Transformers male cybertronia...

By JustyTurner

45.7K 980 276

Cybertron is at war between the Autobots and the Decepticons as they have been fighting for each other all th... More

Autobots Crew: Galactic of free worlds
Decepticons crew (Bludgeon): Bloods of victory
Human comanion's
S1E0: Prologue
S1E1: I'm a Autobot
S1E2: Getting to know you allies and enemies
S1E3: My first catch!
S1E5: The wolfs from the stars
S1E6: Secrets below the sand (Arc 1)
S1E7: Secrets below the sand (Arc 2)
S1E8: Secrets below the sand (Arc 3 final)
S1E9: A strike at the Decepticons base
S1E10: The arrival
S1E11: The Decepticon cost
S1E12: A tour around the Ark
S1E13: A rampaging Charizard problem
S1E14: A recon mission
S1E15: Construct and destroy
S1E16: Mewtwo Strikes (Arc 1)
S1E17: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 2)
S1E18: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 3)
S1E19: Mewtwo strikes (Arc 4 final)
S1E20: Roll to the rescue
S1E21: Night of the monsterbots (Halloween special)
S1E22: Finding out the spy
S1E23: Rise of the Dinobots
S1E24: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 1)
S1E25: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 2)
S1E26: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 3)
S1E27: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 4)
S1E28: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 5)
S1E29: Kanto Grand festival (Arc 6 final) (Season 1 Final)
The Wreckers (Spotlight)
S2E1: Our lives as protectors
S2E2: New visitors
S2E3: Here comes the Wreckers
Team Hot Rod (Spotlight)
Blaster (Spotlight)
S2E4: The orange islands
S2E5: Gym's secrets
S2E6: Battle out at sea
S2E7: Rogue pokemon (Arc 1)
S2E8: Rogue pokemon (arc 2)
S2E9: Rogue pokemon (Arc 3)
S2E10: Rogue pokemon (Arc 4 final)
S2E11: From scientist to soldier
S2E12: The legend of the crystal Onix
S2E13: Starscream attacks
S2E14: A new threat
S2E15: Prowl's police days
S2E16: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 1)
S2E17: The Infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 2)
S2E18: The infestation of the Grapefruit (Arc 3 final)
S2E19: Team Rocket did something!?
S2E20: It always be war but never peace
S2E21: Anti Cybertronian city (Arc 1)

S1E4: Wrong time, wrong place

1.1K 30 7
By JustyTurner

(Location: Sunshine city)

It was a nice and sunny day at Ssunshine city as Y/n and the rest arrived at the city and take a quick stop at one of the Sunshine cities fantastic malls to ever seen. It holds many stores for many customers to buy as well as a pokemon play garden for pokemon to play around whike their trainers are out shopping.

Across the street we see a car park and among the many cars that are parked we see Y/n, Madison, Zero and Turbospike in their vehicle forms as they stare at the store and they were waiting for Alex, Verity and Sorrel to be done of shopping and they be on their way.

Turbospike: By Primus it's soo boring standing there and just waiting for them to come out.

Y/n: I know it's boring but we must wait for them. They won't be gone for long.

Turbospike: Well it's lucky for Joshua to be flying around up there and enjoying his time.

Madison: But look at the right sides of things, at least we're not gonna get blown up or anything by that.

Turbospike: Still I can't wait this any longer. I'm gonna take a drive, catch you guys later.

Y/n: Turbospike no! We should-

Then Turbospike exit out of the parking lot and drive off as Y/n sighs to himself.

Madison: (smile) Don't worry I'm sure he'll be fine.

Y/n: Yeah let's hope so. Say what's that floating over the mall?

They see what Y/n is talking about and they see what looks like a blimp flying over the mall with the blimp looked like the face of a pokemon called a Meowth.

Madison: No idea. Maybe someone wants to ride on it.

Y/n: But is it a bit.....low?

Madison: Well let's hope it doesn't crash.

Y/n: Agree.

Meanwhile somewhere in the city we see three Decepticons standing on top of a tall building as a Decepticon by the name of Triggerhappy look down to see many cars passing by and then ask.

Triggerhappy: There is so many vehicles here? How are we supposed to find the Autobots if there are so many vehicles?!

