chapter 23: Priorities Change
Chapter 24: A breath of Fresh air
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Chapter 26: The Boogeyman
Chapter 27: Betrayals & Complicated Situations
Chapter 28: New Chapter Starts
Chapter 29: Baby Names
Chapter 30: Relationships
Chapter 31: Our Family (The End)

Chapter 22: Coming undone

778 42 68
By TitaniaDLuna

By the time you and Katakuri were done, it was almost 7pm. You had blown your budget by almost 10k. Katakuri had convinced you to purchase some items that you originally hadn't thought of, or even needed replacing. But he assured you that it all be worth it when you earned it all back in the first month.

You felt your phone buzz and your blood ran cold.

Unknown: tick tock, tick tock. Times running couldn't even keep a man how do you plan on keeping anything else in your life?

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Katakuri was leaning down to your level and his frown lines were present.

"Oh yeah, sorry just saw my credit card balance, I maxed it out. Luckily we're all done for the night." You attempted a smile but you couldn't get your face to really work.

"Would you like to come over for dinner? I have my own place and it has a rather nice view of the city. I can't promise steaks like at my restaurant, but well, I may a decent veggie soup."

"Oh uh..." Did he just invite me to his house? For dinner? Before you can give an answer your phone rang and you saw Zoro's name and photo come up. "Sorry I gotta take this, be right back."

You walked a little ways away.


"Hey Y/N, you still want to do dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, YES! Uh what do you want?"

"How about I do takeout and bring it to your place? We can eat, talk, watch movies?"

"That sounds amazing Zoro. I just have to visit the hospital and then I'll be home in about an hour and a half."

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" He sounded anxious.

"Barto couldn't come today, he went to the hospital for dehydration cause he'd been throwing up since 1am."

"Poor guy...wait, so who's with you right now helping you?"

"You know Charlotte Katakuri? My business partner he's here with me. We're all done now and just about to leave."

"You were with him by yourself all day?"

"Yeah, but it was all business nothing more." It got quiet on the other line. "Zoro?"

"Yeah I'm here, I'll see you soon." He hung up.

You were a little hurt at that. You went to Katakuri and had a small smile on your face.

"Sorry Mr. Charlotte but I wanted to visit my employee to make sure he was okay, and also it's been a long day I would rather just go home tonight."

"I understand. Another time perhaps?"

"Uh yeah perhaps." Ding.

Unknown: Maybe you should get a pregnancy test. That time you spent with the good doctor...when was the last time you got your period?

What the fucking hell??? Am I being stalked.

Unknown: Remember you can't tell anyone about me, not if you want your loved ones to stay safe. Like that rocker employee of yours.

You didn't waste anytime, you immediately ran to your car, and sped all the way to the hospital. Katakuri yelled for you but you didn't bother to look back.

You tried to call Barto several times with no answer, each minute that went by your anxiety only mounted. When you reached the hospital, you ran to the reception desk.

"Miss we'll be right-huh Y/N?" Penguin seemed surprised to see you, you were breathing heavily and probably looked half crazy.

"Penguin...ha ha Is Bartolemeo here?"

"Your coworker. He's being discharged right now.  He got gastritis. And the only reason I'm telling you that is because he had you listed under emergency contact."

"Wait...he's, he's okay?"

"Um yeah. Are you okay?"

You started to lose your breath faster than you could intake it.


You were having a panic attack. You used to get them more frequently, but it had been so long that you forgot how to stop it.

"Y/N-ya, hold your breath." Law's voice was there, commanding and worried. But you had enough sense to listen to him. You held your breath despite the burning in your lungs, when it seemed as though you were going to pass out.

"Boss? Hey are you okay?" Barto was kneeling next to you right beside Law. You'd drawn a lot of attention and felt instantly embarrassed.

"Yeah sorry, I Um called you Barto and you didn't answer, I got scared that you got put back in prison. When I heard that you were being discharged all my anxiety just seemed to all come flowing out."

"Shit boss, I'm sorry. I left my phone at home. But I did let Hina know where I was, she came by to confirm. Sorry I scared you."

He's alive. Thank God, he's okay. He isn't hurt.

"Sorry I overreacted. Sorry to you too Dr. Trafalgar. Dr. Penguin." You started to stand when Law grabbed your arm.

