Re-earning His Trust Once Mor...

De ButteryCapybara

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Affogato Cookie, we all know well enough that he got banished. But despite all the odds, he got unbanished, b... Mais

Prologue. Banishment
Chapter 1. Saved by a Traitor
Chapter 3. Overdue apologies
Chapter 4. Crunchy Chip, Listen!
Chapter 5. An 'Average' Morning
Chapter 6. Searching for what?
Chapter 7. Training fight.
An arranged date.
The Search
Why is it not extinct?
Join Forces
Sorrow fills all.
A day to remember
Cream Wolves
A date.
Hol' on a minute.
How do we explain?
The conversation
I'm sorry
The new arrivals.
Fucking hell (Not an update)
Preparation for Guests
Object Reveal
The Announcement
Wedding Ceremony.
Honeymoon. (Smutty Wutty)
Story time.

Chapter 2. Home, At Last

634 14 28
De ButteryCapybara

Dark Cacao awoke, feeling more alive than he has had the past days or so. He lost track after the 2nd day.

Affogato was at his desk again, mumbling to himself as he signed more forms and documents.

"We need more cabins. And with the new doughling, the flavour being Chocolate Milkshake, the tribe has no milk cookies in it. I wonder what we have been cursed with..." He mumbled as he wrote, a candle lighting up his desk.

Dark Cacao got up from the bed, able to walk better than he had before. The rest really helped with the healing process.

He walked over to the desk, frightening Affogato in the process.

"Ah! My liege, everything okay." Affogato looked at him, a lightly illuminated face looked over at him.

Piercing amethyst eyes stared at him, his hands on the desk. A light shine of stubble glistened from the candle.

"What time is it..." He asked, staring at the coffee Cookie's pupils.

He sighed before checking his watch, looking back up at the tall cookie, "22:34. Also known as 10:34." He smiled.

"How long have I been asleep for..." He coughed.

"Well, as of when you last woke up to use the toilet and eat, around 5 hours. Are you feeling more refreshed as of earlier?" He asked before getting up.

"Yes... I can walk and stand, better than before. Now, when can I go back to the Kingdom?" He grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"When it's safe enough for you to go, and that wound of yours is gone, or almost. I wouldn't be so surprised if it scars. Those cuts were deep, and I almost saw your organs. Scary, isn't it? I still have no clue what that creature is," He'd point over to a pile of opened books, "but I have a lot of research to do." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Whatever it is. I want it exterminated! And I want to be in my bed, not some feeble liars bed!" He growled before slamming his fists on the desk.

"Oi! If I wasn't for me, you'd be nothing but crumbs! Be glad I decided to save you." He groaned as he looked at his papers.

Dark Cacao sighed, cracking his neck before walking over to the pile of books, beginning to look at each one with curiosity.

"It seems a lot like a creature I've had to battle before..." He mumbled before sitting down at the pile.

"Well, I'm more worried for my tribe than your Kingdom. But, I will do my best for the entire Dark Cacao land." Affogato sighed before walking over, his boots tapping against the floorboards.

"Do you require a refreshment or a warm meal before going back to rest." He asked, looking at the King.

"I wouldn't mind another drink. No coffee, nor hot chocolate. I'm fine with just a tea." He ordered.

Affogato nodded before walking off, heading downstairs to get the meal.

Dark Cacao stared at the pile before getting up, heading over to the window.

He pulled the curtains open before looking out at the tribe.

Affogato's Cabin was on a hill, looking over all of the Disciple's cabins.

A statue of Affogato was in the middle, standing on a fountain like pedestal. The main needs of a tribe were around the statue, followed by the cabins around it. Streetlights lighting up a dark coloured path.

Dark Cacao walls were built around it, with a mout on both sides, stopping any trespassers. Followed by guards always watching on the outskirts of the tribe, watching out for the creature and cookies who dare enter.

He smiled softly before hearing the door creak open. His smile quickly faded before turning around, seeing Affogato put his tea on the bedside table.

"Here is your tea, My Liege. Is there anything else you need?" He asked, Dark Cacao shook his head before walking over to it.

