Why is it not extinct?

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As Dark Cacao ran holding Affogato he heard a loud snap, almost as if a tree was broken in half, he looked around. He carefully out Affogato on the snow as he took out his sword, he heard Affogato mumbled something. "My Liege, what the fuck is that?" Affogato looked terrified as he backed up to Dark Cacao. Dark Looked up to see a pair of glowing eyes and a tremendous screech was heard throughout the forest. Affogato jumped onto Dark Cacao, he didn't want to die, not like this. Dark Cacao just ran carrying Affogato only to be met up with Crunchy Chip.

"Your highness! Something attacked my Cream Wolf, I have no clue what it was but it had a Cookie's head at the end of its tongue!" Crunchy Chip spoke as he cuddled his Cream Wolf. "Crunchussy! There you are!" Caramel Arrow ran over to them, she must of gotten lost on the way to the Citadel. She was carrying the corpse she found earlier. "Look what I found. Isn't it strange. I don't think there is any animal what can do that easily." Caramel Arrow dumped the corpse into the pile of snow.

"Holy fuck!" Affogato's tone was terrified, he looked at the corpse trying to see if he recognised any of the wounds, perhaps it was a snake, but snakes don't have claws nor do they decapitate Cookies. "Yooo, that Cookie's skin tone is exactly the same as the one me and my brother saw on the thing what attacked us!" Crunchy Chip looked at the corpse, but he also had no clue on what did those marks. Dark Cacao crouched down to get s good look, but couldn't even detect it what caused any mark.

"Do any of you three know any Cookie what can examine the corpse?" Dark Cacao looked up only to see shaking heads, but Crunchy Chip nodded his head. "I know a cookie! But he is in Parfadia!" Crunchy Chip spoke with a gentle tone.  "That's too far away, the corpse could start rotting by then!" Affogato replied. "Do you have his number at least, it could be a good starting point." Caramel Arrow replied, she really wanted to know what did this to a Cookie. "No I don't... BUT! He is an historian as the Parfadian School!" Crunchy Chip added. "A historian is useless!" Affogato looked grumpy, he obviously wanted to go home and hide from that creatures.

"What was his name?" Dark Cacao looked at Crunchy Chip with a serious face. "Eclair! Yes Eclair! Eclair Cookie, thats the historian!" Crunchy Chip smiled with his geniuses, though he isn't anything near a genius. "Eclair?!?.." Affogato was shocked, he knew that cookie. "Yes Affoussy, Eclairussy is the cookie." Caramel Arrow's voice seemed annoyed. "He- HE IS MY FUCKING BROTHER IN LAW!" Everyone looked at Affogato with shock. "Holy fucking cow." Dark Cacao replied, but they heard a loud snap. "Ermm, that sounded like a tree." Crunchy Chip started to pick up his Cream Wolf and helped him walk back to the Kingdom, they all started running, they wanted nothing to do with that.

A creature stopped them in their tracks, it was tall, thin, walking on two legs, 4 toes on each foot and 6 fingers on each hand, a giant slit in its mouth, if you were to look at it from the top. It was exactly shaped as a Croissant. "T-thats... A... CROISSANT MONSTER!" Dark Cacao yelled none of the others knew what the fuck it was. They were all panicking. "SPLIT UP!" Caramel Arrow yelled, she had no clue what to do. Dark Cacao knew splitting up was a bad idea, for it hunts in packs, there is probably more around them, but it was too late they all split up. Dark Cacao had no choice but to split up too, going back the Kingdom wasn't really an option now.

Dark Cacao went to the Soith. 'How is that not extinct?! Me and the other ancients thought we wiped them out to extinction. For they were such a threat to all Cookies. We must of missed a pack...' Dark Cacao thought as he ran as quick as possible. 

Caramel Arrow went to the East, It was Dark and gloomy. Sure it was nighttime but it was more Dark than usual, she hit a dead end and came across a river. She followed the river to the North trying to get to the Kingdom.

Affogato went to the west, it was cold and bright, but he wasn't able to see very well a huge fog of purple smoke filled the air, it was a foul smell, he knew where he was, it was a tribe but as he entered he only saw corpses littered all over the tribe, the Croissant Monsters already attacked. Affogato's went North-West hoping it was the right way.

Crunchy Chip just ran North knowing he was heading the right way, but the Croissant Monster was following him, it detected he was weaker then the rest due to his damaged wrist and hurt Cream Wolf. He got to the Kingdom gates and ran inside. The Croissant Monster was locked outside, his main goal now was to get as many Guards and Cream Wolves possible, as he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Yo, how ya doing?" He turned around to see a tall, chubby green haired cookie.

"Who the fuck are you?" He looked terrified and sweaty. "I'm Avocado cookie! I'm the daughter of Nacho Cookie." She chuckled. "You mean.. THE BLACK SMITH?!" Crunchy Chip's eyes gleemed, if he got Avocado to get as many Weapons and Armours prepared he can go outside and kill the Croissant Monsters. "Yup, I'm her daughter alright! I just wanted to say the Armour and Weapons King Dark Cacao needed are ready!" She chuckled. "Fuck yes! Perfect fucking timing!! Go get the guards ready and you wear the strongest armour, we have a Monster to fight!" He smiled as he grabbed a Helmet. "Sure can do sir!" She chuckled as she grabbed a Generals armour.


I needed my favourite Girlboss in the story, because for me she is from the Dark Cacao Kingdom lol.

(1025 words)

Re-earning His Trust Once More. /\ Dark Cacao X Affogato (BEING REWRITTEN)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum