BY CHANCE, bella hadid

By haizjenner

24.3K 913 68

For whatever reason, they were destined for one another. She was the untamable, and wild, and knew exactly wh... More



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By haizjenner

BELLA soon realized she didn't exactly loose her chance.

Leighton started hanging around Darby and her friends a lot more, enjoying the fun they had. Soon, Leighton was everywhere Darby was. Parties, bonfires, and simple dinners at the houses.

Bella and Leighton became quick friends, which wasn't really shocking. The night of the Coachella afterparty, Bella told all of her friends about Leighton, and how she felt. Bella didn't understand her feelings completely, but she yearned to be Leighton's friend. She wanted to know Leighton better than everyone else. Bella wanted to be something to Leighton.

Everyone knew except Darby.

Bella decided it was best to keep how she felt from Darby. Who knew how Darby would feel about Bella's intentions. The Hadid girl had a feeling Darby would be okay with it, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

The brunette model couldn't help but feel like the feelings weren't mutual. Leighton didn't seem like the type to be interested in a relationship, let alone a relationship with a girl. It hurt Bella, but being friends with the Butler triplet was enough for now.

There were moments however, where Bella felt like the feelings were too overwhelming. Times where Leighton was too kind to her for them to just be friends. Moments where Leighton was far too touchy for them to just be friends. Instances where Bella would catch Leighton staring at her proved that they weren't just friends.

Bella loved experiencing these moments with Leighton. It gave her a glimpse of what they would be like if they were ever more than just friends.

"Bell, you okay?" Her voice broke Bella from the apparent trance she'd unconsciously fallen into. Bella looked up slightly, "Lost you there."

"I was just thinking." Bella wasn't lying. She was thinking, just about Leighton.

"About?" Leighton's glare made Bella smile and move towards the beautiful girl who currently wore Bella's old Victoria's Secret sweatshirt.

"How good this casserole is going to be." Bella teased the girl with a smile, dipping her finger in the sauce. Leighton giggled softly, slapping Bella's hand away as the model licked her finger. "Needs more salt."

"I was asking you to pass the salt but you decided to go to a different planet." Leighton grabbed the salt from the other counter, shaking some into the bowl. Bella rolled her eyes, and moved behind Leighton, her front pressing into Leighton's back.

Leighton felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as the model behind her set her perfectly manicured hands on the granite countertop that was in Gigi Hadid's stylish kitchen. Bella rested her chin on Leighton's shoulder, breathing in the scent that Leighton naturally owned. Bella could never seem to put her finger on what the scent was, but it was extremely comforting and warm.

"Bella I can't move." Bella giggled softly in Leighton's ear, moving her right hand to Leighton's. The model began to help stir the mixture, their fingers interlacing. Leighton breathed in heavy, letting her head rest on Bella's head.

These were the instances where the girls shifted from good friends to the perfect lovers.

Their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, and it was as if their hands were designed to connect.

The silence that surrounded the girls was filled with tension, but both girls kept quiet, afraid that if they spoke it would ruin what they had.

"Hey Leighton. Where's-never mind." Darby entered the kitchen, seeing Bella behind Leighton. "Stop hugging and make the food dumbass. Bella you told Kenny you'd-"

"I know. I was grabbing the napkins." Bella snatched the napkins from next to the casserole bowl, moving away from Leighton. Leighton loosened up a bit, not realizing her body had become so tense in the arms of Bella.

"I'm sure. Kendall sucks at setting the table."

"How can one suck at placing silverware on a table?" Leighton joked, turning around to Darby. Darby kept a straight face, then laughed sarcastically. Bella snickered a little, reaching for Leighton's neck and rubbing it softly.

"Just make the food beautiful." Bella winked, taking the napkins and exiting the room. Leighton stopped stirring for a minute, and leaned over the counter, both hands spread as her head hung. The singer was trying to come to terms with the way her heart was racing, along with the sweat that formed on her palms.

Leighton pushed the feeling down, deep into the bottom of her heart. Once she felt calm once more, the singer grabbed the spoon and continuing cooking.

LEIGHTON decided on sitting next to Carter and Devon when dinner was finally ready. She made sure to set the casserole down on the table, right in the center so everyone could see her beautiful dish.

Once everyone was ready, and sitting down, the group of friends began to dig in. This was the second friend dinner Leighton had attended, and she loved these gatherings. The food was amazing, and the dinners were always entertaining. Usually, Leighton would be consumed in Carter's conversation, the boy being extremely funny, but tonight all Leighton could do was watch the girl across the table.

Leighton watched as Bella laughed, her jawline looking glamorous as she opened her mouth slightly to eat some food. When the mashed potatoes finally reached her, Leighton tore her eyes from the model and took a large scoop for herself.