"I'm going to continue with my work. I'll go to bed later tonight, just to let you know." He smiled as he sat at his desk, beginning to go back to the paperwork.

Dark Cacao knew what it was about, basically being new building plans and reworking on some other forms. Dark Cacao already signed the forms he needed to, but the tribal form. "I'm still waiting for a dragon to appear to claim the tribe." Affogato huffed.

He went over to the bed before he looked at his old advisor, "Should I break a piece of my souljam so you can have that Dragon. I feel bad about the whole... tribe thing..." Dark Cacao asked, looking at him.

"Oh! No, no, no. We have already made a recent discovery about a dragon." He chuckled, receiving a confused and worried look.

"Oh? How so? What is it?" He asked.

"We found an abandoned Dragon Nest, an egg still in it. It's on the closet cliff to us. We have seekers making sure it is abandoned before we get it." Affogato snickered as he looked at the papers, going through them.

"Well... it is wrong to steal a Dragon's eggs. But if it's abandoned, I'll allow it." He mumbled as he took a gulp from the tea.

Affogato looked at the King as he sat at the edge of the bed, tucking himself in.

"Sleep well, my liege." Affogato chimed as he blew out all but one candle. Making sure he could sleep perfectly well.

Dark Cacao made a groan in return as he closed his eyes, attempting to fall to sleep.

Affogato walked around the room, picking up papers, books, and pens, opening and closing drawers and just randomly pacing, muttering himself.

All of a sudden, Affogato tripped over his foot, causing him to fall over, smashing into the vial cabinet.

Dark Cacao bolted up, "Who goes there!" He snarled, picking up a dagger from the bedside table. Only to see Affogato on the floor, broken vials around him.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he got out of bed, his hair looking matted from the pillow.

"Yeah, just a small trip because of my clumsiness!" He chuckled, strawberry jam leaking down his face, a fresh cut on his forehead, going down to his brow.

He rubbed his forehead, letting out a sigh as he stared at the fresh strawberry jam, "Shit, that's going to scar..."

"Well, you have some 'battle' scars to tell your Doughlings. Those stories will be the funniest thing." Dark Cacao snickered as he picked up Affogato, putting him on the bed.

Affogato groaned as he laid down on the bed. Dark Cacao opened a cabinet and got out a bandage, tweezers, tissues, and some cream.

He took out the piece of glass with teezers. It was between Affogato's eyebrow and icing line. Placing it on a tissue.

He wiped the wound clean with the tissues, applying the cream and wrapping it with the bandages.

"There you go. Does that feel better?" He asked, binning the strawberry jam stained tissues before going to get a broom.

"Yeah, I hope it's nothing major..." He sighed, relaxing on the bed.

"Didn't look too deep. It just looked enough to scar if you were to pick the scab." He explained as he began sweeping up the broken glass.

"Mm, good. I'll go downstairs to sleep on the sofa." Affogato sat on the side of bed before getting glared at.

"You're sleeping in your own bed. I'll sleep downstairs on the sofa. I may have a stomach wound, but you have a fresh forehead wound. That could become serious if not cared for." He explained as he swept the glass shards into a dust pan and binned it.

"Alright. Just to warn you, the shadows play tricks on your mind. I once thought someone broke in. But nope, it was just a shadow of a caramel owl. Oh, how I felt so foolish!" He exaggerated the last bit, falling back onto the bed as he laid his hand on his wrapped forehead.

Despite the tension the two had after the betrayal and Licorice sea drama. Ever since, the two were forced to live together as of the life-threatening wound. They've grown to some what like each other. Affogato wasn't all bad when he didn't have to act prim, proper, posh, and all that jazz. Dark Cacao wasn't so cold for once. It was a shocker, but he did let a very small smile when he got reminded of his son.

"Always exaggerating. Almost as if it's your personality." He snickered as he opened the door.

"Maybe because I have a degree in drama and acting!" He mocked Dark Cacao's snickering tone.

He let out a rumbling sigh from his chest before leaving the room. Dark Cacao took the last lit candle with him before venturing downstairs.

A creak came from the withering stairs as he got to the bottom. The wind was howling in advance, Dark Cacao hated to admit it, but Affogato was right. It's always more creepy at nighttime.