Spinister: Oh! I have an idea! What about we ask the vehicles where the Autobots are! Maybe we can even threating their lives for them?

Triggerhappy: That's could work.

???: You idiots.

Then Slipstream pushes Spinster towards Triggerhappy which the two clash and fell onto the floor as Slipstream looks down at them and tells them.

Slipstream: Earth's vehicles aren't Cybertronians. They are just made out of scrap parts and other things these pathetic creatures made.

Triggerhappy: (stands up) So what should we do then? It's not like we can just attack in case the Autobots would escape.

Spinster: Or we can do that!

Slipstream: The Autobots could be spread out so they might be in the city. You two find them in the city while I'll search outside of the city. I will return.

She transform into her jet form and flies off whioe both Triggerhappy and Spinster watch her go.

Triggerhappy: Well! Time to search for those Autobots then. Come on Spinster, let's check the dark areas and move up to abandoned places as well.

Spinster: Right behind you Triggerhappy!

The two walk off as they transform into their vehicle forms and take off to search for the Autobots.


We see Verity, Alex, and Sorrel at a clothes store as we see Verity looking at some clothes while finding some clothes for her Piplub as well while Alex and Sorrel are seen in the background holding some bags that they got.

Alex: Seems like those two are having some fun.

Sorrel: Guess you can say that. You think Y/n and the rest will be fine outside?

Alex: (smile) I'm sure they be fine. I mean what kind of trouble will they get?

Sorrel: Yeah probably best not jinx that.

Alex: Yeah you might be right.

While the trio were busy across from them we see a trio of other pokemon trainers named Ash, Brock and Misty as Misty try out some amazing jewellery and even some that has a water like them into it.

Misty: (smile) Oooooo I love this one! It's soo beautiful!

Female employee: (smile) Would you like to try out our other line of sea themed jewelry?

Misty: (smile) Would I!

Ash: I don't understand what's so pretty about shiny stones.

Brock: (shake his head) Some girls like pretty stuff.

While this was happening we see the Pokemon play area as we see many pokemon getting along and playing around. We see Ben and Kai just walking by and seeing many pokemon having fun. Suddenly Kai was bumped by someone by accident and turns to see what looks like a togepi as he looks at Kai and turn his head a bit.

Togepi: Togepi?

Kai turns to the Togepi and start to sniff on Togepi and then smiled. Togepi also smiled and cheers like a baby when a Pikachu came over and he looks like he was glad to find Togepi. He turns to Kai and Ben as the two introduced themselves including Pikachu and Togepi. Togepi and Kai get along very well while Ben and Pikachu talked until Ash, Brock and Msity came over.

Ash: Pikachu let's go!

Misty: You too Togepi!

Both Pikachu and Togepi say their goodbyes to Kai and Ben and race back towards Ash and Misty which they pick them up.

Misty: (smile) I see you made some friends.

Togepi: (smile) Toge!

Ash: (smile) Well we're all done here and now time to go to the next gym!

Brock: (smile) Well then, let's get moving then.

Ash: (smile) Right!

The trio head out of the mall and walk through the city. On their walk they decided to take a shortcut which is going down mostly empty street as we them walking down and can't help but feel kinds creep out about this.

Misty: Um Brock? You sure this is a good idea walking down this street?

Brock: Well this a shortest way of getting out of the city.

Ash: There's early any people here or any Pokemon.

Pikachu: Pika.

Suddenly they heard something that freaked Misty out and it came from around the corner. It sounded like something stumping on the floor, making shakes on the ground.

Misty: (scared) What was that?

Brock: I don't know by you lot but it feels like something huge is coming here.

Ash: Wounder what it could be.

At first they thought was just a huge pokemon but they were shocked to see two gaint robots came in front of them as they were looking around as the trio hide at a alleyway while both Spinster and Triggerhappy that didn't see them stood there and said.

Spinster: Oh man this sucks! How are we going to find the Autobots! This is going take forever!

Triggerhappy: Well maybe we can find them faster if you stop complaining a lot!

Spinster: I can't help it man! It's so boring finding Autobots in this city. I miss the days that all you have to do is kill them back on Cybertron.

Brock: (whisper) Cybertron? Autobots?

Ash: (whisper) Are they pokemon?

