A vigilante who heals villain...

By Rebel6610

25.1K 902 741

Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... More

Chapter 1: The first meeting
Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 7: On unstable waters
Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1
Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 18: Hidden clues

707 32 33
By Rebel6610

Tommy awoke sleeping between Techno and Wilbur. He was fairly surprised by the fact that Techno was there, but didn't really question it.

"Good morning mate", Phil said walking into the room. "You woke up just now as well?"

"Yeah, I did", Tommy said rubbing his eyes. "Did I fall asleep in the car?"

"Yeah. On Tech. He carried you in and let you sleep on him", Phil answered.

"Oh", Tommy said. "Man, how long do they sleep?" he then asked.

"Techno usually wakes early, but I guess it's different with you. He's grown fond of you too", Phil said.

"Yeah, I see", Tommy said as he laid back comfortably and closed his eyes, sleep taking him again.

It has been a month since Tommy reunited with Puffy. He'd also gotten slightly closer to cracking the mystery that his brother was. Clay really liked to just disappear. Every time Tommy thought he had finally gotten close to solving the mystery behind his brother, he found himself in a dead end. Yet, he still continued to hunt down clues.

This night was no difference. The warm wind of spring blew in his face as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop in the early hours of 1am. The small nation of L'Manberg was a place that the seasons didn't rule. Winter could be really cold, but it could be completely snow free at some point, then suddenly you could wake up to metres of snow on your porch.

It was the start of spring, and to Tommy's luck it was a quite warm day. Not the usual still cold that would last until mid-March. This time even the season's minimal control over the nation seemed to favour him and his quest. He stopped on a rooftop that was in no way important to him. Just to take a breath.


'What the-?' Tommy questioned.

Something below him fell and made a loud noise. Tommy looked around, but saw no-one rushing to the source of the noise.

'Not this again...', he thought as he carefully lept down from the tall building.

"Fuck...", he heard a feminine voice say.

Tommy heard some shuffling and decided to speak up.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" he asked.

The shuffling stopped immediately.

Tommy stepped forward towards where he heard the noise before it stopped.

"Oleander?" he muttered.

"S-Step away! O-Or I'll k-kill you!" she threatened through gritted teeth. Even Tommy could tell she was in pain.

"I wanna help. I can tell you're in pain", Tommy tried.

"I-I said step a-away!" Oleander said again.

"Calm down. I wanna help", Tommy said, as he now realised why the villain was so familiar. "I know it's you Niki. Let me help", he tried.

It seemed to have worked, because she looked a bit more relaxed.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I recognised you. I have a quite good facial memory", Tommy replied. "Let me help. I won't report you, I swear."

The blonde-pinkette seemed to think about it. She tried to sit up better but ended up wincing and having to go back to how she was.

"Alright", she said.

"Great", Tommy said as he stepped closer. "Where's the wound?" he asked.

"My side. Here", She said as she lifted her arm that was covering a quite serious open wound that seemed to have been made with a sword. A really sharp one.

Tommy grimaced. "Who on holy dadza would do that? To a woman nonetheless!" Tommy asked as he kneeled down to take a closer look at the wound.

Niki took her mask off laughing a bit. "The heroes aren't as good as they say. They say they aim to incapacitate, but in reality do way more than that", she said.

"Well that's just bullshit!" Tommy said as he took his fingerless gloves off.

"What are you doing?" Niki asked.

"I'll try to heal it", Tommy replied putting his hands on the wound. "Might hurt a bit", he added before he started his powers.

"A bit, you say?" Niki asked through gritted teeth. "That's not a bit."

"It's what they say in the hospitals as well", Tommy said, focusing his powers on healing the big slash on Niki's side.
"That's as good as I can get it at the moment", the blond said as he pulled away, feeling realy ill. "Now if you don't mind, I'll just lay down for a bit", he added as he laid down on the ground.

"Are you okay, Avian?" Niki asked.

"Yeah, it's the aftereffect of my healing powers", Tommy said closing his eyes. "I'll be fine."

"Alright. But just in case, I'll stay with you until you can get up", Niki said as she adjusted her position.

"Fine by me. At least I'll have some company", Tommy said.

"What were you doing, by the way? This place has more hero patrol", Niki asked.

"I'm after clues. I wanna find my brother. Apparently he was taken to be a hero by the system", Tommy explained. "All I know are his civilian name, hair colour, eye colour, a roundabout age and his powers."

"But it's something to go off of. You could look through L'Manberg's database for people with the same name and then rule out the people it couldn't be by the other factors you have", Niki said.

"That's... Actually a genius idea...", Tommy realised.

"I may be of some help. In return for healing me", Niki said. "I actually work in the more closer circles of the government people. I know, how convenient for a villain", she said laughing after her last sentence. "I could get you into the place by saying you're a potential intern, since I'm more part of the people who they let do stuff on their own. And then I could let you look into the database and we could see if he's there."