"Leighton the casserole is amazing." Stas commented from the other end of the table. A series of hums and agreements followed suit making Leighton smile.

"Perfect amount of salt." Bella winked, making Leighton smirk sarcastically.

Everyone went around the table, talking about what they had coming up, and what was going on in their lives. Fashion week was coming up in New York, so a lot of the girls would be heading there.

"Leigh? What are you gonna be up to." The nickname came out of Bella's mouth naturally, making Leighton smile. Usually, the girl didn't like people calling her that, but she loved the way it sounded coming out of the model's mouth. She wanted to hear her say it again.

"I'm going to be in the studio." Leighton spoke, "I'm working on a new album."

"Oh my god! Now way!" Darby said enthusiastically, setting down her fork.

"You're lying." Bella spoke soon after Darby. Bella loved Leighton's music more than anything. Her voice was heavenly, and the music she wrote was incredibly attractive. She wrote about love, and passion.

"Dude. Why didn't we know?" Carter shoved the girl slightly with a smile, making Leighton blush.

"Cause it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Baby your music is dope. This is groundbreaking!" Kendall spoke happily, which made Leighton feel incredibly loved. Everyone supported her music. It warmed her heart.

It was crazy to Bella how humble Leighton was. Realistically, Leighton was one of the most popular singers in the world at the time, considering she was so young. The girl had over thirty million followers just on Instagram, and Bella swore she had hundreds of millions of fans all over the world. She was young, but Leighton spoke to people through her verses.

Everyone continued talking about Leighton's music for the majority of the dinner. The plan was to stay and have a little bonfire where there would be drinks and joints, however Leighton had promised Kaia a movie night. Kaia Gerber was Leighton's best friend in the whole world. The younger model was one of the only people who understood Leighton, at least that's how the singer felt.

Leighton was grabbing her phone and wallet from the bin in Gigi Hadid's living room, looking around to make sure she didn't forget anything.

"Where you going?" Darby questioned, taking a sip of her beer. This caught Bella's attention, not liking that Leighton was leaving.

"Kaia and I have movie night. I told you-"

"Oh yeahhhh. Go have fun." Darby leaned forward and kissed her little sister's cheek, then skipped off.

"So Kaia?" Bella asked softly, the question extremely vague.

"What about her." Leighton leaned against the wall, staring into Bella's eyes. Bella hated the way Leighton looked at her. It drove her insane, but in the worst way. Her beautiful green eyes made Bella nervous.

"She needs you?"

"No we just do movie nights every month. I haven't been able to see her that much because of her boyfriend." Her boyfriend. And just like that, everything was right with the world.

Bella didn't understand why she was so relieved that Kaia was just a friend. She didn't understand why she was jealous for a second, thinking Kaia was stealing Leighton away. Bella wasn't the only person in Leighton's life.

"You okay? Losing you again." Bella's heart fluttered as Leighton repeated the same thing she said earlier that evening. Bella shook her head softly, giggling lightly.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just gonna miss you a bit." Leighton pushed Bella back slightly, lifting her back from against the wall.

"I'll see you Sunday?" Leighton winked, making Bella blush and nod. Sunday was four days away, and Bella didn't understand how she was going to manage. It wasn't just Leighton's beauty that became attractive, it was the compatibility between the two. They're conversations weren't forced, but were incredibly natural. Bella just enjoyed talking to Leighton.


"Breakfast at Darb's?"

"Oh yeah. I completely forgot."

"We just planned it." Leighton teased, throwing up her keys and grabbing them. "You sure you're okay Bells?"

Bella started to freak out. Was it really that obvious? Was her staring becoming noticeable?

"Yeah I'm fine." Bella quickly spoke, making Leighton smile slightly, then nod.

"Bye Bell." Bella raised her right hand, waving to the beautiful girl in front of her as she exited the house and walked towards her Black 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Bella thought the sports car only made Leighton hotter, as the Butler triplet ducked into the car and started it up.

The Hadid girl closed the front door to her sister's house, leaning against it. The door was incredibly large compared to her, Gigi going for a modern castle look.

"You okay?" Kendall's soft voice startled the model slightly, causing Bella to grab her heart. Kendall let out a little laugh, drinking her coffee slightly.

"You aren't drinking?"

"Harry's gotta get home some way right?" Bella shook her head, looking over to Harry Hudson who was already drunk out of his mind, dancing with Carter.

"Leighton okay?"

Bella hummed slightly, remembering why her heart was thumping loudly.

"Bella what's up." Kendall knew the model so well and it made Bella want to scream. Either she was extremely obvious, or Kendall was just a mind reader.

"I like her. I like her Kendall."

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