He pulls out his Pokedex and points it at Spinster and Triggerhappy.

Pokedex: They are no pokemon in this area.

Ash: (whisper) No pokemon? Then, what are they then?

Suddenly Ash accident tripped and stumble out of the open while Spinster and Triggerhappy turn to see Ash.

Spinster: Hey look! A human!

Triggerhappy: Looks like it. Let's kill it.

He aims his gun at Ash only for a lighting bolt to hit Triggerhappy in the face as he stumble back while Pikachu leaps onto Ash's should while Misty and Brock exit out of the alleyway.

Misty: Ash!

Brock: We need to run now!

Ash: R-Right!

The trio make a run for it while Spinster sees this and transform into hid helicopter form and flies over them and transforms into hid bot form and lands in front of them. He turns towards them just as Pikachu shot out thunder bolt at Spinster but just blocks it with his arm.

Spinster: Hahahaha now that tickles.

They turn around to run only for Triggerhappy to blovk their way as well and aim his gun at them.

Triggerhappy: You humans are going to pay for that!

He charge up his gun and he was about to pull the trigger when suddenly Turbospike appeared out of nowhere behind Triggerhappy and crash through his legs, making him fell onto the ground while Turbospike transform into his bot form and punches Spinster that sent him flying a bit before crashing onto thr ground.

Turbospike: (turns to Ash and the rest) You humans alright?

Ash: Y-Yeah we're fine. Thanks.

Turbospike: You can thank me later. For now let's get out of here! (Transform into vehicle form) Get on!

He open his doors which they look at each other and they climb inside of him. Ones they are inside Turbospike rides off just as Spinster and Triggerhappy stood up and see Turbospike driving up.

Triggerhappy: After them!

The two transform inro vehicle forms and fly over Turbospike while we see Turbospike taking Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty and Togepi away as Misty can't take it and call out.

Misty: Would someone please tell me what's going on!

Turbospike: Seems like you guys walk in at the wrong time at the wrong place.

Ash: Guess you can say that.

Misty: (anger) Enough the jokes! I wanna know what are you and what were those things that tried to kill us!

Turbospike: Those are Decepticons while I'm an Autobot. Long story short, we're from a planet far away that has been in endless battle and now we are here for a mission.

Brock: So are those Autobots are the good guys or something?

Turbospike: Really? If we weren't, I would have leave you human there to die? So yeah, we are the good guys.

Ash: Make sense.

Turbospike: Look it's probably best I leave you humans outside of the city so you three will be sa-

Suddenly bolts fly by them as Triggerhappy and Spinster were right behind them as they open fire at them.

Turbospike: Hang on!

Turbospike takes a sharp turn and gose through a tunnel and made it at the other side. But Triggerhappy and Spinster appear ones more from behind and continues to fire at them but Turbospike take some sharp turns while Triggerhappy and Spinster were on his tail.

Turbospike turns and sharp right only to see a fighter jet coming down and before Turbospike think it was Joshua coming down and aide him. Missiles were fired that cost an explosion which cost Turbospike to turn out of control and then crash into a wall.

Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi and Brock slowly woke up after the crash as Turbospike is injured but he opens the left side door so they get out while he transform into his bot form and ready himself while Triggerhappy and Spinster approach them as Slipstream transformers and lands behind them and stood up and look at Turbospike.

Slipstream: (smirk) Your pretty hard to find Autobot? Now tell us, where are the rest?

Turbospike: I won't talk.

Slipstream: I see. (Spots Ash and the rest) Then maybe they will know. Otherwise. (Aims wirst blaster at them)

Turbospike: Leave them out of this Slipstream! They have nothing to do with us!

Slipstream: (smirk) Oh really? You really want to defend the weak and pathetic humans and their pets?

Turbospike: (smirk) I maybe a fast racer who has eyes with the ladies. But, when it comes of innocent lives then I'll do anything to protect them. So bring it on.

Slipstream: (smirk) very well then. Spinster, Triggerhappy get him.

The two approaches Turbospike as he ready to fight them while he turns to Ash and the rest.

Turbospike: You humans should go now! I'll by you all time just go!

He charge towards the two Decepticons and battle them while Ash and the rest watch this.

Brock: Ash I think we should leave now!

Misty: Yeah it's dangerous here.