"Yeah! But what about the lie? You can't just say I'm a potential intern, and then ditch the whole thing", Tommy said.

"Maybe you could then actually intern there. Get some momey while you're at it", Niki said laughing a bit.

"I mean, I do have a job, but I could do the mornings and the weekends as an intern. Money is money, I guess", Tommy said.
"And if your brother really is a hero, he might be there!" Niki added. "Since the work is done in HeroesHQ", she said.

"True true", Tommy said. He sat up. "We ready to go?" he asked.

"Like, right now? It's 6am" Niki asked confused.

"Like, right now", Tommy repeated her words.

"Avian, your forgetting that I'm not in civilian. We can't just go there as Oleander and Avian", Niki said.

"Then get into civilian and let's go", Tommy said. "I can trust you with my identity, right? I know yours and you know mine. If one spills, the other spills, okay?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. If you spill my identity, I spill yours and vice versa", Niki agreed.

"Great!" Tommy said, taking his vigilante gear off. "Now, where to?"

"You're just a kid...", Niki said shocked.

"17, but yeah", Tommy said.

"I just think it's really young", Niki said as she tried to get up, Tommy rushing in right away to help.

"They take kids way younger than this into hero training. Being a vigilante at 17 isn't much different from that", Tommy said as he helped the blonde-pinkette to stand up.

"I know, it just... Seems really young...", Niki said. "Either ways, I need clothing to change to. And there's a reason I landed here", she said. "The door there. It's the backroom to my bakery. Yes, I own one. I don't really work there, but I own one", Niki said.

Tommy led her to the door and let her go inside and change. Soon she came out in civilian outfit.

"Let's go", she said, looking more confident on her feet.

They soon got to HeroesHQ. It was located in the most richest area, in the center of the small nation, since L'Manberg was about as big as a large city. Yet, the residents of the nation didn't care, and were proud to be able to call L'Manberg an independent nation, no matter the size.

The building in itself was really tall, most likely the tallest in L'Manberg. The first few floors had normal windows, but after that, each floor had their own coloured window, representing the hero or team that resided on the floor. The very top floor had dark tinted glass, that's where Tommy guessed the leaders where.

"I work on the floor right before the rainbows. Each floor is colour coded for the hero or team of that floor. The very top floor is where the big boss is. We don't under any circumstance go there. Got it?" Niki explained.

"Yup. Got it!" Tommy replied as they walked in.

"Hello Niki! Who's this young man you have with you?" the woman behind the counter asked.

"Hi Kristin! I've been thinking of getting an intern for a while now, so he's a potential one", Niki said, greeting the woman.

"Hello. I'm Tom. Tom WasTaken, but everyone calls me Tommy", Tommy introduced himself.

"Hi. I'm Kristin. It's nice to see some young faces around here. I assume he needs a floor access card?" Kristin turned to Niki.

"Yes. Grant access to the same things as I'm granted", Niki said.

"Alright", Kristin said as she typed on her computer. "Here you go!" she handed Tommy a plastic card.

"Ooh! Plastic!" Tommy said taking the card.
(T: No! The turtles! L: Tubbo shut up! We are not breaking the fourth wall here! I know it was a funny moment, but no!)

Niki and Kristin laughed. "He's a funny one", the older said.

"He sure is", the younger replied. "Let's go, Tommy. We need to get the work done", she said.

"Alright. Bye Kristin!" Tommy said waving as they walked away. Kristin waved goodbye as well.

"So, which floors can I use?" Tommy asked.

"All, minus the top", Niki said.

"Pog!" Tommy exclaimed.

"I told you I work in the closer circles", Niki said.

"Yeah, I know you did, I just didn't think this close", Tommy said examining his card.

"To use it, you just gotta put it to the sensor and then press the according number on the screen. My work level is 37", Niki explained. "So that will be the first number that'll pop up for you, being you're supposed to be my intern", Niki continued.

"Alright", Tommy said.

"When you become official intern, you will also be able to just walk in, put the card to the sensor and just...", Niki said. "37!"

- Alright! Hello Ms. Niki! - a text popped up on the screen.

"Hello Callahan! Meet Tommy. He may become my intern!" Niki greeted the bot.

- Cool! That sounds awesome! Hi Tommy! I'm Callahan! I guess you could call me the control panel of this place! - Callahan said.

"Hi", Tommy awkwardly said.

- *laugh* Do not worry. I am no harm. - Callahan assured Tommy.

"No, it's just...", Tommy started, trying to find the right words.

- Weird? -

"Yeah! Weird", Tommy said.

- Don't worry! You'll get used to me soon! - Callahan said.

"I bet", Tommy said.

"Callahan, show him your newest upgrade!" Niki suggested.