He crept over to the sofa, the shadows dancing around the light illuminated light, blessed from the stained glass windows.

Dark Cacao put the candle on a corner table, and he looked around the room, trying to find a blanket.

He searched around thoroughly but was still unable to find it. He went everywhere downstairs for one.

He went into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets, his back turned to the door frame.

A shadow ran past the door frame of the kitchen. Dark Cacao felt the hair on his neck stand up.

He turned around, only to notice a tree branch swaying. It was just him imagining things. He let out a sigh before walking out of the kitchen.

Dark Cacao sighed before sitting down on the sofa, giving up on finding the blanket, only for a neatly folded fur blanket on the sofa.

Dark Cacao sighed as he felt embarrassed, unfolding it before putting it over himself.

He blew out the candle before resting his head on a couch pillow.

He closed his eyes before drifting asleep. The singing wind helped the King fall asleep.


Feet tapped on the floor as a pile of washing got dumped on Dark Cacao's head.

He bolted awake before pushing all the useless clothes onto the floor.

Affogato was rushing around the downstairs, cleaning, cooking, and sorting out things.

He came to a halt as he looked at the pile of freshly cleaned washing on the floor.

"Oh! I forgot you were sleeping on the sofa. That's my fault. But you didn't need to push it all onto the floor! I washed that today!" He grumbled as he tapped his foot against the floor, his hand on his hip.

"I was asleep until you woke me up with those foul-smelling clothes." Dark Cacao groaned as he sat up before falling back onto the sofa, caressing his stomach.

Affogato walked over. The bandage on his forehead was a new one. Affogato must have changed it in the morning.

"Everything alright, my Liege?" He asked, putting his hand against Dark Cacao's stomach.

He let out a groan, feeling a cramp from within.

"Oh. Is it cramping? Well, that isn't that bad. You should be able to go very soon." Affogato reassured, rubbing his hand against the injured King. His tone felt caring and soft. For his betrayal against the king, he appeared to have very much changed.

"Cramps..." He responded, almost making sure Affogato knew it was most definitely cramps.

Affogato hummed as he sat next to Dark Cacao, caressing his stomach, "Everything will be okay, My Liege." He whispered.

Dark Cacao huffed a sigh of relief. The cramp ended as sudden as it came a long.

Affogato got up, heading to the kitchen, leaving Dark Cacao to calm down for a bit.

"Want anything to eat or drink?!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"No thanks!" He responded as he laid onto the sofa, falling back into the pile of washing.

He sighed as he looked at the door. He kept waiting and waiting until he could go home.

Affogato padded over, putting a tray onto the coffee table before sitting on the sofa next to Dark Cacao, grabbing a piece of clothing before looking at it.

"Is that clean or dirty washing?" Dark Cacao asked, his hand creeping over to Affogato.

"Clean. I'm not such a disgraceful creature that I'd throw dirty washing onto the sofa!" A disgusted scoff came from Affogato as he placed his hand onto his chest.

"No need to exaggerate things." Dark Cacao groaned as he leaned against the sofa, crossing his hands.

A knock came from the door. Affogato bolted up as he indicated for Dark Cacao to hide.

The King got up and hid behind a screen Affogato had in the living room. It was only there for decoration. It was basically useless.

An armoured cookie was at the door when Affogato answered.

They bowed before lifting up their eye covering.

"Lord Affogato, er is een Cookie die u wil zien. Hij beweert de wolvenwacht te zijn van het Dark Cacao Kingdom. Je kent hem misschien als Crunchy Chip Cookie." The Knight explained, they leaned against the frame. (Lord Affogato, there's a cookie that wants to see you. He claims to be the wolf guard of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. You may know him as Crunchy Chip Cookie.)

Affogato face turned slightly agitated as he began putting his weight on his left leg, "Wat vraagt ​​hij van mij? Ik dacht dat hij me dood zou willen, nadat hij me een rugstekende parasiet had genoemd!" A very exaggerated scoff came from his mouth. He felt almost disgusted at the thought of Crunchy Chip wanting to be here. (What does he ask of me? I thought he would want me dead after calling me a backstabbing parasite!)