Ash agrees and they make a run for it while Slipstream sees this and aims her wrist blaster at them only for Triggerhappy to kick her before Triggerhappy grabs from behind and hold him.

Turbospike struggled and soon managed to get Triggerhappy off of him and turn and grab Spinster by the arm and tossed him towards Triggerhappy which the two crash at each other and fell onto the ground.

Before Triggerhappy could breath a sigh of relief, Slipstream fired a blast at Turbospike's back which made him groan whike he slowly turn and try to charge at her but she shot him ones more which cost him to stumble back while Slipstream gets him onto the floor while Ash turns back and sees Turbospike in trouble.

Ash and Pikachu look at each other and share a node and rush back as Slipstream aims her wrist blaster at a Turbospike and lend out a small smirk.

Slipstream: (smirk) Time to join your Autobots in the Allspark.

Before she could fire however a thunder bolt hit Slipstream in the eye which cost her to stumble back while she cover her eye.

Turbospike turns to see Ash and Pikachu as Pikachu fired another thunderbolt that hits Slipstream. She was not mad as she aimed her wrist blaster at the two.

Slipstream: (anger) How dare you!

Suddenly a water gun hits Slipstream before she was tripped over by an onix and fell onto the floor. Misty and Brock came back as they stood with Ash and Pikachu while Turbospike was surprised but glad they came back.

Slipstream: (stood up) You will all pay for this!

Suddenly she, Spinster and Triggerhappy were getting shot out of nowhere as they turn to see another fighter jet but this time Joshua as he transform into bot and one's on the ground he rushes towards Turbospike.

Joshua: You okay Turbospike?

Turbospike: Yeah I'm okay.

Brock: (surprised) Another Autobot!

Suddenly they hear something and turn to see more as Y/n, Zero and Madison ride up and once stopped Alex, Verity and Sorrel came out as they transform into their bot forms and aim their weapons at Slipstream, Spinster and Triggerhappy.

Y/n: Leave now Decepticons! You've already have slot.

Slipstream: (growl in anger) This ain't over yet Autobots! We will destroy you no matter what!

Slipstream transforms and flies off while Triggerhappy dose the same as he followed Slipstream while Spinster tells them.

Spinster: That's right! You all will feel the might of the Decepticons!

Spinster leaps up only for to land hard on the ground.

Spinster: Ow that hurts.

Slipstream: (coms) MOVE IT SPINSTER!

Spinster: Coming!

He runs over the two while the Autobots and humans were dumbfounded by this as they look at each other.


We see them outside of tne city as Turbospike is all healed up while Alex and the rest stand around as Madison gently pets Misty's Togepi which he smiled in joy.

Madison: (smile) Aaaww you have the most adorable pokemon in all of the galaxy!

Misty: (smile) Thanks!

Brock: So let me get this straight. You five are the Autobots and you came to this planet in hopes to regroup with other Autobots and fight back against the Decepticons?

Y/n: Yep that's basically it. We're also been trying to locate the Decepticons ship and find a way to destroy it somehow. Luckily for us, Alex, Ben, Verity and Sorrel will help us and teach us about this planets culture.

Ash: (surprised) Wow that is soo cool!

Pikachu: (surprised) Pika.

Alex: (smile) Yeah making friends with gaint alien robots is pretty lucky. Sorry if you three got mixed up with all of this.

Ash: (smile) That's alright. We should be thanking Turbospike for saving us.

Turbospike: (smirk) No problem kid and I also thank you three for saving my life.

Misty: (smile) It's no problem. Your a very good bot when it comes to our lives.

Madison: (smirk) And very brave if I say so myself.

Turbospike: (smirk) Guess you can say I'm the coolest bot around.

Misty: (thought) He kinda act like Brock a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Still we're very much appreciat with your help. We be best be going now.

Alex: (smile) Agree. Say maybe we can see each other later on.

Ash: (smile) Yeah! I hope the same as well.

Pikachu: (smile) Pika!

Ben: (smile) Eevee!

Both Alex and Ash shake hands to show their friendship and one's that both teams go their separate ways as Ash and his team head off to complete gyms and get gym badges, while Alex and the rest away to find the Decepticons ship and protect the planet from the Decepticon hands.

To be continued......................................

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