- Alright! -

Suddenly there was a figure on the screen. A humanoid creature that was in a reindeer onesie and a blue mask.

- Hello! - the figure waved.

"Hi!" Tommy waved back. "You can see me, right? Like through cameras or sum", Tommy asked.

- Yes. I have access to all camera footage across HeroesHQ! - Callahan confirmed.

"Poggers", Tommy said.

The elevator dinged. "That's our stop. We'll talk to you later Callahan. Bye!" Niki said as she walked out.

The figure of Callahan waved as the two stepped out of the elevator.

"This is my and my workmates' floor. It's also the floor you'll be spending the most time on as an intern", Niki explained.

"No, I can't change your password... No, it absolutely does not work like that!" a familiar voice said nearing the duo. "What!? No! I'm not your personal assistant 404!... No. I actually don't care... *sigh* I'll help, but I won't do it for you!... Good. Bye."
The man sighed and walked towards the duo.

"Wilbur?!" Tommy asked surprised.

"Tommy? What are you doing here?" Wilbur asked.

"Better question, what are you doing here?!" Tommy replied. "I'm applying as Niki's intern!" he then proudly said.

"I work here, Toms", Wilbur said, still confused.

"You know each other?" Niki asked.

"Yep. He's my umm... What do I call him... Brother figure", Tommy said. "I kinda lived with him and his family at some point", he added.

"Oh. Well that's nice", Niki said.

"Yeah, I just never knew that he works at HeroesHQ!" Tommy said flailing his arms around. "You could've told me, Wil", he then said.

"Actually, talking about that, why are you in work right now? You don't work in the mornings Wil", Niki questioned.

"Password reset day", Wilbur simply said. "404 thinks I'm his personal assistant or something, because he's just too lazy to do it on his own so I gotta come in early to help him!" he ranted.

"Must be hard", Tommy said patting Wilbur on the shoulder. "Whelp, we should get going, dont'cha think Niki?" the blond asked.

"Yeah, he's right. I need to get to work. I'll see you around Wilbur!" Niki said waving to the brunette as the duo walked away.

"So, this is my office", Niki said as they stepped into a cosy office room.

Tommy had expected the room to be all flowers and pink, but was instead met with a more cottagecore look.

"Looks pretty", Tommy said.

"Thank you. Let's get to work", Niki said as she sat down in her stool. "Callahan, please turn off video and audio footage for the room and delete me asking for you to do it", she said.

- How long shall I do that? -

"Until I tell you we're okay", Niki said.

- Alright! -

"Now, let me pull up the city records", Niki said typing away on her keyboard occasionally clicking with the mouse.
"There!" the blonde-pinkette said after a while. "What's his name?"

"Clay. Clay WasTaken", Tommy said.

"Alright, I'll do a first name search first", Niki said as she typed the name in and clicked 'search'.

They had 10 matches.

"Alright, let's narrow it. Age?" she questioned.

"23 I think" Tommy said.

"Okay, I'll make the minimum age 21 and the maximum 25 then", Niki said.

That got them down to 3.

"Any of them that could not be him?" she asked.

"Definitely not him", Tommy pointed at a man with brown hair.

Niki removed the person from their view.

"Down to 2. Which one?" she then asked.

"Can I take a look at last names?" Tommy asked.

"Sure", Niki said clicking on the first image.

'Name: Clay WasTaken
Age: 23
Family: Mother; Puffy WasTaken, Father; Brian Was Taken and younger brother; Tom Was Taken<deceased>
Powers: Gravity manipulation
Can levitate anything up the thrice of his own size. Gets otherwise nauseous. Levitated things glow green. When asked to describe power he compared himself to a fictional girl named Uraraka from a popular anime 'My Hero Academia'.
Puppet strings
Can create green strings that can be used to control others. If they are snapped with force, the person controlled becomes a lifeless puppet for a short period amount of time.
Affiliation: Hero
Was taken to hero training at the age of 11.
Living condition: L'Manberg; HeroesHQ'

"That's him! But which hero is he?" Tommy wondered.

"Let's take a look. Which hero has levitation?" Niki said, mostly to herself as she opened another government file up and searched for 'levitation'.
"Here we go. Take a look", she said. "Only Dream popped up."

"So Dream's Clay? That would explain how he'd know about mum", Tommy pondered. "Which floor is he? I need to go talk to him. Now."

"Woah, calm down. I either ways have files that need to be taken there so take them as well. Callahan start once I give Tommy the papers", Niki said.

- Alright! -

Niki handed Tommy the papers. "Okay, so these go to the Dream Team floor. I need you to drop these off to the door of the respective hero of the pile that you drop off. Ask Callahan to get you the floor number", she instructed.

"Okay. I'll be back before you even know it!" Tommy said walking with the stack of papers he got.