"Hij wil weten of King Dark Cacao hier is. Zoals enkele dorpelingen van de dropstam hem hierheen zagen brengen. Wat wil je dat we doen?" The knight awaited for the command from his ruler of the village. (He wants to know if King Dark Cacao is here. As some villagers of the licorice tribe saw him brought here. What do you want us to do?)

Affogato began tapping his foot against the floorboards. He only had one option, "Wacht op mijn verdere bestelling. Ik zal de gevangene voorbereiden om teruggenomen te worden. Hij is in ieder geval klaar om terug te gaan." He explained, The Knight nodded before beginning to walk back, preparing for the door to be shut on his face. (Wait for my further order. I will prepare the prisoner to be taken back. At least he's ready to go back.)

Affogato sighed before he shut the door. Turning around to look at The King.

"It appears Crunchy Chip wants to know if you're here. I suppose it's time for you to leave, my liege." Affogato huffed as Dark Cacao came out of his hiding spot.

"Thank the witches, I wanted to go home. I feared for my Kingdom!" He rushed over to the door.

Affogato grabbed armour from a stand and handed it to Dark Cacao, "Freshen up, can't have you looking like a state!"

Dark Cacao took the armour to the bathroom with him, going to have a shower, brush his teeth, shave, brush his hair then put the armour Affogato so kindly gave back to him.

Affogato grabbed the clothes from the sofa and floor and began to folded them into piles.

He sighed, though, he was relieved Dark Cacao was finally going, he still didn't want him to leave.

As he piled the washing, once the pile was big enough he'd put it into a washing basket.

As he got up from the floor, a pile of folded washing in a basket on the sofa. He looked at a list he had on the coffee table.

He had to do more cleaning, but before he could get started, Dark Cacao exited the bathroom, looking like a 32 year old cookie, not a 40 year old.

"Well, aren't you young looking!" Affogato snickered.

"Listen, a good clean is all I need." Dark Cacao explained.

"Yes yes. Now let's return you to them..." Affogato nervously smiled before opening the door, leading the way for Dark Cacao.

As they arrived to the entrance of the tribe, Affogato snapped his fingers so the gates would open.

On the other side was Crunchy Chip on a Cream Wolf, a massive Cream Wolf next to him.

"You can have him now." Affogato waved for Dark Cacao to go, Crunchy Chip looked at him confused, why is Affogato acting so different.

"Well, I thought about something, Affogato." Dark Cacao cleared his throat as he began to get the Cream Wolf ready for him to climb up on.

"And that is?" He questioned.

"I was wondering, would you possibly like to rejoin the Dark Cacao Kingdom and live in the Citadel once more. Just... not anything more than a permanent guest until I say so."

Crunchy Chip's jaw dropped, "Aye aye aye! Listen here, My Majesty! He will have a new opportunity to back stab you and murder you!"

"Now, Crunchy Chip. He will be under the most well trained guards gaze. He will never be allowed to take advantage."

Affogato just stood there, his face blank as he turned back, looking at his tribe and guards. He achieved all that without Dark Cacao, but with hard work. But an opportunity like this, once presented before and messed up? A new chance! A chance for success. A redemption, he should take it. Yet guilt... Does he want to leave the life he has?

"And if I say yes. What will happen to my tribe?" Affogato questioned.

"I'll properly mark it as a tribe, even without a dragon. You'd be allowed to go to it as much you may require."

Crunchy Chip just stayed surprised yet angered, why would his king want a Traitorous Worm back in the Citadel?

Affogato stood there, a confused face plastered as he tapped his boot against the snow.

A guard walked over to them, beginning to whisper into Affogato's ear.

Dark Cacao turned around, beginning to reach his hand out to Affogato, waiting patiently for a response.

"What would be placement be? Or would you just keep me as a permanent guest as you said before." Affogato questioned.

"It depends."

"And my disciples? Would some come or would they stay here?"

"Again, it depends. You don't need to accept at all."

Affogato rolled his eyes before looking at the sky, crossing his arms.

"And now he's gone all Cocky! My Highness, we don't need him. He obviously doesn't want to join."