"Come with me real quick. Mr. Bartolemeo you're instructions and discharged notes and medicines were given to you yes."

He nodded.

"I'll see you next week to make sure everything is okay: Y/N-ya, let's talk for a minute."

Seeing him made you think about that text, about you might being pregnant. A new wave of nausea came over you but you quickly recovered.

"No Dr. Trafalgar, I'm okay. I was just worried. Him being taken to jail like that happened before and it was a long process getting him out, I was worried it had happened again."

"Ugh don't remind me boss. That was the longest 37 hours of my life."

Law's brow was furrowed, he could tell you were lying but he no longer could pull you aside to talk to you about it. You patted his shoulder as you stood.

"There anything you need Barto? Before I head home?"

"Nah, my friend is waiting for me outside and he bought everything I'm going to need for the next 8 days."

"Okay. See you Penguin, bye Law." You smiled at both of them before heading out with Barto.

"Hey boss...thanks you know for worrying about me. It's nice."

You hugged him, not real right considering what his poor gut had gone through the whole day but you still hugged him. He awkwardly wrapped his free arm around your shoulders.

"I love you like a brother Barto, of course I'd worry about you."

"I-I love you too Y/N. Like a family."

After a couple more minutes of hugging you went to the pharmacy real quick to one, pick up more shampoo and conditioner, tampons and...three boxes of pregnancy tests.

You arrived at your house when you got a text message from Zoro.

Zoro⚔️🗡: Hey I'm not going to be able to make it, something happened at Mihawk's. His windows are all shattered. He's pissed, I'll see you tomorrow.❤️

You: OMG?! Was everyone okay?

Zoro ⚔️🗡: Yeah. No one was around when it happened though. I'll call you later.

You: okay see you tomorrow ❤️.

Zoro ⚔️🗡: ABSOLUTELY!!! 🥰 good night!

You: Goodnight 😘

You went to your phone in your saved photos, and read the one that was the note. According to Smoker, they were looking into your Uncle and all his old associates. Which meant they were going to have to talk to a lot of shady people.

Rayleigh Silvers was warned...L/N Y/N, you will pay for his mistakes and crimes and broken promises. Everyone you know and love will not be spared. We will not stop until you are alone...if you want your friends to be safe and for you to remain alive, you'll put your land up for auction.

You didn't know much about Rayleigh's past, you knew that he wasn't always a model citizen, he used to be in a gang until he was 35. Cause that's when he was informed that his little sister had been killed, protecting his niece from a home invasion.

You were 5 at the time. You don't remember a whole lot, your mom had put her cassette player headphones in your ears and hid you in the hamper surrounded by clothes. You never heard a thing, the gun shots, the screams none of it. When you were found all you saw was a lot of blood and three body bags. One had been your mom and the other two had been two out of the three men who'd broken in.

You spent 6 months in foster care before, uncle had to prove he could stay sober for that long before he was allowed to have you. Even then a social worker came for surprise visits all the time, for 2 years.

A bang on your door came swift and loud. You jumped and put your phone down. When you opened the door Zoro was there.

"Zoro?!" You were beyond shocked. "Was everything okay at Mihawk's?"

"Is if true?" He was out of breath and he looked upset.

"Is what true?"

"Don't play stupid!" He yelled. You flinched away from him. Before you stepped aside so he could come in.

"I'm not playing stupid Zoro. I'm trying to figure out what you're talking about?"

He was pacing and running his hand through his hair.

"I got a text from an unknown number today. It was like...whoever sent it, knew what you and I were doing. They sent me one...haa...saying that you might be pregnant with Law's kid. Is that true?"

"What you too?" He went wide eyed and you showed him all your text messages.

"What the fuck?! Was Barto okay?"

"Yeah...but Zoro there's something else you need to see." You showed him the photo of what the letter said.

"Y/N...this has to do with your uncle? He's been dead for what almost 13 years? Why now all of a sudden would someone do this?"

"I don't know. But I think Pops might know..." You looked at Zoro, and decided to show him what you bought. When he saw it his eyes got so wide you thought that they might pop out of his skull. "I'm late...I have to take a test before I can make an appointment."

"Take it. I'll wait."

You took one of the boxes that had two tests in it. You were scared, you didn't know what you were going to do if it was positive. After you peed on it, you set a 2 minute timer. So many thoughts passed through your mind you couldn't focus on a single one. When your timer went off you jumped.