"Oh, hi Wil!" Tommy greeted his friend who was still near the elevator.

"Hi Toms. What'cha doing with all those files?" Wilbur asked.

"Gotta take 'em to the Dream Team", Tommy said pushing the button for the elevator.

"Oh, I'll come with you. I either ways have to go there too. 404 needs my help even more than I thought he would in changing his password. No can do. We have a really secure system. It's hard to operate", Wilbur said.

"Great. So you're going to 404's room then? Then you could drop these off as well", Tommy said handing the pile meant for 404.

The elevator arrived at the same time and the two boys stepped in.

"Callahan, could we get a ride to the Dream Team floor?" Tommy asked.

- Sure! Floor number 69. I know, it's the funny number! -

"Thanks!" Tommy said as he put his card to the sensor and pressed the correct number on the screen.

- Hello Wilbur! - the screen beeped once.

"Oh, hello Callahan. I'm sorry, I'm just really deep in my work right now. Password change day", Wilbur greeted.

- That's okay! I know it can be stressful! -

Wilbur smiled.

- We've arrived! Goodbye! -

"Bye Callahan!" Wilbur said as he walked off towards 404's office room.

"I'll see ya later Callahan!" Tommy said as he walked off as well.

He went to Sapnap's room first.

"Hello? Is anyone, a hero in particular, in there?" Tommy asked.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sapnap said opening his door.

"An intern. Niki sent me to deliver this package to you", Tommy said as he handed Sapnap the pile of files.

"Oh. Thanks. But aren't you too young to be an intern?" Sapnap questioned.

"I'm 17, bitch", Tommy said. "But it was nice meeting you. I'm Tommy by the way", he said as he walked off.

"Now that's a weird kid", Sapnap said to himself as he went back inside his room to look through the files he got.

Tommy then went to Dream's door. He took a deep breath and knocked.

"Open up bitch, you got mail", he said and snickered at his own sentence.

Dream opened up, wearing his usual smiling mask.

"Av- I mean Tom? What are you doing here?" Dream asked as he ushered Tommy inside. "Callahan cut the cameras, please."

"You have mail. Niki sent them. I'm an intern by the way", Tommy said as he shoved the files into the hero's hands. "Oh, and I'm also here because we need to talk, Clay."

Dream was just about to put the files down when Tommy said that. "I- How- What-?" Dream sputtered.

"Yeah, yeah, you can take off your mask I know who you are", Tomy confronted his brother.

"You got some brains in there", Dream said.

"Yeah, I really do. I am a big man after all", Tommy said. "But seriously, take the mask off. It's creepy talking to you like that", he added.

"Yeah, sorry. It can be quite obnoxious for some", Clay said as he took his mask off and put it on the table. "Better?"

"Much", Tommy said as he hugged his brother, Clay hugging back.

"I missed you Tommy", Clay said.

"I missed you too. Mum really misses you as well", Tommy said.

"And we have a new brother. I'm aware", Clay said as they pulled away from the hug.

"So are you coming home?" Tommy asked.

"I'll pay a visit", Clay nodded. "But I can't permanently come back home. The big boss wouldn't allow that", he said.

"At least drop by sometimes for a visit. So that we know you're okay. And no, seeing you in the news as Dream doesn't count. We want to know if Clay is okay, not Dream", Tommy said.

Clay just nodded, a fond smile on his face. "Like right now?" he asked.

"That would be good too, I guess", Tommy shrugged.

Clay laughed. "Finish you intern shift and then we'll go", Clay said.

"Okay. But we gotta go to my work then", Tommy said.

Clay just looked at him with confusion. "Alright?"

"Callahan, what's the time?" Tommy asked.

- 11am. -

"Oh shit! We gotta rush down! Foolish will get mad if I don't take his place exactly at 12, cause I've been really late every day", Tommy said as he stepped out of the room.

"Tommy, wait. I'm coming along", Clay said, wearing his mask again.

Tommy stepped into the elevator and motioned for Clay to hurry up.

Clay put his card to the sensor. "37."

- Got it! I'll speedrun this! - The figure of Callahan popped up on the screen and started to run.

The brothers laughed at the bot's antics.

"Thank you for the speedy ride, Callahan", Clay said as the elevator stopped.

- No problem! - the figure on the screen smiled.

The two brothers stepped out the elevator and went to Niki's office.

"Hey, so is my day here over? I really should head back yo take my shift from my adoptive brother at the café", Tommy asked walking into the room.

"Yeah, go ahead. Be here tomorrow at 7am, okay? Kristin will give you your permanent intern card", Niki said.

"Okay, bye!" Tommy said as he grabbed Clay's arm and dragged him back into the elevator.

"Bottom floor please, Callahan", Clay said as he put his card to the sensor.

- Alright, Dream! -

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