Dark Cacao slowly began retracting his hand, he was beginning to know the answer. Affogato was still power hungry, he was a ruler of his own tribe. And being marked as a permanent guest is such a downgrade.

Then, Affogato clicked his tongue, beginning to walk over to Dark Cacao before a guard put a sword infront of him.

"Hoe weten we dat we ze kunnen vertrouwen, meneer? Het is een mogelijkheid dat hij je lokt om je in de gevangenis te stoppen, want we leven nog steeds in de beslotenheid van het Dark Cacao Kingdom." The guard mentioned, Affogato commanded for him to put down the sword. (How do we know we can trust them, sir? It's a possibility that he's luring you to put you in jail, because we're still living in the confines of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.)

"Luister, ik ben meer dan bereid om dit te doen. Het kan gevaarlijk zijn, maar als het waar is, kunnen we er enorm van profiteren. Als ik niet terugkom of geen brief stuur, weet dan dat het een valstrik was. Waarschuw de stam van mij om te vertrekken." Affogato reassured before walking over to Dark Cacao, putting his hand on The King's. (Listen, I'm more than willing to do this. It can be dangerous, but if it's true, we can benefit enormously from it. If I don't come back or send a letter, know it was a trap. Warn the tribe about my leave.)

Dark Cacao nodded before guiding him to the Cream Wolf.

Crunchy Chip's face has never been so disgusted by his King's choice before. His brows were furrowed, his mouth hung as he lips quivered. His fangs on show as his grip on the Cream Wolf's harness was strong, he could rip the harness out of rage.

Affogato climbed onto the massive Cream Wolf, a small boost from his old liege.

Dark Cacao got up onto the Cream Wolf, going infront of him. He grabbed the harness, ready to go and follow Crunchy Chip back home.

"Voor ik ga! Als ik mijn eerste brief stuur, is er een lijst met items die ik naar de Citadel wil brengen. Ik wil dat mijn sterkste bewakers ze brengen." Affogato yelled, the guard nodded before saluting him a goodbye. (Before I go! When I send my first letter, there is a list of items I want to brought to the Citadel. I want my strongest guards to bring them.)

Crunchy Chip huffed a groan before commanding the Cream Wolf to go home, the larger one, what carried the two cookies, followed.

Dark Cacao watched Crunchy Chip, despite seeing his back he could sense the displeasure the Captain held in his body.

Sly, familiar hands crept around Dark Cacao's waist, beginning to rub his wounded stomach.

"Does it still hurt?" Affogato asked, resting his head on the King's shoulder.

"Only a small amount. Your head?" He questioned, gripping tighter to the Cream Wolf.

"It's perfectly fine now. However, why did you require me to come with you, back to the Citadel? I thought the last thing you wanted me to do was return to the Dark Cacao Kingdom and the Citadel itself."

Crunchy Chip let out a frustrated hiss as he kept listening to the conversation. 'Was King Dark Cacao stupid? No, how could he be? He's an ancient, he is not as stupid as Golden Cheese Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie.'

The two acted like Affogato never attempted to kill him in the first place. Crunchy Chip hated it, not because of jealousy, but because of the fear of his King falling back down into a trap he fell for before.

Dark Cacao looked at Crunchy Chip, the agitation had grown, almost as if he would kill someone out of pure spite. Yet, just appearing in the Foreground was the Kingdom's walls.

Crunchy Chip halted his Cream Wolf before he hopped off. Going to the gates of the Wall. Two guards on either side.

"Öffne die Tore. King Dark Cacao ist mit einem neuen Dauergast zurückgekehrt. Seien Sie gewarnt, Sie werden ihn wahrscheinlich nicht mögen." Crunchy Chip told the guards. A hiss coming from his last sentence. Pure anger was bubbling up in the small Cookie. (Open the gates. King Dark Cacao has returned with a new permanent guest. Be warned, you probably won't like him.)

The gates opened as Crunchy Chip struggled to climb back onto his Cream Wolf. The larger Cream Wolf just huffed before going inside with the Royalty and Tribe Leader.