You cried, it was positive!! You couldn't remember your last period. You were pregnant with Law's baby.

When you came out crying Zoro knew...a range of emotions went through his face.

"I can't. I'm sorry Y/N, I can't right now. I need to go."

He turned and left. Only then did you collapse and ball your eyes out. Your phone dinged again.

Unknown: Someone let the good doctor know he's going to be a father!

"FUCK YOU!" You threw your phone across the floor and it shattered. While you cried.

An hour after crying you heard your doorbell ring. You really weren't in the mood to have visitors, you walked checked the screen on the wall to see who it was. It was Crocodile.

"Y/N? C'mon kid I know you're home. Let me in."

"Please...please Crocodile...just please leave." You couldn't help it you started to cry again.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong are you crying?"

"Everything is coming undone! I don't know what to do anymore..." it was quiet again.

"Y/N, come on kiddo. Open up."

You unlocked the door he opened himself the moment he stepped in he pulled you into him and hugged you tight. You grabbed on for dear life, your knees becoming weak. He felt this and picked you up by your thighs and sat down with you in his lap.

<Crocodile's POV>


Crocodile was pissed! No one had told him that they'd bugged your phone or your house! They agreed on your cafe and that was it, but he'd said that your personal life was to be left alone!

"What the hell is this?! Answer me Doflamingo!!!"

"Oh c'mon Crocodile. It's not that big of a deal."

"You're stalking her! This was not apart of the contract that you signed!"

"I bugged her home before we agreed to our arrangement." He said so calmly.

"YOU. DID. WHAT???!!!" He reached across the table and yanked his collar on his very expensive suit. "Get rid of them! The contract included all forms of communication was to be limited to the business!! Past and present included I made sure of that!"

"You know Crocodile if I didn't know any better I'd say you have a soft spot for her. Mufufufufu!"


"That's bullshit! You wouldn't have agreed to any of this of you did!"

"The main reason I did was to make sure you and that fat, disgusting, ugly, old hag of a woman were kept on leashes while getting what was rightfully mine!"

He tossed the blonde away from him, and grabbed his leather jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"To Y/N. She needs comfort. And I expect you to text me where each and every fucking bug is or I promise you, I will make your life miserable. I have several contingency plans for you bastard. You have 5 minutes before I implement one of 75."

With that he walked out of the building and started his car. When the text came through with the locations. He quickly drove over to you. When you fell asleep 30 minutes of non-stop crying, he laid you down carefully and got to work with removing the bugs. He also took the chip out of your phone that Doflamingo had used to track you.

"I promise Y/N, once you sell the land to me this will all be over." He smoothed out your hair, kissed your forehead and walked to your door, making sure it was locked before he left.

When she finds out that I was apart of tearing her cafe apart...she's never going to forgive me...ever.

He lit a cigar and walked to his car. When he came face to face with someone he never thought he'd see again.

"Hello Dr. Trafalgar. Y/N is sleeping right now. You'll have to come back tomorrow. But I guess I should be asking as to why you are here?"

"She lied. Today when I saw her at the hospital."

"So you found out already huh? I guess congrats are in order." The young man made a face like he didn't understand what Crocodile was saying.

"What are you talking about?"

"The baby...Y/N's pregnant..."

Suddenly the young doctor started to do math in his head. When the realization hit he turned pale.

"Oh dear God! That's what she was really doing at the hospital?"

"Uh I don't know...she took a test about an hour ago."

He started to run up to the apartment but Crocodile stopped him.

"Hold it boy! Now I don't know when you two had a moment of passion, I'm assuming it was right before she moved out or sometime afterward, but don't forget. You cheated on her for an entire year. She may not keep the baby. And even if she does, who's to say she wants you apart of the baby's life? What have you done to deserve that privilege? I'll tell you, not a damn thing! So do yourself a favor, call out sick, come
back tomorrow and then talk to her."

He let go and started his walk again to his car. Right before he got there he decided to say something else.

"Oh and watch out for Nico Robin. She doesn't do serious, the moment you show a sign of commitment she runs. Just so you know. And she likes being on top a lot. It's a helluva view. Good night."

I screwed up. He didn't even know about the pregnancy. How am I supposed to explain that away? That I knew when she didn't even tell me?

"I need a fucking vacation."

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