Chapter 1. Saved by a Traitor

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It's been almost a year since Affogato got banished, and a few days since Dark Cacao went out to check a recent concern to the citizens of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.

Dark Cacao sat on his personal Cream Wolf, looking around the Dark Cacao forest, that was until the Cream Wolf stopped in front of a lake, beginning to lap up the water.

Dark Cacao sighed as he got off the Cream Wolf, going down on all fours and drinking from the lake.

He drank from the lake along with the Cream Wolf before hearing something dash past him.

He looked up, and the Cream Wolf looked unfazed.

He looked behind him, only to see a herd of Cacao Deer, all looking at him sheeplessly.

He sighed as he got up, letting the herd go get some of the water.

He called the Cream Wolf to him as he walked away, only to notice a man made river going to the mountain range from the spring.

Dark Cacao looked at it before following it.

As he followed it, the Cream Wolf let out a growl, he looked over, only to see a pair of glowing eyes

He looked around before taking his sword out, the Cream Wolf's hackles standing up.

"Darkness BEGO-" Just before Dark Cacao finished his sentence, he fell flat on his face, strawberry jam beginning to drip down from his chest and face.

His vision turned pitch black, then all smell, taste, sound, and feeling followed.

Dark Cacao opened his eyes, and he felt sleepy. His head hurt, a slight blur in his vision.

He tried to sit up, but he was too wounded to do anything.

He let out a sigh before moving his head to the right, only to see a cookie sat at a desk, writing away.

Dark Cacao looked around the room, a little altar by the bed, a picture of him, Affogato, Dark Choco, Crunchy Chip, and Caramel Arrow.

The photo was old, and it hung in the altar, almost like the alter of Queen Butter Cookie Dark Cacao had in his office.

The photo was taken a few months before Dark Choco got banished, as he looked around 17 in the photo.

Dark Cacao let out a sigh before he tried to sit up again, only for a cough from the desk.

His head bolted over to the desk, a cookie looking at him, ink on their hands as their chin and lip carried a scar.

"Are you awake?" They asked, a slightly pur in their voice.

"What does it look like?..." He responded, his voice sounding hoarse and ill.

"I found you by the spring, I suspect that the heinous monster attacked you by your wounds. You've been out for a while, around 3 or 4 days. You're lucky I found you." The cookie said as they got up.

Dark Cacao turned his head away, and the look of that cookie was too similar to Affogato, let alone the picture hanging in the altar.

The cookie just stared at him, their brown hair that faded into white hanging off their shoulders, the front strands tied into a bun, making their hair half-up half-down.

"Your Highness? I know you're probably upset at me. But trust me, I'm not a threat. Do you want some food? How about water?"

He looked at the wall, curtains covering it, before a hand crept onto his bandaged stomach and began rubbing it.

"Perhaps some fresh and clean bandages? Or are you in pain? I can get you some painkillers!"

"I want only one thing... To go back to my own bed in my Kingdom! Not whatever this is..." He sighed out.

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now