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Dark Cacao sighed as he got out of bed, he was failing to sleep, the stress took over him, causing him to have Insomnia. Affogato was fast asleep, for once he fell asleep hours before Dark Cacao. "Ugh..." Dark Cacao grumbled as he walked to the bathroom, splashing water on his face. His face was dripping wet as he dried it with a towel, walking immediately back to bed, face planting into it, causing the bed to shake slightly. Affogato shot up as he looked at Dark Cacao. "Dear, you okay!?!" Affogato panicked as he stared at Dark Cacao, eyes wide open. "Insomia." Dark Cacao sighed. "Oh... I'll go get you your sleeping pills, I do apologise for the stress these meetings must be causing." Affogato sighed as he got out of the bed. "No, don't apologise..." Dark Cacao wailed a bit as he rolled over, staring at Affogato.

Affogato chuckled sweetly as he walked over to a table, picking up Dark Cacao's medication. "Is it a prescription?" Dark Cacao asked, he didn't buy the sleeping pills, Affogato did, or atleast he said he did. "1 pill per night." Affogato smiled as he handed a pill to Dark Cacao before going back into bed. "Mm, you made these didn't you..." Dark Cacao sighed as he examined the pill. "Maybe." Affogato chuckled as his eyes closed. "This better not be poisoned..." Dark Cacao sighed as he swallowed it, no water, no nothing, only dry. "Fucking hell!" Affogato's jaw dropped slightly, he never was able to swallow pills, he would eat them, but most certainly did not expect his Fiancee to just swallow it dry.

Dark Cacao looked at him with confusion. "Did I murder someone?" Dark Cacao asked, as Affogato closed his mouth. "Sorry, just didnt expect you to swallow it dry." Affogato chuckled slightly. "Mm, I prefer it that way." Dark Cacao sighed as he laid down, waiting for the pill to kick in. Affogato snuggled up to Dark Cacao, smiling sweetly as he buried his head into Dark Cacao's chest. "Clingy much?..." Dark Cacao chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Affogato. "I can sing if you so desire." Affogato smiled, a swift nod came from Dark Cacao as his grip loosened, only for the sound of crying to come from the nursery. "Fuck." Dark Cacao sighed as he let go of Affogato, letting him care for the children. Dark Cacao commonly had the night job, but as his insomnia grew worse Affogato took over, leaving Dark Cacao in charge of day job. Affogato shot up and immediately walked to the Nursery.

As Affogato walked down the dark gloomy hallway, a loud bang came from Crunchy Chip's room, followed by a quite loud moan, causing Affogato to smirk slightly. "Oh, guess somebody must have a pain kink~" Affogato chuckled to himself as he carried on walking to the Nursery, completely ignoring the noise. Affogato arrived at the Nursery and immediately began to care for the children, reason why they were crying? Simple, they were being attention whores, causing Affogato to pick them up and begin carrying them back into the bedroom. As he became half way there, he was greeted by Dark Cacao and a red faced Crunchy Chip bickering, as a wild Caramel Arrow, Black Raisin and Raspberry watched, Hollyberry and Wildberry intensely watched, chuckling slightly.

Dark Cacao's face was annoyed and aggressive, while Crunchy Chip's face was sad and submissive. "So you are legit fucking DARK ENCHANTRESS' SON?!" Dark Cacao yelled as he punched the wall. "Damn! You think I can say no to an 7 inch dick? OF COURSE I CAN'T!" Crunchy Chip wailed slightly. "DO YOU THINK MY FIANCEE CAN SAY NO TO MY DICK? NO HE CANT." Dark Cacao punched the wall once more, leaving an imprint. "Okay, but yours is 11 inches sooo likeeeeee, no one can say no." Crunchy Chip sighed. "11 inches when erect 10 when not." Dark Cacao sighed. "How the fuck does a cock grow an inch." Red Velvet asked as he poked his head out. "Don't fucking ask, I'm surprised he can still fucking walk after sex! UNLESS HE ISN'T PLEASED BY IT!" Crunchy Chip smirked slightly, thinking he won the arguement. "He cant. And only reason mine grows an inch when erect because it's not 7 CM baby fucking dick!" Dark Cacao clapped back, causing a snort to come from Affogato.

The three boys turned their heads to Affogato, all looking slightly shocked and pissed. "7 CM fucking baby dick!" Affogato laughed as he gripped tighter to the twins. "Mine isn't 5 inches like yours!" Crunchy Chip taunted slightly. "No, because yours is 2 inches." Affogato sighed, and yes, him and Crunchy Chip have measured both of their dicks, dont ask, just something men do. "Fuck you!" Crunchy Chip snarrled as he ran back into his room. "CRUNCHY CHIP!" Dark Cacao growled as he barged in, leaving Red Velvet horrified. "Welp, I'ma go back to licking pus, C'mon, Raspberry and Black Raisin." Caramel Arrow chuckled as she dragged the two away, Affogato smirked as he walked back to the bedroom, gently putting the twins on the bed.

A loud thud came from Crunchy Chip's bedroom, causing Affogato to jump slightly as he quickly began calming down the twins before they started crying. Crunchy Chip and Red Velvet rushed in, both working together to carry Dark Cacao. "HE JUST SORT OF PASSED OUT!" Crunchy Chip stated, Affogato shot up and took Dark Cacao from their arms. "Guess the sleeping pills worked." Affogato chuckled as he carried his Fiancee to the bed. "Sleeping pills?" Red Velvet looked confused. "He has insomnia when he gets overly stressed, I've been making him sleeping pills to cope with the insomnia." Affogato smiled as he waved for the two to leave the room, which the followed the order. Affogato smiled more as he laid on Dark Cacao, putting the quilt over them and the twins


I wanted to write another chapter for this, so I did. I might make them get married next chapter, depending on how ya'll feel about it.

(1018 words)

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now