A crowd waited for Dark Cacao to get off, then seeing the most familiar cookie getting off with him. All faces became horrified as if they just saw serial killer just killed 4 people infront of them. Has The King fallen into another pit of depression? Or has he been manipulated once more.

Caramel Arrow ran down the stairs of her watch tower. Beginning to run down as fast as possible to go see Her Highness.

As he came into view she ran faster, her bow clanking on her back, before she could launch herself at him and respectively hug him, she laid eyes on the once traitor who got her banished.

He turned to her at the exact moment, his face becoming horrified. Fearing of what she may do to him now she laid eyes on him again.

"You..." She hissed, walking over.

Dark Cacao looked over to her, putting his hand infront of Affogato.

"I need to make an announcement. Don't get all overworked at this very moment, Caramel Arrow." He locked eyes with her, her face steaming, exactly like how Crunchy Chip's face looked before.

He cleared his throat before standing up straight, Affogato staying behind him, trying to stay out of view. Crunchy Chip just stared with utter anger. The First watcher tried her hardest to hold herself from cutting the head off the traitor.

"Ich habe gehört, dass ich etwa zwei Wochen weg war. Aber ich bin zurückgekehrt, und zwar mit einem neuen Keks. Sie erinnern sich vielleicht an ihn als „Berater Affogato". Ich kann sofort die Wut spüren, die Sie alle empfinden. Aber seien Sie sich bewusst, dass er unter der Beobachtung der am besten ausgebildeten Wachen stehen wird. Geben Sie Ihr Bestes, um Respekt zu zeigen. Wenn er erneut versucht, uns zu verraten, wird er öffentlich hingerichtet!" Dark Cacao yelled to the crowd of cookies and the First Watcher, with the Wolf Captain. (I understand I've been away for about two weeks. But I've returned, and with a new cookie. You may remember him as "Adviser Affogato". I can immediately sense the anger you may all be feeling. But be aware that he will be under the scrutiny of the most highly trained guards. Do your best to show respect. If he tries to betray us again, he will be publicly executed!)

The crowd looked at one another before paying attention to the First Watcher and Wolf Captain.

The two were side eyeing each other, as if they were saying something eachother about Affogato. But what were they trying to communicate to one another. The look in each other eyes was sharp and horrific. Murderous if so wanted.

Dark Cacao scowled as he stared at the two, causing their faces to attempt to go back to a neutral face.

The guards walked in between the crowd, making a pathway for the four to walk through.

Caramel Arrow grumbled before leading the way to the Citadel. Crunchy Chip and the Cream Wolves followed. Dark Cacao and Affogato followed pursuit.

The Citadel doors opened to let them in. The Cream Wolves dashed over to Crunchy Chip's room going back to the pack.

Affogato felt a warm feeling in his stomach, remembering a time of when he was younger.

The memory was blissful, but. It almost seemed as if everything fell apart. First Dark Choco got banished, then Caramel Arrow. Then it was him as Caramel Arrow came back. Now he's unbanished, all that was needed was Dark Choco.

He let out a gentle hum as Dark Cacao put his hand on his shoulder.

"You have returned. Prove that you deserve to stay." Dark Cacao grumbled.

Affogato let out a nod before walking into the centre of the room and span around, remembering the time he got promoted to Right Hand in this room.

A giant arch on the right, where balls were held. Remembering the giant ball what was held after his promotion.

"Enough messing around in the entrance hall! Go plot your evil schemes in your bedroom. Remember that the room may be very unposh for your snobby likings... Dishonorable Scum." Caramel Arrow growled as she walked passed him, pushing him while she went passed.

Crunchy Chip let out a chuckle as he ran to his room.

Dark Cacao sighed before heading up to his office.

Affogato admired the central room one more time, before going to find his old room. He began wondering, was he ever replaced?

As Dark Cacao went up the stairs, Affogato grabbed his wrist.

"Did you ever get a new Right Hand after me?" He questioned.

Dark Cacao shook his head before removing his wrist from Affogato.

A small wave of relief waved of Affogato before he let Dark Cacao walk away from him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity. He was back in somewhat sort of power of over the Dark Cacao Kingdom. And a tribe under his command. Everything is going well...


(W.C 4716)

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