The Announcement

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Slowly the meetings calmed down, less and less happened, everyone's stress lowered, Dark Cacao was able to sleep, but then a realisation happened.

"My Love, surely we should tell the others..." Affogato mumbled, both if the twins held against his chest, his robe lower than usual.

"Like what? Do you think that we need to tell Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla were gay? Because they know that you are while I'm bisexual." Dark Cacao grumbled, brushing his hair as he watched from the mirror.

"No like... Tell them what happens in a week." Affogato cleared his throat slightly, causing Mocha to look at him, those dead victorian orphan eyes piercing into his soul.

"What happens in a week again, I forgot." Dark Cacao grumbled, turning around to face Affogato.

"Honey... We get married in a week. Dont you remember?" Affogato mumbled, averting his gaze from the terrifying baby.

"Wha- SHIT. NOW I REALISE WHAT YOU MEANT!" Dark Cacao shot up, immediately running to the wardrobe and putting on nicer clothes.

"Yeah, announce to the Kingdom and your friends... Also, please do be quieter.." Affogato sighed, adjusting Mocha so he can drink more, also attempting to shut both of the babies up, by gently rubbing their backs.

"Yeah, sorry... Also, I swear you have been breast feeding for like 10 minutes." Dark Cacao mumbled, tying his hair into a ponytail.

"Actually, only 7 minutes. Let alone it's in the morning, poor things have gone without food for 5 hours." Affogato stated, adjusting himself slightly.

"After they finish, can I have a go?" Dark Cacao asked, tapping his fingers together.

"Piss off. I barely have enough for two, let alone a big fat leech!" Affogato grumbled, a slight vibration from his grumble felt from his chest, causing a slight whine from Cacao Cream.

"What did your fat elephant ass call me?" Dark Cacao scowled, leaning over Affogato, his hair going onto the twins head.

"What are you going to do? Fuck me? If so, there will be consequences." Affogato giggled, pointing to the twins with his head, as his hands were occupied holding onto them.

"Yeah yeah, what even are the chances of twins from you anyways..." Dark Cacao asked.

"77% twins, 20% triplets and 3% single." Affogato chuckled.

"... No more unprotected sex for you." Dark Cacao laughed before pecking a kiss onto Affogato's lips.

"But I like the feeling of you ruining my insides with your baby batter!" Affogato chuckled, nuzzling his nose against Dark Cacao's before yelping.

"Are you okay?!" Dark Cacao panicked slightly.

"Little shit just bit me!" Affogato grumbled, pushing Cacao Cream away.

"But they dont have teeth?.." Dark Cacao seemed confused.

"Shut it, it just hurt." Affogato groaned.

"Well, I'll be having an announcement in two hours, think you can get the twins and you ready in that time?" Dark Cacao asked.

"What?! An announcement, why only alert me now?!" Affogato seemed slightly annoyed.

"Becuase you legit reminded me. Imagine your king getting married and not telling the kingdom until it happens. Then announce two twin boys afterwards!? I must announce now!" Dark Cacao grumbled, adjusting a strand of Affogato's hair.

"Love... Surely 4 months is a little too late..." Affogato sighed.

"Mm, no, I didnt announce that Butter was pregnant until she was in her 7th month, we knew since she was in her 2nd month!" Dark Cacao smiled, it was comforting to Affogato.

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now